The monster brought by the comet landed in an uninhabited area to test the armed forces of human beings. As expected, some ordinary monsters that rely solely on brute force are nothing more than that.

As long as the burden of environmental destruction is thrown away, it is easy for human armed forces to deal with primitive monsters.

So, this time, wake up the monsters in the city.

One is found here, and next, another one or two will be found.

Empat can't fight, and just as the layout here is getting deeper and deeper, there is only one Dijia that is difficult.

But it's almost time to continue to advance the plan. He has collected a lot of ability data, and it is impossible for him to suddenly become stronger in a short period of time.

Nangong who met a girl who claimed to be a Baltan star.

The Kiriarods who don't know what they're planning.

And in the TPC Far East Headquarters, the victory team got the shocking news.

"Has the Magus power system been completed yet!"

It was so surprising that Xincheng couldn't help asking again.

After that, Dr. Yao who was in charge nodded seriously.

"Tomorrow we will conduct a test of the Magus powertrain."

"it is good!"

This time, even Zong Fang couldn't help showing a smile.

After falling behind in equipment for so long, a new energy system revolution has finally begun. Human beings have to continue to become stronger in order to protect themselves, and the Magus power system is enough to bring technology to a new level.

Chapter 97 Baltan's Story

Baltan Star is a planet famous for its science and technology.

The Baltans are exploring the unknown of the universe and working hard for it.

However, one day, everything changed.

The destruction of the Interstellar Alliance and the emergence of the Imperial Stars, the Baltan civilization, which foresaw the chaos, began to reach into the field of weapons in order to protect itself.

Someone on this planet has seen an opportunity. The universe is vast. This is true. There are many planets. This is also true. Most of them are uninhabitable.

The Baltan civilization, which had developed into a prosperous stage, had already fallen into a bad situation of overpopulation and dwindling resources.

The problem lies in the approach of the Star Alliance.

For the sake of the future and the birth of new civilizations, no one should over-exploit the planets with protozoa, so that the Baltan civilization had to search for new planets one after another.

Effortless and effective.

At this time, an effortless but effective method appeared.

The Star Alliance is destroyed. In that case, doesn't it mean that there is no longer any bondage?

Therefore, the faction of force prevailed, which was the result of a combination of various factors.

The consumption of resources, the pacifists who have been unable to find a better way, the widespread social problems caused by insufficient resources, and the threat of the Imperial Stars.

Unknowingly, a theory became popular—the native species on other planets didn't even have tribes, and it was impossible to think with poor brains, and they were even worse than animals on Baltan.

Since the animals on Baltan are kept in captivity for food, why are the creatures on those planets not animals?Why should they be treated differently?

After some things have been done once, they will continue to go on, and the Baltan civilization has embarked on the road of plundering resources.

On this path, other civilizations have also been encountered.

Therefore, scramble, fight, and continue to develop new weapons for this, whether it is for aggression or for self-protection, weapons are needed.

Weapons, weapons, weapons, weapons, weapons.

In order to better obtain asylum, he joined the empire of the imperial star and provided it with science and technology.

No matter who you are, don't go against the torrent of the times, the Imperial Stars are the torrent of the times.

Finally, 37 years ago in terms of earth time, was it purely an accident?Or was the wanton behavior of the Baltan civilization fueled by anger?Or did the Rebels decide to deal with Baltan, who provided the technology, first?

The nuclear furnace used by the mother star ran away and detonated due to unknown reasons. At that moment, billions of Baltans died.

And at the same moment, some of the Baltan Stars affected by that powerful force died, and some of them ushered in a new life. The unknown part hidden in their technology that they didn't even notice made the Baltan Stars start evolution......

Is it evolution?

From a human-like appearance to what it is today, while gaining strength, the big bang flattened the earth's surface, evaporated the sea water, burned nature, and polluted the atmosphere.

That terrible radiation is even strong enough to pollute the surrounding satellites.

The surviving Baltans had to find a new place to live, however, they were driven out of the empire.

Because there are better substitutes, for the Imperial Stars, there is only Baltan who has evolved to that extent, and Baltan who has lost the power of technology can be replaced by the Jadon Stars.

As a result, the Baltan civilization had to wander in the universe. As I said before, the universe is so vast, and there are not many livable planets.

However, the most ironic thing is that the livable planets they discovered at the beginning, protected by the Star Alliance, were all destroyed by the empire's plundering of resources, and the Baltan civilization also participated in it.

Of course, civilizations like theirs are naturally prepared for a retreat.

It's just that when they arrived at the planet they were looking for, someone had already arrived there first, and they were people from other civilizations, and their guns were aimed at the Baltan civilization.

The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, it sounds nice. Only when you are a strong person will you feel that this is the truth. When you are reduced to a weak person, do you still have the energy to say such a thing?

Afterwards, there was a long wandering. Most of the Baltans entered the frozen sleep in order to save resource consumption. Citizens will be the main force of future revival. Scientists are still developing different technologies, and soldiers are beginning to master the power of the new body.

