"I'm worried that Victory will be bad for Durban."

This is what the leader is worried about. Speaking of this, the members also fell silent.

So far, almost all the monsters discovered by the Victory Team and Ultraman have been killed.

If Durban was found, would Durban also be shot?

This is the secret of the circus. They have taken in a monster the size of a human from nowhere.

It's named Durban, and it's a hardworking, friendly monster that won't attack anyone.

But it was being targeted, and whenever that bad monster that was chasing from nowhere was about to appear, Durban would shrink into a ball in fear.

That movement is like a child's, making people feel that they cannot be left alone.

"Oh no!"

Suddenly, the exclamation pulled the two people who were discussing back. Following the sound, Durban shrank into a ball in fear, and the action said everything.

"Hurry up!"

Quickly put the things back into the van, the leader sat in the main driver, turned the key, and started the engine.

The white vehicle starts driving and wants to get out of here.

But it was too late, the phantom gradually solidified in front of him, the leader subconsciously turned the steering wheel, and the van passed between the opponent's feet.

After many times of chasing, Aineng Mina finally completely grasped the opponent's position this time.

She turned around slowly, how funny the little thing was trying to escape, it only opened such a small distance.

His attention was completely focused there, so he failed to notice the situation in the sky.

"Sure enough, they are being targeted, now."

Not missing this opportunity, Xincheng quickly pressed the trigger.

When Einome felt the scorching heat, the light beam had already hit her body, and the explosion set off on her body, and at the same time attracted the attention of others.

"Captain, it's the victory team, the victory team is here!"

The hanging heart let go slightly, and the next moment, Durban, who was still trembling before, suddenly opened his eyes.

Mars is replaced by a thick purple, which is the electromagnetic wave emitted by Einome.

"Okay, let you taste what I developed specially for you!"

Horei controls the equipment installed on Jebi EX-J, and compared with the opponent's, human electromagnetic waves are invisible and colorless.

Electromagnetic waves overlap with electromagnetic waves to complete interference.

Ai Nengmei was stunned for a moment, and then, the red fighter jets separated.

The front is the high-speed fighter α, and the rear is the attack aircraft β.

Melting light, freezing light, in an instant, the main guns of the two machines fully demonstrated their power, and Eineng Mina was hit by the light.

Chapter 120 Tearing the Sky

The clear pain came from the hit position, which was secondary. For Aineng Mina, the most important thing was that the electromagnetic waves she released were offset by Feiyan EX-J.

Human beings are not soft persimmons to be manipulated by others. The machine island and the Yagdis used in the Kyrierod incident, at this time, the electromagnetic wave interference device when facing the demon god of another dimension, after realizing a higher level, moved towards Advance at that level, this is human beings.

The α fighters and the β fighters attacked alternately, and after the main guns completed a volley charge, the greatly enhanced light cannons also followed up to attack, making the enemy annoyed by the damage.

It was at this moment that Ai Nengmi stepped back, and she took a step back, which is the key to making a difference.

The electromagnetic waves canceled by the interference no longer play a role. Except for the light, Xincheng really wants to use a powerful bomb to hit the opponent hard, but this is a city, and the situation of the victim needs to be considered.

So, Lina quickly clicked on the panel, and the β fighter, which is a heavy-fire attack aircraft, zoomed in. The missile compartment opened, and the 35 missiles that poured out bombarded the upper body of the enemy with incomparable precision.

Left, right, up, down, with gaps and different routes, the white smoke was like a long tail, continuous explosions came, and Eineng Mina's entire upper body was shrouded in flames.

The two fighter planes circled behind her, and the melting light and the freezing light were ready to cooperate.

At this time, the hands that are quickly thrown down will scatter the aftermath, and people will respond to it after seeing a higher level, but what if there is another level?

Aineng Mina originally didn't plan to do her best here because it was very laborious, but now she has changed her mind.

The ability was fully activated, and in an instant, countless purple light spots appeared in the sky.


It was too late the moment the abnormality was formed, and the released purple electromagnetic wave eroded the entire sky and began to spread out crazily.

"Can that guy be enhanced again?!"

The interference no longer worked. Inside the TPC Far East base, the intermediary captain suddenly got up, and Ye Rui grabbed his hair.

"The scope is constantly spreading, covering the entire city of Sapporo!"

Electromagnetic waves penetrate everywhere, faster than people's feet, and in a blink of an eye, the name of the demon god is engraved in his heart.

