In retrospect, the reason for the initial fight should have been other emotions besides anger and hatred.

Whether it is anger towards the invaders, or the negative emotions generated by it, they are all expressed in one form—the extreme desire to protect the earth and human beings.

Negative emotions bred by positive emotions are just like hate born of love. Nangong is not a born giant of light. His predecessor was a human being, and his current way of thinking is also biased towards human beings.

The human heart has never been so pure, and the dividing line between light and dark is so blurred.

A person who subconsciously protects others in a disaster may just be a person who complains about hard work.

The criminal who kills in anger may be just an ordinary good man.

No matter who it is, there is a bad side in the heart, but some people choose to release the darkest part of the heart.

The brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. Where there is light, shadows must be reflected, and where there are shadows, light must also shine. Light and shadow are the proof of each other's existence.

Nangong's thinking became clear, was it because he temporarily saved the person he wanted to save?The originally chaotic brain was not further dazzled.

Originally, he couldn't think well because of fear, but now he has to think.

Being forced to a dead end and having to act, in a sense, this is also a situation full of human style.


Light and darkness, or light and shadow, Liang's eyes appeared in Nangong's brain.

The young man didn't know much, he just yearned for him.

What followed was the ridicule of the Kirielod people. Many people in the world were bewitched by it, and despicably took advantage of other people's thoughts and feelings.

Magma, there is no need to say more, the hatred that will inevitably breed in battle.

Thoughts are power, the red giant of light suddenly moved forward with both fists, and hit the giant of darkness fiercely in the chest. The burst of light particles forced the opponent to retreat.

Staggeringly crushing the calm water, the red Empat bent down and picked up the crystal.

Looking down from a high place, this is the heart of Nangong, and under the water mirror is the deep layer of thoughts reflected.

The winner and loser seemed to have been decided, and the giant of darkness roared unwillingly in front of him, making a roar like a beast, with complicated emotions inside.

Why would you be unwilling?

Is it because of failure?

No, simply because I was rejected.

Nangong stretched out his right hand forward, and then pushed hard.

In an instant, the crystal protecting him was shattered, and there was nothing blocking him.

The figure of the dark giant who noticed something blurred, and finally turned into a dark mist to wrap the giant of light.

The red Empat raised his head slightly, he already knew everything he should have known long ago.

The world changed, and few people could notice the high-temperature flames inside the mall. It was too fast, too fierce, and without warning, it floated in the air in an instant.

What was blown up at the same time were the jammers placed in different locations of the shopping mall. The overly large mental power instantly surpassed the obstacles on the line and blasted them.

Immediately afterwards, the Kirielod people were instantly torn into pieces without even having time to think about it.

The power of thought expanded, whether it was the 187 Kyriairods in the shopping mall, or the Kiriairods hidden in Kumamoto, who couldn't even form the Balrog warriors, they were all smashed.

It wasn't warm, but it wasn't cold either. It was obviously strong enough to control the monster's thoughts, but it was used to untie the rope.

When Ryo opened his eyes, he found that he was now lying in the giant palm with his family.

Nianli put them down gently. On the top floor of the shopping mall, the citizens were in a daze. This open-air place can see the night scene, and at the same time, they can clearly see the giant with blue eyes.

Turning into Ultraman again, Nangong already knew his immaturity.

Pain, sadness, unwillingness, and negative emotions are bound to exist in intelligent creatures, but he actively denied them.

The dark giant in his body was forcibly separated from him from the very beginning, and it was a part of his self.

The stupid denial of himself is the reason why he cannot transform.

The dark giant roared in his body and asked why he was abandoned.

'Sorry, but I'm not lost anymore.

One body with two sides, light and shadow reflect each other.

If anger can become power, then use this power to protect everything you want to protect, and do what you can.

A deep voice came from Empat's throat. Another Ultraman who had been silent for a long time was protecting the citizens in the night city just as he first appeared.

Consistent with the color when falling into darkness, the dark power in the body is surging, and it is used with firm will.

"Impossible! Why would you!"

Magma instantly became huge, and he could feel the force of thoughts pressing around his body, and half a second later it would turn into meat paste.


The giant in his vision was briefly blurred, and he subconsciously raised the sharp blade in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Empat's pressed right hand almost crushed the enemy's posture, staying in place, and the right leg of the side kick precisely hit the opponent's abdomen.

From the position of contact, the power burst out in one breath.


Even the positions of the internal organs seemed to have changed. Magma had the urge to vomit, but he didn't know whether it would be blood or something else.

'Strong, why are you so strong! '

And it's different from the one in the reservation!

The demons who attack the gods, the demons who destroy the city, this should be the end, why that guy!

'Could it be that that guy has mastered the power of darkness? '

How is it possible, no one in the universe has ever done such a thing, why?

How can he master this power?

"Is Ultraman fighting a monster?"

