That being the case, there is no need to worry about unnecessary trivial matters.

He straightened his body and issued a declaration with serious eyes:

"I am Ultraman Empat, and my goal is to protect mankind and the earth."

No matter what kind of evil invaders or monsters, there is no way to wreak havoc on this beautiful planet.

Enemies will be eliminated, and friendly people will communicate or protect. This is the answer found in the end.

Looking at Nangong like this, Zheng Mu's mood was actually a little delicate.

'It's a good thing you figured it out...'

In other words, he should stop thinking about Empat?


TPC, if they didn't exist, Tijia must have fallen long ago.

No matter who it is, they will be deceived for various reasons at some point, even so, there must be some people who can stand up.

Humans are not such weak creatures, he recognized that.

A few stars in the sky are twinkling, and there is no moon. The wind flows in the sky, and the distance moved symbolizes the flow of time.

The chaotic night returned to tranquility, and the young man lying on the bed felt very strange.

He was a little scared in his heart, was he dead or alive?Will you die again?

The cranky thoughts ended because of exhaustion, and the youth sank into a dream.

Control of the body is taken over, and at this very instant, the light particles in the room combine.


Altman, Empat.

The blue-eyed warriors who were the same size as humans were here, and the surviving Kyriairods instantly realized that their situation had been seen through.


He didn't dare to move at all, and in front of him was a ruthless soldier who ignored the 'hostage' and directly penetrated the gate.

Is this the end?

There was no emotion in the blue eyes, and the pressure continued to increase.

At this moment, the other party seemed to have gotten some satisfactory answer, and disappeared into the room again.


What does this mean?

There is only panic in the hearts of the people of Kiriarod. Does it mean "spare your life first, and kill you if you dare to do anything"?

'Wait until the day we return——'

You must pay the price!

It's just that none of them can know what's going on in the other world.

If the gate still exists, then the Kirielod can exist without the body.

However, the gate has been completely destroyed by a powerful force. If they don't want to die, they can only live in a symbiotic relationship with the despised humans. This is the future that awaits them.

110 Chapter Three Towards the Universe

"At 8:20 last night, Ultraman appeared in two areas, Kumamoto and Osaka, and fought with different enemies. Among them, the most interesting thing is the matter of the Kirielod people. According to the person involved—— "

The host in the news is summarizing what happened last night.

Empat fought unknown monsters in Kumamoto City, intervened in the battle, and seemed to help him protect human invaders... No, it would be too early to call them invaders.

The first time the Baltans came for the invasion, what about the second time?

The current TPC does not know the answer.

In Osaka, the battle between Tiga and Kirielod, the abnormal energy detected by TPC was released, and the blockade of the city by Purple Haze was also supported by video materials.

The most important thing is that people do not understand the situation, the sudden fall of the resurrected person.

Although they are awake now, they are about to usher in the same physical examination as before, or even more exaggerated than before.

In any case, Altman did something extraordinary after such a long time.

"Exalt your eyebrows, exalt your eyebrows!"

In the combat command room, if it wasn't for being here, Xincheng would even open a bottle of champagne to celebrate.

What the Kirielod people did was not just to calculate Ultraman, they even contracted the work of TPC, and even planned to replace TPC.

What's more, Dijia is his comrade in arms, and Dagu is his good friend. He vented his anger on his friend, and finally let out the pent-up depression for several days, feeling refreshed.

"Before you know it, it's almost February..."

At this moment, Horei's exclamation made everyone react.

Yes, the first month of the new year is about to pass, because of the Kirielod people, they focus on this every day, completely forgetting the passage of time.

It's been such a bad start to the first month of the new year, but at least it's been saved.

"But won't it cause any bad consequences if we directly attack the Kirielods like this?"

Lina's expression wasn't too good. During that time, TPC also watched the Kirielod people's rising popularity among the people. In a sense, they and Ultraman were fighting against people's ideas. The enemy fights.

If the people who came back from the dead really died with the Kirielod people, the huge resentment would probably be directed at TPC and Ultraman.

People who are controlled by emotions are almost irrational, and being resented is a terrible thing.

The door suddenly opened, and Director Sawai walked in from the outside.

"do not worry."

He seemed to have heard Lina's words and gave a reassuring answer.

"TPC will try its best to clarify these things. The people are not stupid. I believe they can recognize the truth. Don't forget that we also have a lot of media resources here."

The Kirielod people who used the media before, now it's their turn to TPC.

"Won't such a statement be accused of manipulating public opinion?"

