"Isn't it our job to find out whether the monster is malicious?"

Xincheng patted his teammate beside him, this sentence also reassured him slightly.

"That's right."

"bring it on."

The two walked towards the Pippa tank, a vehicle specially designed for underground operations, equipped with a freezing light that can cool underground magma.

Their work is not only to detect the situation underground, but also to prevent the eruption of Mount Wumen in advance, as the residents said.

At the same time as the main seat and the auxiliary seat began to conduct inspections, the communication panel lit up.

"Xincheng team members, Dagu team members, proceed carefully, the depth of 1800 meters underground you are going to, we have no time to support on the ground."

Commander Zongfang ordered, and at this moment, Dagu quickly nodded his helmet.

"Commander, I have an important video file here, please save it first."

"I received it here."

The data is input into the computer, and then transmitted to the computer of the Far East Base.

"nailed it?"

Xincheng asked his teammates.

"nailed it."

Dagu gave a definite answer.

"Then go."

The Pippa tank was dispatched, and the first slope dug out allowed it to drill directly into the ground.

The target is the abnormally flowing magma inside the Wumendake Volcano, and the TPC moves into action.

It has nothing to do with time, discovery, action, nothing more.

At this time, three people stopped in Tokyo, where the big incident happened this afternoon, which was extremely far away from the action site.

Now that it is night, the unique scenery of Tokyo is presented in front of everyone. The Sky Tree, or the Sky Tree, is so colorful.

"It's so beautiful."

Zamsha has to admit that one of the reasons he likes the earth is that there are complete buildings, complete scenery and civilization on this planet.

During his travels in the universe, most of the things he saw were ruins that could no longer be restored. With the strength of the Imperial Stars, what could the universe look like after 50 years of raging?

Life is not uncommon, and it is not rare. Dozens of civilizations have been destroyed by him, all of which started from that guy's willfulness.

"Before then, why did you come to Earth?"

Not intending to continue the topic at all, Nangong asked bluntly.

For him, this is the most important topic.

"It's really incomprehensible."

Zamxia shrugged. The three of them were not in a good mood. They had just come out of the hospital, and not all the people who had been sucked by Su Nagui had been rescued.

Nangong wanted to do something, but he couldn't use his energy at all now, not to mention, what would happen if he sent the power of darkness into the human body?

It will only corrode the opponent to death.

"So, to be frank, I came to this planet to challenge you."

Zamxia unilaterally believes that the opponent is Ultraman. After all, there is no evidence, but so what if it is not Ultraman?

The opponent is undoubtedly a strong one.

However, his words only made the person in front of him frown.

"Challenge me?"

Or is it Earth for this?

For just a moment, what Zamxia felt was some kind of coldness and murderous intent.

The silent Ida Jinglong was able to notice the characteristics more clearly, and he carefully observed this pale young man.

The originally handsome appearance was tainted with evil intentions, and there was still an unresolved evil spirit between his brows.

'Sura? '

When he speculated like this, he found that the traits he saw before disappeared like hallucinations.


Nangong calmed down his brain. The moment he thought of the Imperial Stars, he almost couldn't control himself.

This cosmic man is different, he does not have any hostility towards human beings.

'Is it only now that you think so? '

Laughing at himself in his heart, if he could have noticed this matter earlier, he wouldn't have ended up where he is today.

Sure enough, people who are so painful that their memories are deep will not realize their own mistakes.

"Sorry, I can't fight right now."


Zamxia was stunned, just like a cannonball, jumping from an unknown height and smashing the enemy can also be called unable to fight?

That is to say... being rejected with an excuse?

Well, it's not the first time anyway.


He was a little helpless, so he turned his gaze to the other person.

"Ida Jinglong, you should have not forgotten our agreement?"

"of course."

Saying so, but he shook his head.

"It's just that I have spent too much energy to stop the bleeding and exorcise the people whose lives were sucked by Su Nagui. Now just talking to the two of you here is already the limit."

"real or fake......"

What can Zamsha do?

If he could accuse the other party of not saving people, he wouldn't be that swordsman.

'Going back and forth, all in vain? '

Before he had time to continue thinking, Ida Jinglong's words attracted Zamxia's attention again.

