The more he understands and masters spiritual power, the more Sun Xianyun understands how difficult it is to achieve this step.

The probability of naturally birthing an individual with psionic qualifications seems to be zero from the beginning.

At least that seems to be the case in this universe.

Even Sun Xianyun's own psionic energy, the original seed was sown by the system created at the cost of the fall of a great pioneer in the virtual world.

"Commander, look, a spaceship is coming."

Belfast suddenly pointed to those void land networks.

In a place that should belong to the landing platform, there are more than a dozen spaceships flying towards the two of them.

Compared with human creations, these spaceships are closer to the most classic UFO in fantasy works in the past.

Obviously, the Belfast, which did not hide its existence, was discovered by the Hudson just after jumping out of the subspace.

The sudden appearance of the Belfast undoubtedly aroused great tension among the Hudson people.

The maximum length of the small spaceships that flew over was no more than ten meters, and many spaceships could not even achieve a unified standard, and there was almost no external painting.

Compared with the huge and gorgeous Belfast, these small spaceships are not even as good as the group of motley rebel troops that Sun Xianyun saw in the Phoenix Federation.

The tense Hudson spaceship stopped after approaching the Belfast for a certain distance, and did not make any other stupid moves, just hovering in front of the Belfast.

Sun Xianyun, who has been monitoring the internal communication of the other party, has already mastered the language of the Hudson people through Abrak.

Those Hudson people were discussing in a panic how to contact the alien spacecraft that suddenly appeared. After a while, a communication request was sent, and Sun Xianyun immediately chose to connect.

"Excuse me, are you... pioneers?" 』

"It seems that these Hudson people regard us as intellectuals who have visited here before."

Sun Xianyun sighed again.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, the Hudson people are still waiting for Zhiguan's return.

It's a pity that Zhiguan will not come back, or in other words, with the current situation of Zhiguan, even if they come back, what they will bring to the Hudson people will not be hope, but death and destruction.

PS. My home is in Sichuan Province. When I was writing this chapter, there was an earthquake (cover my face.jpg), and I was quite close to the epicenter of this earthquake. I was shocked.

Chapter 611 Hello, I am your master ancestor

Looking at Belfast, Sun Xianyun opened the communication and said, "Unfortunately, we are not the pioneers you mentioned."

The other side seemed to be in chaos again, because of Sun Xianyun's answer, and because Sun Xianyun knew their language.

Especially the latter, which seems to indicate that they have been observed by each other for a long time?

This discovery made these Hudson people even more nervous, and their communication with Sun Xianyun became more cautious.

"Then, I would like to ask the strangers, where did you come from and what's the matter?" 』

Sun Xianyun raised an eyebrow at Belfast: "You said at this time, if I say that we are here to destroy the world, what will be the reaction?"

Belfast pointed at the screen dumbfounded: "Commander, others heard..."

"It's okay, they don't understand Chinese."

"But you subconsciously used Hudson just now, Commander~."

Ah this...

Sun Xianyun hurriedly smiled embarrassingly, and explained to the opposite side: "Well, don't misunderstand..."

"No, no misunderstanding, no misunderstanding. 』

There was a bit of trembling in the voice, Sun Xianyun seemed to be able to see that the people communicating with him on the opposite side were wiping cold sweat at this moment.

"Well, it actually is, Abrak—do you remember the curator?"

There was a brief silence on the opposite side, and then Sun Xianyun heard a loud exclamation from the communication.

Not long after, the voice sounded again at the beginning.

"Are you teachers? 』


Abrak once said that the quantum slingshot was made by these Hudson talents under his teaching back then, and it seems that there is no problem in being called a teacher by these people.

Considering that Abrak also called him a great mentor, so——

"No, I am your ancestor."

Sun Xianyun looked serious.

"Commander~ stop making trouble!"

Belfast patted Sun Xianyun's arm coquettishly.

Obviously, Sun Xianyun's inexplicable words caused the already tense Hudson on the opposite side to fall into a state of thinking failure again, and there was no sound from the other side for a while.

