"Finally, we need to train Comrade Sun Xianyun and Comrade Lexington as soon as possible, so that the two comrades can get familiar with the various situations on our side as soon as possible..."

Chapter 120 Discussion about the Reaper

Neither the country in the real world nor Sun Xianyun, who had already traveled through, knew that the experimental spacecraft that reached the edge of the Proxima Galaxy after a superluminal leap had discovered a real extraterrestrial civilization.

Although the opponent's technological strength is as humble as an ant compared to ours——but that is also civilization.

Before the country masters one of Sun Xianyun’s rewards for this mission, the so-called [Light Speed ​​Compensation Communication Technology], if the news wants to be sent back, it has to wait for the signal to float at the speed of light in a vacuum for several years, or it can only wait for the spaceship to jump Return to Earth.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

At this time, another world.

Sun Xianyun was walking down the street with Lexington hand in hand.

The billboards on both sides of the street and the comments of pedestrians indicate that the two are now in the rabbit's house in this world.

There were also three times before and after crossing. Sun Xianyun found that as long as there are rabbits in the target world, it seems that he will definitely appear in the range of rabbits after arriving here at 19.

『The latest electric drive anti-gravity vehicle 'Xiguang 07A' developed by Biyadi Company is shockingly launched! 』

『The term of Commander Chiang of the Moon Defense Base is coming to an end, and the new commander will still be chosen by our country! 』

"The 20th Anniversary Celebration of the Victory Against Alien Invasion is about to be held! 』

"The global cooperative Pacific Rim orbital defense system has been officially completed, and it will become a solid barrier for human beings to defend the earth!" 』

Looking at the sky above the street, without any support, all kinds of news continuously scrolling on the huge billboard floating in the air, and the anti-gravity cars flying past, Sun Xianyun's eyes were filled with surprise.

The rabbits in this world have developed...so amazing!

2016 is developing like 2056!

In the first part of Independence Day, a Reaper mothership that is almost a quarter of the size of the moon arrived near the earth, and then released countless disc-shaped sub-ships that could cover a large city on the earth to invade the ground. Attempt to destroy all important cities of mankind in one go.

Then they were killed by the protagonist of the first film with a computer virus from the last century.

In addition, according to the setting, these guys have been peeping at the civilization of the earth decades in advance, and their bodies full of tentacles...


A loli archbishop once said that aliens have seven deadly sins: voyeurism, slime, parasitism, streaking, crashing, interracial love, and being killed by Eagle Sauce. Peeping is the most powerful original sin. Killing is the most compelling original sin, rooted in the needs of the plot.

The alien reapers on this Independence Day basically accounted for all the other crimes in the seven deadly sins except interracial love!

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that these aliens in the setting can’t speak, and rely on spiritual resonance to communicate. Many important characters in the movie have direct spiritual resonance with aliens. This should be regarded as some kind of spiritual fusion Bar?

Hmm... the blending of souls is more exciting than interracial love.

Good guy, this is all seven deadly sins!

If you don't die, who will die?

Thinking of all this, Sun Xianyun shook his head amusedly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth caused many girls who peeked at him to flush with excitement.

Then, according to the plan prepared in advance, try to contact the high-level rabbits in this world first.

Without their help, it would be difficult to complete my first mission.

And - sticking with the rabbits in every world, trying to create a pan-universe rabbit alliance is not a joke!

When the cross-world technology develops one day, and the rabbits from different worlds unite together, let alone the four peddlers in the virtual world, it is estimated that Cthulhu will be crushed when the evil god comes.

……Dividing line……

Just like the rabbits in the Transformers world, the rabbits in this world were shattered after Sun Xianyun contacted them through secret channels.

The leader of the rabbit family here, Mr. Qin, met Sun Xianyun and Lexington who came in after undergoing a heavy security interrogation in his office.

"...So, the two of you are...uh... from another world?"

"Yes, hello, this is the diplomatic certificate of the country I belong to, this is the certificate issued by the human coalition government and the governor's office of the ship mother world, and this is the certificate issued by the government of the rabbit family in the Transformers universe we call it... ..."

Sun Xianyun took out a bunch of documents, just like Tang Sanzang, who was studying Buddhist scriptures in the Western Paradise, took out the certificate of customs clearance from his arms.

