Yes, he saw different scenes in the previous prophetic dream, and he had a deep understanding of some things.


Maybe people don't notice this at ordinary times, but when they really need it, they will realize how important this is.

'Either you, or I, need it. '

A giant with blue eyes seemed to flash before Kirino's eyes, and in his ears was a heated discussion about the Kiriarods.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Where did the monster come from?

Indigenous species, ancient monsters that have always existed on the earth, or cosmic monsters from the distant universe, they are all creatures that naturally exist in this world.

Because of the birth of negative emotions, or other reasons, a special monster that suddenly appeared in this world.

If you want to divide it in detail, there are also many types that are difficult to distinguish.

"Everyone, please stay away from here, there are monsters there."

Those who appeared in the town were men who called themselves Kirielod. Since a week ago, until now, they have left a deep impression on the hearts of humans.

They are the gods who can bring human beings back from the dead.

Since they say so, what's the reason for not obeying it?

Although I don't know if it's true or not, I'd rather believe it than believe it. What the other party said is the "monster", a moving catastrophe.

After confirming that it was a safe distance, the man's body changed, and finally, in a thick mist, he formed a huge body with his companions.

That is the Balrog Warrior with a sad face, and the Balrog Warrior who can fight against Ultraman is not so easy to accomplish.

And to deal with this monster, this is enough.

"so big......"

"Let's shoot, let's shoot!"

"Don't worry about it so much, hurry up!"


The ones who communicated were the reporters sent by the TV station. Although they were curious as to why their superiors would know that an incident would happen here, whatever it was, they would shoot if they had to, and they would get a bonus if they did.

"Everyone, this is—"

The most basic self-introduction, followed by moving the camera to the Balrog warrior who was walking fast over there.

"This is the first action of the Kyriairods after a week. According to him, there are terrible monsters hidden underground in this town. Let us wait and see if it is true or not!"

The Balrog warrior in the camera stopped, and raised his right hand upwards. With this movement, the ground shook slightly.

The next moment, violent flames burst out of the ground, forming a column of flames soaring into the sky.

Immediately after, the ground began to shake violently, and the Balrog immediately jumped back.

The ground began to sink, and the two long whips that struck at high speed hit the air between the two sideways.

The Balrog warrior grabbed it with both hands, held it tightly before retracting it, and then pulled it with all his strength as he retreated.

In addition to the vibrations, there are also the screams of monsters.

"Everyone, did you hear that? Just now... It's a monster! It's a monster! Just like what he said, there are monsters hiding in the ground!"

He changed his words immediately in the middle of his words, because the giant creature with scorched black body was forcibly pulled out of the ground by the Balrog Warrior.

Spinning and slamming fiercely, the heavy body hit the ground, making a loud noise.

How weird is the posture of this monster, with its head down, reminiscent of a tortoise, but its body is definitely not a shell, but a body, and the thick tentacles on both sides shake quickly.

Awakened from sleep, he was first burned by the flames, and then forcibly pulled out of his nest, his anger ignited.

The monster named Litmarus locked its eyes on the enemy who attacked it.

The Balrog Warrior rushed forward quickly, and at this moment, the two tentacles were thrown out quickly.

The friction against the air makes a harsh sound, the whipping is so powerful.

Lowering his body, the Balrog Warrior dodged the first attack towards the head, but it was a pity that the opponent's tentacles were two.

Aiming at him, the second swipe struck quickly, knocking him flying with a crisp sound.

As soon as it fell on the ground, it found the falling shadow. The two tentacles used it alternately, whipping it down like a whip.

Left, right, left, right, and immediately after, the Balrog warrior smashed his elbows down, bounced up with his strength, sideways dodged the pursuit, and then raised his right arm to block the second blow from above.

Aiming at the enemy's body or back, he punched directly, and the burst of force made Litmarus lean back. Its peculiar shape made it difficult to maintain balance.

Grasping this moment, the Balrog Warrior pulled his right leg back, as if he was about to kick the enemy's head below him in the next second.

It's a pity that it's not that simple. The white liquid sprayed out from Litmarus's back, and combined with his receding at this time, forming an arc.

Severe pain came from the chest, head, and the hit position, and the damage of strong acid was applied along with the residue of the liquid.

Even before the impact could be eliminated, Litmarus, who fell down again and stabilized his balance, spewed out acid again.


This strong acid almost submerged the Balrog Warrior, sprayed out, and the liquid dripping along the gravity made the earth make a terrible sound of corrosion. It was not over yet, and the monster was still attacking, trying to completely dissolve its enemies.

At this moment, scorching flames erupted from the ground again, but what it touched was the Balrog Warrior.

The heat of the flame evaporated the remaining liquid on its body, and the next moment, the flames were released in front of the palm protruding from the pillar of flame.

Strong acid, raging fire, the two were in a stalemate for a short time. However, Litmarus's acid storage capacity was limited. Before the jet port on the back could be closed, the influx of flames completely burned the inside.


The intense screams and frantically moving tentacles all showed its pain.