During this journey, how many people's minds have been distorted?

The lonely universe, the sorrow of the destruction of the hometown, when the Baltan civilization discovered a planet called Earth and found that there existed a backward civilization called human beings, they were divided into two factions.

The aggressive faction who went crazy and wanted to take away the earth, human beings and the original Baltans are basically the same in appearance, and the earth is like a shrunken Baltan star, which is simply mocking them.

Almost mad with jealousy.

Stop it, the pacifists who are constantly reflecting, the result today is the consequence of their wanton aggression, will they repeat the same mistakes now?

Neither of the two parties could convince the other, so such a Baltan star left the spaceship.

As long as the earth is taken down and the human race is wiped out before the companions react, there is no need to argue about those messy things anymore.

That Baltan star was Empat's original enemy.

The story ends here, and it has been a long time since then.

In the underground base, Nangong was silent for a while.

"...don't you hate me?"

He couldn't help asking, the remaining Baltan planets have shared weal and woe for such a long time, even if they think they have gone the wrong way, they still have close ties.

In response, Diana shook her head instead.

"Using the words of the earth, it is self-defense. We are not shameless enough to put the victim in the position of the perpetrator."

Can the aggressor be blamed for being killed?

"And sometimes I often wonder if the disaster that destroyed our home planet is a punishment from the gods."

How many people did the empire kill with the weapons developed by the Baltan civilization?

How many native species were killed while plundering other planets?


Tens of billions?

She didn't dare to calculate, but simply stopped abruptly when she thought about it roughly at the beginning.

Considering the dozens of civilizations that were destroyed, the specific ones may be... close to a hundred billion.

"Do scientists like you believe in gods?"

At this moment, Zheng Mu, who was listening because "an alien came to the house", asked back.

"If intelligent life forms have feelings, they will naturally seek sustenance, family members, friends, lovers, or illusory gods, that's all. The universe is so big, who can be sure that there are absolutely no gods?"

Diana paused.

"And the so-called gods may just be life forms that we can't understand for the time being."

The power evolved by the Baltans of today is probably inconceivable in the eyes of the original Baltans.

"This sentence is a bit like a scientist."

Masaki quite agrees with this point, gods are just life forms that are still incomprehensible.

For example, Ultraman really wants to analyze and see what the light is.

"You can talk about scientific topics later."

The inexplicable Nangong behind him interrupted the friendly exchange between the Earthlings and the Baltans. He was just an ordinary person with no professional knowledge and only cared about one thing.

"Diana, why did you come to Earth this time, and why did you come to Earth last time?"

Then again...she's actually a little girl in the teens?

Not seeing the strange thoughts in Nangong's heart at all, Diana's expression became serious.

"The first time I came here, I just wanted to see the earth and human beings. This time, I came for you."

In other words...

"I'm here for help."

She took out the device that was given back to her before and operated it, and what appeared in front of Zhengmu and Nangong was the Baltan star exactly the same as the Baltan star they met for the first time.

At least the two can't tell the difference.

"His name is Danis, the former general, and the culprit who is currently instigating the people."


"Instigating the people in order to seize the earth, you may find it disgusting when I say this, but the Baltan civilization is used to snatching it from others."

Now it's tiring to start all over again.

"For the citizens, their parent planet was destroyed in the last second, and the government organized the survivors to leave together, so——"

"So they have neither experienced the baptism of time nor any reflection."

It was embarrassing for Masaki to say the following words, but it was also true.

"So Danis' incitement was very successful."

Diana felt a tinge of sadness, not to mention why the people wandering together are still so stupid.

"Then what are you going to do with our Patronus?"

Masaki's inquiry made the other party break away from emotional thoughts.

"If the current Baltan civilization can only succumb to power, then I hope that Ultraman can use overwhelming power to extinguish the flame that is about to ignite."

In other words, defeat Danis.

"I have to admire your unconstrained thinking, aren't you afraid that Ultraman will become an invader?"

"Even if I don't come, when Danis comes to Earth, it will still be a fight between Ultraman and Baltan. The result is the same."

"Then I have to regret to tell you that we also have problems that need to be solved urgently, and why do you think Ultraman will help you? What do you think he is? Paper towels? Where is it dirty?"

Now it's not even limited to the earth, is it necessary to maintain the peace of the universe?

What kind of patron saint is this, isn't it just a useful tool man?

"Equivalent exchange, there is still a period of time before Danis enters the earth, I will help you solve the immediate problems, and you will help me solve mine, how about this?"


Impossible to snort, Zheng Mu looked at Nangong, and then looked away.

"Give us five minutes to discuss it."


Diana made an invitation gesture, so Nangong walked into the laboratory with Zhengmu under the signal of Zhengmu.

The door was closed tightly, and the screen on the left showed the scenery of the girl sitting there.

"Agree with her."

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