Why did Amon leave Aurus behind?

"Because he wants to devour me and take my essence."

Aurus has the answer.

"But I'm stronger than him, so he can only imprison me when I'm not prepared, and weaken my strength little by little. When I can no longer resist him, I will be swallowed by him—fortunately, I will eventually Before Yan arrived, he escaped from Urna and came here."

It turned out to be the case.

Sun Xianyun nodded suddenly, no wonder Aurus was not in Urna, but in this strange place.

"I built this hiding place single-handedly, waiting patiently for the opportunity to destroy Amon, but soon I discovered that Amon was engaging in even more insane behavior-he was touching taboos, and he gave up pursuing the truth of the virtual world , but is in contact with the terrifying power on the other side of the void."

"I don't know what Emon saw or learned, but I soon discovered that this universe is being eroded by forces that don't belong here, its laws are being destroyed, and its structure is collapsing."

"I was worried that the universe would be destroyed before Amon was eliminated, so I took the initiative to fall into a deep sleep, but stripped my own power to delay the collapse of the universe."

"No wonder you are so weak." Sun Xianyun sighed, "I thought you were really sleepy, so you couldn't wake up just now."

"My true consciousness is sleeping, and only the power itself is maintaining everything externally. I felt the breath of this child before, so I led him here, hoping that he can bring me a turning point to eliminate Amon. Now it seems that I is correct."

Aurus looked at Zeratul.

Zeratul shuddered immediately—even if Sun Xianyun was able to soothe his emotions, being directly looked at by a high-dimensional creature would still be a great horror.

"Sorry, kid, I scared you again."

"It's okay..." Zeratul lowered his head, "It's because I don't practice enough, my will is not strong enough, and my soul is not strong enough."

"Child, you must destroy Amon and stop him."

Aurus no longer paid attention to Zeratul, but looked at Sun Xianyun again.

"Whether it's destroying the universe or touching things that shouldn't be touched, all of these must be stopped. Xel'Naga is the spreader of life, the seeker of truth, and the endless reincarnation, but the only thing that cannot be the universe the destroyer."

"So, where is Amon?"

Sun Xianyun asked again.

Unsurprisingly, Sun Xianyun had guessed Aulus's answer before.

"Amon is not in this universe, but is hiding in the void. Child, you have the aptitude of psionic power, and you can enter the endless void without any external force, but Amon cannot be underestimated. I will give all my essence to You, this is the power that even Amon covets, and then, I will guide you how to find Amon, and then... I'll leave it to you."

So, this is Son Hyun Yoon taking over Kerrigan's role?

"Can eliminating Amon prevent the collapse of this universe?"


Aurus affirmed Sun Xianyun's guess.

"I have been fighting against Amon, so I know very well that the power that caused the collapse of this universe came from the other side of the virtual world, but Amon is the bridge for this force to reach here, destroying Amon, blowing up the bridge, the universe Its own self-healing and error-correcting mechanisms will gradually bring everything back to normal."

There is a way.

Hearing this news, Sun Xianyun was fine, and the three behind Zeratul were really relieved.

Compared with outsiders like Sun Xianyun, these locals are more concerned about the survival of this universe.

Nobody wants to be a bum.

"So, how to find Amon?"

"No, there is no need to take the initiative to find Amon, Amon will take the initiative to find it."


"...The moment I woke up, Amon could sense my presence. If there were no accidents, the entrance to this space should have been surrounded by Amon's minions by now."



"My Holy Land!!!!!!!!!!" 1.2

Phoenix, the painting style collapsed.

……Dividing line……

The war came so suddenly.

The protoss couldn't figure out why the humans went crazy, and they suddenly gathered all the troops they could muster, and brazenly invaded their holy land.

What is even more frightening is that the Zerg has joined forces with humans!

The Supreme Council, the Templars, and even the previously hostile Dark Templars gathered together, and all the Protosians rushed to fight back.

Then, they were horrified to find that there seemed to be something different about the human fleet that they had looked down upon before.

Those strange warships that have never been seen before have shown technological strength that should not belong to humans at all.

