Amidst the shaking of the earth, who is advancing, or many people are advancing.

Their faces are mixed with pain, anxiety, sadness, despair and other emotions, and they are working hard to move towards the direction of the battle.

There is of course a reason for doing this completely against the flow of people.

For the last throw, Dijia locked his opponent's body with both hands and pulled him up high.

The head crushing throw to deal with Jie Dun was used again, the explosion was accompanied by vibration, and four consecutive throws made the Balrog warrior lose control of his body.

Di Jia jumped back a step, and the white light on his forehead symbolized that he had changed back to the compound type with the strongest light skills.

The outcome has been decided, he crossed his hands in front of him, and his figure was shrouded in white light.

The front of the opened arms is a line of gathering particles, and the flowing light is sucked into the timer.

The light of Zapelio was about to come out, at this moment, someone shouted:


There was despair and pain in the tone, and the emotions in it firmly involved Dagu's heart.

Looking over there, there are men, women, and children on their backs.

A family of three, this is just the beginning, and this is the final insurance prepared by the people of Kirielod.

"That's, no, they're..."

Inside the Yagdis, the picture was zoomed in. Just when everyone couldn't understand the situation, Zong Fang's eyes widened.

The intermediary captain was extremely troubled by the Kirielod incident, and he also worked hard to conduct a lot of investigations for support.

And the people who appear here...

"Please! Don't take my children from me again!"

The man yelled in despair, just like how he felt when he lost his child.

Each time the Balrog was attacked, his children grew weaker.

This is just the beginning, more and more people gather here.

"stop it now!"


People shouted, people said so, they prayed.

Some came with loved ones, some came by themselves, some were weak, some were unconscious.

Without exception, those were people who had been 'resurrected' by the Kirielod people.

"what happened?"

Unaware of this, pilots from other branches consulted their bases.

Every country, every piece of land on the earth, there is no shortage of human beings resurrected by the Kirielods.

Because of the defeat of the Balrog warriors, their lives seemed to have also come to an end.

Dijia's movements stopped, and there were hundreds or thousands of people gathered, and the number was still rising.

His keen hearing can hear every sentence accurately, and he can understand the emotion in every sentence.

Thinking differently, what if he encounters such a thing?

What if someone else on the team 'resurrected'?

What choice will he make?

"Just now you said that people will believe that we are out of love."

The silent angel who had been watching all this time suddenly spoke out.

"Then what they're doing now is also out of love."

Because of love, I don't want people who don't value me to die.

"Tiga, do you want to take their love away from them?"


Just one sentence made Dagu's mind flustered.

Parents, relatives, friends, lovers, they want to keep the one in their hearts alive.

And there are those who remain conscious and say 'don't want to die'

This is a matter of course, and no one wants to die unless there are special circumstances.

Finally, the problems they were unwilling to think about were placed before their eyes.

Once you think about it, you will be afraid, and if you don't think about it, you can ignore it. Even if you ignore it, the reality will not change.

Just like the princess who turns back into Cinderella at 12 o'clock, when the magic time comes, it disappears.

People are asking for help from Tiga.

At this moment, strong fluctuations came.


From the gate in the sky, the light bombarded, and the Kirielod people inside the gate seized the opportunity, and they gathered all their strength to blast towards Tiga who was temporarily absent-minded.

Before he had time to dodge, he let out a muffled grunt after being hit directly in the chest, the cold energy did not disappear, it was like a sword blade piercing through his body.

That's great—someone has such an idea.

Because if Tiga is defeated, the Kirierods will survive, and the magic will not disappear.

Is this a mean idea?

It was the Kirielod people who made them think this way.

The bombardment light made Tiga retreat continuously, but he couldn't get rid of it, and the power that would freeze his soul raged in his body.

"Lina! How's the Magus power system replenished!"

"Can launch!"

"it is good!"

After waiting for a long time, Xincheng made up his mind that if Dagu couldn't do it, let him do it.

"Maggs cannon, fire!"

Without waiting for Zong Fang's order, the rainbow light blasted towards the gate in the sky.

At this moment, the Balrog warrior who lost the ability to fight disappeared, and he turned back into a large number of Kiriarodians again, absorbed by pure white angels.

