"Hey! Isn't that from Kirielod?"

"What's that thing he's holding?"


The next moment, the earth shook.

Outside the city, in the wilderness, huge potholes were formed, whether it was meteorites or monsters were thrown here.

In order to avoid damage, it deliberately slowed down, so Magnia didn't take much damage, but...

Just when he stood up, a sharp and heavy fist hit him head-on.

After one hit, Magnia was knocked back and was about to fall. Magnia, who had traveled through the universe for a long time, didn't have much strength left, and she didn't have time to swallow life energy. Now was its weakest moment.

The Balrog Warrior stepped forward quickly, elbowed the enemy's weird face, and punched the enemy's abdomen with his jab, completely suppressing the monster. He continued to attack, knocking the opponent dizzy.

The sound of the helicopter came to his ears, noticing the arrival of the camera, he took a step forward, and the wrist blade sliced ​​through Magnia's body.

It's time to end, the wrist blades of both hands constantly slashed at the already weak enemy from different angles.

Finally, Magnia, who had more than a dozen cuts on her body, staggered and fell down.

The materialized monster and the meteorite that released mist, both disappeared in the pillar of flame reaching the sky.


The camera only captured the last picture, which was the picture of the Balrog warrior easily killing the monster.

One of the citizens who was paying attention to the situation was staring at the screen of his mobile phone, and was pulled back just as he took a step forward.

Vehicles passing by, it is now a red light.

His eyes were wide open, and his heart was filled with lingering fear. On one side, a Balrog warrior appeared out of nowhere and supported him.

"Thank you, thank you!"

almost died...

Nodding to this young man, the Balrog Warrior disappeared somewhere.

'But if you think about it carefully, can you be resurrected even if you die? '

He blinked, and the feeling of fear gradually disappeared.

It appears from nowhere to help humans, and can kill monsters before they appear...

'Really reliable! '

In this way, human beings can feel at ease!

Chapter One Hundred and Seven

What's the difference between Kyrierods and Ultraman?

There are more of them, and they are more ubiquitous. Unknowingly, they have integrated into people's lives.

It is completely different from the Ultraman who only appears when fighting monsters, and is basically invisible. road?

You can see them putting out fires, they're going to hospital, just asking for help and responding.

It's too special, Kirielod people are like some kind of nannies, are they normal?

'This is so weird, don't you guys think it's like having some kind of pet thing?Everything is ready, you can't forget that they said a few months ago that they were going to rule over mankind. '

'Please, they all said that they simply had different ideas. Forget about the past, think about the present. Besides, have you ever seen an owner who can revive a pet? '

Discussions on the Internet have been going on, and some people are spontaneously supporting the Kiriarods.

The reason is simple, they were resurrected by the Kirielod people, and few people in the world would slander and attack their saviors, especially those who have experienced death themselves.

The pain and despair before death, as well as a lot of negative feelings, were later transformed into a heart of gratitude to the Kiriarods.

Not only themselves, but also their family and friends, it is simply a miracle that the lost valued person comes back to life.

’ But this could be the start of something. '

'conspiracy?Conspiracy you say? '

Obviously annoyed, besides this, there is also the emotion of not wanting to think.

Ignore his efforts, and start the quarrel on the Internet again.

You can get a lot of information just by watching the other party's network traces, so...

'how?Ultraman hasn't shown up recently, and found out that his position will be replaced by Kirielod, are you Austrian guards getting anxious? '

Debates on the Internet are always highly unified, for example, after the hat is put on, one can attack and abuse wantonly.

Reality pays for inappropriate words, but what about the Internet?

It is precisely because most of the time there is no need to pay any price at all, so they will act recklessly.

In a blink of an eye, the quarrel started, and it was no longer for the sake of persuasion, but just to make myself comfortable and make the other party uncomfortable.

This is just a microcosm at this time, Ultraman, in just two weeks, this existence seems to have been forgotten.

Although the earth is now in a period of frequent monster disasters, only a few people have actually seen them with their own eyes.

And the TPC soldiers who fought side by side to protect the earth, the ordinary people who have been protected of course believe in them, and hold a skeptical attitude towards the Kiriarods.

But there are also people who have not had contact with them. In other words, they don’t have too special feelings. They are just fine.

Ultraman is just a guardian, not a nanny. They don't hold hands with them, or even run directly behind their backs.

But the Kirielod people will, they are now taking care of human beings just like vigilantes and nannies.

Once you get used to something convenient, it's hard to get rid of it.

I have to admit that it is precisely because of the Kirielod people that the death rate that should have happened every day has dropped to an abnormal level.

what is this concept?

That is to say, the number of accidental deaths is 0 except for those who died due to birth, old age, illness and death.

Because the Kiriarods appeared out of nowhere and protected them.

