
His own speed, as well as the speed that suddenly appeared behind him, his consciousness reacted, but his body slowed down a bit.

Almost actively sent it to the front of the monster, the waving palm hit the abdomen directly.

Pain arose, and he fell forward along the impact, but before he landed, the freely controlled seawater washed him away again.

The temporary trauma was enlarged, and Tijia, who couldn't control his body, was now like a flat boat on the violent ocean, caught in it and unable to get out.

The constant thrust from different directions made him dizzy, and the force from above directly smashed him to the bottom of the sea, and then he was rolled up and pulled away.

It's not a whirlpool, it's better to have a whirlpool, and it's better understood with the inside of a washing machine.

Ti Jia, who was sucked over, was hit again, hitting his chest directly, knocking him backwards, and then being swept away by the ocean current.

This is the home field of Seagrass, which dominates the deep sea in this area.

As time passed, the timer on Tiga's chest began to flash red.

How to do?

Before he could figure out a way, Di Jia, who was deliberately rolled over, suddenly bumped into a 'water wall', and was pushed away before he had time to attack.

Siegeras, who was in sight, was pulled away again.

Does the enemy have any weaknesses?

'Have. '

Just before, when it hit the sharp horn, the monster's manipulation of the sea water was obviously greatly affected.

The problem is, let alone attacking that horn now, even...

He controlled his body and wanted to escape upwards, but the next moment, the sea water pushed him back down again.

At this time, Tiga was like a bug stuck in a spider web, unable to escape.

Unlike Empat, he didn't have the mental power so strong that even Jin Guqiao's fusion could stop him.

However, there is never only one way to win.

Accumulating strength, letting the ocean current drive the body, Tiga's hands go from bottom to top, the orange-red light energy is scattered to condensed, and the light flow of Dilla Hume converges in front of the timer.

What kind of reaction will the scorching compressed high-temperature light particle ball produce in the sea?

The sea water is evaporated, don't launch it, but hold it in your hand, and sprint towards the sea.

A large amount of seawater is evaporated, so that no stronger sea pressure can be formed.

The turbulent water was directly knocked away, and hot water dripped from the body of the silver-red giant. He spread the ball of light in his hands, raised his hands, and flew high into the sky.

Not enough, not enough, but higher, fly higher.

Kilometers, [-] meters, turned downwards, and the white light wrapped around Di Jia's body at this time made him look like a vertically falling meteor.

A few seconds later, the surface of the sea was smashed, setting off sky-high spray and white steam.

Its actions were noticed immediately, Seageras couldn't escape very far, it was still manipulating the sea water to stop the enemy.

But...he discovered one thing.

All the seawater that touched Tiga evaporated and disappeared, and the giant could even be said to forcibly form a waterless zone around it with ultra-high temperature. The skill called burning and impact is so exaggerated.

In an instant, the white light touched the bottom of the sea, and slid forward for a certain distance.

When the bright white light dissipated, the giant touched the ground with both hands, as if braking.

Behind it is the fallen monster, exploding from the inside out.

Di Jia stood up, his body turned into particles and disappeared, and what was left here was a broken horn that sank down with gravity.

"Oh?! Shocked me!"

Shinjo almost jumped when Dae-gu suddenly appeared inside the submarine.

The water that leaked in became very small, and the emergency treatment still played a role.

"nailed it?"


"Okay, then hurry up and help."

Dagu felt at ease with his usual attitude in peacetime.

The two are constantly repairing the cracks in the submarine, the rescue signal has been sent, and the next step is to wait for the reinforcements from the TPC.

What kind of battle took place under the sea?

TPC didn't know, they just observed that Tiga, who broke through the sea, rushed back at an exaggerated speed.

After that, the previous turbulence completely disappeared, and it returned to the original calm.

Monster Sigaras, dead.

At the scene, only a broken horn with a crack was found, which seemed to shatter with a little more force.

The crisis is temporarily lifted, and the time is 10:00 in the morning.

