Dagu recounted what the other party said once.

"It means being able to see people who died in the past."

Richard's statement is surprising.

"Even this kind of thing--"

"What if I say I can't do it?"


Unexpectedly, Dagu didn't know whether what the other party said was true or false.

But it was obvious that Richard didn't intend to explain much, and he continued to move forward.

Japan, Osaka, able to see the dead.

This news began to spread crazily, how could there be such a ridiculous thing, if it was in the past, someone would definitely ask such a question.

But this is a Kirielod. During this period of time, countless people have witnessed the resurrection from the dead.

So is this true?

Or is it a fake?

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

In the underground base in Kumamoto City, Diana did not believe such a thing would happen.

The death of the soul is a complete disappearance, returning to nothingness, if it is another special race or a powerful race, but it is impossible for the human soul to survive for more than 2 minutes after the death of the body.

The so-called seeing the dead, who will it be?Is it really that person?

"In other words, the big show is on the stage."

Masaki turned his gaze to another young man here.

"Definitely don't transform."

He told the other party, because he didn't want to predict that the situation in the dream would become a reality.

"I've already completed Geozak, so it can be more or less a combat power."

I don't know how much it can do, but it's better than nothing.


Nangong was silent, obviously it was the most critical moment, but he couldn't transform.

The restlessness in my heart was completely absorbed by the darkness in my body unconsciously, and the vicious circle repeated itself.

He looked at the spark prism placed on the table in the distance, what should he do now?

If Empat has self-awareness, if the super ancient giant is still there, can he tell himself the answer?

started again.

Wanting to hand over your weakness to others is only making your will weaker.

On the outside of the underground base, time is gradually passing by.

Kumamoto City has been quiet for a long time since the last monster appeared.

The damaged streets were repaired and the shopping malls reopened.

People work here, shop here, a bustling scene.

Big things are going to happen in Osaka tonight, but there are also things to do here.

"Hum hum ~~~"

While humming a song, he walked through the interior of the mall.

Areas that were supposed to be inaccessible to staff were unobstructed.

"Appears to be functioning normally."

The blond man nodded in satisfaction after staring at the scene inside, and on the other side of him was the manager of the mall.

In a world that normal people can't see, the spiritual life forms of Kirialods are floating aside.

Magma was waiting for the time to come, and he walked casually to the staff lounge, which was now off-limits.

If you want to ask why, because there are guests inside.

Opening and closing, they were clearly on the ground, but they closed their eyes tightly, as if they were asleep.

"The interesting drama is about to be staged now, and I'll be waiting for you here as the host, Empat."

The mobile phone that was taken out was switched to the camera mode, and it was aimed at the four people on the ground.

That is a family that depends on each other, the three brothers and sisters and the grandfather who takes care of them, it is really touching, isn't it?

One, two, three.

Unknowingly, the sun in the sky has slowly descended, and the time of dusk is very short. In this setting sun that looks like blood, Dagu has a bad premonition in his heart.

Is this a real premonition, or an illusion caused by his taboo?

At night, at the same time, Nangong in Kumamoto City received a call and a multimedia message at the same time.

"Yo, Empat."

An unfamiliar voice came from inside, followed by a sentence:

"Your precious Nishinomiya House is now in my hands."

Thoughts were momentarily confused.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The situation is not right.

At the same time as the night fell, Dagu could feel the abnormality in Osaka City. Although ordinary people did not notice something was wrong, he discovered some kind of fog that permeated the city.

As the heir to the light, he clearly sensed the darkness that was beginning to overflow.

The Kirielods seemed to have started something, but at this moment, the streets were full of people.

They were discussing the next thing, if they could really see the dead, who would they say to them.

It's 'long time no see'

still 'i miss you'

or 'everything is fine now'

Nervous and uneasy, but they don't doubt the situation. If you want to ask why, the Kiriarods have successfully carved their impression into the hearts of human beings.

At this moment, the pure white light illuminated the night, but did not dispel the real darkness.

"Everyone, I kept you waiting for a long time. The next step is the soul calling ceremony. We will bring the souls of the dead back to this world. Please don't be afraid."

The angel made such a declaration, and immediately after, Dagu felt a huge darkness that made his whole body uncomfortable.

During this period of time, the resurrected people sincerely thank Kirielod, so they have gained a huge amount of faith, and through the media and other means, they have fought monsters, helped others, and gained more trust.

The link between this world and the other keeps passing through the Kirielods as gates of connection rise up.

It comes from underground, even though the TPC has initially developed into the universe, it has not yet explored the interior of the earth.

Therefore, it is not known that the door is still hidden in the interior of the earth.


Dagu raised his head suddenly, the huge door was half opened, and he floated up into the sky.

In an instant, Osaka turned into a dark realm, but no one noticed it.

From the inside of that gate, he felt a huge darkness.

What exactly is hidden there?

"Next, the gate to Hades will open, where you can meet whoever you want to see."

The door will open.

Don't let that door open!

At this moment, Dagu realized this.

It was also because of his over-concentration that he didn't see the strange behavior of the people on the street.

It was as if they had seen something unbelievable, and people lost their sight for a short while.

Those were the people who wanted to see, but never saw again. They seemed to see someone walking out from the inside of the gate.

Dagu's right hand held the spark prism, and the purple mist couldn't block the sparkle inside it.

"Huh? Are you going to fight?"

At this moment, Richard said so, and his voice instantly caught Dagu's attention.

The two stared at each other.

"I won't let you do whatever you want!"

Feeling the power coming out of the gate, Dagu raised the spark prism, and the inside of the unfolded wings was white light.

The next moment, its body turned into light particles and reconstituted.

At the same moment, something surged out from the gate that the Kirielods summoned.

Before that, Zapelio's light shot out, and just after it appeared, Tiga consumed his own energy to release his skills, and the white light stream hit the door directly, vaporizing what was about to appear.


At this moment, the angel sneered.

The first wave of induction was very successful. When Dagu felt relieved, he heard these words:


One sound, ten sounds, hundreds of sounds, gathered together, it was a citizen in Osaka City, and someone was staring at him with hatred.

Dagu felt overwhelmed, he failed to understand the situation at this time.

Inside the dark realm, Kiriarods gathered.

At some point, they were standing on the street, on the roof, and beside people.

This is where their encroachment takes place. Human beings are a weak species, and a little interference will achieve considerable results.

For example... There is nothing there, but I see those people I care about.

For them, Tiga's light is a demon fire that burns their souls. The person they wanted to see turned into ashes in the struggle, and stretched out his hand for help.

"Don't understand? Tiga? Humans have abandoned you."

At this time, the Kirielod said so.

Dagu felt that there seemed to be countless eyes looking at him, and overly keen senses might not be a good thing.

The ridicule of the Kyriairods and the hateful gazes of the citizens seemed to say that everything he did was useless.

As the prophecy said, he is the devil.

'We have always been fighting for human beings, don't human beings need Ultraman anymore? '

Dagu couldn't help but have such doubts in his heart, he is not a machine, he has a heart, he will be hurt, hurt, and confused.

Could it be that this is the result of desperate fighting?

No, it's not like that.

Even so, there is still a fight.

With a low voice, Tiga assumed a fighting posture.

In countless sights, even if he is regarded as an enemy, he still has to fight.

If you give up here, it will really be over.

"You are really different from Tiga 3000 million years ago."

The angel said this, the original Tiga 3000 million years ago was the light that did not interfere with human choice, but today's Tiga is completely different.

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