This time it was Zhengmu who was silent, he didn't expect that the other party knew these things long ago.

Ultraman also has the ability to predict?

"I already know about this from another superpower, can you tell me why you came to me?"

"...Wait, you said superpowers?"

For a while, the two found that their conversation seemed to be on a different channel.

Masaki frowned tightly, what is a superpower?

In other words, is there a special existence among human beings?

In an instant, some thoughts in his heart collapsed.

'Keigo Masaki is just an excellent person, there are so many special people'

Unconsciously produced such a new idea.


Perhaps because of being too restless, the smacking sound was so obvious in the car.

Finally, the turning car headed towards the underground parking lot and entered it, surrounded by a large number of parked vehicles.

Nangong remembered the building he saw before he came in. This should be the parking lot for the employees.

Entering one of the parking spaces, Masaki turned off the engine and took out the car key.

"follow me."

He is leading the way, and Nangong is also following. Now that he has no clue, he also hopes to find out what he can do through the information provided by others.

Walking into the elevator, when the door was closed, Masaki's fingers quickly pressed on different floors.

That was a unique code, and when it was entered, the elevator didn't go up, but went down even further.

'underground? '

A unique base built underground, I didn't expect such a thing to exist.

A few seconds later, the door opened, and what they saw were different equipment and facilities. At least Nangong didn't know what these were useful for.

Beyond that, there are different screens.

Masaki stretched out his hand, he picked up a remote control, and with the movement of his fingers, the screen presented the picture.

This is an electronic age, no matter how careful you are, there will definitely be some clues left behind.

For example, the black shadows flitting across the sky, for example, slightly photographed in the shadows, the two fighting do not seem to be human beings.

Although there are so many doubtful things, it has never been able to take a photo of the face.

"Welcome, Empat, Nangong Lan——"

Masaki's opening lines were interrupted by a sigh.

"I am equal to you, there is no need to do this kind of thing."

Nangong said bluntly, he could see that the reason why the other party did this was to create an unfathomable image, which made this side feel taboo.

There is no need for this.

"Compared with this kind of thing, I want to know what you want to do when you find me."

Is there any clues that can be provided?

What is the difference between this man's prediction and Kirino's prediction?

Nangong acted very calm and natural, but Zhengmu was a little unwilling, as the things he planned were useless in the end.


It's ridiculous that he didn't regard himself as a god.

'Humans are talking to ants on an equal footing'

Although he didn't want to compare himself to an ant, Masaki had to admit that the gap between Ultraman and humans was just that big.

"To be honest, you can't fight now. Even if you fight, you will only turn yourself into a giant of destruction. I have a way to turn you into pure light again."

Walking to the side of one of the instruments, there is a gray stone in the container.

Masaki made a point on the panel, and the next moment, the operating machine turned the stone into light particles.

"This is......"

The faint light spots do not dissipate, but just float inside the container.

"The fragments of the stone statue brought out from the Pyramid of Light, but the stone statue has been shattered, and the fragments found are not enough to assemble a complete giant."

Press the button again, and the floating light particles regroup, turning into small gravels and falling into the container.


Nangong asked the other party, he could probably guess the next words.

"I can transform you back into a complete stone statue."

Masaki said so.

"Then you will inherit the light?"

"Instead of you who can't fight."

"Sorry, I refuse."


"You have no way of mastering this power. Becoming a giant with the wrong heart will only lead to the worst results."

"like you?"

"like me."

"Then do you have another way?"




The conversation ended here, and the two stood in the laboratory where there were only two people.

After a few seconds, Zheng Mu sorted out his mood.

"What is the right heart, you don't even know if I ask you."

If you knew it, you wouldn't be what you are today.

"Then let's take the next step, let's get rid of the threat from the Kyrillords first, and then consider other things."

He didn't intend to force Nangong, and, to force an Ultraman?

Adding up the power of the whole earth now can't defeat Ultraman, and he is qualified to say this sentence after he has been researching on this.