"These media!"

In TPC's base, Xincheng punched the table, and the TV was broadcasting news again.

A miracle that has never been seen in the history of mankind, the number of accidental deaths in the world is 0, and the miracle brought by the Kirielod people.

The media's propaganda is terribly high, but they don't think it's abnormal. They have to ask why, because this is the media, and they will rub it wherever there is heat.

Of course, there are also those who hold different opinions. The problem is that the power is weak.

TPC's investigation of the people who came back from the dead has never stopped, but they still can't find any abnormalities that can prove the conspiracy of the Kyriairods.

They can't shut up the media. If they really do that, the label of dictatorship will be attached to TPC immediately.


The intermediary captain was thinking, she already knew about the plans of the Kyriaelods to create gods.

But what should we do?

Do you want to forcefully kill the Kirielods?

The TPC has not been dispatched for a long time, because their work has even been contracted by the Kiriarods.

Not only that, but they also don't know how many Kiriairods there are in this world, they seem to be everywhere, how do such enemies fight?


Is this the case?

Of course not, but... they can still be in the TPC base.

A pure spiritual body does not use any power. For human beings, the study of the soul is too far away, so it is impossible to stop this type of invasion.

The aggrieved, annoyed, thinking, and gloominess of the Victory Team were all reflected in the eyes of the Kyriairods, but they didn't feel the slightest bit of self-awareness.

'It's almost time. '

He thought in his heart, since he is a god, he should defeat the devil.

At this time, in Osaka City, one-third of the city has been destroyed and cannot be restored so easily. The monsters have greater damage besides the destruction of life. The economic problem is really a global problem.

"Thanks for your hard work!"

Bringing lunch to the workers, the volunteers do more than that.

One-third of cities were badly damaged, and one-third contained more than just skyscrapers and shopping malls.

Many residents have been displaced and are still living in the planned disaster area.

Although TPC tried its best to provide the best tents and materials, but the tents are still tents after all, and the daily construction sounds can't stop.

The damage of noise to the mental state is still very serious.

Some residents can still go to live with friends or relatives, some go to hotels, and the rest stay.

The music stopped, the stereo was turned off, and Nakano, who came to Osaka from Kumamoto for volunteer activities, put his arms around his shoulders.

"It's just going from noise to noise, and that won't work."

He wanted to improve the situation here, but it was difficult.

They have also tried other methods before, such as cards and mahjong, but it was difficult to even hear voices. They did not disturb the residents, and they could rebuild the city quickly. How can there be such a good way to have the best of both worlds.

"Can those Kirielod people resurrect the city before resurrecting the people, can they take care of the living people?"

Nakano couldn't help complaining. He himself didn't have much feeling for the Kirielod himself. He pulled a lot of messy things, but he didn't actually come to help.

"Huh? Are you from the Ultraman school?"

At this moment, the companion of the volunteer asked curiously. The Ultraman faction and the Kiriarod faction were arguing with each other on the Internet.

"No, although it's not... probably because I have never been protected by the Kyrillords, and I don't know anyone who has been resurrected from the dead, so I don't think such a good thing will happen."

Nakano also knows that what he said is actually nothing to do with him, because people who have not lost their attention can feel free to doubt and talk nonsense.

"If your words are heard, it will certainly make people unhappy."

The companion shrugged. He was in the same situation.

"Aren't I just talking to you? Then again, times change so fast."

Obviously, Ultraman was still regarded as a patron saint at the beginning, but now he has become a Kiriarod, people are really forgetful.

"Where did Ultraman go? Didn't he really leave the earth like those magazines and media said?"

Nakano had a very simple idea in his mind. If the Kyriairods really had any conspiracy, only Ultraman could stop them.

"Who knows, maybe they are the same as the plots in those animation works, because they are disappointed with human beings, so they left the earth."

The companion patted Nakano on the shoulder.

"Okay, let's not care about Kirielods and Ultramans, our work is not over yet, even if the sky falls, there will be tall people... so tall."

"Huh? What are you talking about... so tall!"

As volunteers who have only come to Osaka in the last three days, this is the first time for the two to meet the so-called 'angel'

A faint white light shrouded her body, and her wings fluttered slightly, as if to keep her afloat.

When she appeared, everyone's attention was drawn to her.

"What are you going to do?"

Dagu questioned the other party, but all he got was a smile.

"Don't worry, isn't it time to talk?"

As Richard declared, the angel spoke:

"Everyone, do you miss forever because of life and death? Do you have any words you want to say that are blocked by the gap between life and death? Do you want to see the person who didn't have time to convey your thoughts again?"

How many regrets are there in life?

There are countless regrets about the past and the deceased.

"Tonight in Osaka we will blur the line between life and death."

"Blurring the line between life and death..."

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