"In this case, let the myth of light be cut off here!"

Amidst the purple mist, the second-generation Balrog warriors blocked in front of the Giant of Light.

The whole of Osaka is like an arena, but... the audience is only cheering for one of them.

--------------------------------------------Dividing line

In Kumamoto City, at night, he rushed straight into the interior of the shopping mall. It was this action that was captured by the camera.

The protagonist has arrived, and the show can begin.

No matter what race it is, if you can't think calmly, you will do irrational things.

Nangong sprinted upwards quickly, the speed was abnormal, but he didn't care about these things calmly.

"it hurts!"

"Huh? What's going on?"

Someone discovered something unusual that he didn't notice.

Just as he was about to leave the mall, he slammed into an invisible wall with a bang.

"Hey, I can't get out. Isn't this the case of monsters that appeared at that time?"

"No way! There are also monsters here?!"

People get tense all of a sudden, but not being able to leave is not being able to leave.

It's just that the abnormality was noticed at the beginning, and the panic has not yet spread.

'Where? '

Nangong tried hard to keep thinking, but found it difficult to think. The past and present in his memory overlapped. Who would die because of him?

The shopping mall is very big, which floor and location is it on?

At this moment, a unique fluctuation was felt.

'A Kirielod? '

Immediately stopped and changed direction, followed that feeling and galloped away. On the highest sixth floor, who had been waiting for a long time.

Aware of each other, the blond man standing by the side of the elevator turned around.

He pressed the switch of the elevator, and the door opened, and then, a man who was tightly bound appeared there.

On every floor, there are signs prohibiting use, because the interior has already been requisitioned.

"Don't worry too much, Empat."

Magma pressed the 'Down' button, and in an instant, time seemed to stop. Nangong could see the person whose eyes showed panic due to weightlessness and abnormal circumstances.



Instinctive braking, and then, the elevator sliding to the fifth floor also stopped, and the modified elevator was left to operate.

"The reaction was quite fast, and I almost saw the tragedy of the elevator falling."

The elevator slowly rose again under control, and the door was of course not closed. The four people inside were intact, but they were still in shock.

They are just ordinary people, and fear and panic are taken for granted.

Fear was revealed in the eyes of the three brothers and sisters. Their mouths were blocked and their limbs were bound. They couldn't do anything, and they couldn't say anything. They could only watch the current situation with their eyes.

As soon as he woke up, he saw Nangong standing there without even knowing the situation.

"Empat, I want to play a game with you."

The ending that Magma wants to destroy Ultraman's spirit.

"I think your calmer brain is now able to think and understand the current situation."

What is the situation?

Nangong tried to use his thoughts to tear the enemy into pieces, but he couldn't do it.

The released mental power disappeared and was disturbed by something.

This is the cage, and even he was locked in together.

"who are you?"

It's not Kirielod, it's a physical creature.

"Now I'm talking you trash! Backcountry scum!"

Magma's fake smile was immediately torn, and he cursed at Nangong in front of him.

Even so, the finger still didn't leave the elevator button, and the distance between the two sides was 25 meters.

"But it's okay, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself."

He gasped, then calmed down quite a bit.

"I follow Your Majesty, and I came to this earth just to play the current game with you."


It's the Imperial Stars again, to what extent will they be entangled before they are willing to let it go.

"You have three minutes."

Magma's empty left hand raised its index finger.

"I want you to choose, whether it's the four here, the people I brought here just because they have something to do with you, or the people from this entire shopping mall."


Customers in the shopping mall who were puzzled because they couldn’t get out, people who were afraid of monsters and feared nothing, and customers who were happily shopping in different stores, they didn’t notice anything abnormal, but Nangong noticed it, he saw it .

One by one, the Kirielods floated in the air.

"You shouldn't have anything to do with ordinary people."

One of them laughed at Nangong, this is the end of exposing his identity, this is the end of wanting to live like ordinary people as a soldier.

