There is nothing to say about the following voyage process. Sea voyage itself is an extremely boring process, especially ocean voyage. Unless you are on a luxury cruise, the experience of sailing is quite bad.

Fortunately, the bridge on the USS Lexington where Sun Xianyun is located is more like a hotel presidential suite than a bridge, where he can enjoy various entertainment activities.

The little girl Chao Ge seemed to be tired after having fun around for a while, so she randomly found a sofa and lay down on it and began to sleep soundly, but it was only her human form that was resting, the little girl had already separated part of her consciousness To control your own body and sail the boat, you don't have to worry about anything really happening.

This is also the special ability of the ship girl. When they are resting in the human form, the main body that they manifest can operate mechanically according to the pre-set program.

At this time, it was just a routine cruise, and he only needed to let his body follow the Lexington according to certain rules.

When night fell, Sun Xianyun opened the gate of the bridge and came to the suspended metal balcony outside.

Because the space here is exposed to the outside, the natural shape is consistent with that of a traditional warship, with a steel structure all over the body, and it is full of cold and hard silver gray.

Standing on the balcony, Sun Xianyun was blowing the sea breeze.

The night on the sea seems to be no different from that on land, but because it is far away from the air pollution on land, the starry sky is much clearer and brighter.

Looking up at random, the eyes are full of twinkling stars.

Lexington walked out with his arms in his hands, and got into Sun Xianyun's arms.

Holding his other half, Sun Xianyun gently rested his chin on Lexington's shoulder.

Naturally, there are all kinds of drinks on the warship, but there will be absolutely no alcohol. No matter whether it is liquor, beer or red wine, even a little bit of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

Even if it is a Maozi who is addicted to alcohol, their warships are theoretically not allowed to have alcoholic drinks-of course, it is only in theory.

He knew everything about the situation, otherwise he wouldn't be a fool. These guys had the guts to bring wine to the space station.

Otherwise, it would definitely be a beautiful thing to sip with a glass of red wine at this time.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Sun Xianyun and Lexington returned to the bridge, Lexington began to prepare for a bath, and Sun Xianyun was writing a mission report to the above.

He needs to write a detailed task log at a fixed time every day and pass it to the center, and maintain smooth communication with the center at any time within 24 hours.

The center will arrange suitable routes for him according to the actual situation, negotiate with third-party countries that need to pass through or call at ports in advance, and so on.

Otherwise, no one will be able to stand the warship swaggering past the door of other countries without saying hello.

Even Yingjiang, who is used to being arrogant, will give a symbolic notification in this regard.

After finishing the task log and uploading it, Sun Xianyun stretched and prepared to go to the bathroom inside the ship to relax.

Just at this time, Chao fans who were sound asleep on the sofa woke up in a daze.

"Hmm... Brother Xianyun, what are you going to do?"

"Go take a bath."

"Take a bath!"

Upon hearing these two words, Chaoge, who was still in a daze, immediately woke up.

As a ship girl, how could she refuse to take a bath?

Totally irresistible, okay?

Seeing the light on the little girl's face, Sun Xianyun simply pointed in the direction of the bathroom.

"If you want to go too, go first, I'll wait until you're done soaking."


Chaoge first stretched out his voice and said "Hey", then turned his eyes and looked at Sun Xianyun with a small smile.

"Brother Xianyun, it's okay to come together, okay?"

"I reject."

"Then I'll go soak with Sister Lexington."

"Lexington is me, right?"

"What does it matter, at least she looks like a girl on the surface! And it's not like I haven't seen brother Xianyun's body before..."

At the end, the little girl turned her head away, her eyes drifted, she deliberately rolled her tongue and muttered in a voice that seemed small but could be heard clearly by Sun Xianyun.

Seeing that Sun Xianyun did not speak, Chaoge tried to extend the invitation again.

"Are you really not coming? If you come together, you can see the most youthful and alluring body of a high school girl between Lolita and Yujie!"

Finally, Sun Xianyun seemed to be convinced, he looked at Chaoge squarely, and looked up and down.

The little girl immediately raised her chest proudly.

Then, he heard Sun Xianyun's sneer——

"I'm not as good in shape as I am. What's so good about it?"

Chaoge was stunned for a moment, and finally gave Sun Xianyun a hard look with extremely resentful eyes, and walked towards the bathroom angrily.

Chapter 90 Eagle Sauce Fleet Commander: SB?What does the rabbit mean when it says SB?

The ensuing voyage had nothing to mention.

That is to say, when passing through the sea area between a certain island, according to the instructions above, deliberately cross the side of a certain island.

This is also a deterrent, warning some small-minded guys not to move around.

Speaking of it, Sun Xianyun couldn't help but want to laugh, every time those people wanted to do something wrong, they would be pressed hard by the country and rubbed on the ground for a while.

The most interesting thing is that their radio channels are often unable to use all communications smoothly due to the electromagnetic suppression activated by the "daily surround training of fighter planes" on the country's side, and planes at major airports cannot fly.

At the beginning, the pineapple seller who was in charge of the ground crew could still be heard complaining in a soft, glutinous and sweet voice on the communication channel. As time passed, this voice began to become emotionless.

Already, completely used to it.

Already, it has become the shape of my father on the other side of the sea.

Let dad play whatever you want, lie flat and stop resisting.

But this time, when Sun Xianyun's fleet passed by, let alone the planes took off, they didn't even dare to go out to sea with a sampan, and they all shrank and trembled.

