"Empat...don't you need to concentrate?"

The eyes did not look at the small device at all.

"The system will help me solve it."

Artificial intelligence is quite convenient. Although it can't think, it will do it.

"May I ask you, how do you plan to find the Kyriairods?"

Nangong felt a little curious, mental wavelength detector?

"The monitoring system that invaded the earth is being investigated. Unfortunately, we Baltan have not really conducted in-depth research on souls, but only know that there are such existences."


It seems that not only the TPC is a toilet, but the entire electronic network of the earth seems to be a toilet.

"Didn't find it?"

"The results of the comparison have come out, but I really want to know their positions, at least I have to wait until they appear in the camera to capture them."

Just as Masaki speculated, the Kirielod people's appearance is borrowed from dead people. Of course, it is impossible for them to register with their identities, so they cannot be found through this aspect.

"Just wait patiently."

Of course, Diana also wanted to solve the problems on the earth as soon as possible, but if she couldn't do it, she couldn't.

She has never heard of the Kirierod race, maybe it is a civilization that existed a long time ago, or is it a creature of another dimension?

"Just two people can contain you, maybe the problem of the earth is more difficult than I imagined."

Thinking of the results of the comparison, she couldn't help but sigh.

But it was this sentence that made Nangong stunned.

"Wait, you said there were only two people?"

"I compared it three times, and I can be sure."

Thinking that he was questioning her answer, Diana emphasized her seriousness.

"Only two people..."

Nangong recalled the battle that broke out in the park. There must be more than two Kirielods.

In other words, there are many Kirialods who are active on the earth in a purely spiritual state.

It's not like using the so-called 'sacred flame' to cause damage like last time, and there is no confrontation. What are they doing?

Sort out the recent events again, Red King, Gorzan, Seaglas, Doraka.

One space monster and three earth monsters.

They all wake up from the ground, and the holy fire of the Kirielod people is triggered from the ground. As spiritual life forms, they can enter the ground at will.

There is no evidence, it is simply a coincidence that is not known.

The Kiriarods awakened the monsters that had been sleeping in the ground.


'Could it be that they intend to use the monsters to consume the power of TPC and Tiga, and then defeat them in one fell swoop? '

Nangong speculated about the enemy's purpose in his heart. Although Diana was puzzled why the other party stopped talking halfway, she could also see that he was thinking about important things.

Looking away, I remembered the experience of the Baltan civilization again.

'Earthlings, how lucky. '

For a while, I felt in a trance.

The Baltans of the aggressive faction were so jealous of humans that they were going crazy, and now, she could understand their feelings a little bit.

The patron saint of the planet, relying on human beings alone, cannot sustain so many crises anyway, all because of the existence of Ultraman.

Why are people on Earth so special?

Why did the Baltans have to rely on themselves when they encountered such disasters?

Why don't they have Patronus?

If the Baltan civilization also had Ultraman, wouldn't it be the same as it is today?

Diana looked at the thinking Nangong again, the other party frowned tightly, his eyes were full of seriousness.

The gap between giants and humans is even more exaggerated than between humans and ants. Even so, he is still worried about 'ants' and betting his life to fight for them.

'It's really enviable. '

But now, what's the point of thinking about it?

Gradually, the hour hand moving inside the clock stopped at the number 8.

A lot of strange metals piled up in the warehouse of TPC Far East headquarters overnight.

This is what they collected at night, what they got from staying up all night, is something that makes the logistics staff and the science department puzzling.

"It's definitely not Earth's metal...but even if it's not Earth's metal, it's still metal."

Horii still had dark circles under his eyes. After studying it all night, he couldn't figure out why these things could move like in the video when they were combined.

There is no skeleton inside, and there is no mechanical device in the metal, which makes no sense.

Even when observing Tokyo, there are no abnormal electromagnetic waves or anything else.

His hands gripped his hair irritably, and a lot fell out all of a sudden.

Not only the body, but even the spirit can't help but feel tired.

At this moment, the siren sounded in the base of TPC.

Hori in the science department, Xincheng in the hangar, Dako, Lina, Junjian in the command room, Zongfang, Ye Rui, and the members of the victory team woke up in an instant. They knew very well that the warning sound represented What's the meaning.

Monsters appeared, and in just two days, three monsters had already appeared.

One day's plan lies in the morning, when no one wants to see such a terrifying existence at this time.

Within the city, the monster that appeared out of nowhere remained motionless, it was waiting for the order of the manipulator.

"Run away!"

The alarm was sounded throughout the city, and everyone on the street and at home woke up in an instant.