All he had to say was, "The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the East, this is a document for customs clearance, let's stamp it".

Looking at the pile of documents on the desk in front of him, although it was extremely unbelievable, the documents involved all kinds of secret information about the government of the rabbit family and could not be faked.

Considering that Sun Xianyun's rabbits in different worlds may be in different timelines, the secret information that can prove the identity in the country's certification documents includes various unknown news from the birth of the first red rabbit to the present.

It is absolutely impossible to be imitated-unless the government is infiltrated into a sieve!

This is even more impossible.

In addition to 090 and Sun Xianyun's special ability of the ship's mother that Sun Xianyun personally demonstrated in front of Mr. Qin, although Mr. Qin felt absurd, he still chose to believe it in the end.

Well... at least it's not invading aliens this time, it's brothers and sisters from another world, right?

Looking at a tablet handed over by Sun Xianyun, Mr. Yang from the country and the supreme governor of the Rabbit family from the Transformers universe recorded a video in advance to say hello to themselves, and please take care of their son/daughter (nephew/niece) request, Mr. Qin has a very strange feeling.

——It was as if a child from a distant relative who had never been in contact but had a very close relationship suddenly came to the door.


After watching all the supporting documents and the video greetings from two of his colleagues from another universe, Mr. Qin let out a sigh of relief and rubbed his temples.

"Two little comrades, thank you for coming from afar. According to you, we will soon face the alien reaper's revenge again, right?"

"Yes, if it's relevant, I have a document here that I can show you."

Sun Xianyun grinned and began to play "Independence Day 2: Comeback" on the tablet for Mr. Qin...

Chapter 121 Hello, Can You Perform a Stare?

The Reaper is an extremely advanced civilization in the universe of this world.

Their population thinking is Gestalt thinking, which is very different from human beings, or bee colony thinking, which is analogous to Zerg. The huge queen bee leads a large number of bee colonies to invade one planet after another.

However, unlike a female agent who can loudly declare "I am the swarm", the Reaper does not have more than one [Queen Bee], and the exact number is unknown. At present, it seems that the ranks of Queen Bees should be equal, after all After a queen bee is killed, the bee colony under its command will be recalled by other queen bees. It is unknown whether there are higher-ranking individuals above the queen bee.

Like locusts, they rely on a huge moon-like mothership to continuously invade living planets, plunder the planet's core energy, and drain all the planet's resources to develop themselves. When a planet's resources are exhausted, they will go to Find your next target.

compared to humans—

Their technology is like a god.

Their economies are like gods.

19 Their fleets are like gods.

Their strategic thinking... is as humble as an ant.

Anyway, Sun Xianyun couldn't figure it out. Since the other party can develop itself by extracting the nuclear energy of the earth, why do they have to pick a planet with life?

There are so many unowned and barren planets in the universe, even if not every planet’s core is still functioning normally—just like Mars, its core has actually cooled down, so Mars cannot have a magnetic field and cannot lock its own atmosphere ——You can always find a lot of suitable targets, right?

After thinking about it, it can only be attributed to the racial thinking of these guys.

-their attitude towards other alien races is extremely bad: let's end this charade!Dirty and disgusting alien offal!

It's just that it is obviously not advisable to make enemies on all sides like this, and the Hanhan Reaper is rampaging in the universe like an iron-headed baby.

It just needs to be able to turn on the console at a critical moment and enter the cheat code to become the real Awakening Li the fourth natural disaster, but it can't.

Then it had a tragedy, and got into trouble with a guy who was even tougher than it was.

The name of the specific civilization is unknown, but it is known to be a fairly advanced civilization, which gave up the form of existence in the biological sense more than 1000 years ago, and the whole family has transformed into a virtual spiritual existence.

After the Reapers destroyed their own planet and civilization, this civilization has been fighting the Reapers until now, and has been saving the survivors of other civilizations destroyed by the Reapers, bringing them to a hidden place and teaching them advanced Technology resists the Reapers - which is why the Reapers are so wary of the intelligent spheres sent to Earth by this civilization and even want to get the spheres at all costs.

The purpose is to trace back to the hiding place of the civilization through this wisdom sphere.

The two sides have been fighting for thousands of years, not to mention being in love with each other, at least they are not in common, and they can't wait to dig up each other's ancestral graves—if they have such a thing.

