Chapter 91 Adjutant: I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to laugh...

Prior to this, although the country equipped Sun Xianyun with the latest carrier-based aircraft, these carrier-based aircraft did not have many other outstanding features except for the excellent power due to the plasma propulsion.

Fortunately, the arrival of the Hornet and a series of Cybertron technologies provided by Sun Xianyun directly allowed the country to make up for other shortcomings.

Especially the stealth one.

In the world of Transformers, Autobots drop from space and land on the earth from time to time, but they didn't let the earth's major satellites and various radars discover this, and it can be seen that the current detection technology of human beings is in the face of cyberspace. It's useless at all when it's a Tanstar.

That is to say, the ark driven by the natural enemy was destroyed at the beginning, causing him to crash directly on the surface of the moon, which was discovered by humans at that time.

With the help of the Hornet, although the country has not yet fully grasped the capabilities in this area, it is still no problem to optimize Sun Xianyun's carrier-based aircraft a little bit.

This is also the reason why the planes sent by Lexington flew over the Eagles' fleet to taunt wantonly and make the opponent's radar blind from beginning to end.

Although the internal situation of this fleet could not be seen through the shared vision of the carrier-based aircraft, Sun Xianyun didn't need to think about it to know that the commander on the opposite side must have been tossed by him at this time.

as predicted--


The voice of his adjutant rang through the communication channel.

The voice sounded rather strange, as if he was suppressing a smile.

"The other side sent another communication, emphasizing that they were only performing normal tasks, and at the same time solemnly protesting our unit's interference behavior, and... besides... they also asked at the end of the message, what does SB mean... Pfft... Sorry sir! I didn't mean to laugh...poof..."

In the bridge of the destroyer where the adjutant was, apart from him laughing, the soldiers in front of each combat post couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, they looked at the Lexington aircraft carrier not far away, and gradually took a bit of admiration.

The behavior of my own official is really... so relieved!

At the same time, Sun Xianyun's voice sounded in the bridge——

"Leave them alone, and you don't need to reply. I'm being magnanimous for not throwing two missiles down to avenge 81192 and Yinhe."

Hearing Sun Xianyun's voice, the smiles on everyone's faces gradually disappeared.

Ying Jiang, but they have a blood feud with them.

After replying to his adjutant, Sun Xianyun put his hands behind his back and ordered the whole ship to speed up.

Although the speed of modern aircraft carriers is not slow, even faster than the destroyers of some small countries, the speed of the country's own 055 guided missile destroyer is extremely impressive.

Various technical indicators, including speed, are at the forefront of the world. Even Yingjiang's so-called new-generation super destroyer Zumwalt can only be tied with 055 in terms of indicators.

Not to mention that the so-called Zumwalt construction plan has been killed countless times by the masters of Yingjiang's own council.

Eagle Sauce: The enemy is on Parliament Hill!

Under such circumstances, the speed of the 055 at full speed naturally surpassed that of the Yingjia aircraft carrier.

As for the Lexington?

Even if 055 is running with all his strength, in her eyes, it is no different from pacing.

The plasma thrusters she was equipped with had never been pushed at full power from the beginning to the end.


"Sir! The opposing fleet is speeding up!"


The commander of the Eagle family stared at Sun Xianyun's actions, and after realizing that Sun Xianyun had indeed started to advance at full speed, he immediately ordered his own fleet to speed up.

However, even if the speed increased, they were stunned to discover an incredible thing.

"How is it possible!? How can the rabbit's carrier run as fast as their destroyer!?"

It's okay to say that it is a backward destroyer built by other countries, but the destroyer opposite is 055. Even if it is in a hostile position, the commander has to praise that it is a very advanced warship.

As a result, now Rabbit's new aircraft carrier can keep pace with 055 in terms of speed! ?

If he ordered the destroyer escorted by him to intercept at full speed, it would naturally be possible to block in front of the Rabbit's fleet, but in that case, the aircraft carrier he was on would not be able to catch up.

How many [-]-ton boats are used to block a [-]-ton monster?


He didn't think he was crazy yet.

"Damn it! Shit!"

The clenched fist slammed heavily on the alloy console. The commander's eyes were red as he watched Sun Xianyun's fleet gradually throw him away.

"It's not without gain, at least I know that the rabbit has anti-lock technology that can deal with our fire control radar, as well as a fairly advanced power system..."

Thinking of what was exposed on the Internet, there was something like a rocket engine nozzle on the rear of the Lexington, the commander could only comfort himself in this way.

They have more or less figured out the way, and the rabbit seems to have installed the plasma thruster that was rumored to be used on the latest stage of the rocket on the aircraft carrier.


Even, the commander still suspects that the fast and life-threatening carrier-based aircraft also uses similar technology.

But he couldn't figure it out—at such a high speed, can the pilot withstand the G-force generated by acceleration?Is the rabbit's pilot superhuman?

"Could it be...a drone?"

Thinking about this, the eagle family commander's falcon-like eyes gradually narrowed.

……Dividing line……

The fleet of Rabbit and Eagle Sauce had a brief confrontation on the Indu Ocean, which was not known to the outside world.

However, the top officials of the two countries received the information immediately.

Seeing the report sent back by Sun Xianyun, the high-level executives of the center beamed with joy.

They are very satisfied with the way Sun Xianyun handled the incident.

Although there is a better way, Sun Xianyun is still young and inexperienced after all, and they are already very satisfied with the current performance in the event of an emergency.

At the same time, Sun Xianyun didn't encounter any bad things after getting rid of the Ying family's malicious fleet that was trying to block him.

After crossing the Indus Ocean and entering the Youyou Bay area, the fleet occasionally encountered some merchant ships, cruise ships, etc. when sailing on the sea.