Dagu noticed this, in the work of victory, fighting as Tiga, he fully understands that there are people in the world who will question and criticize everything.

And no matter what you do, someone will always be dissatisfied.

His words made Director Sawai smile.

"Kiriarods can't speak."


This made everyone unable to react for a while.

"Just like Ultraman can only use fighting to prove that he is a friend of human beings because he can't speak, the current Kirielod people can't speak, no matter what we say, they have no way to jump out and refute. "

30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, the situation at this time is completely reversed.


'I suddenly felt that the director's smile was terrible. '

Lina couldn't help complaining in her heart, the other party's originally kind smile now looked quite villainous.

'Are we some evil organization? '

Xincheng tried to get in touch, killed and silenced, and then talked about how the other party was doing, but the other party couldn't refute.

'No no no, how can it be called evil. '

He shook his head vigorously, this is not called slander, this is called clarification, return the same way to him.

The gloom that had hung over TPC had completely disappeared, one thing, but there was something new.

"But it would be nice if Ultraman could really talk."

Perhaps because of relaxation, Zong Fang smiled and said:

"In this way, we can know whether the cosmic being who appeared for the second time is an enemy or a partner."

What appeared on the screen was a huge thing with two light bulb eyes, and its hands were huge claws.

Comparing the two, the one on the left is the first generation, and the one on the right is the second generation. There is no big difference in appearance.

In terms of action, the former destroyed the city and was defeated by Empat, while the latter protected the city, and seemed to have some communication with Empat.

If Ultraman could speak, TPC would immediately be able to know whether the cosmic being was an enemy or a friend, and he could also understand what kind of existence they were.

It's a pity that Altman can't speak.

Empat, the blue-eyed giant who appeared again last night, is different from Di Jia in that he has more vicious eyes and a slightly evil appearance.

He, who was noticed by the victorious team, stretched out his right hand at this time.

"Be careful."

Nangong grabbed the young man who almost ignored the red light and walked on the zebra crossing.

"Huh? Oh, thanks."

The other party put the mobile phone back in his pocket, with a slightly melancholy expression on his face.

"It's gone..."

Of course, he was talking about the Kirielod people. The habit is really terrible. Unknowingly, he has even become dependent on the nanny who will appear at any time.

"It's like a dream."

Shaking his head, the young man started to wait for the red light again.

When the dream is broken and people wake up, everything starts from now. There will no longer be superheroes who suddenly appear to save people from the sky. Human beings must rely on themselves to move forward.

The red light turned into a green light, and the young man walked onto the zebra crossing after saying "thank you".

Everything was back on track, Nangong walked towards that block according to his memory, entered the alley, turned around, and the store that was still stained with paint when he came last time has been redecorated and reopened.

Before leaving Earth temporarily, he had one more thing to do.

After approaching, he pushed the door open, the sound of the wind chimes was covered by the screams, and he instinctively opened his hands to catch the soft, furry body.

The long-lost goodbye, the miss is passed on through warm contact.

After nearly half a minute, Nangong finally opened his eyes.

Tongue retracted, the Shiba Inu in front of him panted haha.

"The toilet is over there."

There was still an uncontrollable smile in his tone, but there was no concealment on his face, and he smiled very happily.

One of Kyoko's eyes was fixed on the helpless young man and the drool all over his face, it's a good thing he could bear it there.


Nangong put Gedi down, but Gedi didn't leave, lingering around him, circling around him foolishly.

The two walked into the toilet together, turned on the faucet, and the young man splashed the water on his face. At this time, perhaps he should thank the 'Giant Dog of Light' for not getting any strange things or smells on his tongue.

Snoring, snoring, he suddenly raised his head, rubbed his face with his hands, and his own face was reflected in the mirror.

When he returned to this coffee shop, the matter had already been resolved, he just wanted to make sure of Kyoko's situation.

In fact, the solution is very simple.

It was only the first step to bring this matter to the news. At this time, Nangong knew what the second sister's Liangzi was doing.

A virtual anchor, in other words, has a group of fans, and fans...

She revealed a little about her own situation, and after being connected with the news, a situation called "cyber violence" occurred.

The man's situation was completely dug out, and the information was directly exposed on the Internet, his previous convictions, his deeds, and the current blackmail.

It seems that Kyoko deliberately acted to irritate her father who was under great pressure because of "famousness", and then...

After wiping his face clean, Nangong walked out of the toilet again.

"What do you want? Anyway, let's have a glass of water first."

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