The defense line of the protoss collapsed in an instant...

Chapter 719: The Whisper from the Starry Sky

For a mature military organization, the sudden loss of contact as the highest decision-maker will also cause chaos within it, but it is a joke to want to completely lose its position or even fall apart just because of the absence of a decision-maker.

What's more, it's only Sun Xianyun who can't be contacted-isn't there Lexington?

After the official establishment of the Grand Alliance, the ship girl is no longer a secret all over the world, and in the Space Force, the ship girl has long been known to everyone.

From the moment the army was built, Mrs. Lie has been the number one goddess of the Space Force. Everyone knows that the commander-in-chief will obey the commander-in-chief, and Mrs. Lie will obey the commander-in-chief when he is away—the current Mrs. Lie He is already the same as Sun Xianyun, carrying the rank of marshal and leading the position of deputy commander.

At this moment, standing on the highest podium of the Gray Wind's flagship, Lexington was wearing a moon-white women's military uniform, and his long black silk legs under the tight hip-wrapping skirt walked 21 steps to the edge of the high platform.

Everyone looked up at her, and Saratoga even held her heart in the crowd, whispering with glowing eyes: "My sis is so handsome..."

"Deputy Commander, we are detecting signs of a large-scale mobilization of the Tyrann Empire's military power. The frontline probes have returned news that Mengsk has mobilized almost [-]% of his fleet and is heading towards the galaxy where the Commander-in-Chief is located!"

"Signs of abnormal activity of the Zerg have been detected!"

"Report! The 7th, 13th, 26th, and 138th probes in the XXX galaxy were destroyed!"

"The Protoss are organizing a defense line, and their fleet defense line is expected to be assembled within two hours!"

Lexington lowered his graceful and delicate brows, his sapphire blue eyes were sharp.

"The anti-phase space where the commander is located is not linked to the time axis of the main material universe. It is estimated that it will take a long time to wait for the commander to return. Next, the entire ship will be under my command. I will issue an order that Suzheng 1, Suzheng 2 and the fortress star will be released immediately. Go into stealth mode and stay put."

"The rest of you, follow me to support Protos Protoss!"

"""""Guaranteed to complete the mission! """"""

In an instant, the command chain echoed with the shouts of the soldiers of the whole army.

The huge fleet quickly set off and headed towards the battlefield.

Such a large-scale war is naturally impossible for both sides to pull out everyone to form a formation and then fight a gentleman's war. It is enough for Lexington to express his will. The specific tactical arrangements, what arrangements need to be made for different battlefields? What mission a troop is going to perform, these things are naturally taken care of by the officer corps under it.

For a time, the command chain was unprecedentedly busy, and officers at all levels continued to receive orders from their superiors, and then issued further orders.

The core target of the coalition forces of the Tyranid Empire and the Zerg is naturally the galaxy where Sun Xianyun is now, but after all, it is the holy land of the Protoss. Although it cannot be said to be located in the rear, if you want to attack there, you still need to face Protos. Sri Lankan defense line.

The enemy assembled a heavy army from the very beginning, with the intention of breaking through the defense in one go before the opponent reacted.

Apparently, they succeeded.

No one knows how the Tyranid Empire and the Zerg coalition forces did it. Theoretically, the mobilization of tens of thousands of fleets is impossible to hide from the eyes of the Protoss, not to mention that there are more Zerg swarms—— Knowing that the Protoss have been closely monitoring the movements of the Zerg.

But they just succeeded.

It wasn't until the moment the war broke out that Protos realized that he was under attack. Even at the beginning of the war, the soldiers on the Protos defense line who bore the brunt couldn't even send the news back.

"It's as if they just showed up out of nowhere."

On the combat command platform, Liu Peiqiang was reporting to Lexington.

"Not only the Protoss, but even us were concealed. All our probes didn't detect each other's movements until they collided with their fleet and swarm."

"How did these guys do it..."

Lexington closed his eyes slightly, rubbed his brows lightly with his fingers, thinking about the reason for this.