"Ahem, I don't know how many records you have about Abrak. After all, according to the time, it is thousands of years ago that he came to you, but I have a video file he gave you here. You can accept it. one time."

This video file was specially recorded by Abrak before, because he himself has to participate in some important work in the local area, so it is impossible to come here with Sun Xianyun.

In this video document, Abrak explained Sun Xianyun's identity in detail, and told these Hudson people that they can fully trust Sun Xianyun, and that the great mentor will bring a new future to their civilization on this isolated island.

The length of the video was not long, and it took a few minutes for the other side to watch it. I don’t know what method they used to verify its authenticity. When the communication was restored again, the respectful taste revealed in the voice on the other side even through the starship armor They all floated in.

"Dear teacher, thank you for coming, we will arrange a welcome ceremony for you..."

"no need."

Sun Xianyun waved his hand.

"Find a place for me to land and dock. You don't have many resources to waste in these meaningless places now, do you?"

Obviously Sun Xianyun's words were right, the opposite party was indeed in an extremely difficult environment, and Sun Xianyun's refusal of the so-called welcome ceremony was also in his heart.

But soon, an embarrassing situation appeared.

The Hudsons have never built such a large starship, and there is no starport to match it.

In desperation, Belfast could only throw his own body in the starry sky near the port, and then, together with Sun Xianyun, left the starship under the surprised eyes of countless Hudson people, crossed the void, and landed on their designated place. on the Welcome Platform.

From this, Sun Xianyun finally saw the appearance of this poor and strong race.

how to say……

A group of Erlang gods...

That's right, the appearance of these Hudsons is almost the same as that of humans. The only difference is that they have a third eye on their foreheads.

"I suspect that this universe has been modded with cuteness. Shouldn't aliens all look crooked? Why are they so handsome? Look at them, go to the earth to film mythological dramas and play Erlang God without even makeup I need it."

Sun Xianyun whispered to Belfast in Chinese.

While Sun Xianyun was surprised by the similarity between humans and Hudsons, these Hudsons also observed Sun Xianyun and Belfast curiously.

The surrounding area was full of people, both men and women, all of them looked around curiously, and more people could be seen on the periphery constantly approaching here.

Seeing that Sun Xianyun and Belfast were so similar in appearance, except that one eye was missing, the eyes of the group of Hudson people became closer to them.

Obviously, human beings are more in line with the aesthetics of the Hudson people than the curator with the long face of the geoduck, and the Zhiguan who is basically a bird.

At this time, a three-eyed man who seemed to be the leader...not Erlang Shen...nor, it should be the Hudson people led a group of people to the front of Sun Xianyun and Belfast.

He said with some embarrassment: "Excuse me, what is your social etiquette...?"

Sun Xianyun: "—?"

Are these guys so direct?

But after thinking about it, Sun Xianyun understood why the other party had such a reaction.

In a state of extremely tight resources, it is obvious that this race has completely given up any useless things, including those cumbersome etiquettes.

All Hudson people who pursue efficiency first naturally understand that there are many things that need to be paid attention to when contacting aliens, especially the taboos and etiquette between different races, and their long-term high efficiency and straightforwardness make it impossible for them Going around and wasting time inquiring, so-these guys simply asked.

Trying hard to control my eyes from looking at the third eye on the forehead of the handsome guy who walked out of a girl's manga, Sun Xianyun stretched out his right hand to him.

"Just shake each other with your right hand, we don't pay that much attention."

So the two sides shook hands.

"Although we have already mentioned our identities in the video that Abrak gave you, let me introduce you formally. Sun Xianyun, the supreme commander of the Rabbit Space Force, is here this time to take all of you out of here—because This star area is about to become a battlefield."

The Hudson people are a very good race. The long-term and difficult environment has given these three-eyed people a super endurance and a terrifyingly high discipline. If they can collectively join the rabbit family and become a member of the big league, there is no doubt It will greatly enhance the overall strength of the alliance.

