For a while, let alone the two sisters, even the old man didn't know how to speak.

"Sorry for the bad memories I gave you."

Nangong spoke with a look of self-blame, if it wasn't for him, they would never have encountered such a thing.

This was something he had thought about before. Once his identity was found out, he didn't know how many people would come to him, especially the enemy.

Just like the Kiriarods before, the despicable methods will not stop.

The two sisters looked at each other, and the fear in Wu's heart had disappeared.

"It's okay, aren't we alive and kicking now?"

She regained her original state, but comforted Nangong with a voice.

"But the damage in my heart is still..."

"Actually, for me, it seems that everything is solved by opening and closing eyes and opening them again."

Ye is serious, from the time they regained awareness of seeing Nangong to being rescued by Empat, the whole process seemed to be less than 30 seconds.

Even the chaotic brain couldn't react to what happened.

"Besides, I didn't expect that we would be able to... ahem!"

In the middle of speaking, Wu hurriedly stopped, and then looked around mischievously, to make sure that no one was around.

It's taken for granted that no one is there. I was attacked by monsters here just now. Who wants to stay in such a ghostly place.

She approached quickly, then lowered her voice with an excited smile:

"Let's discuss, can you take me to the sky to fly?"

"You are too thick-skinned."

Ye couldn't help complaining about such a sister, and even Nangong was surprised.

Generally, when encountering such a situation, don’t we have to distance ourselves?

He was even ready to be scolded.

In fact, it was the exact opposite of what he had imagined.

The past between Empat and Ryo is fully known, and Nangong doesn't understand what kind of existence he actually is to the people of the Nishinomiya family.

"What, I have already encountered such a thing, so what's the point of flying in the sky as compensation?"

"That's called thick-skinned, don't you feel ashamed to make such a request to the heroes who protect the earth!"

"Are you too far away? The hero of this earth can't even cook."

"Isn't it a matter of course that people in space don't know how to cook Earth cuisine?"

The two sisters glanced at me and said to each other, so that Nangong didn't know how to reply.

It is taken for granted that a human from space does not know how to cook on earth, but he is not a space person.

In other words, I still can't even cook.

"Didn't you just stare at everyone else?"

Liang noticed the strange expression on Nangong's face, and hurried up to stop the noisy sisters.

"Are you going to stay overnight tonight?"

Nangong was stunned by the old man's sudden invitation, and was silent for a few seconds. When everyone focused on him, he shook his head.

"Sorry, I have other things to do. Since you are all fine, I should leave too."

Without waiting for the others to reply, he just turned into light particles and disappeared, causing the four of them to stare wide-eyed.

Not knowing whether it was an illusion or real, Ryo had a premonition that they would never see each other again.

At the same moment, in Kumamoto City, Diana yawned. She found that in the short-term observation data after Empat transformed again, it was much stronger than when she saw it for the first time, or it was not at the same level at all.

Not to mention that she couldn't catch up, the aftermath of that energy explosion was even more exaggerated.

To use Earth as an example... the aftermath alone could turn America into ashes.

Just as she was thinking about something dangerous, the light particles on one side combined.

The young man reappeared with undisguised surprise on his face.

"Are you...Diana?"

Nangong was not very sure. Although he followed the camera to find him, he never thought that the other party would look like this at all.

If she was a delicate and lovely girl before, now she seems to have just grown up, a girl with a hint of childishness, at a slim age.

"Are you surprised? This is the converter I invented, which can restore our Baltans from the evolved posture to the pre-evolved posture, but there are some troublesome problems, that is, I can't control what age they become. "

Diana was still showing off in the first half, but became annoyed in the second half.

She even turned into a 5-year-old child, when it was difficult to even operate the equipment due to her height.

'Wait, so...'

The other party's words made Nangong's brain, which was no longer covered by pressure, start running the train.

'How old is she? '

Girls, young girls, transform at will, wouldn't that mean immortality?

A very old fairy?

very old.

"Did you just wonder how old I am?"

Should it be a woman's intuition?

Diana raised her eyebrows and asked Nangong with an unhappy expression.

Completely guessed, the party put on a poker face again.

"I was just wondering, aren't you a scientist? Why are you so good at fighting?"

