"Practice makes perfect, no matter what, it's the result of your hard work."

If you don't do it seriously, how can you get such a skill.

The number of times, time, and slowly will become proficient.

"It's amazing."

Nangong sighed, a little ashamed to be praised, Liang quickly changed the subject.

"Don't just talk about us, what about you? What are you good at?"


Yeah, what am I good at?

Am I good at... good at fighting?

What am I good at?

Recalling his past, it seems that he did not do anything seriously.

If you really want to talk about what you were really good at back then...

"I... fell asleep quickly?"

Because if you don't sleep fast, you can't take the time to rest.

Hearing this, Ye thought for a while.

"Strictly speaking, this should be a matter of personal physique."

If sleeping is considered a specialty, then almost most of the world is good at sleeping.

"Then... play the harmonica?"


"I learned it when I was very young."

In other words, it was compulsory in the school's music class. I was impressed because I was later called 'soil'

Young people prefer rock and roll when it comes to expressing themselves, at least in this day and age.

And because it takes a lot of time to learn a musical instrument, Nangong only remembers a few tunes he learned when he was a child.

"Speaking of the harmonica..."

Wu ran away and ran back again, holding a silver harmonica in her hand.

"Clang! What is this!"

The excellent line of sight allows Nangong to clearly determine its type.

"Diatonic harmonica."

Why is there such a thing?

"A year ago, the music teacher at the school forced us to buy this thing because he wanted to secretly teach lessons outside the school."

Wu quickly gave an explanation.

"Then he was reported."

Ye's supplement is very satisfying.

"In the end, this thing has been placed in my room as a decoration."

Along with the action, that harmonica gleaming in the living room lights really does have seat-decorating conditions.

"Blow a song?"

Sensing the expectant eyes, Nangong wanted to decline, but he was not sure how much he actually remembered.


Still took it over.

"Maybe I didn't blow it very well, don't laugh at me."

At that time, I was still very young, no matter what I did, I was full of energy and took it seriously.

Lips touched, first confirmed some timbres and sound holes.

After confirming several syllables again, is there any music recently?Did you hear any music?

The Christmas carols were played naturally. Of course, there are certain differences. After all, the instruments are different, and it is not an ensemble.

The sound of the harmonica echoed in the living room. It wasn't such a great music, but Nangong could feel his mood calm down.

The shining star hung in the sky, in this house, it was time to eat before we knew it.

The youth who were guests had to admit that it was delicious.

Everything is delicious, be it soup or vegetables or meat or rice.

Even the rice tastes sweet.

Is it because it has been too long since I have done such a thing?

Eating makes you feel good.

In the movement of the clock, no one was able to say goodbye and leave.

'It's getting late, let's stay another night. '

In the midst of unexpected accidents, Nangong agreed.

"Want to play a game?"

"Do your homework."

The elder brother's majesty was vividly displayed, and he stuck out his tongue eagerly, and ran back to his room in a hurry.

Anyway, the three brothers and sisters are all students, and there are things students should do.


Very ordinary, is such a very ordinary day.

Nangong looked down at the harmonica that was said to be 'given to you', and then looked at the courtyard, where there were still a few leaves on the bare branches.

Is there any other music that will be played?

"twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

Only some not difficult, well-known songs.

After all, I haven't really studied it.

Sitting on the sofa, Nangong closed his eyes and played music.

If you don't do anything, your mind will go astray, so do something.

Chapter 77

"I stayed here before I knew it..."

Lying on the bed on the second floor, Nangong was playing with the silver harmonica with his right hand. It was late at night, and the three brothers and sisters of the Nishinomiya family had to go to school tomorrow.

In fact, Japanese students should have been on spring break by this time.

Yes, students in Japan have three holidays, spring, cold, and summer. However, this year's frequent monster disasters and the appearance of invaders have forced students to suspend classes for a long time.

How comfortable I was when I rested back then, how much debt I have to pay now.

On New Year's Eve on December 12, the holiday starts from that day, and the New Year's holiday begins.

'Speaking of which, why would I want this? '

Probably because... it has a more human atmosphere.

Before I knew it, I forgot the fact that I was also a living creature, and used myself as a tool.

However, it's a pity that I don't have a heart of steel, and I was piled up by different things, and the result was this embarrassing appearance.

Gently placing the harmonica on the side of the pillow, Nangong turned over.

'What are we going to do in the future? '

First of all, first of all... I don't have an accurate answer in my mind, what should he do now?

The power in the body is like dynamite, the dynamite is still ignited, the fuse is exposed, but I don't have scissors.

After thinking about it, I couldn't find any good solution. Before I knew it, my eyelids became heavy.

Not long after, Nangong fell into a deep sleep.

The whole process took less than half a minute, as if trying to relieve all the exhaustion of the month.

Under the circumstances that he couldn't understand, the giants in his body were fighting. One side seemed to have no restrictions, attacking crazily, while the other side acted on the defensive. Compared with the opponent who was completely immersed in destruction, he was calmer. That's the advantage.

Still fighting on the surface of the water reflecting the sky, ripples rippled from where the two were.

after this......

The morning has come, just like a young man who hasn't had a long vacation for a long time. When Nangong woke up, he found that it was three o'clock in the morning, and it was already close to noon.

Shaking his head, he sat up from the bed, changed his clothes and walked out of the room.

"Oh, Nangong."

Just when I went downstairs, I found that the old man was the only one in the house, and he was slowly cleaning the ground with a broom.

The time is December 12th, only two days away from the new year, and it is indeed time to start cleaning, the traditional way of getting rid of the old and welcoming the new.

"As you can see, I'm cleaning right now."

Here is a question, what would you do when you see an elderly person who takes good care of you cleaning alone?

Without even thinking about it, Nangong stepped forward quickly.

"I'll help you."

"It's a great help. To be honest, this home is too big for my old bones."

While thanking, the old man was happy for the success of the plan in his heart.

For their family, Nangong Lan is unbelievably connected with them. If they see a benevolent person get hurt, return homeless and do nothing, the Nishinomiya family will not be the Nishinomiya family.

This cosmic person is actually surprisingly simple, it seems that he can't see others' discomfort, and he won't reject others' kindness.

The old man has always wanted to say that if the poker face doesn't cooperate with the corresponding actions, it's just a facial paralysis without any disguise.

"Nangong, do you know the secret to cleaning?"

Looking at Nangong who was already holding a broom and preparing to act, the old man spoke.

This sentence attracted the other party's attention.

"The secret?"

what is that?

"To put it simply, if you want to do a big cleaning, you should start from the top to the bottom, and then from the inside to the outside. In practice, you should start cleaning from the second floor, and sweep from the inside of the house to the door."

After thinking for half a second, Nangong understood.

If you clean up the dirty things in the lower places first, the lower places will become dirty again when you clean up the higher places, which will get twice the result with half the effort.

From the inside to the outside is to sweep the floor and go out, no one will sweep the dirty things at home, right?

"I see."

His eyes widened slightly. As a person who has to rely on supermarkets or restaurants for three meals a day, he is definitely not a good man who can do all the housework.

After learning new knowledge and noticing his expression, the old man also nodded.

"Then let's start cleaning, buckets and rags first."

"it is good."

Nangong obediently followed the other party, first went to the kitchen to get a rag, which was actually a used towel at home, very frugal, and then went to the toilet to get water with a small bucket.

'I couldn't do anything yesterday. '

In the kitchen, I knew nothing but sighed, had an unimaginably delicious dinner, and got a harmonica.

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