The battle between Empat and Magma is seen in the eyes, and for people, the battle between the two Ultraman is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Come on, Ultraman! Come on!"

The girl holding the balloon is very innocent, just trying to cheer, can her voice be heard?

Of course, Nangong has a new motivation.

Inside the mall, Kirino nodded vigorously.

There was no prophecy from the beginning, and there was no predestined future, and he fully understood this.

One before, one after, he had two dreams.

The first one is vague, that is, the 'precognitive dream' that Nangong was once told

The second one is the prophetic dream that became clear afterwards and was not told to anyone.

Unlike Ultraman, Kirino, who is a superpower, does not have the power to guard against the Kirierods, nor does Masaki, who is a genius scientist.

This is how it all started, the precognitive dreams the two of them had were fake from the beginning, they were deliberately shown, the so-called 'future'

Ordinary human beings cannot gain the trust of Ultraman, what about special people?

Kirino also brought prophecies to Nangong and Dagu, just as the Kirielod people thought, and put pressure on them from the beginning.

The harder the two of them worked, the more believable the language became.

For Nangong, who was getting deeper and deeper in his own problems, this prophecy added to his uneasiness.

In so many years, Kirino has never encountered such a vague dream, but because of the accuracy of the past, he has no doubts.

After that, the pressure brought by the prophecy and the tricks they used made the two Ultramans extremely passive.

They didn't know that ever since the Kirielods failed for the first time, they had been observing them, constantly thinking about how to defeat them from different angles.

It wasn't until that battle between giants that the Kyriairods realized that the opportunity had come.

Empat, who couldn't transform, and Di Jia, who was alone, had reached a critical step in their plan, but they fell short at this time.

Kirino, who was just a pawn, hid quietly, and didn't tell anyone about it, but just got a victory Haipa gun from Dagu for the reason of self-defense.

The outcome of the prophetic dream was as predicted by the Kyriarods, but not now.

Since Ultraman fails, human beings will be finished. In that case, just take a gamble.

Kirino believes that Nangong has the courage to face himself.

What happened in Kumamoto was instantly transmitted to the other Kirielods, and the revived Empat was even stronger than before.

'why! '

No matter how you think about it, you can't understand the current situation.

It's impossible to be like this. Which link went wrong?

Unbeknownst to the Kiriarod, however, it was only the courage of a contemptuous human being that disrupted their plans.

If it fails, Kirino will die in the shopping mall. He is only a human being, but he has the courage to face death.

This courage accompanies actions and conveys his thoughts to Nangong.

Empat's hands turned into purple sharp blades, and the continuous slash made the Magma retreat continuously, and the force transmitted was so powerful.

That action can't be called swordsmanship, it should be regarded as a fighting technique that can better display strength.

However, Magma can't rely on superb swordsmanship to deal with it. When the opponent's all abilities are far superior to his own, it is the easiest way to use force to break the trick.

'Just a little bit, just a little bit! '

He roared in his heart, trying his best to block the enemy's attack, his cyan eyes looked fierce at night, forming an exaggerated sense of oppression with his strength.

Mars drifted, and the sound of swords and halberds clashing constantly echoed over the city.

Empat slashed the enemy's posture with his left hand, took a quick step forward, and slashed with his right hand, probably because the potential power of Magma was aroused between life and death. He backed away in time, only to make a gap in his chest .


At this moment, Magma called out to the ferocious monster he subdued with words and brainwaves.

The shrinking light is used in reverse, and the container is instantly shattered.

But those two monsters did not appear here. From the two sides of the mall, Black Kiras and Red Kiras roared onto the stage.

Just in case the insurance that was prepared actually worked, Magma took care of the Kiriarod's ineffectiveness.

The brief distraction was caught, Empat quickly raised his arm, the energy attached to the arm worked like a shield, and the enemy's fast stabbing blow just knocked him back.

"Do it, Kiras!"

Magma doesn't believe that anyone can control the darkness, so let him go berserk again.

Screams rang out, and people's fear of monsters never stopped.

The sudden appearance of two twin monsters is frightening, and you can even smell the blood in the mouth when the other opens its mouth.

When the legs are weak, whoever is sitting on the ground, and whoever is tense, they can't escape.


The crystal between Empat's forehead further strengthened the already powerful thought power, and just as this power was about to burst out, two waves of energy dropped from the sky.

The crimson light precisely hit the two twin monsters, and the next moment, frost covered them.


Nangong who noticed it was a little surprised.

"What? Didn't you agree that I will help you solve the problems of the earth, and you help me solve the problems of Baltan?"

The fallen Diana no longer had a cute look, with yellow bulb-like eyes and huge pair of pincers, the original appearance of the Baltan star was presented in front of everyone.


Magma looked at Diana in shock. This race had disappeared in the universe for decades, and it was thought to have been extinct long ago.

"Leave it to me here."


The communication was completed quickly, and before people could even react from the current situation, they discovered that the two frozen monsters were floating upwards.

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