Masaki immediately spoke.

"But now I..."

This answer made him react immediately. It is obvious that Ultraman in front of him was moved by someone. What do you think you are?Space police?

"Did you forget? There are two Ultramen on this earth. Let her help us solve the Kiriarod matter first. Even if you can't transform, just let Tiga go."

Other things can be ignored so much, and the Kirielod people's affairs must be resolved immediately.

If this matter is not settled, then there is no need to worry about Baltan coming to snatch the earth, anyway, human beings will be finished by then.

"...I think Tiga is the tissue."

Nangong couldn't help complaining, who was accusing the other party of treating Ultraman as a tissue just now, is it 1 minute away from that time?

"How can you be tough if you don't say something serious."

It's the same as talking about business, if you don't talk about it, how can you do it.

"Then it's decided, let's see if Baltan's technology can deal with the Kiriarods."

Masaki decided that if possible, he would like to participate in the battle with the Kirielods.

The problem is that the mechanical monster has not been completed, and he has no stone statues to transform, so he uses everything he can. The scene in the dream is too terrifying.

The two walked out of the laboratory again, and Diana also turned her attention to them.

"It's decided, you come to help us solve the problem of the Kyriaelods, and then Ultraman will help you solve the problem of Danis."

"make a deal."

Holding hands together, followed by Nangong and Diana.


The young man wanted to let go of his hand, but found that he was being held tightly.

After a few seconds, the other party let go.

"It's no different from ordinary flesh, with body temperature, fingerprints and palm prints."


Nangong felt that he didn't want to get close to the other party very much, now he was touching hands, and next time he might dismantle his limbs to play with.

With his ordinary common sense, he naturally thought of anatomy from the images he saw in literary works.

"Then tell me the problems you are facing now, what is the incident that makes it difficult for Ultraman to solve?"

Diana temporarily put aside her curiosity and solved all the problems. After establishing a good relationship, it might not be a big deal to get a knife.

At this moment, Nangong felt a chill behind him again.

"follow me."

Zheng Mu waved his head as a signal, so the two walked towards the monitoring room that Nangong had also been to before.

Kirielod people, spiritual life forms, do not know which corner of the earth is hidden.

Diana, who fully understood the situation, nodded.

"At least let me meet the Kyriairods first and then record the wavelength. The spiritual life body has no body, and the wavelength of the soul is more obvious."

"Wait, you said soul? Do souls exist?"

Masaki frowned, he was not very accepting.

"Why doesn't it exist?"

Diana asked back, but she felt that the other party's way of thinking was very strange.

The two were discussing, while Nangong looked at the empty right hand, still unable to make up his mind to hold the looming spark prism.

Chapter 98 Monster Weapon

In the morning, it was Doraka and Seaglas.

Noon, afternoon, and night, nothing major happened during this time.

Going away and coming back again, the Magma star was immediately noticed when he arrived at the meeting point on the earth.

"Huh? I have just returned to Earth, and there are beauties to welcome me. My treatment seems to be quite good."

The Kirielods in robes didn't react too excitedly to the words that seemed to be teasing. The goals of both parties were the same, and there was no conflict of interest.

Since it is a cooperative partner, it doesn't matter if you are said a few words.

She stepped forward with a hint of sarcasm on the corner of her mouth.

"The monster named Dorakao you got here is completely useless, and it was blasted to pieces by human artillery."

Hearing those words as if to counterattack, Magma shrugged.

"It was just picked up by chance when I saw it, and it can't be helped if it's weaker."

Traveling to different planets by a comet alone is enough to see something.

For example, Bemonstein directly relies on his own ability to swim in the sea of ​​stars.

"But this time, you will definitely not be disappointed."

The left hand reached into the pocket and took out three square containers from the inside. The translucent appearance allowed people to see what was inside.

In addition to the twin monsters he captured, he also brought another monster.

"Leave these two for now."

The two monsters with different body and concentricity were taken back, and in the remaining container, the monster inside stood there stupidly as if lifeless, making people wonder if it was still alive.

"And this one."

Magma sneered.

"In the past, there was a civilization called the Baltan Stars in the empire. They had top-notch science and technology in the universe."

Just when the Kyriairods thought that this monster was created by Baltan, the opponent immediately gave a turning point:

"But they didn't know where they disappeared because of the destruction of their home planet, and their original status was replaced by a new civilization. They were replaced by the people of the Jadons. Regardless of the level of technology, I have to say that the Jadons are flattering. Still have it."

