Although he really wanted to ask the other party's identity, the consul also knew that this time was not suitable. His fighters were watched every second of death, and if he was still wasting time here, he would be committing a crime.

Therefore, he took a deep look at Chaoge and gave the order to retreat.


"Master Consul! Abnormal gravitational collapse detected!"

"High energy reaction detected!"

After a series of alarms, the attack from the depths of the starry sky instantly tore apart the formation of the allied forces of humans and Zerg.

"Where did the attack come from!? Is the fleet on the opposite side invisible?"

"I'm afraid that's not the case, my lord consul, all the signs show that the opposite side has super-dimensional strike technology."

This news made the consul's originally desperate heart arouse hope again.

"Look, look! What is that!"

"It's that mysterious warrior!!"

Hearing this exclamation, the consul suddenly rushed to the console, staring at the situation on the battlefield with wide-eyed eyes.

In the boundless starry sky, Youlandal stood proudly, holding a black abyss and a white flower, and suddenly appeared in front of the coalition forces of humans and Zerg.

Theoretically, it should be inconspicuous for such a small person to appear on the interstellar battlefield, but—however, the energy reaction on Youlandal is too strong.

Intense enough that the flashes of light emanating from her were as dazzling as stars.

The consul stared at Youlandelle. This figure had already appeared in the intelligence of the Protoss before. Her power and mystery once sparked heated discussions, and even almost changed the attitude of the Protoss towards the Tyrannian Empire. Attitude—until they determined that Ulandal did not belong to the humans here.

Holding the black abyss and white flowers high, Youlandal's sapphire blue eyes glowed brightly, and the continuous power provided by a world bubble in her body made her output not weaker than any Herrscher, or even stronger.

Afterwards, Ulandal turned into a shooting star.

With a long tail light, Ulandal quickly walked through the enemy's formation at a speed that even the onboard computer of the starship could not respond to.

No one knew what she had done. They only saw that where the meteor passed, the human starships exploded, and the giant insects of the Zerg shattered and shattered.

In the Protos fleet, everyone stared blankly at the unbelievable everything in front of them.


"This is the United Fleet under the Pan-Universe Rabbit Alliance. I am the leader of the 17th Action Squad, Urandale. 』

『Commander of Protos, we are not enemies, on the contrary, we have a common enemy now—do you still have the ability to continue fighting? If so, please cooperate with us to launch a counterattack. 』

Inside the bridge, Ulandal's cold voice brought the sluggish consul back to his senses.

Although he didn't understand what was going on with this strange force, but as an experienced fighter, he would never miss any opportunity.

"¨How are you going to do it?"

"You'll find out soon. 』

As soon as the words fell, a Cybertron heavy assault team jumped directly onto the battlefield.

And behind them, there is a fleet that is bigger than the enemy and comes from tearing apart the starlight!

……Dividing line……

Inside the main flagship of the Gray Wind.

Lexington is listening to the battle report.

"In the past twelve hours, we have dispatched a total of 170 and three support teams, with a total of 360 and four sorties."

"Except for the main direction of the enemy's attack, the Protosians have barely held the fronts in other places with our support."

"Almost all of our losses are the gray wind series replica ships and the Suzheng series self-discipline ships, but the conventional warships also suffered battle damage, a total of..."

"The other side sent us a thank you, and at the same time asked about our origins."

Lexington stared at the huge star map in front of him, each red dot marked on it represented a battlefield.

Among them, as the enemy's main attack direction, that is, the coalition forces targeting Sun Xianyun's galaxy, the number has reached an astonishing billions... several...

"This is the old interstellar civilization, the scale of Star Wars..."

Lexington sighed, compared with the number of enemies, their strength is really lacking.

The league still has a long way to go.

PS. Half of the urban area has a power outage. It is so hot that I have no choice but to take a laptop to a teahouse with electricity to code, but the environment is too bad and the efficiency is extremely low. There are two chapters for now. I will write Chapter 3 when I call at night. Sorry~.

