After all, that's pretty ridiculous, isn't it?

The sound of the kitchen utensils working echoed in my ears, and the evening news on the TV said different things, but Nangong basically didn't hear it.

For him, the boys and girls are busy in the kitchen, and the old man is resting, but he is too shameless to sit here as a young man.

"I'm going to the kitchen."

After saying these words, Nangong got up and walked towards the kitchen.

But looking at his back, the old man showed a look of watching a show instead.

What can a cosmic being do in the kitchen?

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Nangong's speech attracted the attention of the three of them. They blinked. At this time, it was Wu who spoke first.

"Then can you do this?"

With her sensitive movements, the chopped green onion as an auxiliary material was cut flat in just two seconds.


Silence, what a skilled movement that is, it is simply an incredible skill in the eyes of laymen.


Noticing the hesitation, Wu smiled happily.

'dance!Pay attention to your tone of voice! '

Who do you think is standing in front of you!

Liang complained fiercely in his heart, and at this moment, Nangong moved his eyes subconsciously, and the Huaishan in Ye's hand was extremely flat, leaving the edible part in it precisely.

The actions of the two younger sisters have no flaws, even if there are flaws, he, as a layman, cannot find them.

In the end, the elder brother clearly distracted his attention by complaining in his heart, but he still handled the ingredients accurately without any disorder.

"That's the thing, just go and watch TV with grandpa obediently."

With a quick blink of her right eye, Wu smiled and drove the guests who wanted to do something out of the kitchen.

Going there with restlessness, and walking back with restlessness, Nangong suddenly felt that he was a useless person who could spoil instant noodles because he didn't have a timer.

"came back?"

There was ridicule in the old man's tone.


You can only nod your head, what else can you do?


God who doesn't even know how to cook, who is shocked by others' proficiency, is this the god?

Nangong laughed at himself in his heart, what can he do?

At most, he will try his best to cut things. The question is, where can he get so many things to cut?

"Actually, I used to be there in the kitchen."

The old man said confidently, and he stroked his white beard.

"It's just that before I knew it, the child who could only be called grandpa and grandpa grew up in an instant, and he was able to do better than me, which made people have to sigh."

Although it is gratifying, there is also a wonderful sense of bitterness.

Children from poor families are already in charge of the family, but which parents want their children to be from poor families?

"Let's not talk about that, let's have a cup of tea before dinner."

The tea that had been prepared earlier was poured into the cups, and the two cups were moved to different positions on the table.

At this moment, Nangong suddenly remembered something.

'I remember drinking tea is also particular...'

How would you like to drink it?

Can't remember at all.

Subconsciously concentrating, the old man's movements slowed down.


No, people didn't even touch the teacup, what to watch.

The speed in the line of sight became normal again, imitating the opponent's movements, Nangong also picked up the teacup.

However, his idea came to nothing, the old man just blew it and drank it.

What tea ceremony, what etiquette, is it necessary to do such a troublesome thing?

So Nangong felt a little relaxed, and his lips touched the cup of tea with a little color.

'This is... bitter. '

The expression became a little strange, and the only thing he could remember was tea as a 'drink'.

There is absolutely no understanding of the tea brewed from tea leaves.

"It seems that I haven't reached the age to appreciate the taste of tea."

The old man smiled and looked at Nangong on the other side.

"No, it's quite delicious."

Although in fact, Nangong thinks it's even better to be cool and open.

Unexpectedly, something that I haven't drunk for a long time actually tastes like this.

"The expression betrayed you."

After saying this, there was the sound of fire.

You can rest for a while before the bone Huaishan soup is finished.

After untiing their aprons, the three brothers and sisters also came into the living room.

"Let me introduce myself again. My name is Mai Nishinomiya, and I am my sister."

Even if she came out a few seconds earlier, she was still a sister!

"Nishimiyaha, hello."

Unlike her older sister who seems to be very lively, my younger sister is very quiet.

"Ryo Nishinomiya... But you should already know."

The elder brother also took advantage of the opportunity to say his name. This redecorated living room has warm colors and can even accommodate so many people.

cool, dance, leaf.

Watching them introduce themselves like this, I can't help thinking about the past.

The old man's eyes are a little dazed, and his daughter-in-law's name is 'Feng'

Cool wind dancing leaves, son is such an idea.

Unaware of the thoughts in his heart, the first thing Wu should do is to thank him.

"Thank you so much, Nangong."

The mother and the child rushed up subconsciously, because they didn't want the child to lose his mother.

"you are welcome."

For Nangong, it was just a matter of lifting his hands, and even standing still could stop the truck directly.

"What are you talking about?"

Liang frowned, why did it seem that his two younger sisters had seen each other?

"How could I possibly tell you, Ha! Ha! Ha!"

The three laughs covered up the dangerous things he had done.

"...Xiaoye, what did your sister do?"

"The rescuer who almost put himself in it actually became the rescued person. Thanks to Mr. Nangong's help, nothing happened."

He answered without even thinking.


You betrayed too fast!

Shrugging, Ye didn't really care, but the matter was over.

When the elder brother looked over, Wu's body trembled.

"The body moves on its own, uncontrollable."

She defended herself a little aggrieved, who could explain such a subconscious thing clearly.

"If you use your brain a little more, you won't become like this."

Ye complained about her twin sister, who used her brains only when she was studying, but spent most of her time emptying herself.

For example, puzzle games rely on brute force, trying them all to find the correct answer.

"Who said that, I'm using my brain right now!"

Refuting her sister's words, Wu was using her brain to think about what to say next.

"Can you stop using your brain at a time like this?"

Liang complained, this person shouldn't be moving at all, and he's just thinking about things at this moment.

They interacted and got along as usual. Seeing such brothers and sisters, Nangong also felt relieved.

The so-called brothers and sisters probably support each other like this.

Just like the store manager.

For a moment, I was in a trance, and the days of working in the coffee shop felt far away.

Come to think of it, it was also...

'Twice, have I been picked up twice? '

It's all after becoming Ultraman.


After being helped, you should give something in return. Can working there be considered a return?

Thinking about this matter, Nangong felt that it should not be counted.

"What are you thinking about?"

Called by the voice, he found his mind wandering.

Mai stared at him with curious eyes.

"I was thinking that you are really amazing. I was stunned in the kitchen just now."

It's not to change the subject, Nangong really thinks so.

Recalling the past, it seems that as a person, he even struggled to take care of himself. Now that he doesn't have to take care of himself, he will be even more desolate.

"Great, right?"

Wu said leisurely.


Thinking that the other party wanted to show off, Nangong nodded.

"My brother taught me."

His gaze shifted, and Ryo, who was stared at at once, quickly shook his head.

"Grandpa taught."

So, the old man laughed out loud.

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