The Balrog warrior withdrew his left hand and pushed his right hand forward. It was no longer a continuous flame, but a blue flash. The energy shot from the air exploded directly, knocking the monster to the ground.

He quickly stepped forward, hitting the wounded Litmarus continuously. At this moment, it could only keep shaking its tentacles. Finally, the flame poured into its mouth scorched everything from the inside, and finally the whole body burned , turned to ashes.

"Win, the Kiriarods won! Not only did it find the monster that threatened humans before the TPC, but it also succeeded in destroying it!"

The reporter shouted excitedly, nothing else, as a human being, of course he is afraid of the existence of the monster.

They have already caused so much harm, how could they still have friendly thoughts about them.

In front of the camera, the Balrog warrior put his hands on his hips, nodded, and disappeared in a puff of mist.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

It's not Osaka. Of course, Richard and Shiori are not only active in one area.

In Nagoya, while the two were active, Daiko was also following the two.

The cameras followed, and they never avoided being interviewed by reporters or anything else during this time.

"There are a lot of people in the folks who associate the Kyriairods with the gods in mythology around the world. Is this true? I mean, since the Kiriairods have always been guarding humans, So has it also appeared in human history?"

Journalists ask questions that people care about.

Think carefully about what kind of things they have done since they appeared?

Find the monster first and destroy it.

Rescue and protect people everywhere in the world.

Raise the dead.

"You can even resurrect the dead. This is similar to the omnipotent gods in mythology. Does it mean that the Kiriairods are the prototypes of gods?"

It's an undisguised blasphemy, but in today's world, there are many unbelievers.

Facing this question, Richard thought for a while.

"On this point, I can give a negative answer. We are not gods. As for the ability to resurrect the dead, it can only be said that this is a special ability unique to us Kyriaelods, and it is not convenient to disclose."

Words were sent through the loop, and they admitted being able to raise the dead.

"May I ask how the relationship between the Kirielod people and the TPC is? Has a cooperative relationship been achieved?"

Has anyone asked this important question.

"Regarding this point, I can only say that TPC still has a certain degree of vigilance and prejudice against us. There is nothing we can do about it. After all, our companions did cause quite serious damage before. I think these barriers can only be relied on. Time and our sincerity to eliminate."

Shiori replied with a serious expression.

Suddenly, she turned her gaze to Dagu.

Dagu immediately realized something was wrong, but it was still a bit late.

"Actually, this is the member of the victory team sent by TPC to communicate with us. If he doesn't mind, you can ask him to understand the situation, come on."

Leading the reporters closer, Shiori had a friendly smile on her face.

"No, I—"

Before Da Gu expressed his refusal, he was overwhelmed by a large number of questions, and the two were surrounded by reporters.

There were voices from all directions, and when he was surrounded here, Richard jumped up from the corner of his sight.


The figure jumping high became huge in a short half a second, with its wings spread, the Balrog warrior flew towards the sky.

"That is......"

"It seems that my companion also sensed the appearance of the monster."

Shiori gave the answer first before the reporter asked questions, and the gigantic Richard kept rising.

Two hours ago, in the vast universe, something was approaching the earth, a living planet.

TPC's Delta space station has already detected it, and it seems to be just a meteorite that will burn up in the atmosphere, but the speed is unimaginable.

Just as they were about to destroy it, as they approached, the electronic equipment of the entire space station failed at the same time.

"How is this going!"

"Powerful interference!"

Even the lights were turned off, and I could only watch the meteorite head towards the earth.

Two hours later, when Dagu was entangled and Richard flew towards the sky, the meteorite penetrated the atmosphere and fell towards the earth.

In search of life energy, it arrived on Earth.

But before that, something came oncoming, it was the Balrog warrior who had already received the news.

The wrist blade of his right hand was ready, and then he slashed out the sharp blade fiercely.

There was a fierce friction sound, and the asteroid fragments attached to the top were peeled off and burned up on the way of falling.

What is exposed inside is a strange thing, a combination of white and red egg-shaped objects, white is the background color, and red is the circular groove on each 'egg', if you look at it this way, it looks like It's an unidentifiable thing with a lot of eyes.

The Balrog warrior adjusted the angle and direction of his flight, and chased after the meteorite again.

Skimming, chopping, and the strange meteorite that was cut open is still falling.

Targeting it, the Balrog charged a third time.

At this moment, a large amount of white mist gushed out from the inside of the meteorite.

'Come out. '

Magnia, a cosmic monster that obtains energy through parasitic organisms, Magma gave the corresponding information while bringing this monster over.

If a large amount of life energy is absorbed by it, then its power is almost endless.

But if life energy is not absorbed by it...

The monster formed by the mist is almost the same as the meteorite, with a large number of 'eggs' forming its body, and the red grooves are like eyes.

Using its body as a shield, it tried to block the Balrog.

However, how can it compete with flying enemies without the ability to fly?

After impacting and pressing down, the two behemoths began to descend, and the Balrog warriors deliberately adjusted their falling positions, and their figures were noticed.

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