"In 1 minute, if you choose these four people, we will burn out the entire shopping mall. If you choose these four people, it is a pity that the people of the Nishinomiya family can only fall from the height of these six floors. Turned into meat sauce."

All is known.

Nangong was aware of this, and thought that when he lived there, he could stay away in time without noticing the traces of the Kiriairods, but that was just wishful thinking.

Eyes and eyes met, Liang, Wu, Ye, and the old man.

Their mouths were sealed, what exactly did they want to say?

I don't understand this, I don't know what they are thinking at this time, and there is confusion in my brain.

How many enemies are there?

Except for the ones in front, you can still feel the fluctuations of hundreds of Kyriairods.

Their existence is like saying 'you can't save people'

Even if a choice is made, the enemy may not necessarily want to say that the initiative is completely in the hands of the opponent.

Is there any way, is there any way?

All eyes were fixed on Nangong.

"If it was me, I would definitely choose someone close to me. After all, I don't know anyone else, right? Even if hundreds of people died, it's just a number, right?"

Magma said so.

"But those who died are really pitiful. What reason do they have to die? Just for four people? Why? How much grief will their relatives and friends have?"

He changed the subject and said the exact opposite.

After 20 seconds passed, the Kirielod who was hiding in the cloak only showed the corners of his mouth upturned.

Nangong looked at the four of them again, his eyes could speak, but what did they say?

Just complex ideas that need to be expressed in words.

The highly concentrated spirit has sharpened the senses, and he can hear the chats of ordinary people in the mall.

Lovers, friends, family, all kinds of life.

When he stepped into this shopping mall... no, from the very beginning, he had already lost.

Magma, a Kirielod, all eyes were on him.

This is an impossible choice, no matter how you do it, it will be the worst result in the end.

Everything is consistent with the 'prophecy'.

But, is that 'prophecy' really a prophecy?

Magma, Kirielod people, just because their eyes were all focused on Nangong, they ignored it.

For them, the 'two people' are useless.

And one of the two useless people was standing inside the mall.

The lasing light hit Magma's head directly, and the unexpected sneak attack made everyone unaware.

'The guy is—'

Makio Kirino holds the Victory Hypa Gun in both hands.

In the next instant, Nangong rushed forward, and when Magma's back head was lowered, the side kick hit.

The wall inside the elevator was pierced, half a second later, shattered glass flew, and the kidnapper flew out from the inside of the shopping mall and hit the invisible wall.

One action triggers a violent reaction.

The flames seemed to rise up in the next second.

Nangong's eyes met Liang's, which was reassuring.

Why do you look at him with such eyes, because he is Ultraman?

Because Ultraman is the patron saint?

The heat was so exaggerated that hundreds of Kirialods released high-temperature flames.

The power of thought cannot be used, and in the next second, together with the young man in front of him who believes in him, there will probably not even be ashes left of the existence other than him.

'If I'm really a Patronus—'

The distance does not have any meaning at all, as long as you want it, the spark prism will appear, the black hilt is held in your hand, and the lines entangled inside are engraved on your arm like a tattoo.

Unfolding, while the black mist is surging, lightning is also released.

Nangong came to a strange space, he was sealed in a crystal, where is this?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This is......"

Nangong stretched out his hand to touch the object between him and the outside world, as if he could break it with force.

He raised his head, glanced left and right and turned around to touch different positions at the same time.

He is in the crystal, surrounded by intense darkness surging, as if thrown into the 'sea bottom' in an isolated container

'Is it dark? '

Instantly understood the situation without even needing to explain.

This is the spiritual world in Nangong's body. It sounds amazing, but in fact it is just a slightly intentional statement.

It seems that a drop of water slipped down, the black mist above was pushed away, and the crystal floated up.

The fluctuations continued to expand from this position to the surroundings, stepping on the water, it was exactly the same as the scene seen in the dream, two giants were fighting.

Pushing forward, the giant of darkness is furious and wants to destroy everything.

Strictly guard against the giant of light who calmly blocks that power.

Not only did the light in Nangong's body not disappear, but it also injected new impetus into it and generally expanded.

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