It was still a press conference, and the reporters responded quickly, and they were about to grab first-hand information.

Compared with the Ultraman who comes and goes without a trace, Kirielod people communicate better. I have to sigh that the boss is indeed the boss. They immediately seized such a good opportunity and let them successfully start this conference .

If you can't interview Ultraman, can't you also interview Kirielod people?

In other words... now who cares about Ultraman? Even the kid in the dojo knows which side the current affairs are on.

As for the two Ultramans, it is enough to write some peripheral reports later on, such as topics such as 'being taken away', 'because they are weak', and 'have they given up'.

Approaching the microphone, Richard showed a serious expression.

"It came from the universe, a creation of advanced civilizations."

Of course he didn't know what it was, but someone knew that Magma was well-informed, although it took him a long time to remember it.

"Its purpose is to create a warning machine to destroy the civilizations that are about to enter the universe. In other words, this universe is not peaceful. Higher civilizations do not want lower civilizations to become stronger. If there is such a sign, it will destroy."

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help feeling a feeling of fear.

Human beings don't know much about the universe and other civilizations, but after this positive understanding, they got such an answer?

Weapons that can directly strike half of the earth... This is what the aliens have given to human beings. Coupled with the previous aggressive behavior, pessimistic thoughts are naturally born.

"But don't worry everyone, not all civilizations are like this in the universe, and even if such enemies appear again, we will protect human beings just like this time."

Comforting everyone like a kind elder, Richard really did his best, after all, his goal has been achieved.

At this moment, the reporter who seized the opportunity in his heart suddenly asked a question:

"Mr. Richard, may I ask what kind of existence Ultraman is? Are they also from the distant universe?"

Kirierod and Ultraman, this is a title that can attract many readers.

Tiga and Empat, where did they come from?

They are the light who came to the earth from the universe 3000 million years ago, and finally returned to their hometown. Together with their companions, they guarded the super ancient people, and were finally abandoned by the super ancient people.

That's the real answer, however...

"Unfortunately, we don't know about this point. For us, Ultraman is also a strange existence. It may come from a distant universe, or it may come from other worlds, or even from a different dimension. Not impossible."

There is only one piece of information contained in the series of speculations spoken.


Lina couldn't help but scold the other party, although she knew very well that the other party couldn't hear these words here.

In TPC's Far East base, the members of the victory team did not participate in the repair after returning. This is a logistical job, and the only thing they can repair is equipment.

"Sure enough, there is no way to trust it."

Xincheng's doubts never ceased.

The Kirielod's speech made the TPC even more suspicious of them.

In the time machine left by the super ancient civilization, the highly intelligent AI guides TPC to the Pyramid of Light, and the giant wakes up inside.

That is to say, Tiga and Empat are both existences of super ancient civilizations. 3000 million years ago, the Kirielod people also said that they paid attention to the existence of the earth 3000 million years ago.

That being the case, how could they not know Ultraman.

Why lie to the people?

Why deceive the people, isn't it simple?

In the luxurious villa in Kumamoto City, the maids are cleaning, and its mistress, Mephilas, is watching the press conference while shaking the red wine.

The Kirielod claimed that they didn't know the origin of Ultraman. She didn't know whether it was true or not, but at least she knew the consequences of saying so.

The known Kirielod people and the unknown Ultraman are really a stark contrast.

The trouble is that Ultraman can't speak. Is communication really so important?

Of course it's important, isn't it a matter of course?

Isn't the purpose of intelligent life to develop language for communication?


Compared with the last time the Imperial Stars, this time the enemy is another kind of tricky.

Meferas put the empty red wine glass back on the table. She can probably guess what will happen next. When human beings no longer need Ultraman, what should Ultraman do?

The press will continue to release, and in all corners of the earth, there are people who continue to observe the situation.

Whether in high-rise buildings or low-rise bungalows, their jobs are the same. Newspapers, magazines, and TV programs cannot reflect the existence around them on the mirror.

The Kyriairods are gently controlling these captured poor people, and the second phase of the plan is progressing steadily.

Just wait, there are many more interesting things to come.

With a sneer, the possessed person also laughed, the door has been opened, and it was pushed open by human hands.

Japan, Osaka, the two people who left the press conference were still surrounded by reporters. Dagu watched them, clenched and loosened his hands.

He even wanted to go straight up and tell everyone that he was Ultraman Tiga, and don't trust Kirielod people.

But he couldn't do it, because he was only a body of flesh and blood. As a member of the Victory Team, as a soldier, even though his body was strengthened, he still couldn't break away from the range of human beings.

In other words, you will die if your heart is punctured, and you will die if your brain is destroyed. You cannot expect the enemy's moral standards.

Suddenly, Dagu felt the sight.

It's not an illusion, when Shiori's eyes swept over, she deliberately smiled.