This made Sun Xianyun a little disappointed—tsk, if someone dares to pretend to be Pipi, he might be able to make history easily.

I feel sorry for those sand sculpture netizens who have been waiting hard because "don't sleep tonight, the big one is coming" and haven't slept well in 917 for more than a year. Look at the children who stay up late and almost make themselves stupid.

Before you knew it, the fleet began to cross the Indus Ocean.

And at this time, something interesting to Sun Xianyun finally happened, which added some fun to his boring sea voyage.

"Sir, 12 nautical miles to the port side of the fleet, I found an aircraft carrier fleet from Yingjiang approaching! Judging from the course, the other party will appear directly in front of the course of our fleet! The other party sent a message saying that he is performing normal navigation training! Please instruct!"

Listening to the adjutant's report, Sun Xianyun sneered.

Standing on the bridge, with a thought, a carrier-based aircraft on the deck immediately took off.

"Warn those guys, let them change course immediately, and don't hinder our progress."

After giving the order, Sun Xianyun walked aside and made himself a cup of tea, and the old god took a sip on the ground.

With his toes, he knew that the presence of this eagle sauce fleet here could not have been doing any daily training, but he wanted to take a closer look at the new aircraft carrier of the Rabbit family.

By the way, add to them.

Before setting off to perform the mission, the center had anticipated this situation and told Sun Xianyun what to do if he encountered such a thing.

To put it simply - don't be cowardly!

In the case of not provoking the two sides to really start a fight, they must be strong when they should be strong.

Do you really think that Deep Blue Ocean is still dominated by your family?

The essence of Sun Xianyun's evacuation mission this time represents that the rabbit is about to officially begin to show its true strength. Under this premise, it is impossible for Sun Xianyun to be cowardly anyway.

Lexington stood beside him, with his arms folded under his chest, making his arrogance even more attractive.

She shook her head lightly, her long flaxen hair fluttered left and right with this movement, and a pleasant hum came from her red lips.

"Hmm, blah, blah, blah..."

Under her control, the carrier-based plane that took off roared towards the direction of the Eagle Sauce Fleet.

On the other side, the commander of the Eagle Sauce Fleet naturally received the statement from Sun Xianyun.

"The great Eagle Fleet will never back down...even if we don't care, we will drop a few pounds of bombs on the other side."

The high-nosed and deep-eyed commander narrowed his eyes, and there was a bit of cruelty and disdain in his falcon-like eyes.

He admitted that Rabbit's new aircraft carrier is indeed a bit scary, but the embodiment of the aircraft carrier's combat effectiveness is the carrier-based aircraft.

As far as he knew, Rabbit had nothing to suppress their carrier-based aircraft.


That thing seems to be very powerful in other countries, but they are not afraid of Yingjiabao, at best, they are only [-]-[-] with them.

With this premise, coupled with the inertia of thinking developed in the long-term environment of self-importance, the commander did not take Sun Xianyun's warning to heart at all.

"Command the fleet to move forward according to the original plan and stop in front of the rabbit."


"Sir! The observatory saw through the binoculars that the opponent had a carrier-based aircraft taking off...but...but...our radar didn't respond!!"

The sudden report interrupted the commander's thoughts.

He turned to look at his adjutant in astonishment, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

This is impossible!

If you are facing the J20 with the rabbit on land, it’s fine if you can’t see it on your radar. After all, it is the most advanced Bluestar fighter that can wrestle with the F22.

But the problem is that it is an aircraft carrier!That's J15!No reason to escape their radar!

Could it be that the rabbit went crazy and moved the land-based J20 to the aircraft carrier?

This is even more impossible!

The take-off weight of the J20 can't take off and land smoothly on the aircraft carrier at all, just like their F22 can't take off through the aircraft carrier, but can only take off and land at the land airport.

Otherwise, why did they leave the more powerful F22 unused, and instead let the F35C be the carrier-based aircraft?

The commander walked quickly towards the radar monitoring area, and when he was about to inquire about the situation in detail——

boom--! ! ! ! ! !

A huge roar suddenly exploded above everyone's heads.

"Sir! It's Rabbit's carrier plane! It flew over us just now! But...the radar still didn't see it!"


What shit radar!The plane on the other side slapped you in the face and told me everything was normal?

And what did he hear?

Rabbit's carrier plane flew over their heads?

The distance of 12 nautical miles, how long has it been since takeoff, and this has flown over their heads?

What kind of alien technology is this!

"Can you lock it!? Can you lock that damn plane!?"

The blushing commander roared in a voice almost roaring.

However, what answered him was the helpless expressions of the soldiers under him.

"Sorry, sir, our radar can't lock on at all... Ah! No! Sir! The radar has reflected! We saw that plane! Huh!? It's gone again!?"

"Ah! It appeared again!"

"Wait a minute, sir! It's gone again!"

The exasperated commander pushed away the soldiers sitting in front of the radar console, and bent down to stare at the radar screen himself.

Then, he saw on the screen, that damned carrier-based aircraft, appearing and disappearing for a while, as if deliberately teasing him.

And that damned carrier-based plane, which he swore to slam into the tail nozzle of the opponent's engine, every time it appeared, the small dots displayed on the radar were two English letters.

"S...B...? What does SB mean? What does the other side want to express?"

Obviously, in the face of the commander's question, the officers and soldiers of the Eagle Castle Fleet, who did not understand the rabbit-style taunt at all, could only shake their heads neatly.

Yes, neat and tidy, just like a family.

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