After smashing and avoiding the asteroid that almost hit it, there was a dead silence around the spaceship.

Although this is an asteroid belt, in fact the distance between each asteroid is also calculated in kilometers. It is only under a larger-scale astronomical perspective that "asteroids are densely gathered in the asteroid belt." together" illusion.

The same situation will also appear on Saturn's ring in the solar system. It seems that those asteroids, ice cubes, and gravel are extremely dense, and even form a ring when they are gathered together, but in fact, you will only find it when you fly over and take a look. The distance between an asteroid is extremely large.

With human eyesight, standing on an asteroid and looking around may not be able to see even a single other asteroid around it.

『Analysis of autonomous laws...began to execute the scheduled tasks...』

"warn!Non-own electromagnetic signal detected!Analyzing...confirmed to belong to intelligent civilization! 』

『Turn on electromagnetic shielding! 』

"Trying to track the signal... Tracking completed..."

"Analysis of the opponent's technological strength... in the process of horizontal comparison... the comparison is complete! 』

"Judgment... as humble as an ant!Unable to break through the electromagnetic stealth barrier of this ship! 』

"It can be approached, and it can be analyzed nearby!" 』

The next moment, the spacecraft launched by this country slowly turned its direction, and the thrusters were accelerating at full power...

A few days later, a strange-looking space creation appeared within the visual range of the 5.4 spacecraft.

It is clearly a man-made spacecraft, but its appearance does not look like the product of any country on earth.

Judging from its various pipelines exposed in the vacuum and a large number of extremely crude parts, the technological strength of the civilization that launched this probe was not high-at least not when it was launched.

After photographing the probe, the spacecraft flew around it several times, like a cat playing with a ball of wool.

Then, the spacecraft was very "naughty", and stretched out a mechanical arm from behind to recover the probe.

After a while--

On a planet in Proxima Centauri.

"! We have lost contact with the 'Friends One' probe launched 30 years ago!!!!"

Chapter 118 Sun Xianyun: The Poor Monk Comes from the Eastern Tang Dynasty

Neither the country in the real world nor Sun Xianyun, who had already traveled through, knew that the experimental spacecraft that reached the edge of the Proxima Galaxy after a superluminal leap had discovered a real extraterrestrial civilization.

Although the opponent's technological strength is as humble as an ant compared to ours——but that is also civilization.

Before the country masters one of Sun Xianyun’s rewards for this mission, the so-called [Light Speed ​​Compensation Communication Technology], if the news wants to be sent back, it has to wait for the signal to float at the speed of light in a vacuum for several years, or it can only wait for the spaceship to jump Return to Earth.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

At this time, another world.

Sun Xianyun was walking down the street with Lexington hand in hand.

The billboards on both sides of the street and the comments of pedestrians indicate that the two are now in the rabbit's house in this world.

There were also three times before and after crossing. Sun Xianyun found that as long as there are rabbits in the target world, it seems that he will definitely appear in the range of rabbits after arriving here at 19.

『The latest electric drive anti-gravity vehicle 'Xiguang 07A' developed by Biyadi Company is shockingly launched! 』

『The term of Commander Chiang of the Moon Defense Base is coming to an end, and the new commander will still be chosen by our country! 』

"The 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Victory Against Alien Invasion is about to be held! 』

"The global cooperative Pacific Rim orbital defense system has been officially completed, and it will become a solid barrier for human beings to defend the earth!" 』

Looking at the sky above the street, without any support, all kinds of news continuously scrolling on the huge billboard floating in the air, and the anti-gravity cars flying past, Sun Xianyun's eyes were filled with surprise.

The rabbits in this world have amazing!

2016 is developing like 2056!

In the first part of Independence Day, a Reaper mothership that is almost a quarter of the size of the moon arrived near the earth, and then released countless disc-shaped sub-ships that could cover a large city on the earth to invade the ground. Attempt to destroy all important cities of mankind in one go.

Then they were killed by the protagonist of the first film with a computer virus from the last century.

In addition, according to the setting, these guys have been peeping at the civilization of the earth decades in advance, and their bodies full of tentacles...


A loli archbishop once said that aliens have seven deadly sins: voyeurism, slime, parasitism, streaking, crashing, interracial love, and being killed by Eagle Sauce. Peeping is the most powerful original sin. Killing is the most compelling original sin, rooted in the needs of the plot.

