"It's a little bit worse."

"Then keep up the speed."

The freezing rays continued to irradiate, and Gorzan's active eyes also locked onto the tank that was emitting a chill from the attack.

This little thing blocked the source of its own strengthening.

With his mouth slightly open, a low growl echoed in the small space.

"Monster tracker, launch!"

Noticing that this side was being targeted, Xincheng fired with another weapon that wasn't exactly armed.

The beacon developed by Horei also had a light enough to be called a flash bomb when it attacked. In an instant, Gorzan was stung by the strong light and lost his vision.

"All right!"

Dagu replied that the magma gathered here was blocked by the lava, Xincheng immediately operated, the Pippa tank moved towards the designated position, and the rotating drill bit directly pierced into the earth and rocks, digging out a feasible route.

The ground also received a sign, which was the signal sent by the monster tracker attached to Gorzan's body.

"Tracking drilling machine ready for targeted launch."

Zongfang's order made the ground troops start to move, and at this time, Gorzan's signal began to change positions rapidly.

"This is......"

Compared with the ground, the two people underground can feel the difference more.

"What's the matter with this vibration?"

Earth and rocks kept hitting the Pippa tank, not only that, everything around seemed to be shaking.

"It's Gorzan!"

What Dagu saw was the signal that can also be seen here on the panel.

That huge monster was following here at high speed.

"Really! How did that huge body move freely in the ground?"

Xincheng cursed angrily, and then quickly set off the incident when he met Gorzan for the first time. The other party also quickly ran away after digging a hole.

In other words, the opponent is a monster that is good at moving underground.

This is underground, not in the air. The Pippa tank is not so maneuverable and can only move forward in a straight line.

"Xincheng, Dagu, report the situation!"

On Zongfang's computer screen, there are two logos, one is Pippa Tank, the other is Gorzan, and the two sides are constantly approaching.

"The situation is that Gorzan, a vengeful guy, is constantly chasing us forward! Commander, I will lead it to the beam of the tracking drilling machine, and you seize the opportunity to attack."

At this time, anyone can understand this situation.

The forward speed of the tank and the monster is not at the same level at all. They are 1800 meters above the ground, and if they don't have time to jump away, they will definitely be caught up.

Zong Fang clenched his fist and let it go. After repeated several times, he gave the order with his eyes opened to the limit.

"The tracking drilling machine is in operation!"

Salute, action, TPC staff began activities.

Underground at this time, Xincheng and Dagu had already seen the blurred figure of the monster.

The earth and rocks behind the Pippa tank were collapsing crazily, and Gorzan followed closely behind.

"This is really bad."

Xincheng complained, what is that guy doing, his hands are too fast.

Dagu remained silent, thinking about one thing in his heart.

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer, and at this moment, the light passing through the soil and rock formations did not cause an explosion, and hit Gorzan's back with penetrating light, cutting like a laser knife.

Not only strength, but also defense, Gorzan's overall ability has been greatly strengthened and moved forward frantically.

It is like a hunter who will never let go of its prey, its persistence is unimaginable, and it digs away all the earth and rocks that hinder it from behind.

The armaments on the ground adjusted their angles, but they still couldn't penetrate the monster's shell.

The speed is already the fastest, but there is still no way to get rid of it.

There is still 1357 meters away from the ground. As the previous command told, if something happens underground, they have no way to quickly rescue it.


There was really no way out, at this moment, Xincheng noticed Dagu's movements.

The other party unzipped the jacket, and took out a translucent strange prop from his arms.


Is it too big?

The surrounding vibrations intensified again, and Golzan, who accelerated further, opened his mouth.

"It came after me."

What Dagu said made Xincheng fail to understand immediately.

The next moment, Gorzan bit down with all his strength, intending to crush its hated enemy to pieces.

However, unable to bite down, the trembling hands opened the mouth forcefully, the red light flickered between the foreheads, and the giant of light that appeared on the ground became a powerful type.

Suddenly, Gorzan felt that his mouth was about to be torn apart, and before he swung his claws to fight back, he punched it directly on the chin with an uppercut.


Xincheng opened his mouth unconsciously, and the teammate who was beside him had long since disappeared.

Dagu knew that sooner or later, he would definitely reveal his identity, because he was not driving all kinds of vehicles alone, how could his teammates just pass out every time, but he was not yet mentally prepared.

And there are many things that happen without preparation.

The ground was shaking, once, twice, three times. The strong earthquake made TPC's ground troops have to lie down.

The temporary base was shaking, and precision instruments fell to the ground.

From here, it spread outward, and the towns built near Wumendake Volcano were also affected. The cable cars for the tourism industry, every household, and unoccupied rooms, things that were originally placed on the table fell to the ground.

Billboards in the streets fell, and the branches of trees bare due to the season shook wildly.

It is human beings who take refuge, not animals. Stray wild cats and wild dogs rushed to the street, forming a spectacular torrent. They ran fast and wanted to leave this area.

The only ones that are not affected are the pre-set fort and Feiyan No. [-] in the air.

"What's that sound?"

Lina could hear strange sounds, like the dull beating of drums.

It became more intense and closer, and in an instant, the ground shattered and collapsed, and the first thing that appeared before everyone's eyes was Gorzan with a somewhat strange posture.

