'Let me pay back today. '

Thinking this way, the motivation has also become very abundant.

But no matter what, pay attention.

Otherwise, you may break something if you are not careful.

During the cleaning afterwards, Nangong noticed that the house was actually quite big.

There are three rooms on the second floor, and the first floor also has a living room, kitchen, and dining table. After all, there were two other people living here a long time ago.

There was a slight pause in the movement, and at this moment, I remembered what happened yesterday.

The proficiency of the three brothers and sisters in the kitchen is not because they have such an interest, but simply because they have to master the skills in such an environment.

First, he wanted to share the coolness of grandpa, and then Wuheye wanted to share the coolness.

Share and help each other and live together.

This is family.

No, not just family members, but humanity as a whole.

It is precisely because of the knowledge that one cannot survive alone that tribes develop, and everyone works together to fight for survival.

The country, and even the TPC that now unifies the whole earth and breaks the walls that separate countries from each other.

The human species has developed to where it is today only by working together as a whole.

'It's amazing. '

Thousands of years from the past to the present.

Nangong put the black-stained rag into the bucket to wash it, and then brought his attention back.

In the Nishinomiya family, in just one day, he already has a good impression of everyone in this family. Everyone seems to have overcome the sorrow of the past, and now they are living well.

However, the present is the present, the past is the past, the past is the present, and the past will not disappear.

How many identical and similar tragedies are repeated in this world?

'It's tiny. '

There was a little sadness in Nangong's eyes.

Even Ultraman, there is no way to prevent such a tragedy from happening.

Power doesn't mean everything, an existence that can even shatter planets cannot transcend time and change everything.

What happened is irreversible, let's think again, why do you want to become stronger?

He was clearly cleaning a rag in his hand, but his expression was gloomy.

"That's right, that's right, it's a rare opportunity, do you want to celebrate the New Year with us?"

The old man watching from the side spoke out, contemplation is contemplation, gloomy is gloomy, the former is thinking, and the latter will turn himself into a corner if he is not careful.

The young man staying at home is a confused person, which was clearly seen yesterday.

It's the same as Ada back then, so that's why I feel like I can't let it go.

"No, my words are..."

"Don't rush to refuse, that girl Wu seems to like you quite a bit, isn't it okay for the man to be ten years older than the woman?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Obviously there is no trachea, but coughing like crazy, this body seems to simulate different reactions based on thoughts.

Like having a sense of taste when eating, a similar thing happens when you are frightened.

Never expecting the old man to speak so shockingly, Nangong had to admit that he was frightened.

The former sentence is just a little wrong, and the latter sentence is completely a question statement.

Are you planning to sell your granddaughter?

Noticing the weird look in his eyes, the old man smiled so hard that people couldn't tell whether the other party was joking or what.

The original words were interrupted, and Nangong could only start cleaning silently.


Hearing this speech, he was startled immediately.

"Speaking of which, there is a very nostalgic thing."

Nangong who was taken aback felt relieved, and the old man couldn't tell he was old at all, and walked quickly towards the cabinet in the warehouse.

Rummaging, rummaging, and then, that's something to miss.

"This is......"

"Kite, the last time I saw it was five years ago."

After that, the children gradually understood the meaning of debt, and they were unwilling to go out to play during the Chinese New Year.

What should have been pure time had to understand the meaning of reality.

I patted it, maybe because there was no dust on it in the cabinet.

The rainbow-colored triangle with six ribbons underneath is just a very simple, nothing special, ordinary kite.

"Take it out for a long time this year and give it a try."

Of course, I can't run anymore, but aren't there many people in my family who can?

"I'll teach you when the time comes."

'No, why am I so arbitrarily determined to stay? '

Nangong began to think about this matter.

After that, there is a long cleaning, which seems to be a hard thing, but it is even harder to do it.

From top to bottom, from inside to outside, the stairs go down step by step.

After the broom is the mop, one hour, two hours, three hours.

When everything was over, there was warm water falling from above Nangong, and in the bathroom, water droplets washed over his body.


I couldn't help raising my hand to watch, taking a shower, compared with other things, this was a longer time, and I haven't done it since I became Ultraman not long ago.

Because the only thing that actually gets dusty is his clothes, and he doesn't even sweat.

'It turns out that since then...'

Since then, I have gradually deviated from ordinary people.

When the hair is wet, the first reaction is—how should I wash it in the shower?

Shaking his head vigorously, after 10 minutes, Nangong walked out of the bathroom, put on the clothes prepared by the old man, and walked into the living room.

Shirt and slacks, and then, his expression was rather strange.

If I really want to say it, my keen sense of smell smells the shower gel on my body, which is too strange.

"That's right, it looks as charming as my old man did when he was young."

The old man nodded in satisfaction.

"So it's your clothes..."

Let’s talk about how there is a rather incredible sense of the times.

"Take a break."

There was a bowl of cooked noodles on the table. Nangong sat down obediently and picked up the chopsticks.

I have to say that since yesterday, I have found that eating is a kind of enjoyment.

I don't know where all the food went, but it tasted really good.

While the old man was chatting about finding topics, it was Ryo who returned home first when it was time to leave school.


You can find something wrong as soon as you walk in the door, it's too clean.

'Is it grandpa... no, is it grandpa...'

The former and the two are actually two completely different speculations. The former is because the old man still cleans in his old age, and the latter is because he remembered Nangong who bumped into him outside yesterday and was carrying two bags of things. He cleaned it.

"I am back."

Walking into the living room, there was a chessboard on the table, and the two sat facing each other.

"Liang, it's really early today."

"excuse me."

When he saw the clothes on Nangong's body, he basically understood the general idea.

I really want to slap myself on the forehead.

Yesterday, Altman was a porter and carried a lot of things.

Today, Altman is a cleaner, cleaning the house clean.

Grandpa, how dare you!

Sorry, dare you.

'The key is that one dares to mention it and the other dares to accept it. '

You really cleaned up together honestly...


At this moment, the old man who smiled triumphantly won.

Liang bowed his head immediately, on the chessboard, almost a crushing victory, this is the difference between a veteran and a rookie.

"Still bullying others in chess..."

For a moment, the boy wanted to vomit blood.

This is the only treatment for human guardians?

Is this the treatment?

"...one more round."

Nangong quickly restored the chessboard, just by looking at that action, he knew how unwilling he was.

'You are still on the bar! '

Ryo didn't know where to start complaining.

Shocked, Altman's secrets, he was killed to the point of throwing away his helmet and armor!

Is that so? !

is that so? !

He obviously wanted to complain, but he was so concerned that he couldn't complain. The young man was struggling.

Unknowingly, the younger sisters also returned home. After noticing the match between Nangong and the old man, they looked at each other and saw each other's thoughts at the same time.

After an hour...

"Tang, clang, this is grandpa's sixth victory."

Dance with two pens knocking together as if it were a boxing bell


Can't win, can't win, can't win at all.

'Precious images of early human bullying Ultraman'

For some reason, these words suddenly popped up in Liang's brain.

Chapter 78 Getting along with others

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