The alien reapers on this Independence Day basically accounted for all the other crimes in the seven deadly sins except interracial love!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that these aliens in the setting can’t speak, and rely on spiritual resonance to communicate. Many important characters in the movie have direct spiritual resonance with aliens. This should be regarded as some kind of spiritual fusion Bar?

Hmm... the blending of souls is more exciting than interracial love.

Good guy, this is all seven deadly sins!

If you don't die, who will die?

Thinking of all this, Sun Xianyun shook his head amusedly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth caused many girls who peeked at him to flush with excitement.

Then, according to the plan prepared in advance, try to contact the high-level rabbits in this world first.

Without their help, it would be difficult to complete my first mission.

And - sticking with the rabbits in every world, trying to create a pan-universe rabbit alliance is not a joke!

When the cross-world technology develops one day, and the rabbits from different worlds unite together, let alone the four peddlers in the virtual world, it is estimated that Cthulhu will be crushed when the evil god comes.

……Dividing line……

Just like the rabbits in the Transformers world, the rabbits in this world were shattered after Sun Xianyun contacted them through secret channels.

The leader of the rabbit family here, Mr. Qin, met Sun Xianyun and Lexington who came in after undergoing a heavy security interrogation in his office.

"...So, the two of you are...uh... from another world?"

"Yes, hello, this is the diplomatic certificate of the country I belong to, this is the certificate issued by the human coalition government and the governor's office of the ship mother world, and this is the certificate issued by the government of the rabbit family in the Transformers universe we call it... ..."

Sun Xianyun took out a bunch of documents, just like Tang Sanzang, who was studying Buddhist scriptures in the Western Paradise, took out the certificate of customs clearance from his arms.

All he had to say was, "The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the East, this is a document for customs clearance, let's stamp it".

Looking at the pile of documents on the desk in front of him, although it was extremely unbelievable, the documents involved all kinds of secret information about the government of the rabbit family and could not be faked.

Considering that Sun Xianyun's rabbits in different worlds may be in different timelines, the secret information that can prove the identity in the country's certification documents includes various unknown news from the birth of the first red rabbit to the present.

It is absolutely impossible to be imitated-unless the government is infiltrated into a sieve!

This is even more impossible.

In addition to 090 and Sun Xianyun's special ability of the ship's mother that Sun Xianyun personally demonstrated in front of Mr. Qin, although Mr. Qin felt absurd, he still chose to believe it in the end.

Well... at least it's not invading aliens this time, it's brothers and sisters from another world, right?

Looking at a tablet handed over by Sun Xianyun, Mr. Yang from the country and the supreme governor of the Rabbit family from the Transformers universe recorded a video in advance to say hello to themselves, and please take care of their son/daughter (nephew/niece) request, Mr. Qin has a very strange feeling.

——It was as if a child from a distant relative who had never been in contact but had a very close relationship suddenly came to the door.


After watching all the supporting documents and the video greetings from two of his colleagues from another universe, Mr. Qin let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his temples.

"Two little comrades, thank you for coming from afar. According to you, we will soon face the alien reaper's revenge again, right?"

"Yes, if it's relevant, I have a document here that I can show you."

Sun Xianyun grinned and began to play "Independence Day 2: Comeback" on the tablet for Mr. Qin...

Chapter 119: Does this push the position of the big baby?

At first, when he found out that Sun Xianyun was playing a movie for him, although Mr. Qin frowned slightly, he didn't say much.

He believed that on this occasion, Sun Xianyun and Lexington would not make silly jokes when facing him.

Sure enough, when the movie officially started, Mr. Qin realized that something was wrong.

The world in the movie is clearly the world they are in now. Although the actors in it are not the same as the corresponding characters in reality, they are all quite similar in appearance, and their personality traits and performance in responding to emergencies are the same as those in their memories. There is no difference in the character of the archetype.

After a while, when the movie was over, Mr. Qin exhaled a foul breath, and looked deeply at the two people opposite him, with deep surprise in his eyes.

"Our world, why is it a movie on your side?"

"I don't know about this." Sun Xianyun shook his head, "However, the universe is vast and boundless. Under the premise of [infinity], even the smallest probability of something may happen—no, if it is infinite As a premise, the probability of any unthinkable happening is almost 100%.”