Speaking of which, Sun Xianyun feels pain again - such an advanced alien intelligent sphere doesn't even have a self-destruct system. After being activated, it sends out a signal on the spot and is tracked by the reaper. In the end, it asks humans to snatch it before it is harvested. Destroy it before you find it...

Then the Queen Bee of the Reaper, who noticed the existence of the wisdom sphere, was like meeting Boss Cao and his wife, Taishi Dong saw Xiao Diaochan, and Little John Khan ran into Xinyuan... Ah no, Hoshino's IQ went offline directly like [beep]yi , I personally went out on horseback to snatch it.

Can't you send out your own bee colony to wash the ground first?

"But it's okay, the opponent is such a naive human being that it is possible to win. If the opponent becomes confused, it will be a big trouble-even if I try my best, I can't help."

Sun Xianyun thought this way, and it turns out that the core of the seven deadly sins of aliens is "killed by Ying Jiang".

But this time, it should be the rabbit who killed the aliens.

Then, walking with Lexington in the military base, he bumped into someone.

a woman.

"Is it you who suddenly took my place and joined the International Heritage Flying Squadron?"

The woman stared at Sun Xianyun with her big eyes... Lexington next to her.

There was deep dissatisfaction in the other party's eyes.


After finally defeating all the competitors, I was full of joy thinking that I could join the International Inheritance Flying Squadron, and went to the moon defense base to meet Uncle Jiang, but was suddenly overwhelmed by "Sun Xingdun" who appeared out of nowhere.

Miss Ryan couldn't figure out who this Sun Xington was. She didn't know any outstanding pilots.

Staring at Sun Xington suspiciously, a flash of surprise flashed in Ryan's eyes.

I have to say that this guy who appeared out of nowhere is too beautiful. Although he is white, his facial features perfectly fit the oriental aesthetics, like a classical beauty with snow skin and flowers, especially the hair on his body The gentle temperament of being a wife hit Rui En, who was still a little girl, to the ground.

Lexington also looked at Ryan in front of him.

The appearance is quite similar to the big baby in the original world - unfortunately, this appearance can't touch Sun Xianyun at all.

So he's not interested.

Oh no, I'm still a little interested, but the direction of interest is a bit crooked——

Caressing his chin, Sun Xianyun suddenly said: "Captain Ryan, can you act that? It's... um... cutout? Or, read numbers?"

Ryan: "...Huh????"

Ryan's eyes widened.

"Oh, yes, yes, yes! It's the stare! It smells like that!"

Although it's a pity that I didn't see the cutout performance, this iconic stare is too visual.

Sun Xianyun almost clapped his hands and exclaimed "wonderful".

"General Sun!"

Ryan took a deep breath and suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart. After all, the other party was a general, and he was just a captain, so he couldn't afford to provoke him.

And this guy is going to take over the position of Uncle Jiang's commander soon...

Really, where did this pair of guys come from?

After holding back his breath, Ryan said to Lexington: "Hello! Captain Lexington! I want you to propose a flight challenge!"

Although her place was topped, she didn't think she would lose to Lexington in flying skills, and she wanted to prove herself.

Chapter 122 Dude, Don't Think About It, Miss Sun and Our New Commander Are a Couple

Competition is naturally impossible.

This is not a place where discipline is lax, this is the army.

It is impossible for the strict military discipline to allow pilots to fly fighter planes into the sky privately without a mission, just to play a so-called "flying skills competition" just out of anger.

Therefore, Miss Ryan's idea of ​​proving that she was better than Lexington and more suitable for joining the squadron was doomed from the beginning.

When she left angrily, the little girl couldn't help turning her head and glaring at Lexington again.

Sun Xianyun next to him felt a burst of joy again—ah, I saw that iconic stare again.

This taste is too strong!

Although Rui En is good, the prototype of this little girl is that big baby, so don't poke Sun Xianyun's point at all-after all, Sun Xianyun has never met Bi's wife so far... Ah no, it's Bi" She" herself wants a pretty girl, but he is happy.

Pleasure is the best food for the mind.

The next day.

The rabbit here has issued an announcement, announcing that Sun Xianyun will take over the position of Commander Jiang as the Commander of the Moon Defense Base of the United Human Defense Front, and at the same time will send "Captain Sun Xington" to join the international flight jointly organized by the multinationals. squadron.

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