Are you laughing at his powerlessness?

This is just the beginning, what will happen next?

it's actually really easy.

The location is India, someone is crying, and blood is spilled all over the place. After the global unification, this country also ushered in reform.

Even so, there are still people who live with old-fashioned ideas and hurt others for it.

The woman's eyes were empty and there were several holes in her abdomen, and the crazy man was still stabbing her abdomen with a knife.

She dared to walk on the street without even wearing a veil, such a lecherous woman should die.

The next moment, his hand was held, and a heavy punch hit him on the cheek.

The teeth flew, and the man lost consciousness instantly in the severe pain.

The existence that intervened in this matter ignored the other party and caught the woman who seemed to be dead. He had a body structure similar to that of a human, but it was definitely not human.

Emerald green light emerged, and the Balrog Warrior, the size of an ordinary person, was doing something.

People who were hiding because of fear also slowly poked their heads out, and then they witnessed a miracle.


The woman suddenly started to cough violently, and blood spit out from her throat. It is impossible for a dead person to react like this, but is the person who was stabbed more than ten times in the abdomen still alive?


The weeping child leaps at the woman who appears to have come back from the dead.

Her memory is still in the pain, but the mother's instinct allowed her to catch her child.

The onlookers came up, and the large pool of blood on the ground seemed fake.

The Balrog Warrior took two steps back, leaving under the eyes of people full of various emotions.

How many people die in a day due to accidents or other circumstances?

Life and death, the reversal of common sense, similar phenomena have occurred all over the world.

The reaction of the media was unimaginably quick. They immediately went to find these resurrected people and started interviewing them.

The news is spreading wildly all over the world, saying that the Kirielod people can resurrect the dead, do you believe it?Do not believe it?

Now, it's just the beginning.

In Kumamoto City, Nangong left after returning the spark prism to Dagu. The current situation cannot be solved by the two of them alone.

I came to the company's underground parking lot again, walked into the elevator, and went to the underground research institute.

With a clear sound, the door opened, and he returned to this white space.

Going straight to the inner room, just after entering, I saw different pictures emerging on the hundreds of screens.

"Masaki, what is this?"

Immediately ask, the pattern between the two is always so straightforward.

"Scenes captured by different cameras around the world."

Zheng Mu squinted his eyes, hundreds of screens were not enough at all, and it was the Balrog Warrior that appeared on every screen.

"Initially we thought the Kirilloids were a small number, but they are now operating in different countries around the world."

Hearing this, Nangong looked at the screens.

The picture becomes very fast, not limited to a country, not limited to a region.

"Do you know superheroes?"

The sudden question made him think for a while.

"Like Spiderman, Superman, Batman?"

Even if you haven't read the comics, you will feel familiar with these three characters, not to mention there are very famous movies.

"What they're doing now is what a superhero would do."

Masaki said with an unhappy face.

"Extinguish fires, stop accidents, save people everywhere, even bring the dead back to life... tsk."

What kind of method is this?

Are they going to cast themselves as absolute heroes and throw TPC aside?

In the final analysis, TPC is just an ordinary organization, and its members are only human beings. There is no way to teleport across the earth, and there is no ability to predict the future.

And these Kirielods...

"They're like out of nowhere, out of nowhere, and exhibit this shit-like ability."

Gods, heroes, godlike heroes, because gods don't respond to people, heroes do.

"You played a good game of chess. Where did the Kirielod people come from, and where did they mass-produce them?"

Masaki couldn't understand why a lot of Kiriarods suddenly appeared out of nowhere like 3D printing.

"damn it."

The anxiety in his heart was completely displayed on his face, and now the situation is developing to the worst, what should be done to overcome it?

First, strength is necessary.

"Before that, how about Diana's examination of the resurrected people?"

Nangong didn't give in to his anxiety, but he could still keep calm, and he couldn't give up the clues he could catch.

"She sent that person back, as for the result..."

Speaking of this matter, Zheng Mu's expression became very... gloomy.

Noticing this, Nangong also had a bad premonition in his heart.

The two were talking in the underground base. Outside the underground base, in the sky, the disc of Baltan technology was flying at high speed.

Diana's complexion is not very good either. Frankly speaking, the Kyriairods are taking the lead every step of the way. What will they do next to break out of the current situation?

The people are stupid, the eyes of the people are discerning, the people are blindly obedient, the people have wisdom, no matter how you describe it, there is no problem, because the people will always show different sides at different times.

Only this time, I don't know which side will be shown.

The spaceship is invisible, skimming the city below.

In this city, there is a person walking.

Kirino, the superhuman, while he is advancing, he also observes what the people around him are doing.

'Kiriyarods lead every step of the way' - now he can fully understand this point.

Is there really no hope for it?

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