What's more, Ultraman can even directly fly out of the atmosphere to attack the earth. According to the records of TPC, the Ultraman in the universe is at least [-]% stronger than the Ultraman on the earth, and it is not even limited by time.

It really is 'God'

"follow me."

Zhengmu turned around and led Nangong towards his underground base.

'Then let me believe in the patron saint of mankind. '

At that time, the earth was facing a catastrophe, and it was Ultraman who defeated the enemy.

'Though I crave power, I'm not bad enough to backstab. '

Underground, there are two people in action.

While at sea, at TPC's Far East Headquarters Base, Dagu changed his team uniform and walked into the combat command room.

"Captain, what happened to the monster's reaction?"

There was a mountain on the screen, the mountain, he remembered the monster he met in the mine back then.

"Wumenyue Volcano, Xincheng and Hori have already driven Feiyan-[-] to investigate there. According to the locals, there have been earthquakes in that area recently. Not only that, but it has recently detected what should be an extinct volcano. The activity of underground magma."

The captain in the middle explained the current situation. Since the monster code-named Red King, TPC is preparing to organize a group of new troops to explore the whole territory of the earth, because there may still be many super-ancient monsters sleeping underground.

The same may be true of the interior of Mount Kimondake.

Chapter 89 The Ghost of Shinjuku

Nangong was guided to the depths of this underground base, and there were more monitors than before.

After turning it on, there are a lot of pictures being shot, they flashed quickly, and finally turned into the same picture.

Front, rear, left, right, how many screens are there in total?

There are nearly a hundred of them, and they simultaneously reflect the image Masaki needs.

"This is......"

Judging from the light, it is night, which does not match the current time, that is, what happened in the past.

A young man in modern clothing, holding a knife in his right hand, is trying his best to resist the uniquely shaped sword.

The opposite is a monster with a red body, white hair hanging down, and only one eye. Both Nangong and Zhengmu can see the tilt of the battle situation.

Although he tried his best to divert the falling slash, the gap between the two sides was obvious.

When the sparks splashed, the sword in the youth's right hand came out, and the red monster pointed its blade at the youth.

They seem to be having a conversation, and the next moment, the screen turns white.

The two parties are talking, no one notices the camera, and then the camera fails.

"Is there a third person intervening between them? Is it you?"

Nangong turned his gaze to the other person present, after all, he was the one who provided the video data.

"If I can casually turn into light particles and data like you, then of course I can get there. It's a pity that I'm just a human being."

Masaki shrugged, and he used the remote control to order again, and after that, it was not smooth, but it was still connected through the splicing of the records.

The same human appearance, but with an absolutely abnormal speed, the young man galloped fast, and finally threw something, the night was dark, and the weak light source was not enough to illuminate it.

It appears that something he threw destroyed the camera.

"The one-eyed monster with a horn on its head, and the samurai with a sword went to fight it. I began to believe that the monster in the story really existed."

Masaki said in a tone that didn't know what mood he was in.

"Why are you showing me this?"

Nangong's inquiry was exactly what the other party wanted.

"I hope you can go and get rid of this monster. Unfortunately, the warriors who remove spirits don't seem to be very reliable."

A new image appeared on the screen, it was the escaped red ghost.

"Last night, a fire broke out in Kabukicho, Shinjuku. Coincidentally, the previous video was also shot in Shinjuku."

Zheng Mu said so, so Nangong nodded to express acceptance.

"How do I get there?"

"follow me."

There wasn't even much communication between the two of them, only the extent to which they knew each other's name, but they reached a consensus.

They are surprisingly consistent in killing monsters that threaten humans.

Walking in the aisle of the base, he entered the elevator that brought the two of them here.

When the gate was closed, Nangong spoke:

"Why can you call so many cameras?"

This is obviously not normal.

"Different from a certain patron saint who invaded illegally, I have cooperated with TPC through formal channels. As the president and CEO of a multinational technology group, TPC welcomes me to join."

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