He was wearing a uniform as usual, but his left eye was covered with gauze, and there were plasters like this on many places on his face.


Nangong didn't know how to speak for a while, Kyoko's solution was to defeat the man's mentality through cyber violence, and then use herself as a bait to let the other party dig their own grave and go back to prison.

He knew that the store manager was a powerful person before, and now he understands this even more.

"Don't worry, I care more about what's wrong with you than this kind of thing."

Kyoko shrugged, paying a price to get revenge on that man made her feel refreshed, wasn't it just a few cuts on the face, a few punches, and something wrong with her eyes?

What's the big deal, the big revenge has been avenged.

"Compared to before, your complexion is much better."

Kyoko looked the former employee in front of her up and down, and was sure that it wasn't an illusion.

If the other party's complexion was sickly pale before, as if half of his body had been buried in the ground, the blood color now is more like a normal person with a fairer complexion.

At least like a person.


Gedi, who jumped onto Nangong's legs, yelled in agreement, and Kyoko rubbed his head.

"Look, your pet is asking you too."

Noticing that she didn't want to talk more about her own affairs, Nangong gave up on further questioning, because the wound was not for showing off.


What should I say if I paused in the middle of the talk?

My mentality has changed, so I look a lot better.

What idealism is this?

It would be better to say that it is reliable to go to the beach for a few days.

After hesitating for a while, Nangong decided to say:

"My illness is cured."

Heart disease.


The exact answer made Geddy cheer. He was worried about his master, but he knew that this was not a problem he could solve.

Now that the master's situation has improved, how could he be unhappy.

"and many more."

Nangong blocked it with his left hand, blocking Gedi who wanted to pounce on him again.

He didn't really want to go to the toilet to wash his face again.

Then, the happy Shiba Inu shrugged and pulled its ears with a distressed expression.


Why does it seem like I did something wrong?

While doubts arose in his heart, Nangong took out a piece of ham from his pocket with his right hand, peeled off the package, and handed it to Gedi.

The change of mood is so fast, just because the person delivering it is different, the food can taste completely different.

The difference between before and after made Nangong smile, it's really cute.

"Speaking of which, the matter on my side has also been resolved. Are you going to come back to work?"

Kyoko's mood improved a lot, because she noticed that Nangong's previous haze seemed to have completely disappeared.

Now it can be said that good things come in pairs.

'Do you want to come back to work? '

This question made Nangong a little dazed, and soon he shook his head.

"No, I plan to go back to China later."

This sentence is of course false.

Just like the parting with the Nishinomiya family, he no longer intends to have contact with anyone.

I protected it this time, what about next time?

I don't want to think about it, I don't want to have a next time, so let's break up.

Hearing his words, Kyoko's originally slightly joyful expression also disappeared.

Although the person who brought him back has rearranged himself, which is something to be happy about, but the parting of friends is still...

In the past, I didn't know there was such an emotion.

"What about Geddy?"

Just like in TV dramas, movies and animations, let's say goodbye with a smile.

"Stay here temporarily for a while, and I'll pick it up after I sort things out."

"no problem."

"I'll go first."

After drinking the water that was brought up before, Nangong got up with Gedi in his arms and put it down again.

"Be good, I'll be back soon."


The other party responded, so Nangong patted the furry head and turned to leave.

The wind chime rang with the rotation of the door, and at some point, the woman was already waiting.

"It's an interesting little thing. I'll make one when I go back."

Diana is very interested in the 'wind chimes'. There are many things on the earth that are made purely for 'fun'. They are worthless but interesting.

"lets go."

But we have to wait until the matter is resolved. The longer it is delayed, the more troublesome the matter will be.

"I see."

Nangong followed Diana, but he still had some strange feelings in his heart.

Interstellar travel, this is something that humans are currently unable to do.

However, he can do it.

'Have the giants come from space? '

Traveling in the universe, for some reason, he instantly recalled two skills when he had this idea.

Photosphereization and wormhole traversal, the former is used for travel, and the latter can move long distances while knowing the coordinates.

