Blue pupils, blue crystal, the sockets of the eyes and the grooves of the head are darkened by the light.

The giant with a hint of evil stood up straight, his figure was photographed exactly, and sent to Baltan's underground base.


"Why are you here?!"

Unlike ordinary citizens, members of the military department are aware of it, because they have analyzed Tiga and Empat as imaginary enemies.

But isn't he the guardian of the earth?

Why on this planet?

Naturally, the idea cannot be transmitted to the surface, what Empat felt at this time was the heat of the sun.

'It's different. '

Nangong is not a scientist, and he doesn't know why the heat of this planet is so high.

The high temperature of Baidu is not a place where human beings can survive, and the light is too strong.

But in such a harsh environment, he actually felt that compared with the earth, his power was more abundant, and he was close to the level of acting in the universe.

'Earth's atmosphere greatly weakens the energy you can accept, so that you have to fight in an incomplete posture on the earth, but this planet is different, whether it is the energy of the stars or the atmosphere is completely different . '

A spiritual link was established, and Diana's easy-to-understand explanation made Nangong fully understand the situation.

'no problem? '

He asked the other party like this.

'Let go and do it. '

This is the answer.

So, Nangong started to act, and Empat's right hand was tightly held.

During the monitoring, his movements were completely seen, and then, he punched the ground with all his strength.

The aftermath will tear the ground apart, and the transmitted force will shake the ground.

This was just the beginning, once again he raised his fist and slammed it down fiercely.

An unknown number of tons of fist power erupted on the surface of this planet, and what the fists brought was a forced earthquake.

The blowing sandstorms continued, and the creatures in the ground began to follow their instincts to flee, and all the Baltans realized that the visitor was not good.

That sudden attack was like an act of aggression.

"Go to the inside of the spaceship!"

Ordinary people evacuate, and the people of the military department start to move.

"What are you going to do? Retaliation?"

When the word 'revenge' appeared in the brain, the anger began to ignite.

Exactly how the parent star was destroyed has not yet been determined.

But many soldiers have already determined that they have been retaliated by the rebels.

Now, Empat's actions touched their shadows, and the shadows turned into hostility.

'Are you too careful? '

I don't know how many times after smashing everything down, Nangong heard Diana's helpless voice.

So, he felt that it should be almost the same now.

Standing up straight, the anti-gravity ability directly ignores the weight, aiming according to the coordinates, and the right arm is infested with purple brilliance.

'It shouldn't be hit like this. '

Throwing forward, the scorching light is different from fists, instantly piercing through the ground and directly hitting the underground space.

From the point of view of the people on Baltan Star, the shaking of the earth disappeared, followed by the shattered ceiling, and the purple stream of light carried an omen of destruction.

The light that can penetrate even the surface of the earth, no one wants to experience the consequences of being hit.

There was a scream, and a straight stream of light slowly came.

Slow, incomparably slow, as if deliberately letting people escape, but panicked people don't realize so much.


Because Diana's device had loaded Baltan's language into her brain in advance, Nangong easily understood the other party's language.

A large number of Baltan Stars emerged from the passage from the surface to the ground, but unexpectedly, their bodies were not huge, almost the same as human beings.

'Enormization is an ability that only the elite can master. '

Diana's explanation reminded Nangong of things on Earth.

What did the other party say before?Just scientists, no powers as powerful as you.

But it can become huge, and it can also defeat monsters.

The white light bullets shot out from the claws. It wasn't that the soldiers didn't want to use their equipment to fight. It's just that the energy of the equipment was limited, and there was no way to replenish energy on this planet.

If the energy is exhausted, they can only stay on this planet.

Fortunately, the evolved body has incredible energy, and it can release a destructive light bullet with not weak attack power just by relying on the physical body.

Gather the power to form a barrage, and then the attack hits.

Thousands of white light bullets hit the enemy's body, splashing out strong sparks, and the light released by the opponent was also stopped.

'efficient! '

They thought so, and attacked harder.

However, giving up the light was not because of being attacked, but simply because the goal was achieved.

The next moment, the light bullet hit the empty space.


Landing rapidly, just stepping on the ground with both feet to relieve force, knocked down many Baltan soldiers to the ground.

It is no longer in the distant sky, but not far in front. How exaggerated is the body of more than 50 meters, and the original surface protrusions are completely blocked.

The cyan eyes stared at this side, making people feel frightened.

This seems to be just the beginning, and there have been new attacks behind it.