Theoretically speaking, there is no such technology on the opposite side, and the probes deployed by the United Fleet have covered almost every corner of the entire Koprulu sector, and even the transfer of more than a hundred starships on the opposite side will be detected by the United Fleet immediately.

"Could it be Emon again?"

"How is the situation on Protos? Have you contacted them?"

"I'm sorry, Deputy Commander, we haven't managed to contact the current high-level Protosians."

This result caused even more headaches for Lexington.

Do you want the United Fleet and the Protoss to fight each other?

Any fool knows that if this continues, even if he wins in the end, he will pay a painful price.

……Dividing line……

The stars are burning.

Among the rushing sea of ​​insects, there are flashes of human battleships and cannons interspersed.

Protosians are naturally no strangers to the Yamato cannon, a weapon that humans are proud of, but——

"Master Executive Officer, the situation at 977 is really strange!"

Inside the flagship of a front-line formation, a certain templar was staring at the star map in front of him.

"The strength of this human fleet obviously exceeds our previous intelligence. All of our attack methods have been weakened to a certain extent by unknown force fields. It is especially important to note that since their appearance, our fighters will always be affected. Some kind of delusion, although the souls of the strong Protosians will not be easily violated by evil forces, but the ravings of unknown origin are constantly echoing in the minds of the soldiers... um..."

Halfway through the speech, the executive officer suddenly saw his adjutant covering his hair and let out a groan.

Fortunately, the adjutant soon woke up.

"As you can see, my lord executive, I also heard that raving just now."

"Can you find their command ship?"

"Sorry, all reconnaissance methods have failed, and we can't tell which one is their command ship."

Damn it, if he can't find the command ship, he won't be able to let those elite templars blast the enemy's brains in a targeted manner soon?

Do you really want a small team like yourself to fight head-on with an enemy ten times as many as yourself? .

Chapter 720 Billions of Enemies!

The situation is worse than expected.

Those human battleships seemed to be after playing the game honestly, but found that they couldn’t play against the AI ​​on the other side. They were angry from the heart, and the evil turned to the guts. They brazenly pressed the [~] key on the upper left corner of the keyboard to open the console incarnation. ·Like the players of the fourth natural disaster, all kinds of messy unknown BUFFs crazily attack themselves.

Speed ​​up, rate of fire up, armor thicker, shield stronger...

It would be fine if it was just these routine boosts, but the opponent started to play mental attacks unreasonably. At that time, the ravings that sounded in the minds of all Protos fighters from time to time lingered like nightmares.

Obviously, this kind of raving is cooperating with the coalition of humans and Zerg, because every time it appears, it is when the enemy launches an attack.

The result is that once the Protoss start a war, they always get stuck at critical moments.

Coupled with the fact that the number of enemies was several times that of his own side, not long after the start of the war, the commander of the Protos fleet, which was firmly defending the line, found out in despair that his idea of ​​holding on until the arrival of reinforcements from the rear was about to be shattered.

If the battle continues like this, it will no longer be reinforcements, but their corpse collection team.

"Sir! We suddenly received a communication request from an unknown person!"

Just when the templar consul was about to order a retreat, his adjutant suddenly made a new discovery.

"Unknown object? Who is it... Wait, could it be..."

After a short period of astonishment, the consul suddenly thought of an extra force in the Kopru sector during this period.

"Did they say anything?"

"The other side just sent a communication request, and there is another sentence - step back and call 666, watch my output... Uh, my lord consul, can you understand what this sentence means?"

The corner of the consul's mouth twitched, and he silently connected the communication.

The next moment, Chaoge's energetic figure appeared on the holographic projection.

"Hi hi!Here is the cutest beautiful girl Chaoge in the universe!We are the nemesis of all cockroaches and bugs, and we are the magical girls that all reactionaries will tremble when they see it!Hello Protosians on the opposite side, please let your fleet retreat, our support will arrive soon! 』

This jumpy way of speaking instantly reminded the consul of the burned Zerg planets that suddenly appeared some time ago.

As well as those emoticons and messages on the planet that make people complain.

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