'So what, so what if you are not, now you are just a poor worm who has lost the ability to transform and is swallowed by darkness, no matter what we want to do, it has nothing to do with you, you can't do anything. '

Shiori continued to speak words that shook the hearts of others, Tiga, Empat, the former still needs to play its final role, while the latter, just keep it like this.

Anxiety, anger, powerlessness, the darkness in his body has not disappeared, the more so, the more grand the subsequent rampage will be.

Magma still put in a lot of effort, since he wants the best revenge, then give him the best revenge.

The whole picture of the whole plan flashed in her memory, she couldn't help laughing in her heart, everything went smoothly as expected, and the two of them really moved obediently like chess pieces on a chessboard.

The triumphant laughter was transmitted along with the telepathy, to Nangong, this laughter was just harsh.

He punched the protective shield fiercely, but it's a pity that he doesn't have any ability to smash it into pieces.

Two Ultraman, can't do anything now.

In different countries, in different cities, the Balrog warriors used their bodies as shields to protect all the people. The continuous thunder that seemed to never disappear was interrupted in an instant.

Half of it was acting, half of it was reality. They knelt on the ground weakly, as if they had exhausted their strength.

At a height above [-] meters, the strongest Balrog warrior had a new change in his body at this time.

What used to be wings, is now armor on the body and wrist blades on the arms.

Flying at full speed, when the thunder disappeared, the robots pouring out from the inside of the mechanical island collided.

The sturdy armor and body exploded one after another, ignoring all these attacks, the Balrog warrior who penetrated the atmosphere pulled his left hand back, and then suddenly moved forward as he approached.

Due to the actual contact between the two, the sound was transmitted, violent sparks jumped, and the cutting wrist blade rubbed against the outer wall of the mechanical island, but only left shallow marks.

Adjusting the angle of his body, from the center to the right, he pulled the wrist blade all the way to cut until the end.

Turn your body and face the mechanical island again.

It is hard, no doubt it is unimaginably hard, from this side again, within a few seconds, and then from the other side, the wrist blade of the crazy slash is still shaking, but the mechanical island is unscathed.

If the bottom doesn't work, what about the top?

Climbing up quickly, and dodging the attacking self-destruction army.

The Balrog warrior drew an arc and landed on the island. This is a unique sight here, or the whole island has a strange image.

The reason why it is called an 'island' rather than a 'disc' is because of the rocks that cover it, partly because of the slight gravity that has attracted asteroid fragments, and they have attached to the disc, making it look It looks like an island.

Just stepping on the top of the island, above, is the self-destruction army chasing after.

The Balrog Warrior is ready to seduce the opponent. He does not possess energy attacks, but only boasts of his strong body.

When he fought Empat for the first time, he was suppressed in combat, so he further strengthened his body.

After observing Tiga's ability to switch forms, he further developed wings.

In other words, the form at this time evolved for the trial of Ultraman, and I didn't expect to meet the weapons of alien civilization just in time.

He hoped that the self-destruction army would hit the mechanical island directly to create a gap, but unfortunately this plan was too obvious.

Immediately afterwards, what appeared in front of the eyes of the Balrog warriors was the assembled self-destruction army.

The collision did not cause an explosion, but merged like a liquid, and finally, what fell from the sky was a robot with a strange shape.

It has armor that covers half of its body and is somewhat similar to the outer wall of the mechanical island. The head is sharp and angular, with a soft arc on the left and a sharp corner on the right. , is it the eyes?Or something else?

At this moment, it was not an illusion, the artificial gravity strengthened in one go, exerting on the two above the island.

'I see, that guy can't fly. '

The Balrog Warrior folded his wings and quickly understood the current situation.

The mechanical island AI issued an order to completely destroy the enemies standing on the island, so it is the strongest type of goblin robot, Oguma.

The left arm moved forward, and the strong current was blocked by the wrist blade.

The distance between the two sides narrowed, and they collided in an instant.

At the same time as the battle broke out above the mechanical island, the bottom floor of the TPC Far East headquarters was penetrated.

"I never thought I would blow up my own base one day."

Xincheng couldn't help but make a sound, relying on the rule of 'the shortest straight line between two points', and just as Director Yoshioka said, the victory team reached the bottom floor where the Yagdis was located by blasting the floor.

Now that the destination of these robots is known, the defense is also very simple.

Except for the scientific researchers who were really unable to fight, even the maintenance personnel carried their equipped rifles to fight.

The robot soldiers who invaded the base can't be counted as many, they are just the amount recovered from Tokyo. Not only that, their combat ability at this time is not high, and they will fall down after being hit.

Knowing that they can still be revived, the TPC members fired wildly at the fallen and scattered wreckage.

Keeping the bottom layer well, the winning team entered the interior of the Yagdis, activated the Magus power system, and prepared to attack the mechanical island of the universe.

The situation is gradually improving. As long as you understand the situation, you can fight back.

Guard the Yagdis before it is activated.

Soon, the battleship's system was fully activated, and following the instructions, it moved towards the attack port.

The first battle of the Magus powertrain, targeting the enemies that threaten humanity.

From the bottom to the middle, the base is full of gunfire.

Finally, the front hatches opened one by one.

"There is nothing abnormal about the system."

"The weapon system is also complete."