The power was transmitted, and immediately after, the invisible barrier and the Magus cannon collided with everything.

This protective cover also stopped the light blasting from the gate. Dijia's legs seemed to lose strength, and he knelt on the ground weakly, supporting his body with his hands, and the timer on his chest was beating wildly.

One second, two seconds, three seconds, cracks appeared in the protective shield built by the angel, and at the moment it was about to be shattered, the energy output reached the limit, and the red barrel emitted heat that distorted the air.

The corners of their mouths were slightly raised, and the Kirielods confirmed their victory.

However...just a victory over Tiga.

Blue brilliance tugged in the sky, it was a giant flying at extreme speed.

The two fists collided in front of the timer, and the dark energy that had been completely controlled formed a more powerful black flame.

The bolide that merged with the night crashed down, and the protective shield that reached the limit was smashed to pieces. In an instant, the sky was crazily spreading black.

The starry sky was completely blocked, only the black flame was burning the open door.


The angel couldn't react, she recalled it instantly.

Yeah, Empat is one of those...a warrior who is both soulful and ruthless.

The black flames in the sky seemed to be fighting, and every vibration continued to expand, and finally, something fell.

It was a giant with blue eyes. His feet crushed the ground, mud and gravel flew, and his purple-dyed arms intertwined in front of him.

The further mastered power is fully released, and in front of the cross-shaped arms, the strengthened Specium light blooms.

One line after another blooms at the front end, like purple Bana flowers.

When the 'petals' gathered at the front end, the stream of light buzzed, and countless black fires were raging inside the door that was forcibly opened, and the existence inside didn't have time to do anything, and they saw the bright glow.

Empat released the energy in one breath, and the recoil made him slide backwards unstoppably.

A few seconds later, the high-altitude door exploded completely, and the purple light gushing out from inside dispersed the flames, and the strong light covered the ground.

In the desperate eyes of the people, the form of the angel completely collapsed.

If there is no gate connecting the two worlds, the Kirielods simply cannot stay in this world.

There is no physical body in the spiritual life body. After being exposed, it will return to the common sense of the universe, that is, death.


Di Jia, who was half kneeling on the ground, barely supported his body, and he stared at the dark giant in front of him.

Did he go berserk?


At this moment, Nangong spoke, and the spirit wave passed away:

"What you want to protect, you will inevitably hurt."

He understood that they had conducted a detailed investigation on the resurrected people, and they concluded that the Kiriarods were attached to the dead and revived the dead in a state of 'symbiosis'.

If the gate is smashed...

Recalling the other Ultraman who believed in others immediately, he already guessed that the other party would be unable to make a move.

Since Tiga can't do it, let him do it.

"You don't have to accept it now, but at least recognize it."

Empat put his right hand between his forehead, and then moved forward.

The sequelae left after excessive fighting are very serious. The blue light is transmitted to Tiga through the crystal, and the pure light can replenish the physical strength consumed by the opponent.

It is no longer light and darkness, but a shadow formed by light. Nangong has gained the same power as darkness.

Turning around, he flew away towards the sky.

Staring at the back, Di Jia also disappeared.

The night is not over, but the battle is over.


The underground shark did not appear, and what Zheng Mu was thinking about was the possibility.

Chapter 110 Symbiosis

The huge figure has long since disappeared, and now it is just a body that looks like an ordinary person.

The right hand is holding a black spark prism, but it no longer has the previous violent and out-of-control.

Accepting all of your feelings and not denying your negative self is easier said than done, but it's done.

Nangong quietly opened the door. One of the shopping malls in Kumamoto City was attacked by monsters not long ago. In addition, Empat and the Baltans who had invaded the earth before appeared.

Ordinary people don't know what's going on, they just want to leave and go home, and the only ones who stay here are a family of four who have contact with Ultraman, who are they waiting for.


Nangong put down his right hand at will, and the spark prism shattered and dissipated.

He took a deep breath and walked out.

"Cool, everyone."

The moment they heard this voice, the four of them turned their heads immediately, and the young man who had once lived in their home appeared over there.

Except Ryo, the other three all think that the other party is a cosmic being like Ada.

I just never thought that the so-called cosmic people refer to 'Ultraman'

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