What's more, Sun Xianyun knew through Abrak that these Hudson people have developed recycling technology and resource reuse to the point where they can be called ghosts... Shan.

Chapter 612 Loyalty!sincerity!

Both sides are people who pursue high efficiency, the Hudsons are the long-term influence of the environment in which civilization is located, so that they have no way to make any waste, while Sun Xianyun is simpler-solve the Hudsons' problems early, start early next move.

Therefore, there was no cumbersome welcome ceremony, no so-called banquet, and even no rest. The supreme leader of the Hudson people, the three-eyed self-proclaimed Roseda, directly introduced the current situation to Sun Xianyun.

The meeting between the top military leader of one country and the head of state of another country is so simple and efficient, omitting all meaningless etiquette and going straight to the point.

This kind of thing is impossible to imagine on the earth. It's a strange thing that human beings don't give you a bunch of fancy programs that last for most of the day.

"Speaking of which, it's so easy for you to believe us? No doubt?"

Sun Xianyun asked Roseda.

Roseda gave a wry smile and pointed around.

"Look, do we need to be suspicious? What else do we have that others covet?"

"Understood, this is the so-called as long as I am poor enough, no one can take advantage of me?"

Roseda: "...You, the way you speak is really humorous."

Belfast followed behind Sun Xianyun and rolled his eyes.

Sun Xianyun shook his head inwardly, this group of three-eyed people was really too naive when dealing with foreigners because of their living environment.

Who said that nothing has no use value?

Don’t underestimate the crimes of the war criminals of P Corporation, they are a group of seven-year-olds who can sign an extermination order, put aliens in cans, or even stuff them directly into generators and connect them to the power grid. If they are bored, they can find a living planet to light fireworks , Playing with the existence of genocide without blinking an eye!

If you don't believe me, ask the starfish!

Under the introduction of Roseda (Sun Xianyun would like to ask him about his relationship with Lobita), Sun Xianyun quickly understood the current situation of the Hudson people.

This is already a situation that cannot be simply described as bad.

Their home planet has been squeezed out of the last bit of natural resources, and now the entire race has relocated to the space land network that relies on the quantum bullet as the core to maintain.

Of course, the sudden reduction in living area has brought the Hudson population down to an alarming level.

It's hard to believe that a race that has unified its home planet and even developed a certain degree of space technology has a population of less than 5000 million, not even [-] million.

780, 270, and this is the population of the entire Hudson family.

In order to save every bit of resources, they strictly control the population of the race. Even the Hudson people over a certain age will actively choose euthanasia and enter the resource recovery furnace, so that their corpses can also become fuel for the survival of the group.

And those babies with congenital defects will also be abandoned immediately after they are born and confirmed that they will consume additional materials beyond the standard resource units.

These space lands for all the Hudson people to live in, the core technology they want to build-gravity stabilization anchors and shields covering the residential area were provided by Abrak back then, and it is precisely because of this that they can migrate to space and will The entire mother star is vacated and turned into resource utilization.

"Without Mentor Abrak, it would be impossible for our family to survive until now."

When it comes to Abrak, Roseda respects him very much.

"We always thought that Mentor Abrak had died in the initial quantum bullet, but we didn't expect that Mentor was still alive... My great-great-great-grandfather was hugged by Mentor back then."

Sun Xianyun: "... Ha!"

He looked to Roseda, the king of the Hudsons.

In order to maintain the survival of the race with the highest efficiency and the lowest waste, the Hudson people have changed from a parliamentary system that is easy to argue many years ago to a royal system in which everything is determined by the dictatorship of the king.

But in fact, this king is no different from any ordinary Hudson.

He didn't even have a single piece of special clothes, and the whole family should be equal in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

After probably introducing the situation of some Hudson people to Sun Xianyun, Losda asked cautiously: "Teacher, how do you plan to arrange my family?"

His posture is very low, not like a king of a race at all.

"We just have a habitable planet that we just discovered. You can adapt to the ecological environment. We are currently carrying out immigration and development on it, but the preliminary construction has not been completed. If you want, that planet will become your new home. "

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