Sun Xianyun can only say that the special effects are great!

As for the plot, there are also so many bugs that people can't bear to look directly at it, and Baby's acting skills in it are really eye-catching.

In addition, the placement advertisements of a certain penguin and a certain cow are too blunt.

After roughly recalling the plot, Sun Xianyun looked at the mission rewards this time.

"Psychic awakening... Is this a plan for me to take psionic ascension and go to the virtual world to draw a lottery? What if I draw Yuanshen? Wait for the country to explode in 50 years?"

Among the stars (Stellaris), civilization can take three paths: [Mechanical Ascension], [Genetic Ascension] and [Spiritual Ascension]. Make a transaction with the other party, and get a certain aspect of BUFF blessing by paying a certain price.

And if you sign a contract with Yuanshen, you will get a super BUFF that lasts for 50 years, but the price is that Yuanshen will come 50 years later, and the civilization will explode in place - of course, if you can be strong enough to hold Yuanshen in Rubbing on the ground, I didn't say anything.

"No, no, with the current situation, I don't know what it will be like in 50 years. Even if Yuanshen really comes... Heh, how many masters does it have?"

"Let's not talk about Yuanshen at that time, but the three major natural disasters and the Fallen Empire's Battle of Heaven will all come together. It's probably just a sentence of 'they will all be defeated at our feet'."

After watching the rewards related to spiritual ascension, Sun Xianyun looked at the second reward.

"Light speed compensation communication technology...? This thing is... Eh!? Eh!? Is it so powerful?"

After carefully checking the system's introduction about rewards, Sun Xianyun found that this thing is simply a magic weapon.

Especially for an interstellar civilization whose territory is calculated in units of light years.

This technology allows humans to achieve super-light speed communication, regardless of distance, and can communicate in real time even if the distance is a few light years, a dozen light years, or even tens of light years!

All the means of communication currently used by human beings are limited to the threshold of the speed of light. If a space vehicle is launched to Mars, that thing wants to communicate with the earth once, as short as 5 minutes and as long as 43 minutes!

The long distance instantly brought modern civilization back to the primitive era in terms of communication.

And if the country expands to a far enough distance in the future, a space station is established in the orbit of Pluto, or even colonization begins in another galaxy, communication with the local area will become a huge problem.

Who can bear the fact that it will take several years for a message to be sent back? It’s better to let people take orders to fly the spaceship back and forth...

Obviously, this technology is completely prepared for countries that are about to become interstellar civilizations.

The sentence "guiding the development of civilization" that the system said when it was bound for the first time was really not empty talk.

"So, in the end is the third reward... Inertial anchor? What do you mean?"

Sun Xianyun, who was at a loss, could only look at the systematic explanation.

After a while—

"This thing can actually make the vehicle eliminate the influence of inertia when accelerating? Doesn't this mean that with this thing, people will be fine even if they sit on a hypersonic missile? There is no G value exceeding The saying that the body can bear the limit, because the G value is gone!?"

Sun Xianyun laughed out loud on the spot.

Are plasma thrusters powerful?It is undoubtedly powerful. It can accelerate the vehicle to one thousandth of the speed of light in a short period of time. If it continues to accelerate, the speed can be increased again. This is definitely an artifact for sub-light speed navigation in the galaxy.

But the problem is that such a powerful acceleration is absolutely unbearable to the human body. The acceleration the human body can withstand is too low, otherwise the current superpowers can completely improve the performance of their most advanced fighters— —Isn’t it just that if the performance is higher, the pilot will not be able to bear the lunch when the plane flies too fast?

Now, with this inertial stabilizer, everything is no problem!

No matter how high the acceleration of the vehicle is, the people sitting in it will not feel the slightest, just like standing on the ground!

Chapter 116 The Big Brothers Are Arguing Over the Space Force

PS: In the movie, the mysterious alien race that has been fighting against the Reapers came to support the humans on Earth. The mechanical sphere carried a lot of super advanced technology, so the protagonist will definitely try to bring these technologies back, but once such a large amount of advanced technology suddenly Appearance will disrupt my outline arrangement. For the sake of the plot, here is a modification of the movie content. The mysterious alien planet does not carry technology. The purpose of coming to Earth is just to save the people on Earth before the Reapers and take away part of the Earth. Human beings are the fire of civilization, so hey!

...the text below...

After receiving Sun Xianyun's report in the morning, Mr. Yang put down his affairs in the afternoon and called everyone to hold a special meeting.

Because Bumblebee also participated in this meeting, the meeting was not held indoors, but in the base on the outskirts of the capital.

