Crashing into the summoned flame and falling out again, Dijia can be said to have been ablated once all over his body, and the pain was extremely painful.

But now was not the time to feel the pain, he quickly rolled sideways and squatted halfway, and the chase he stepped on was only a little bit short of hitting.

With his bent legs stretched straight, he jumped backwards and couldn't even use his hands to parry the enemy's attack.

The Balrog Warrior's kicking skills kept cutting the sharp blades, at this moment, a voice came from Dagu's ears.

"kill him!"

"That's it! Knock him down!"

"Don't show mercy!"

The encouragement of the people was so intense, cheering for the enemies who suppressed him.

"What a bunch of stupid guys, don't you think so, Tiga?"

The angel's speech was not heard by people, but only passed into Dagu's ears.

"Afraid of my own death, afraid of the death of those who valued me, wanting to see the dead."

The kick thrown by the Balrog warrior towards the head was avoided by Tiga. Before he could fight back, the scorching heat of the ground forced him to back away. The blue flame only lasted for a short time before it shattered into blue flames. Mars.

"The loved one is dead, unwilling to accept this obvious reality, and longing for a miracle that violates the common sense of life and death in the universe. Did they really not notice how abnormal this is?"

The angel was still talking, Tiga on the battlefield was surrounded by blue flames, and the Balrog warrior who attacked from behind one of them kicked him hard on the back.

Pain and shock, when they hit the scorching flame head-on, the two of them at this moment were like fighters standing in a boxer's ring.

"They just don't want to think about these things. They hope that the people they value will live by their side as before, say hello when they meet, care for each other, and go on together in the future, so they deliberately ignore the abnormal places, as if What happened back then never happened.”

The blue light shone, and Tiga, who had switched to an air type, flew straight up, avoiding the sweeping left leg.

How high is that pillar of flame?

The released freezing light stopped him for a moment, and he fell quickly, barely getting out of the previous bad situation.

"It's hopelessly stupid. It only chooses things that are beneficial to itself, escapes from the painful reality, and doesn't think about things that have nothing to do with itself."

Angels constantly belittle the existence of 'human beings'.

Tiga was too tenacious, and Empat regained his strength, and he had to knock down one of them first anyway.

In order to shake his spirit, belittle what he guards, and tell him that what you are protecting is nothing more than a worthless existence.


"What you say is out of love."


Dagu was not affected, when he was here, facing countless hostility and fighting for them, it was already destined that he would not be affected.

What the Kirielod people said may be reasonable from a certain point of view, but... the love for those who value them is definitely not wrong.

What they use and belittle at the same time are the beautiful feelings between relatives, lovers, and friends that connect people together.

What is unforgivable is the Kirielod people who have caused this situation!

Dijia's clenched right fist was thrown forward, and the light arrow in the charged palm turned into Grip's light. The spiral blow with strong penetrating power rubbed against the Balrog warrior's chest.

"And, I believe—"

The dark realm that enveloped Osaka was torn by light.


It was a rainbow-like, beautiful aurora.

'Maggs power system is light' --- Dr. Yatsuo once said so.

Now this ray of light tears the darkness apart, and over the city are flying fighter jets.

The Victory Fire Dragon, the Victory Blue Hurricane, the Yagdis, and the TPC are all dispatched, and their goal is only one, to support Ultraman and defeat the Kyriairods who are malicious to humans.

"There must be someone like me who will stand up and fight with you."

Dagu's words were confirmed. Behind him, behind Tiga, is an existence called TPC, an existence called Soldier.

" head...."

The dark realm was torn apart, and the citizens who were manipulated here covered their heads, feeling very uncomfortable.

Their brains gradually recalled the horrific situation before.

"Why am I here..."

Watching two behemoths fighting and still not leaving?

control, lifted.

Chapter 110 Final Insurance

Not long ago, TPC detected an abnormal energy response and the appearance of Ultraman. What should we do?

Director Sawai gave an order, and even if he has not yet found evidence that the Kirielods are enemies, he has to act.

Whatever they're trying to do, it's not something that can be easily ignored.

What's more, Di Jia appeared.

Unlike other senior executives in the organization, Director Sawai has a special sense of trust in Ultraman.

Not just because of what they've done, but because he's seen them fight up close and personal.

But when Feiyan [-] and Feiyan [-] arrived at the scene, they discovered one thing.

They couldn't get in, yes, the whole of Osaka was shrouded in by the same barrier as the night, and everyone was blocked out.

What do you want to do by locking the citizens and Tiga inside alone?

Still under the order of Director Sawai, the Yagdis started for the second time, using the Magus power system to cross the barrier.

The energy index in Osaka is disturbing, and they don't even understand what kind of energy it is. Other branches who feel a sense of crisis also come to support.

TPC does not distinguish between countries and races, and has only one mission, to protect human beings and the earth.

There was a sound of panic, and the citizens who had escaped from the control began to flee. No matter who they were, they didn't want to be affected by the battle between the two behemoths.

Belief in deceit is interrupted, and even so, the gates in the sky have been opened and cannot be closed.

The power gushing out from within entangled the Balrog warrior, and what stood in front of him were Tiga with the timer on his chest flashing red and fighter jets flying in the sky.

3 minutes should have already passed, even so, the opponent is still standing in front.