Chapter 721: Reinforcements!Watch me drop you all Teriri!

As if trying to completely crush the resistance of the United Fleet and the Protoss in one go, another bad news came while Lexington was thinking about the battle situation.

The Tal'darin, a tribe that could almost be called an alien in Protos, joined the battle.

They are Amon's fanatical believers and followers, firmly believing that after all things die, their god-Amon will give them a brand new body to live in the new world.

Therefore, they are extremely cruel and cunning.

The timing of these guys' selection was very good. While the United Fleet and the Protoss were doing their best to deal with the allied forces of humans and Zerg coming from the frontal battlefield, Tadalin's fleet suddenly came out from another direction.

They successfully bypassed the United Fleet's defense line, and stabbed their compatriots like a sharp knife.

Although the number of these guys is not large, not to mention that they are far inferior to the boundless sea of ​​insects, or even the fleet assembled by Mengsk, but their strength is the most powerful on the battlefield.

"We don't have any extra conventional force to help defend the area that is being attacked by Tadalin."

Inside the main flagship of the Gray Wind, Lexington frowned, listening to Liu Peiqiang's report.

"Until now, all 803 battleships, the Cybertron Siege Regiment, Herrscher, Valkyrie and our own stigmata fighters have all been dispatched to the battlefield."

"The consumption rate of the replica ships and self-discipline ships is too fast. The gray wind-type replica ships can barely catch up with the consumption, but the production of the solemn self-discipline ships is far from keeping up with the losses."

"Deputy Commander, are you still unable to contact the Commander-in-Chief?"

There was expectation in Liu Peiqiang's tone.

Now the defensive pressure on all fronts is extremely high. The enemy's strength is not strong, but their numbers present a hopeless overwhelming advantage.

"Send Suzheng 1 and Suzheng 2 out. Since the Suzheng self-discipline ship is about to be lost, let the node fortress go on top, and let the two fortress stars enter the galaxy that Tadalin is attacking."

Lexington's orders came quickly.

"As for the Commander-in-Chief, he is on his way back with all his strength. All we need to do is hold on until the Commander-in-Chief returns, or try to hold on."

Because it was not sure what backhand Amon had left behind, Lexington did not dare to easily place the enemy close to the Holy Land Star, and could only push the defense line forward as much as possible.

"Big Sister! We have a new discovery here!"

At this time, Elektra suddenly stumbled and ran over.

This girl has been leading her own Dasnak tribe to fight against the opponent at the level of spiritual power. Because of Sun Xianyun's special nature, all the soldiers in the United Fleet seem to be immune to the starry ravings that make the Protoss have a splitting headache. Therefore, Lexington simply gave up the defense in this area, and ordered Electra to try to find the source of this weird raving.

This girl is running over now, obviously there is some news.

"How? Have you found the source of the raving that drove the poor Protosian mad?"

"That's not true." Electra quickly shook her head, "But we have received a distress call!"


"It was a very inconspicuous distress signal mixed in with ravings. The situation of the other party seemed to be quite bad. Oh yes, the person who called for help claimed to be the Queen of Blades..."


Jim Raynor suddenly jumped out from the side, and leaned in front of Electra to stare at the startled little girl.

"You mean Kerrigan?"

"Calm down, it's the Queen of Blades, not Kerrigan."

In other words, is it the Queen of Blades whose Zerg thinking has the upper hand?

Although he understood what Electra meant, Jim Raynor still couldn't sit still.

"The Queen of Blades... If it is her, does this mean that the current swarm is not controlled by her?"

Lexington stared at Electra, who quickly responded in the affirmative.

"That's right, that's why the Queen of Blades asked us for help. She claimed that as long as we rescued her, she could regain control of the swarm. Even if she couldn't completely control the swarm, she could still make some of the swarm obey her orders. Come and help us, this is her condition."