Even ran into pirates.

However, when the pirates saw the Lexington, they immediately turned around and ran away.

Finally, after another day, Sun Xianyun arrived at the mission location.

Chapter 92 The evacuation of overseas Chinese began, and some people were trapped and couldn't come?

A huge, unprecedented super aircraft carrier is slowly passing through a narrow strait.

As long as you cross this strait, pass through the famous Suyishi Canal, and enter the Mediterranean Sea, you will be able to see Syria.

Since the country sent notices in advance to the countries that need to pass through their territorial waters along the way, Sun Xianyun's progress was not blocked in any way.

No one dared to stop it.

Just looking at the incomparably huge Lexington, the navies of these small countries couldn't help but feel frightened.

Even without the presence of the Lexington, the two 055 guided missile destroyers alone are enough to send all the navies of these small countries to the bottom of the sea.

Now that the time has entered the second decade of the 21st century, Rabbit is low-key, but definitely not weak. He is the only recognized superpower on the planet who can wrestle with the overlord Yingjiang and even make him sleepless. It is known to the leaders of most countries.

If it wasn't for the fact that Eagle Sauce had brought too much psychological shadow to them in the past few decades, plus the fact that the Eagle Family's army was invincible in various Hollywood movies, and the propaganda that even aliens could be killed when they came was too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, And rabbits always appear harmless to humans and animals, which is extremely confusing. Give these guys ten guts and they wouldn't dare to do anything to the rabbits.

People from many small countries passing by along the way stood by the seaside and looked at the Lexington aircraft carrier and the two 055 escorts passing through the narrow strait.

More than 100 years ago, the banded fleet destroyed their ancient life pattern that lasted for thousands of years.

In recent decades, Yingjiang's fleet of destroying the country has swaggered under their noses every day.

And now, another rabbit came...

It seems that there has never been a place for them on this world stage where you sing and I come on stage.

On the majestic Lexington, the bright red flag, which is completely different from the Stars and Stripes, flutters in the wind.

The bloody red flag made many elderly people think of the super empire in the north that once existed, but has now disappeared.

In particular, when the fleet passed through the Suez Canal and entered the Mediterranean Sea, those who saw the Lexington became more and more complicated.

People in the old Europa area will never forget the suffocating pressure that Big Brother brought them back then.

The navies of Italy, Banya, and even France dispatched ships one after another, and at the same time sent a notice to Sun Xianyun in advance, indicating that they were only cruising normally.

Then, their navy watched quietly from a distance, without any excesses.

An elderly captain put down the binoculars in his hand, then looked at the huge monster in the distance through the porthole, and sighed.

There is nothing more intuitively powerful than a warship as large as a mountain, especially those who have robbed the world with their navy in the past.

What economic data, what GDP, what kinds of reports are all false.

Only by putting the battleships that cover the sky and the sun in front of them, and aiming the guns at them, can they hold their noses and admit the facts that they never wanted to admit anyway.

Just looking at it from a distance makes people feel chills down the spine, reminding the old captain of the super empire that once had a torrent of steel that could destroy the entire old Europa in a short time.

"We once teamed up to destroy that country."

The old captain whispered to the adjutant beside him with a heavy tone.

"But now, we have to face an existence that has inherited her legacy and is even more terrifying than her."

"I don't think we will be enemies." The adjutant shook his head, "Sir, she is different from the country she used to be, isn't she? To be honest, I like rabbits a lot."

The old captain gave a low laugh and patted the adjutant on the shoulder.

"You can see clearly, but some people can't see clearly, or don't want to see clearly. It doesn't matter what we think, but what those people in the council with the money from the consortium think about."

Listening to the old captain's words, the adjutant also knew that the opinions of people like himself could not influence the situation much.

He looked at the Lexington in the distance and lowered his eyelids.

"...Who made our council lords all insects?"

……Dividing line……

When the fleet finally arrived at a port in Syria and docked, Sun Xianyun's adjutant immediately contacted their ambassador in Syria.

Because the news was received in advance, the ambassadors here have already started the work of recruiting local overseas Chinese.

Before the fleet arrived here, most of the overseas Chinese had already rushed to the resettlement site, and then they were transported to this port city by unified arrangement, waiting for Sun Xianyun's arrival.

On the pier, the bustling crowd looked at the slowly approaching warship and cheered one after another.

"Long live!"

"Long live the motherland!"

"We can go home!"

The red flag under the scorching sun and the cold gray painting of the giant steel ship brought them an unprecedented sense of security.

Many people even cried when their local friends died in the skirmish just before the war broke out.

Only those who leave the peaceful and peaceful country, come to these war-torn places, and see with their own eyes how the people here are struggling on the line of life and death, can truly appreciate how happy it is to have a peaceful hometown. things.

Under the arrangement of the adjutant, the destroyer he was on began to receive these compatriots in an orderly manner.

Everyone's identity has been verified under the work of the local ambassador to ensure that no outsiders with ulterior motives will get in.

A little girl who was hugged by her mother, boarded the deck of the ship with her mother, and said to the soldiers beside her: "Uncle soldier, can I go and play on that big ship? "

The innocent and lovely face of the little girl made the soldier in charge of maintaining order laugh.

He gently pinched the little girl's face, then looked back at the majestic Lexington under the sun, then shook his head.

"Sorry kid, you can't go up that big boat."

"Oh, I know!"

Unexpectedly, the soldier who originally thought that the little girl would be emotional saw the little girl, although she inevitably showed a disappointed expression, but she didn't appear to be crying, and he liked her more and more in his heart.

What a sensible boy.

At the same time, Sun Xianyun and Lexington met the local ambassador at a secret location on the pier.

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