Immediately afterwards, another blow hit the opponent's body, and the silver and red giant sent the opponent flying.

"It's Diga!"

Gorzan's weight of tens of thousands of tons was blown into the air, what a shocking scene it was.

Before it fell, Dijia quickly chased it, fisted with both hands, and smashed down with all his strength.

Only when the falling monsters set off the aftermath did everyone realize how terrible the situation was.

The already shaking ground felt like a major earthquake. The TPC staff held onto the ground tightly, not even daring to open their eyes.

The dirt and dust from the pavement covered their bodies, and at this moment, a sound was heard.

The turret caught the frequency of the monster, and when Gorzan, who was very different from before, stood up, the light burst out at the same time like a machine gun, and in an instant, countless sparks were set off on the enemy's body, one after another.

Although the attack was fierce, it was just a tickle.

Di Jia stepped forward quickly, and his fist turned to defense halfway.

Because he noticed the brilliance in the enemy's mouth, the light that Gorzan spit out had intense heat and burned him.

It was too late to dodge, so the attack hit, and the two stalemate together, the light was blocked by overlapping arms, and Dijia forcibly stepped forward against the attack.

Gorzan's head suddenly moved forward, and the even more exaggerated heat flow almost submerged the enemy's upper body.

Dijia's progress stopped, and he was even pushed back slightly.

In front of this monster is a supporting giant, and behind this monster is a crazy attacking TPC. The Texas cannon of Feiyan No. [-] fired directly and hit the target's head.

This blow was completely different from other attacks, the pain made Gorzan reveal his weakness for a moment.

Di Jia immediately stepped forward, clenched his folded hands in front of him, aimed at the enemy's head and swung it left and right. Under the burst of wind pressure, the orange light was also blown away.

Gorzan, whose head was under full attack, didn't even know how to position his head. Two equal forces blasted from his left and right cheeks at the same time half a second ago.

Before it could react, its head was locked, and its heavy body was brought down again.

Land on your back and transfer the shock.

Dijia opened his hands, crossed his forehead and then threw them down, drawing two arcs from bottom to top. The orange-red light energy converged on the palms facing each other. The scorching sphere left the timer and held it with his right hand.

Dilla Hume's light flow was thrown towards Gorzan who turned around and got up.

In an instant, hit, hit the chest directly, and use the scorching light skill as the final blow, but things are different from what you imagined.


Gorzan, who was still dizzy from the beating before, came to his senses again. It let out a roar, and the Dillahme light flow was converted into pure energy and inhaled.

'That's right! '

Dagu understood that Gorzan's inhalation of magma that he had seen before relied on this new organ.

But he couldn't help but think about the battle. Looking at the enemy who was attacking again in high spirits, the timer also turned into flashing red due to the energy consumption.

With his left hand and right hand, Dijia kept parrying Gorzan's claw strikes. At this moment, the opponent kicked him unexpectedly. He thought it was impossible to kick with that leg, but it was not the case.

Di Jia, who was repelled a few steps, stood still, and behind him was the temporary base of TPC.

Automatic turrets are difficult to lock on to as the target and allies are so close together.

Di Jia somersaulted forward, even if he is a powerful type, he still has a speed above Gorzan.

Before the monster turned its head, its hands were tightly locked.

Standing behind the enemy, Tiga tried his best to restrain the opponent.

At this time, he no longer blocked the automatic turret, so a lot of light hit the monster.

With a beast roar, Gorzan's movements were controlled, and one attack after another hit his absorbing organs.

"What does Tiga want to do?"

Hori can detect the enemy's energy and then continue to rise.

Even though it was night, this area was like daytime, and the uninterrupted firing of automatic turrets dispelled all the darkness.

Di Jia and Gorzan were entangled together, and the earth was no longer shaken by their battle. Zong Fang's frown was relaxed in an instant.

"Is Tiga planning to exceed Gorzan's absorption limit?"

Thinking of this, he immediately grabbed the communicator that fell on the ground and connected it to Feiyan No. [-].

"Lina, now use the Texas Cannon to attack Gorzan's absorbing organ."


The replenishment of energy is almost done. It is embarrassing to say that it is actually difficult for the Victory Team to support Ultraman.

When they fight, even a little movement will affect the surrounding environment, and they even have dizzying speeds. If they approach randomly, it will even be difficult to control the fighter jet.

The main gun was deployed again, Feiyan No. [-] aimed at the difficult-to-move enemy, the trigger was pressed, and the blow directly hit Gorzan's absorbing organ.

In an instant, a large amount of energy was absorbed, from the automatic turret, from the Texas cannon. At this moment, Gorzan's power completely surpassed Tiga's. go out.

As if out of balance, the giant was spinning in the air.

Within a short second, a blue light flashed between his foreheads, and Tiga, who had switched to an aerial version, opened his hands with his left hand. Even if he was out of balance, his movements were still standard.

Lampal's light bullets converged on the left waist, but this time, it was not forward.

Adjusting the angle of the body, the right hand cuts out toward the diagonally upward corner like Iai, and some light particles are scattered from the white trajectory, and the seven light-emitting bullets are lased out almost at the same time.

Starting from the abdomen, it went all the way up crazily. Before Gorzan could move, the energy penetrated soared in an instant, and the upper limit of the absorbing organ was surpassed.

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