"If it's the Queen of Blades, the credibility doesn't seem very high, but... it's worth a try."

Lexington frowned beautifully, pondered for a moment, and finally decided to believe it once.

Even if the Queen of Blades suddenly turns against her, she still has the ability to completely control her opponent.

Seeing that Lexington seemed to be planning to rescue the Queen of Blades, although Jim Raynor wanted to join the rescue, he also knew that his strength in this situation would definitely be to deliver food.

Instead of making trouble for others, it's better to help here-although it can't help much.

"However, Deputy Commander, we don't seem to have any spare strength to rescue the Queen of Blades."

Liu Peiqiang shook his head. Now all the fronts are facing tremendous pressure, and it is impossible to transfer anyone.

In an instant—

"My dear friends, it seems that you need help with your troops...? 』

A familiar voice suddenly sounded in the main flagship of the Gray Wind.

Lexington looked up instantly, looking at the person who was suddenly connected to the command link.


"Long time no see, Miss Lexington, where is my old friend?" 』

"He is in a special space. Is there something wrong with you suddenly contacting him?"

"certainly! 』

Otto whistled very pompously.

"Mr. Apocalypse never does meaningless things. I'm here to give you a gift, but now it seems that the timing of this gift is just right. 』

"What gift... Wait, you have made a breakthrough in the reverse research of the late Zhiguan!?"

"Miss Lexington is really smart. We successfully analyzed Zhiguan's ship control system, activated their war factory, and successfully enabled the huge fleet sealed up in Zhiguan's hometown... So, please accept the advice from the former Archbishop of Destiny." Present, an unprecedented, powerful fleet of awakened empires! 』

next moment--

『Anomalous gravitational collapse detected!A large-scale fleet is about to jump into the arena! 』

Following the notification of the shipboard broadcast, the ever-familiar but even more powerful Knowledge Management Fleet of the United Fleet entered the arena.

"Yah!This is definitely something better than the Houm series!Ahhhhhhhh a whole new universe!A whole new world!Brand new - Theresa!The cutest in the world - Teresa! 』

"Whether it's a bug or something, watch me Teriri all of you!" 』


Lexington finally couldn't help laughing.

"You came at the right time...!"

PS. Can you understand the horror of a power outage from [-]:[-] noon to [-]:[-] pm in a temperature close to [-] degrees... People are almost useless....

Chapter 721: A Bigger Surprise

When accepting the inheritance of the late Zhiguan, the alliance discovered a shocking fact.

In the home planet of Zhiguan, there are various warships stored in those huge docks, which are hard to count.

These warships are identical in appearance to the Zhiguan fleet that the United Fleet encountered in the large void. Most of the starships look like a huge English letter X standing upright.

Its bridge part is located in the center of the starship, with a long structure extending up, down, left, and right. At the end of these structures are a powerful main gun, the rest of the secondary guns and more functional equipment. are distributed throughout the hull.

Obviously, it is a huge waste to let these sealed warships eat ashes like this, so finding a way to use them will become one of the important tasks of the Military Research Institute in the following period of time.

Previously, because Otto had to be responsible for other aspects, especially the work of finding Xel'Naga, he did not participate in the research on the activation of the Knowledge Management Fleet.

But after completing the initial task, Otto joined the project, and then, the research progress accelerated with a clear trend.

Analysis and deconstruction of the overall system of the starship, improvement of the internal ecosystem, transformation of the control center...

A series of work is progressing in an orderly manner, and finally, not long ago, when several crucial technical problems were overcome, the rest is the industrialized assembly line ~ line-like batch transformation.

Perhaps it is because the population of knowledge management is inherently insufficient, so all their creations, including starships, have quite high automation technology. A huge flagship-class battleship only needs a few A hundred people can maintain normal operation and ensure a certain level of combat effectiveness, which gives the alliance a prerequisite for rampant violence in a short period of time.

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