As the two movies played on the big screen before and after Independence Day ended, Mr. Yang clapped his hands.

"Hehehe... It seems that our little comrade has a very difficult task this time. The enemy seems to be very powerful?"

In the movie, the strength shown by the alien Reapers is too scary. After their mothership landed on the earth, it actually directly covered the entire Pacific Ocean!

The people in the military didn't have much reaction when they looked at the overwhelming alien warships and the various fighters that humans developed after 20 years of reverse alien technology. After all, with the technology brought back by Sun Xianyun, they The performance of the latest fighter jets designed now is even better than that shown by the human side in the movie.

But there is one thing that is enticing.

"Energy Shield!"

Said the admiral aloud.

"That shield is simply too cheating in the war!"

"It's okay..." This time it was the commander of the Air Force who spoke, "From the appearance of the movie, traditional weapons are useless with shields, even if a cold nuclear fusion bomb explodes once, it may take a few more times, but The energy weapon seems to be able to quickly break the shield as long as it exerts enough force—the shield on the queen bee, isn't it being continuously attacked by several fighter planes with laser cannons, and finally broke?"

Having said that, everyone looked at Bumblebee.

"Comrade Hornet, can your laser weapon technology do this?"

Bumblebee scratched his head, and then said: "No problem, as long as the basic physical parameters over there are the same as ours, then the targeting of various weapons will be the same. Missiles and kinetic energy weapons are highly lethal to armor and structures. Energy weapons Very lethal to shields."

"It can't be analyzed like this..."

A big guy who Sun Xianyun looked familiar but couldn't name was stroking his chin.

"The queen bee in the movie first ate a fusion bomb, and then was shot by the energy cannon of the fighter plane and finally broke the shield. It is hard to say whether the shield breaking is affected by the previous fusion bomb... What if the fusion bomb has already destroyed the shield? Is it the end of the battle? It would be better to say that this is more likely, first the fusion bomb, then all kinds of bombardment, and finally the shield was broken by the fighter plane. It is unrealistic to say that all the previous attacks have no effect."

"All in all, let's make a comprehensive mix. In addition to the new laser cannon, Comrade Sun's weapons are also equipped with our traditional weapons-this time you don't need to save those nuclear warheads, it's okay to throw them all out."

Sun Xianyun also laughed. He carried out a lot of nuclear bombs each time he carried out missions, but he couldn't use them all up. The country that was partial to life kept stuffing new nuclear warheads into its system space.

That is to say, the system space seems to be in some kind of magical time stop state, otherwise the maintenance of so many nuclear warheads is enough to cause headaches.

After roughly discussing a charter, Sun Xianyun told everyone about the reward.

Since the reward has not yet been received, Sun Xianyun can only give a rough idea.

Regarding the matter of psionic ascension, everyone is completely confused, but they can still understand the speed of light compensation communication technology and the inertial anchor.

It was also because he could understand that the Air Force Commander's eyes almost lit up: "According to this, with that inertial anchor, we can lower the standard for recruiting pilots in the future?"

"You can't just make up for it."

Mr. Yang shook his head amusedly.

"We have to keep improving, but when it comes to conscription, it's time to think about the reorganization of the army, the Space Force... what do you think?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Sun Xianyun immediately regained his spirits.

He is the appointed commander of the space force!

"Upgrade from the navy!" The navy commander was the first to speak, "The sea of ​​stars is also the sea! The starship is also a ship! Our navy is simply too suitable!"

As soon as these words came out, the bosses of the Air Force and Army immediately glared at him and gritted their teeth.

"Starships fly, and so does our air force, so shouldn't it be upgraded from us? It's nothing more than flying a little higher and flying a little farther than before, isn't it?"

"That... I want to say... the Army also has Lu Aviation..."

""You go aside!Power armor is not enough for you? ""

The two masters of the sea and the air instantly shared the same hatred, and they turned their heads and blasted the army commander aside.

"What are you doing? What are you guys! Who are we? Who are you? How did you make it look like a capitalist army? Huh? Are you going to keep talking like the neighbor next door and keep talking about red deer?"

After being scolded by Mr. Yang, the people who were arguing instantly quieted down, and Sun Xianyun and Lexington were delighted to see it.

"Regarding this matter, the staff will study it further. The future war situation will definitely be completely different from the present one. Maybe the army will only be divided into the space force and the ground force? Maybe the three of you will merge into one in the future."

"In addition, you all know the three tasks of Comrade Sun Xiao. How to complete the task efficiently and safely, the members of the staff must come up with the charter within three days, and then... let's fight for a month, and then carry out targeted reorganization. Give Comrade Sun Xiao a mention of strength!"