Everything seemed to be going in different directions, and the exasperation of being out of plan made him lose control.

"So what! You can't beat me!"

With a strong and powerful force in his body, the Balrog rushed towards the Ultraman who was blocking the eyes.

At this moment, the Blue Hurricane of several machines attacked from different sides, armor-piercing projectiles and light salvos, and the attack on the body was not damaged, but set off a burst of explosions.

The Balrog warrior was furious at the TPC who got in the way, and he swung a straight fist at him right after him.

Tiga's full-strength blow was eliminated in the collision, and the Balrog warrior firmly caught the fist with his palm.

It seems that as the other party said, there is a considerable gap between the strengths of the two sides.

Pulling and counterattacking, the Balrog warrior's fist slammed fiercely, but Di Jia blocked it with the same movement. His trembling palm proved that it was not easy.

The palms and fists were locked together, and at the same time as the strength was increased, the two hands were pulled down, and the shoulders collided with each other.

There was another sound, Dijia's unwise frontal wrestling paid the price, the ground under his feet cracked unbearably, and he was pushed back by the whole person.

But in this case, the actions of the Balrog warriors were also restricted, and the citizens who hadn't escaped were swinging their legs vigorously, trying to stay away from the battlefield.

The enemy is slowly pushing forward. This is the best target. The Victory Fire Dragon, which is proud of its firepower, uses its heavy equipment together. The formation of ten aircraft zooms in and fires, and then quickly climbs away. The Blue Hurricane joins them Cooperate.

The darkness of the night was lit up by bright flashes, and the Yagdis did not take any action. It took time for the Mags power system to fill up, and their mission was not this.

The Balrog Warrior with the explosion wrapped around his body was still moving forward, as if he was not affected by anything at all. Along with his will, something gathered.


At this moment, the pilots heard the warning sound of early warning.

The next moment, the ten Fire Dragons that had been waiting for a long time passed by at low altitude. Weapons were sacrificed below them and electromagnetic wave cannons were installed to release invisible waves.

It passes through the surface and hits the Kirielod who are hiding underground and releasing the 'Holy Flame'.

The experience from the first battle with Kirielod came into play. The pillar of flame that had assisted in the battle and caused serious damage to Tiga was completely dispelled.

'Tsk. '

The Balrog was annoyed by this, and the moment he was distracted, the power came back.


Di Jia in front turned into silver and red at some point, and his hands turned to the left side suddenly, and the Balrog warrior who failed to react in time was thrown into the air.

'wrong! '

Even if it's a strong type that turns red, it's impossible for that guy to be stronger than this one.

In the short process of thinking, the Balrog warrior who was still spinning in the air was overtaken.

Dijia's left fist was tucked away at his waist, and his right hand swung forward in an arc. The light arrow released from the palm of his hand hit accurately, and failed to cause damage, but set off a burst of violent sparks.

The light separated the two, and then, a full-strength right fist hit the Balrog warrior's abdomen.

Pain, unparalleled pain, even if the defense was further enhanced, it still couldn't withstand this blow.

There was a roar, and the glass of buildings on a whole street shattered, and the scattered gusts of wind blew the TPC fighters supporting them around, shaking them constantly.

At this time, the Balrog Warrior who flew upside down hit the ground, and hundreds of meters of ravines were carved into the city, and waves of mud and gravel splashed high.

Enduring the pain, the Balrog warrior who had just raised his upper body before he could do anything, his head was covered by flashes of light.

The formation of fighter jets hit with a volley, blocking his sight again.

It was only too late to realize that something was wrong.

Di Jia's purple and silver two-color body leaned forward, and the speed of the air type exploded in one breath.

Like a galloping thunder, the superimposed speed of the knife directly slashed at the enemy's throat.

With a loud noise, the Balrog Warrior was forcibly pulled and dragged for hundreds of meters before falling down.

'why? '

He couldn't understand the situation at this time, every time he became stronger, the opponent would be strengthened at a more exaggerated rate.

Before he had time to think about it, Di Jia, who fell from above, directly hit his chest with his elbow.

Immediately afterwards, he rode up quickly, aiming at the head with a powerful fist.

"it is good!"

Fighters flew by, and the pilots realized that now was not the best time to pursue together.

But seeing Tiga suppressing the enemy and attacking the enemy, they will applaud.

It doesn't matter even if it is said to be 'worrying blindly'. During this period of time, Ultraman was attacked and belittled, which made the TPC soldiers furious.

Although it is still far from being a repayment, at least this time, it is their turn to support Ultraman.

Di Jia's fists slashed horizontally from the left and right sides at the same time, hitting both sides of the Balrog warrior's head.

He didn't have time to think too much, and there was very little room for thinking in the battle. Dagu could feel the power in his body, which was completely different from before.

Is it because the spirit is different?

The presence of his companion lifted his spirits.

Punch, then lock the head.

After getting up, Dijia took the enemy with him, and using his back as a fulcrum, the Balrog warrior who drew an arc fell to the ground in embarrassment.

Take another step forward, pull the opponent up and down with the same back throw.

With strong physical ability, this is not such a strenuous task.

The second consecutive fall ended, and the third throw continued to pull the enemy up.

Di Jia was not sure whether the enemy had lost the power to resist. Based on his feelings in the battle, even the Zapelio light may not be able to directly penetrate the enemy's body to cause damage.

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