The news broadcast on TV made people feel quite helpless. Some people cried and complained about being homeless, and blamed Gorzan's destruction on TPC.

The town is a unique scene. The magma cooled by Tiga turned into lava, dividing the town and forming a unique scene.

The media are so happy. The negative reports on TPC will definitely be clarified later anyway.

Although not all of them, human blood steamed buns do exist after all.

Press the button on the remote control, and what appears on the screen is a report from another country.

In order to kill Dorako, the intercontinental missiles of various countries can almost be said to have dug a deep hole on the continent of Australia.

The low hills that existed there disappeared, and the woods disappeared.

Someone accused TPC of disrespecting nature in front of the screen, and this time it was the turn of environmental protection.

Destroying nature, regardless of the means of communication, why can't we coexist with monsters.

"So what are they trying to say? Do monsters have dreams too?"

At this moment, Masaki who walked out of the laboratory at some time poured a cup of tea.

There is no threat to each other, no existential crisis, and there is a basic condition to talk about symbiosis. He has already seen the case of Red King according to the TPC report.

Can such a violent monster be raised as a dog?

Humans can't do it anyway.

Nangong could hear the mockery in Zhengmu's words, and he got up from his seat.

"I'm going out."

"The car keys are on the table."

"I don't have a driver's license."

"Then you are free."

After the conversation, go into the elevator.

'If I could still transform...'

You can go straight to Australia.

Standing in the elevator and thinking, what Nangong lacks is courage.

Without any emotion, judging from an objective point of view, he is terrified of the future.

He who has died once is no longer afraid of death, he is afraid of the consequences.

Empat is consumed by darkness, fights Tiga, and ends up with the worst possible outcome.

This is what he fears.

Nangong was afraid that he would not be able to control his own strength, if it was just death, he would give it a try.

If this causes more people to die, then...

Originally, he had doubts because of his dream, but Kirino's words aggravated the shadow. Three dark giants, the so-called evil gods, were plotting something.


He didn't sigh, but simply felt tired.

Leaving from the elevator, Nangong walked towards the outside of the parking lot.

At this moment, a girl appeared in his sight, holding a strange thing in her hand, which looked a lot like a mobile phone.

The eyes of the two intertwined, and then, the memory of a long time ago was awakened.

"Huh? Huh? Huh?"

The girl's eyes widened, she never thought that the young man she molested when she came to Earth would be Ultraman.

"you are not......"

Nangong still remembered the strange girl she met in the shopping mall before the first battle with the Kirielods, who called herself Miss.

Why is she here?

"You turned out to be Ultraman?"

As soon as these words came out, Nangong instantly became alert.

Moreover, a special question arose in his mind.

Have a week?

This is the third time someone has discovered Ultraman.

what happened?

Is it not far from 'everyone knows he is Ultraman'?

"Wait, wait, calm down, I'm not hostile, look."

The girl raised her hands and approached slowly.

"If you don't believe me, you can search your body."

With a charming smile, he winked.


"You really dare to search!"

And this method is too rough, it is said that it is a body search, but it is really a pocket search.

'The guy who doesn't understand style. '

The girl complained in her heart.


The device held in the right hand was quickly taken away, so that there was really nothing left.

"who are you?"

After searching three times, Nangong was completely sure that there was nothing hidden on the other party's body before asking.

"Wait, just make sure you won't throw a ray of light at me after listening."

"I promise."

Even if you want to emit light, you can't send it out now.

"...It makes people feel uneasy to agree so quickly."

But forget it, just believe that the character of the patron saint is good.

"My name is Diana, a Baltan star."

The girl said so.

The time is 10:12 in the morning, the location is Osaka, the depth is [-] meters underground, and the sleeping monsters are bound in the soil.

As spiritual beings, the Kirialods defy physical barriers.

Siglas and Dorako, the former was defeated by Tiga, and the latter was killed by human armed forces, which is not unexpected.

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