Someone subconsciously looked at the terrifying existence. The black body and chest were divided into two glowing dark yellow pieces on the left and right. The white limbs also had the structure of a snake's belly. Below the two corners of the head was the same long dark yellow strip. It is the face of the monster.


Just standing there on the street, Magma gave the order.

On the side, the Kyriairods looked at the giant monster with great interest, and could not detect any danger from its appearance.

"What about the name?"

She also became interested in her heart, what is this man-made monster that can even be used as an ace in the space war?

There must be a resounding name.

"The Space Dinosaur Jadon."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jie Dun slapped a tall building to pieces with his right hand.

Chapter 99 Cosmic Dinosaurs

There were screams, screams, and countless voices. Someone in front fell to the ground because they were too scared or for other reasons, and there was no time to help her.

The man sprinted crazily, without even the energy to pay attention to the loss of physical strength.

The reverberating sound of fear was covered, the ground seemed to be shaking, he staggered, he hit the wall and barely fell down.

Subconsciously looking over there, there was no one there, only a fallen boulder.

"do not look!"

Quickly cover the boy's eyes, yes, he is a father, and at the same time, he can only take care of himself in a disaster.

Turning around and running quickly, before that, what came into view was the blood oozing from under the wreckage and the monster that was walking and crushing the building.

With every attack, something splashes out, and the destruction of the city is so appalling.

The man ran with all his strength, fearful, and this emotion made him tireless.

In the next moment, the boulder falling in front of him caused the ground to vibrate crazily.

The child who was protecting him fell down, opened his eyes after a whirlwind, and there were not a few people who also fell, but the number was even smaller than before.

The cracked earth, the huge rubble, and the dust that makes the throat hurt when you breathe.

There was a frightening explosion from nowhere, and the half-crushed vehicle caught fire.

Immediately got up, wanting to escape backwards.

At this time, it is not an illusion, there are more shadows on the sunny road.

Instinctively raised his head, it was a fragment of a building that was photographed from nowhere.

Immediately turned around, and within a few steps, the vibration knocked the man over again.

Even escaping seemed difficult, the destruction of monsters destroyed not only the city, but also the citizens living inside.

The front is blocked, the rear is blocked, and the only way to go is that alley.

"It's okay, it's okay, Dad is here."

As if wanting to comfort the child, but also comforting himself, the man ran towards the only path.

Was it because I was too anxious to hear?


He didn't hear his son's response.

He rushed forward desperately, and the shaking ground from time to time made him cling to the wall to support his body.

It was obviously only a short tens of meters, but it seemed as far away as thousands of meters.

The exaggerated voices in my ears sounded like some kind of work was going on at the construction site. At the end of the road were the running citizens, and they were also struggling to survive.

Why did the monster appear and where did it come from?

Finally, the man who came out from the alley found that there was no one on the road, and they didn't know where they were running.

In the distant sky, there are yellow fighter jets.

"It's the Victory Team, here comes the Victory Team! So we——"

The words stopped abruptly, and disasters will not be merciful to anyone because of age or gender.

Only then did he notice the red dyed hands and sleeves.

The whole body was trembling, black smoke was floating upwards, and countless wreckages were scattered all over the ground. At this moment, the mournful cry of a father could not be transmitted to the sky.

But the overall situation came into view completely. The monster continued to move forward, smashing everything it saw. A large number of fragments were a disaster for the citizens, and they flew out and fell in a long series towards the distance.

The time it took for the winning team to get from the sea base to Osaka was 1 minute.

During this 1 minute, a huge gap was dug out of the city, where there were no buildings, no living things, only countless fragments, and the ignited flames polluted the air.

The monster moved forward without any waves, faithfully executing the orders it received.

"Stop for me!"

Feiyan No. [-], Feiyan No. [-], armor-piercing bullets, light guns, and Texas cannons, in order to prevent the enemy from moving forward, they can almost be called full-bomb launches.

The missile pierced the skin, and the bombardment of the light directly detonated. In an instant, an explosion enveloping the monster's upper body was set off. The black mist around it was blown away, and the strong wind spread in all directions.

However, that's all.

Not even shaking, Jayden continued to take steps forward, countless glass shards and broken stones flew everywhere with the waving palms.

"damn it!"

Xincheng cursed and pressed the trigger, the two fighter jets linked up, and the light aimed at the head splashed sparks, the monster still didn't respond, it just carried out the order.

Wherever it passed, the buildings were smashed and the roads were destroyed. Just moving in the city was enough to destroy everything. What kind of monster is this?

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