"However, if your Excellency is willing to help me, I think His Excellency Zamsha can fight the two of us at once."

So, both of them looked at the warrior who lived in ancient times to this day.


"What's the meaning?

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

Even if it is not night, it is still very dark. This is underground, and the advancing Pippa Tank can only be illuminated by the headlights.

Finally, along with the collapsed earth and rocks, in front of the distorted air was an extremely hot crimson red.

The underground magma gathered again, and sparks jumped up from time to time.

No, sparks are not jumping up from time to time, but they are pulled out as if they are alive, like flowing water being absorbed, and what appears in front of Xincheng and Dagu is a monster wrapped in heat.

"What, what is this?"

The color of the magma slightly illuminated the underground area, and Dagu's enhanced vision allowed him to see clearly what was inside.

"It's Gorzan!"


To this day, Gorzan, who escaped at the beginning, has not been found. Now, it just appeared in front of the winning team so suddenly.

The attracted magma was sucked into its body.

Xincheng and Dagu looked at each other and connected to the communication on the ground.

"Commander, this is Xincheng. We found Gorzan who escaped at the bottom of the Wumen Mountain volcano."

Chapter 92

"It turned out to be Gorzan?"

The communication is completely free of interference from distance and earth and rocks, and is transmitted directly to the top. Although the image is clear, it is difficult to distinguish due to the dimness.

But it is very clear that there are monsters under the Mount Wumen volcano.

"Gorzan seems to be constantly absorbing magma, and the underground magma activity may be related to it."

At this moment, Dagu's voice continued to come out. The two of them were observing the motionless Gorzan underground, and did not act rashly.

"You should observe the situation temporarily. If you say that the magma is frozen at this time, you don't know what will happen."

Of course, saying so, Zong Fang already had the answer in his heart, and he needed to ask his superiors for instructions.

Gorzan, underground magma, and Wumenyue volcano, the three important parts that make up the current situation were reported to the Far East Base.

Now that the magma is being frozen, Gorzan, who finds that the situation is wrong, may make a mess, bringing great danger to Pippa Tank.

However, if the Pippa Tank is allowed to evacuate, and attack Gorzan directly on the ground regardless of the magma, while drawing it out, it is unknown what kind of disaster the accumulated magma will cause. The best guess is the fog gate Yue volcano erupted.

"Xincheng team members, you should send back the detector data of the Pippa tank now."

The choice of the intermediate captain was basically not unexpected.


Xincheng quickly transmitted the data. They had already completed the detection, and they knew very well what the superiors would choose.

The Victory Team is a special army. Since it is an army, and since they are soldiers, of course they have already made psychological preparations for the possibility of sacrifice.

"Ye Rui, you immediately calculate the best escape route."

At the same time as the data was received, the intermediary captain ordered again, and the youngest team member also quickly started calculations.

There are three things that Pippa Tank has to do, the first is to freeze the magma, the second is to hit the monster tracker on Gorzan, and the third is to get out of the ground quickly.

While waiting, the two inside the tank stared at Gorzan who seemed to be sleeping.

"If you just look at it this way, you can't tell that it is a dangerous monster that will endanger the earth, but if it wakes up, things will change."

When Xincheng thought of how many monsters like this were sleeping underground, he felt chills.

Of course they have seen the tragedy in Canada, just rushing out of the ground is enough to cause intense damage.

At this moment, the order came down quickly.

It's very simple, not much different from what the two of them thought before.

"When I get back to the ground, I'll invite you to eat hot pot. Hot pot is just right for this season."

Xincheng was ready to drive, and the launch was left to Dagu as always.

"Then you have to apply for a vacation first."

Dagu smiled, and then his expression became serious.

The two checked the Pippa tank again, and after a few seconds, it was confirmed that there was no problem.

"Freeze light, launch!"

When the trigger was pressed, two blue-white rays of light precisely hit the magma, and the next moment, the cooled magma quickly turned into lava.

Shoot, expand the range, there are different tributaries here, and block there first.

As the absorbed magma decreased, Gorzan noticed something strange.

It opened its eyes, especially in the dark.

"Da Gu, how are you doing?"

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