Empat turned around, and the soldiers flying in the air seemed to be acting as an air force.

The attacks hit him one after another, and as long as he wanted to, he could dodge at will.

But he didn't do that, he just stood there and slowly raised his right hand.

Confirm that no one will be attacked, and then give it a hard swing.

"This is?!"

Just like a hurricane, just one fan, the frantic airflow makes it difficult for people to maintain balance.

He raised his left foot, and just stepped on it, and the vibrating ground made people fall to the ground.

The ground troops barely used their anti-gravity ability to fly up, but were blown down by the opponent's waving palms.

'He's just playing with us! '

Pressed directly on the ground by the wind pressure, Empat's every move without the slightest control had a strong impact on the surroundings.

The sheer disparity in strength is hopeless.

At this moment, he turned around and raised his left hand, and the incoming light bullet was directly caught.

He rushed forward and shot, and the Baltan Stars who were similar in size to him appeared there at some point, and they attacked continuously.

In addition, he can also feel different breaths in different places.

The light bullet hit his body, but he didn't feel much.


The Baltan star who attacked first kept shooting with his left pincer, and swung with his right pincer.

The next moment, before he had time to react, the world started to spin.

Elbowed in the stomach and pulled up, Empat saw him as another person who had thrown his weapon backwards.

Before the two had time to collide, the attack continued.

Simply because of the gap in all aspects, Empat was fighting at a speed that the soldiers could hardly react to.

With a pull, a pull, and a pull with both hands, while the third person was out of balance, the kick hit the waist.

He leaned forward, disappeared from the spot, and hit the fourth person directly on the head with the back of his hand, causing a muffled sound.

At this time, the two collided and overturned, one staggered into the sand, and the other fell backwards.

Empat turned his body sideways, dodged the falling giant pincers, and knocked back the fifth man with an elbow.

The free left hand went forward and hit the sixth man in the chest before he had time to attack.

In a short two seconds, the fighting ability of the six people was seized.

The heavy blow knocked four unconscious and left two engulfed in pain.

The number of people is there, and there are not many Baltan stars who have the ability to become gigantic. However, their number has not reached the level that can reverse the quality.

The roundabout kick kicked another person away, Empat's heavy body easily made agile movements, backflips dodged the direct hit, and the orange light blasted by the enemy collided and exploded.

With both hands forward, two arrows of light from the palms were shot out, and the two Baltans' abdomens were scorched and fell down.

Empat quickly moved sideways, grabbed the thrusting giant pincers, and began to spin his body. Half a second later, the Baltan star was buried in the sand amidst the shock.

It is no longer a passive attack, but an active attack. The green-eyed giant pulls out a blurred shadow, and whenever it comes into contact with the enemy, it will knock the enemy down.

The scene of the battle could not be clearly captured. In the boat at the base, someone tore off the pipes on his body.

"General, you..."

"Continuing to let the subordinates fight will only lead to one result."

He can see the strength of the opponent, and ordinary fighters can't match it at all.

"Don't worry, now I have obtained invincible power."

His words made scientists look at the data worriedly, invincible power, is this really the case?

This point can only be known later.

On the surface at this time, just as Empat's fist was about to touch the abdomen of the next target, the burst of energy he felt made him take a step back.

Exploding from the ground to the surface, the orange light carried a power that cannot be underestimated.

"Retire, and I will be his opponent."


'General? '

Yeah, he's just...

"Ultraman, please die here!"

The invisible force exploded, and it was the first to leap away Empat, which it sensed, to the side. At this moment, seizing this moment, the red light that shot out from the right pincer of General Baltan Danis precisely hit Hit the opponent's raised arm as if in defense.

110 Five Chapters of Fierce Battle

The collision of energy and energy resulted in mutual cancellation. Danis thought that the freezing light that hit was scattered by the radiance emerging from his arm.

'Mind power? '

Empat quickly realized what the previous explosion was made of. Just as he rushed forward, the enemy in front raised his empty right hand and dropped it.

Inside the giant tongs, completely opposite blue beams of light came out.

The attack that was too straight was not difficult to deal with. Just when Empat was about to avoid it, the front end of the light split into dozens of energy ropes in an instant.

The manipulation of energy by this hand alone is far beyond the reach of other Baltans. What is hidden in Danis' body is the combination of different abilities and science and technology developed by Baltans after evolution.

Seeing that the entangled line was about to hit, Empat moved forward with his right hand and stabbed directly into the center of the blue light.

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