In this way, Mr. Yang made the final decision.

Sun Xianyun also returned home and began to wait patiently for the analysis results of the staff group.

In fact, according to his own thinking, if the first task is not mentioned, the difficulty of the next two tasks should not be too low.

Especially after killing the Reaper Bee Queen—as the villain of the movie, it is destined to be GG in the end, and Sun Xianyun is fine if he doesn't do anything.

Chapter 117 The Real World: This time, it's the turn of humans to act as aliens to watch the natives

PS. In fact, I originally wanted to write "Pacific Rim" or the Godzilla monster universe, but after thinking about it, the mecha is just a good-looking thing. In reality, with that technology, it is possible to create something more practical than the mecha. thing.As for Godzilla, I haven't watched the full series yet, so hold off

As for Guoman, such as Xiongbinglian... I am afraid that I will be banned from Orz

……Dividing line……

"Yes, Mom, I will be very busy for about a month or so. Well, yes, I can't reveal anything, you and Dad have to take care of yourself..."

"Xington? No, no, I won't bully Xington..."

"Ah? Marriage? This...too early, too early...I'm not even old yet!"

"Okay, that's it, goodbye!"

After finishing the phone call with his mother, Sun Xianyun sighed silently.

There is no way to go home for the Chinese New Year this year.

I set out to perform the task in February, and it was already March when I came back, which happened to span the entire New Year holiday.

And during the period before carrying out the mission, not to mention going home, he didn't even go back to the house in the capital, and he lived and boarded in the base.

The modification of carrier-based aircraft weapons, the adaptive training of new equipment, and the suggestion and guidance of the mission by the staff group...

Sun Xianyun, who is busy with various things, keeps his feet on the ground.

Fortunately, I have previous experience. Although I am busy, I am not flustered, especially the transformation and upgrading of equipment. This is not starting from scratch after receiving the task without preparation. The current plan is nothing more than taking out the most suitable one among the various plans, tinkering with it and adopting it directly.

In such a busy time, Sun Xianyun finally ushered in the day of time travel.

In the base, after bidding farewell to everyone, Sun Xianyun and Lexington held hands and disappeared into this world.

at the same time.

Deep in the distant starry sky.

The edge of the Alpha Centauri galaxy.

There also exists a space region similar to the Kuiper belt, where a large number of asteroids gather into an extremely huge ring-shaped belt that surrounds the entire galaxy.

There are three stars in the Alpha Centauri galaxy, of which two stars, Nanmen [-] A and Nanmen [-] B, form a double galaxy, and several planets revolve around this double galaxy.

And in a farther place, there is another star, which is the star closest to the sun-Proxima Centauri.

Proxima Centauri has several planets revolving around it alone. This small galaxy, together with the galaxies formed by the nearby galaxies A and B, is the real Alpha Centauri triple star.

This galaxy is the prototype of the home of the three-body man in the famous "Three-Body Problem".


An asteroid floating in the starry sky suddenly changed its trajectory.

It seems to be drawn by some invisible force, and it is heading in a direction that does not belong to its own track.

And in that direction, where there was nothing before, the light from distant stars began to distort abnormally.

Gradually, the void fluctuated like the surface of water on which stones have been thrown.

In that distorted space, it seemed that one could faintly see starlight that did not belong to this star region.

Then, a huge spaceship slowly appeared from the void.

On the spaceship, there is a five-star livery logo.

When the asteroid being pulled over was about to hit the armor on the surface of the spaceship——

"The risk of an asteroid impact has been detected, the output of the auxiliary thruster is 40%, and the main gun is recharged..."

『Charging is complete, fire. 』

In an instant, a door on the top of the spaceship had already turned its direction, aiming at the asteroid's main cannon and firing a laser.

If someone is nearby, they will find that nothing happened, but a hole suddenly appeared on the asteroid flying towards the spaceship.

Then more voids appeared inexplicably, and the asteroid was cut into pieces in the blink of an eye, and the spaceship itself, under the force of the thrusters, deftly avoided the rubble.

It is absolutely impossible for a laser weapon in reality to emit a beam visible to the naked eye as in the movie—the laser emitted by the laser weapon is obviously invisible to the human naked eye.

Can you see infrared?Can you see ultraviolet light?Can you see gamma rays?

can see?Are you human then? ?

Perhaps the eyes evolved by aliens in a completely different environment can see the beams of laser weapons emitted by humans, but humans themselves are absolutely invisible.

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