The result is this monster in hand.

"They caught His Majesty's desire to seek a strong enemy, and claimed to be able to create the strongest monsters in the universe. Afterwards, the experimental items they sent indeed aroused His Majesty's interest, so they replaced Baltan Starman, became the director of the Imperial Science Department."

Hearing this, the Kirielod people didn't feel too much disturbance.

Didn't the emperor who ruled the galaxy die in the hands of Ultraman?

Of course, these words cannot be spoken.

"Although His Majesty is dead, the highest technological achievement of the Jadon Stars has been created. It is this monster in my hand. Frankly speaking, its combat ability is even higher than mine, and it is close to Grozan. s level."

Magma didn't hide his shortcomings very much. The Kiriarods could ignore the previous words, but not the last sentence.

"That means I can look forward to its power, right?"

Powerful monsters, that was an important part of their plan from the very beginning.

"It's not just power, it can even become a lamb to be slaughtered immediately if you want."

Its actions are entirely up to the user.

"Originally, the Jadons planned to use it as a powerful weapon in the war, but since I saw it, it belongs to me."

Magma doesn't care what the outcome of the war will be, killing Ultraman is the most important thing.

"By the way, this earth is really full of disasters. I saw something interesting when I came back."

That huge volume should be a mechanical island, and I don't know what is staring at this planet.

"Isn't it just right to appear?"

The Kiriarod chuckled, and she looked at the night sky, where she couldn't see the scene outside the atmosphere.

They are not interested in what the earth has become, all they need is human beings.

"All the elements have been prepared, and we can officially start our plan."

"Start now?"

"No, starting tomorrow, my companions saw something very interesting."

The Kirielod people, who exist in spirit, have unique abilities, and they can quickly travel back and forth between different locations on the earth.

In Tokyo, the capital of Japan, a new monster has appeared in the area that has just been panicked by the incident of the Suna ghost.

On the street, the citizens who returned home late at night widened their eyes. What they saw was a strange existence.

It made a heavy metallic sound as it moved, and the yellow dots on its face that looked like eyes glowed a warning yellow.

"What, what?!"

The existence of human beings seems to have attracted its attention. It stopped, its lower body did not move, and its upper body turned 180 degrees directly.

The robot obviously has no eyes, but it makes office workers feel like they are being stared at.

Finally, even the stagnant lower body began to move.


When the monster took a step, the man who finally came to his senses turned around and ran away with all his might.

He didn't dare to look back, the robot behind him moved forward slowly, one step, two steps, three steps.

It wasn't just him who was frightened, such scenes were repeated in the entire Tokyo area.

When he thought he had managed to escape, he took out his mobile phone with a trembling right hand and dialed the emergency number of TPC.

At the other end of the loop is the Far East Sea Base.

The members of TPC kept receiving calls and hanging up again. What they recorded were all the same thing, that is, the robot in the middle of the night.

The victorious team, who had experienced life and death and battles, had no time to rest, and took the lead in driving Feiyan No. [-] to Xincheng and Dagu in the territory. There was darkness around.

Flying at night is a bit unsettling.

"Tsk, it really doesn't give you any time to relax. What's going on? Is this also the work of the Kirielods?"

Xincheng complained about the current situation, what annoyed him was knowing that the enemy existed, but he could only be passive.

"Dagu, do you have any clues in your mind?"

He subconsciously asked his comrades in the rear.

"I do not know either."

Dagu shook his head in bewilderment, the robot in the middle of the night, could it be said that where does the Kirielod actually have an advanced industrial base?

"It seems that the only way to find the answer is to actually investigate."

After saying this, Xincheng silently confirmed the status of the communication, but it was not connected.

"Dagu, how does it feel when you are fighting?"

Finally, he still couldn't hold back his curiosity.

How does it feel when you fight?

"It's hurts when you get hit, and you get tired when you get hurt."

"Same as in combat training?"

"Same as in combat training."

The affirmative answer made Xincheng nod his head.

"That's right."

It hurts, it gets tired, it gets hurt, and it... dies, that's what living things are.

Ultraman is not a god, they are fighting with their lives to protect the existence of human beings.

Under the same sky, in Kumamoto City, Masaki’s underground base could not receive the moonlight. Nangong leaned on the seat, Masaki was busy completing his mighty-looking robot monster, and Di Ana stared at the device in her hands.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked which Ultraman you are."

Suddenly, her question pulled Nangong back from his daze.

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