If I remember correctly, did the other party directly rely on a surprise attack to kill two monsters before?

What kind of scientist is this.

"No, no, no, I'm just a scientist, and I don't have as much power as you."

Diana immediately gave a negative answer. Of course, that kind of pure and strong monster can be easily dealt with.


Nangong narrowed his eyes, his eyes were undisguisedly saying "you are a liar"


It's all good, but is this guy really the same guy as the gloomy handsome guy from before?

Diana felt a little magical for a moment.

At this moment, Nangong felt the vibration of the mobile phone.

He took it out, and no one but Masaki would call the number.

Connected, with a little irritated voice came out:

"Can you come back before you flirt? I have something important to see you."


Putting aside this description, how do you... oh.

Nangong raised his head, it was the camera filming the two of them.

"I see."

He hung up the phone and looked at Diana.

"gone back."

"Wait, are you going back?"

"if not?"

"...The hero who saved the earth and saved mankind several times has to walk back to the base on his legs, and the treatment is too bad."

What a hero.

"It's noisy."

Even if you put a super sports car in front of Nangong, he won't know how to drive it. People without a driver's license don't even know how to start the car.

Just relying on their legs, the two spent 15 minutes returning to the base.

High-rise buildings, all have branch business owners making mechanical monsters underground, which is really weird.

The elevator descended and opened, and when they entered the base, the first sentence Zheng Mu said made the expressions of the two of them serious.

"It's about the Kirielods."

They looked at each other and followed the guide into the monitoring room.

Those pictures are of the situation in Osaka, which is just a microcosm of the global situation.

The people who thought they would die with the destruction of the Kiriarods opened their eyes, and they are still alive.

"This is......"

"The situation has changed. Although your consciousness seems to have been wasted, you should listen to my guess first."

Zhengmu paused, and revealed all the words he had arranged before.

Empat's first attack knocked the gate open, and the raging black fire prevented the emergence of the Kiriarods within.

Immediately afterwards, the full-power enhanced Spathum light blasted directly into the interior. In other words, he attacked the Kirialods in another world through the gate connecting the two worlds in this world.

How far can Ultraman go all out?

At least the gate that connected the two worlds was completely shattered by the leaked power.

After that, the first thing I noticed was the disappearance of that 'angel'.

It seems that the gate is not only a passage connecting the two worlds, but also an important prop to maintain the existence of the Kiriarods in this world.

After its shattering, the Kyriairods who existed as pure spiritual bodies were actually equivalent to souls without bodies. Just as the souls of the dead would eventually dissipate, they also disappeared in accordance with this law.


Having said that, Zheng Mu showed a distressed expression. He may be the first person on this earth to know the relationship between soul and body, but he has not yet been able to accept materialism well.

Continue to tell, if the Kiriarods who were exposed to the body died, what about the Kiriarods who were not exposed to the body?

Merging with the dead through the method of "possession" and forcibly pulling them back to life, this psychological attack method that should have existed as a "hostage" has instead become a life-saving straw for the Kiriarods.

The body of the resurrected person has instead become a container, and the door has disappeared. If the container dies, they will die with it.

To live with the possessed person, or to die together?

Looking at the current situation, they chose the former.

"The above are all my personal conjectures. I can't guarantee whether they are correct. From the conclusion, these people are not dead. Whether it is Dijia's hesitation or your awareness, it seems to be in vain."

In terms of results, the thinking of the two Altmans seems completely meaningless.

Nangong watched the people who were crying and laughing on the screen, closed his eyes and let out a breath, the heaviness in his heart disappeared.

"Compared with this result, what if that kind of awareness is flushed in the toilet?"

The consciousness of taking something important from others is not worth it.

"Then...then it's time to talk to these resurrected people about their ideals in life, or teach the Kirielod people in them how to do things."

Nangong's speech made both Diana and Zhengmu look at him strangely.

"Has your personality changed somewhere?"

Didn’t you look world-weary before as if the whole world owed you 800 million?

"The burden is thrown away."

Nangong said indifferently, now he no longer escapes from his own darkness, he is clearly the one who conceived these things, yet he denies them, this kind of idiot behavior is over.

The recognition of identity is also clear because of Mr. Nishinomiya's words.

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