This is something that cannot be bypassed anyway.

Everything has already started to work, and what rings in Nangong's mind is Kirino's prophecy that the Kyriaelods will win.

'Stop talking. '

How can they rule over human beings.

Nangong straightened her body, feeling the cool wind blowing from the night sky.

The Otto power, which had been monitoring his own state, was also used to warn the Kiriarods.

'The fight should be no problem. '

There is no burden to fight with this body.

But in an incomplete state, there are still limited things that can be done, the first thing to do is...

Gazing at the night sky, counting the stars while waiting.

20, 21, 22, 23, 0, in the dead of night, when the window opened, Nangong met his eyes.



The young man who originally planned to go directly to the second floor to get his clothes saw the boy sitting on the chair.

"I saw the news."

Ryo said that, he is not an idiot, when he saw the emergency news on TV saying not to approach that park, and then thought of the people who never came back, he understood the situation.

"Are you leaving?"

The question asked has already been answered.



Nangong turned into the room through the window. After half a minute, he changed into his original clothes, jeans, white short sleeves, and down jacket. He hesitated for a while, but still didn't touch the silver harmonica.

"Thank you for this time."

"Will you come back again?"


The figure disappeared into the night, maybe not seeing is the best choice.

When passing by the street, the mobile phone that was so charred that the prototype could not be seen was also thrown into the trash can.

The winter wind blowing made the bare branches sway. Perhaps it was an illusion. At a certain moment, the Kyriairods in robes stared at the door sign 'West Palace'.

Chapter 88 From now on

The meeting place decided by Dako is Tokyo, Japan. In the parks that can be seen everywhere, people come and go here, and everyone will not listen to what other people are doing.

"You mean, we will lose in the future?"

Dagu has thought about how his identity was discovered.

Was it just seen?

Was it deliberately investigated?

Or is it simply a super ancient who survived?

The closest one should be another giant.

But I never thought it would be a superpower who claimed to have the ability to predict.

"Can you go into more detail?"

He didn't take these words as a joke. After all, if he wanted to make a prophecy, didn't the ultra-ancient civilization 3000 million years ago also predict the frequent occurrence of monster disasters today.

Facing Daiko's question, Kirino could only shake his head.

"There's only so much I can see."

Haven't even dreamed of anything about the future since then.

At this time, I suddenly realized that I seemed to be just an ordinary person.

The two fell silent, and Dagu raised his head. The citizens walking in this park didn't know anything about the world, and they were just enjoying their leisure time here.

would lose, and the Kirielod would rule over humanity.

"I can't fight Empat can I?"

The other party's prophecy mentioned a very important thing, which is the second battle between Tiga and Empat.

"Not only that."

Kirino's expression is very serious. As the first person to know the prophecy, he can certainly think more.

"Before then, the relationship between Kirielod and Ultraman will be reversed. I don't know what caused this situation, but you must be careful."

So the half-baked prophecy makes people helpless, knowing that it will happen, but still has no clue.

After a few seconds, Dagu sorted out his mood.

"I see."

He stood up, although he didn't know what was going on, but what he should do would not change.

Looking at him like this, Kirino was a little curious, and he couldn't help asking:

"Aren't you afraid of the future?"

That unknown, ruthless future that doesn't even know what it is.

"The so-called future is built from now on."

What do people think when they think about the future?

I must feel a little uneasy, because the future is so unpredictable, and I don't know how it will develop.

However, it is because of the past that there is the present, and because of the present, there is the future.

"If you change from now on, the future will definitely be different."

Dagu had already made up his mind, but at this time, Tongye smiled wryly.

"I can't be sure that the future I saw in my dream is the future we didn't do anything."

It may be a future that develops naturally, or it may be a future that cannot be changed no matter what you do.

"Pessimism? Then I bet it's a future that develops naturally."

"It's too optimistic, then I'll make a bet too."

It has nothing to do with science, nothing to do with theory, it's just that those who know the hopeless future have to fight for it.

There was a smile on his face. For Dagu, this was someone who knew his identity. Once he worked hard for the same goal, the relationship would be quickly drawn closer.

Just then, in his pocket was a vibration and a bell.

"Feel sorry."

Take it out quickly, and the captain's serious expression is displayed in the opened communicator.

"Dagu, the vacation is over, come back to the base immediately, we have detected a strong monster reaction."


Hang up immediately, and before Dagu could speak, Tongye stood up first.

"Just please."

As a protected person, please protect yourself and protect human beings.

"it is good!"

Dagu nodded heavily and ran out of the park.

In Tong Ye's heart, the figures of two people flashed quickly.

Yuan Dagu, Nangong Lan, two people who are very different have an absolute intersect on the same point.

Ultraman has great power, no matter where they are in the universe, they can be at ease.

So why protect humans?

Injured, in pain, having no one to talk to, being blamed by others, being involved in a conspiracy, taking hurt that you can't bear.

It is because of this that I can stand up, and no one will give up until the end, and it is inevitable to be infected by their figures.


Is there any way to improve Empat's condition?

Kirino is just a superpower, and has no understanding of the existence of giants.

But there is one person who is different, as an excellent scientist, he has already studied and analyzed this man.

The car stopped before the traffic lights, the driver, the co-driver, and Nangong on the right.

He was 'invited' into this car for the simple reason that this is already the second person who forcibly invited him with the name 'Empat'.

"who are you?"

Undoubtedly human, without the unique spirit waves of the Kirielods.

"Masaki Keigo."

The young man said so, but unfortunately, he didn't see any surprised expression on Nangong's face.

If you are a person who pays attention to the scientific community, you will definitely have a strong impression of this name.

It's just a pity, for Nangong, instead of paying attention to science, it's better to see if there are any monsters reported in the news.

"You know me?"

He asked the other party, wanting to know how far the other party understood.

"I know more than you think."

After stepping on the pedal, Zheng Mu continued to move forward under the guidance of the green light, and the noisy streets around him were extremely lively.

Now is the second half of the New Year, with the opening of the store, people are full of smiles.

Male and female lovers, a family of three, emotions are contagious, everyone on the street is smiling.

At this moment, Nangong raised his head, and something caught his attention.

That was the kites flying high in the sky. The car seemed to pass by a large park nearby, and many kites with strange shapes were floating against the wind.

Among them, what attracted his attention the most was the triangular, colorful but very old-fashioned kite, whose 'tails' kept shaking.

When I was cleaning at Nishinomiya's house, I saw an old kite in this shape.


After the silence, now Nangong realizes how afraid of loneliness he is, so fragile that he wants to find warmth.


For a while, Zheng Mu was a little uncertain about the other party's thoughts, why did he stop talking all of a sudden?

At least you also ask 'know what'.

In order to continue the conversation, he could only force his mouth:

"The Kirielods have begun to move."

Hearing this term, Nangong turned his head.

"They'll beat you, Tiga and Empat, and then—"

"At that time, they will rule mankind and take mankind away from the earth, and a greater darkness will wake up, dragging the entire universe into it."

Before Masaki finished speaking, he added one step ahead. Besides, there was also a strange feeling.

How many superpowers are there on this earth?


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