"Now, I completely believe your words."

Mr. Qin closed the tablet, got up and came to Sun Xianyun and Lexington, and formally shook hands with them.

"Comrade Sun Xianyun, Comrade Lexington, thank you very much for coming so far to help us. Next, we will hold a meeting to discuss the important information you provided. At that time, we will invite you to attend the meeting and participate in the discussion together."

Sun Xianyun finally laughed.

He knew that another rabbit from another world was about to join the future rabbit league.

……Dividing line……

"...The above is the important information brought to us by two comrades from different worlds, everyone, please share your views."

Soon after, a highly confidential meeting scene.

After introducing the identities of Sun Xianyun and Lexington to everyone, and at the same time telling you the information they brought, Mr. Qin swept his eyes across the audience and asked slowly.

The high-level executives who were still shocked by a series of important news first looked at each other silently, seeing the surprise in each other's eyes, and then discussed eagerly.

Although it is unbelievable, the various information provided by Sun Xianyun and Lexington corresponded one by one with the various clues they had in reality, so they couldn't help but believe it.

"If this is the case, then this is a major crisis. Judging from the situation in the movie, the arrival of the Reaper mothership on the earth is enough to cover the entire Pacific Ocean. At least a dozen cities along the eastern coast of our country will be completely destroyed, and the local people must be evacuated as soon as possible. "

"Can you try to keep the Reaper mothership out of the ground and prevent them from coming?"

"With the current level of technology, it is simply impossible!"

"Now it seems that killing the Reaper Queen Bee is our only way."

"Is it necessary to follow the development in the movie and use the intelligent sphere sent by the enemy of the Reaper as bait to lure the queen bee out of the nest?"

"This should be the only way. We don't have any powerful enough weapons to destroy that huge mothership. It has completely exceeded the limit of our coping capabilities."

"Do other countries need to be informed about this?"

"Notification is inevitable. As human beings, we are obliged to disclose this news that affects the safety of all mankind, but the identities of Comrade Sun Xianyun and Comrade Lexington must be kept secret. We need to use other excuses to disclose this information."

Watching these people's discussions, Sun Xianyun and Lexington remained silent from beginning to end.

He is very aware of his own strength, so it is no problem for him to go to the front to fight, but participating in this kind of discussion is still somewhat lacking at his level.

Seeing that the first reaction of these people was to conceal the news, Sun Xianyun nodded secretly.

Obviously, when mankind as a whole is facing a crisis from aliens, the degree of unity among the major countries in this world has obviously surpassed their own original world.

Just like the setting in the movie, since the defeat of the alien invasion in 1996, countries around the world have been united as never before. In the past 20 years, there has hardly been any major conflict in this world, even if there is a little friction. Negotiations are being used as much as possible to resolve the issue, and all human beings have worked together to build a planetary-level defense project—the Pacific Orbital Defense System.

The international environment here is much better than the Transformers universe and its own world.

After all, aliens don't care which country you are from. In their eyes, you have only one unified identity-human beings.

"It seems that the joke on the Internet is not unreasonable, 'The only thing that can make the five hooligans stick together is the global nuclear crisis, and the only alien invasion'."

Sun Xianyun thought to himself.

Finally, when the discussion came to an end, Mr. Qin knocked on the table and said:

"...In that case, then we will give Comrade Sun Xianyun and Comrade Lexington an identity, arrange for them to enter the lunar defense base, and at the same time secretly inform Commander Jiang."

"Isn't Commander Jiang's term coming soon? What if... let Comrade Sun Xianyun take over the position of Commander Jiang, and then let Comrade Lexington go to the moon instead of Comrade Jiang En as our member of the International Heritage Flying Squadron? "

Jiang En?

Sun Xianyun was stunned for a moment, then realized that this Jiang En was probably the character played by Baby in the movie.

It seems that she used the English name Ryan in the movie.

"I have no opinion!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Soon, the discussion about this appointment was successfully passed. After that, Mr. Qin said: "Then the next step is the most well-preserved Reaper star in the south of the Sahara Desert so far." You all know about the issue of the starship. It is precisely because the starship sent out distress signals without our knowledge that it attracted the Reaper Queen Bee. Although it is too late to deal with it now, it cannot Leave it alone... Spear"

"Also, what reason are we going to use to make public the news that the Reapers are about to invade..."

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