Lina and Xincheng finished the inspection, so Zongfang took a deep breath and gave the order:

"Yagdis, set sail!"

The thrusters are activated, the tail flame of the blue light pushes the battleship to sail, the front end is raised, and the Mags power system is activated.

From flame to brilliance, the iris was left behind, and the Yagdis headed out of the atmosphere at an exaggerated speed.

"It's exactly the same as in the simulation training."

Hori felt relieved. As early as half a month ago, the Victory Team had already been carrying out the adaptation training of the Magus power system boarding plane, but he did not expect that it would be an actual combat.

The blue sky is separated from the black universe, and what the naked eye observes is the mechanical island floating in the universe.

Above it, the two are engaged in a fierce battle.

The wrist blade sliced ​​through the thunderbolt and cut the enemy's body, but it only splashed sparks.

Left, right, left, right, after continuous slashing, he quickly jumped to the side, and the second thunder that struck disappeared at the end of the distance.

The Balrog warrior swept his left arm across immediately, but it was still a bit late. Oguma raised his hand to bear the attack without even a little trembling.

Even if it is strengthened to this level, it still cannot cause effective damage.

He jumped up quickly, and the sweeping thunder spread out in all directions.

'It's bad enough. '

The Balrog understands that the island is beyond his reach alone.

Dropped, kicked, and caught easily.

Oguma turned his body and swung downwards, directly hitting the enemy on the hard outer wall of the island.

It leaned forward, and the lightning it released swept forward all the way, failing to hit the opponent who was dodging even if it rolled.

The Balrog warrior quickly propped up his body and stood up. At this moment, the words of his companion flashed in his mind.

'I see, Magus Powertrain. '

Quickly switched the communication object. At this time, they arrived at the inside of the Yagdis within range, and a voice sounded in the brains of Zongfang and others:

'Everyone on the winning team, I'm Richard Bandar, I can't defeat them by myself, please lend me a helping hand. '

"This voice is!"

As soon as Xincheng wanted to get angry, Zongfang stopped him.

"How to do?"

He knows what is the most important situation now. The enemies of both sides are the island. If there is internal strife, wouldn't it make the enemies laugh?

'It's very simple. '

Suddenly, something shiny rushed out from directly above the island.

The Balrog warrior with wings on his back hugged Oguma tightly and rushed out from above.

'Attack the enemy I'm hugging, maximum power! '

"New Town!"

"it is good!"

"Maggs powertrain delivery!"

In addition to conventional weapons, this battleship also has the strongest firepower that uses the power system on the main gun, that is, the Magus cannon.

The energy was input into it, continuously compressed, and the target was aimed at Oguma, who continuously blasted the electric current on the Balrog warrior.

'It would be nice to destroy both together! '

Xincheng felt ruthless in his heart, filled with energy, waiting for the moment of burst.

At this time, the Balrog warrior had also noticed the arrival of his companions.

Humans have a saying that the strongest fortresses are breached from within, and it is true.

The invisible Kirielod people just came out of another world, and immediately flew into the universe. The mechanical island did not detect any abnormalities, and the monitoring satellite of the TPC did not capture anything.

They quickly entered the interior of the mechanical island, with more and more people.

Finally, the Yagdis accumulated enough energy, and the Balrog warrior threw the unbeatable Oguma forward. In the next moment, rainbow-like shelling hit the robot soldier hard, and the hard armor Gradually distorted and deformed.

Almost all the energy was used, and in the end, Oguma still couldn't bear the power that exceeded the warning line, and the power poured into it completely destroyed the inside.

At this time, the Balrog Warrior looked at the mechanical island, and the internal AI was constantly calculating.

'For unknown reasons, for unknown reasons. '

The scorching fire is filling every corner of the spaceship, and the Kirialods are invisible, but they release the power of the flames.

As they said, the so-called sacred flame is constantly igniting everything inside. It is not a normal flame at all, and it cannot be extinguished by exhausting all its strength.

After half a minute, everyone could see the flames emanating from the mechanical island.

"That is......"

One, two, three, more and more holes appeared, more and more pillars of flame surged, it seemed that the originally gray outer wall also turned orange-red.

After 1 minute, even people on the earth could vaguely see the violent explosion that spread.

Dozens of cities, different countries, and Balrog warriors rose up almost at the same time. On this day, a strange scene appeared on the earth.

"Everyone, the invaders have been defeated by us Kirielod, you don't have to worry anymore."

Osaka, the angel lifted the shield, she said so.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Balrog warriors standing in the city made an action, just as he had done yesterday, and the emerald light shone on the people.

"my hand......"


Whether it is an injured person or a dying person, they seem to be reborn at this moment. These rays of light seem to be able to heal all suffering. Compared with the existence of unknown things, this existence that can communicate and understand is more exciting. close.

No matter what kind of things, seeing is believing, and what you see in your eyes is the truth.

The Kiriarods have protected human beings and saved the lives that are about to die. This is the reality they see.

However, is there anything hidden under the 'truth' we see?

Some people think about this point, but they don't know what it is.

The gate opened even wider, and without anyone knowing it, the Kiriairods were coming into this world one by one.

It has been two hours since the battle with the mechanical island ended, and during these two hours, many things have been prepared.

"May I ask what is it that is attacking us humans and the earth?"

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