Since they have such skills, the giants should come from the universe, and why did they come from the universe and leave their bodies on the earth in the end?

While thinking about the problem in his heart, he and Diana went to the place where the spaceship was docked.

The long battle on the earth has come to an end, and the next is the battle to go to other planets.

Is the story over?


At this time, Mephilas is thinking about whether to leave the earth.

Almost all the subordinates of the Imperial Stars were wiped out, and the Kyriairods who were eyeing the earth were also dead, so it seems that there are no enemies anymore.

In other words, the story ends.


Something suddenly came to her mind.

Chapter 110 The Invader Empat

The high-hanging sun poured heat on the surface, and there was basically no green and life on the dry land.

In contrast, there is a unique space under the surface, where native species grow and evolve, and no civilization has yet developed, and it is only just beginning.

It’s just that there are new guests on the planet. After a long journey, the Baltans are in urgent need of sufficient supplies and a planet where they can stay. The energy source is not endless, and the spaceship cannot fly forever.

At the same time, their race also needs a thorough discussion.

"This planet has an atmosphere, groundwater, and an atmosphere. Isn't it enough space for living?"

Some people say that the earth does not have a sun, and it only uses energy supply to bring lights.

However, light is just light and cannot replace the sun.

"Survival and life are different. Just such a planet is not comparable to our parent star, even the companion star."

Someone else refuted the person who spoke before.

Discussions in parliament are widely known and have spread to the people, and people hold different opinions.

The awakened Baltans have gradually accepted everything during this period of time, whether it is the destruction of their home planet or the escape at this time.

This planet is unbearable, and in another galaxy that is not far away from them, there is a planet that is not as good as the parent star, but is very similar, and its name is Earth.

There is only one reason why it cannot be captured, and that is the existence of Ultraman.

Now they lack materials and have only two choices, to survive here and choose to attack the earth.

There are those who wish to do so, and those who oppose it.

It is precisely because of the continuous plundering war that it has become what it is today. Isn't it possible to learn any lessons from it?

Thoughts are just thoughts, no matter how rational you are, it is meaningless if you cannot live.

The environment on this planet is too harsh. No one can tell whether the Baltans will redevelop here or slowly decay.

"This is a question of the survival of the race, not of morality!"

It is wrong to have to destroy other races in order to survive, but there is no distinction between good and evil in survival.

"For humans, it's just as much a matter of survival."

No race wants to be destroyed, and it cannot justify its crimes with such words from its own perspective.

"There are basic living conditions here. We haven't tried it, so how do we know we can't survive?"

Thanks to the evolution of the Baltan family at this time, the environment that was considered unsurvivable in the past has also been overcome through the body.

"So if it is destroyed, who will take the responsibility? Or do you plan to try first, and then invade the earth after finding out that it can't be done? This is nothing but hypocrisy."

Neither side can convince anyone, so they fell into silence here.

However, the scales are tilting.

Because as the consensus reached by both parties, the Baltan family is facing a crisis, and it is not surprising what creatures will do when facing life and death.

If taking the earth can keep the people alive, then this is something that should not be done, but has to be done.

In the dark and deep underground space, native species are moving leisurely.

They know that there are strange new creatures, but they don't bother each other, after all, they don't know what the other is talking about.

There was an argument in his eyes, and he left quickly.

The thick surface blocks the high temperature and sunlight, and the moisture in the ground floats.

The discussion did not reach a conclusion, that is, under such circumstances, who raised the alarm.

The vibrating surface caused the water droplets attached to the top of the ground to drip down in one go.

Meteorites will fall on this planet from time to time, and everyone is familiar with it, but this time, it is not a meteorite that falls.

What is fixed on the surface is not an anti-aircraft weapon, but a mechanical device for monitoring.

They were fixed at an angle, and the sand that was blown up by the strong wind scattered and fell down. In the dry land, there was something there. The figure started to move, and he slowly got up.

The silver body has black patterns and lines, arms and legs, and the red is like wrist armor and leg armor. Below the timer on the chest is a V-shaped armor with red background and gold rim.

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