"Uh ah ah ah ah?!"

Painful voices echoed inside the cabin. As the pilots, Xincheng and Lina used their fists and fingernails like crazy to grab the hard equipment, and Zongfang and Hori also covered their heads and struggled.

The out-of-control α fighters and β fighters lost their agility. Ai Nengmi smiled again, and she looked at the two fighters that were about to collide with the building with satisfaction.

With Sapporo as the center, destructive electromagnetic waves are spreading.

The next moment, the light appeared.

The two planes that were about to crash were firmly grasped, and the giant of light shrouded in purple reluctantly put them down, and then couldn't help covering their heads.

With a muffled snort, Dagu felt that his brain was pierced by a sharp cone of ignorance. His own consciousness and the disturbed consciousness were fighting each other in his brain.

Eineng Mina can see Tiga, who is called the patron saint of mankind, what a light it is.

But now the light is becoming chaotic, and her powers are working.

On the street at this time, people and people attacking each other is only a part of it, and their targets are not limited to the same kind.

He hit his head against a street lamp, even though blood was splashed out.

The fingernails were opened, but they were still pulling on the glass.

The phalanx seemed to be split, and he was still attacking the car door.

Everyone went crazy, including the people in the car.

There was a frantic cry from his mouth, and in Durban's eyes, everyone in the circus was doing messy things.

Why is this happening?

Even after escaping here, they were still caught up. I don't want to do this, I don't want to involve them.

Since there is no way to escape, let's fight it, at least...

The god moved at will, and what was released from Durban's horns was colored electromagnetic waves, gold and purple mixed together, and finally turned into colorless each other.

Tilting their heads, everyone in the circus lost consciousness.

The attacking citizens surrounding the vehicle also passed out, and Durban pushed open the door and walked out.

The golden light is expanding, although the body is not worth mentioning compared to Ai Nengmei, but when walking, the electromagnetic waves released dispel the thick purple.

Durban moved towards that side, feeling that his abilities were offset, Einomena immediately moved his gaze.

It was that insignificant, ugly little thing that had the power to stop her.

Electromagnetic waves are like purple mist, and this mist has been forcibly dug out a hole, which is a clean space.

The abnormal phenomenon was observed by TPC. Yerui kept calling Feiyan EX-J, and the purple electromagnetic wave spread to the entire Hokkaido area centered on Sapporo. Once contacted, people would go crazy, which also made it impossible for TPC to send troops to support.

But now things seem to be turning around.

Sapporo City, the reason for Durban's action is not so great, he just doesn't want to care about his people getting hurt.

Ai Nengmi was not interested in this reason, she just released energy from the crystal on her forehead, and the cyan ball of light blasted directly at the little monster.

It's just that she seems to have forgotten an existence.

The blue palm light arrow reached the front of the light ball first, intercepted the light ball with the light arrow, and the two energies canceled each other out between the conflicts.

'Is this little monster the reason she's chasing the circus? '

Dagu has already understood that the monsters in the circus have the power to restrain Eineng Mina, so she is obsessed with erasing the existence that restrained her first.

'if that is the case! '

Suppressing the pain in his brain, Dagu controlled his body to move forward. He knew that every second counts now, and there should be no mercy.

Di Jia's speed was unimaginably fast, and Einomei just had time to raise her arm before she was overwhelmed by a strong force, and she was pushed backwards, completely unstoppable.

With their forearms crossed and wrestling with each other, realizing that fighting head-on is not the best strategy, the Demon God from another dimension jumped back, trying to directly enter the area where electromagnetic waves still exist.

The other party's headache before was not fake, even if it couldn't make him go berserk, it could still strongly affect him.

However, she thought too well.

Dijia's right hand came out like lightning, and he grabbed it fiercely. This grip even made the enemy feel pain.

Ai Nengmei just realized that she was caught, and her whole body was pulled back directly.

The feminine appearance didn't play a role, the clenched left fist slammed into her abdomen, and the heavy blow directly caused her body to arch.

Turning around quickly, Dijia's right hand wrapped around the enemy's neck, and when his left hand was raised, a red light flashed on his forehead.

The soaring strength makes it more difficult for the opponent to escape, and the falling heavy punch makes him dizzy even more.

The compound type narrows the distance, and the powerful type closes the body to suppress. Dagu, who has a more thorough grasp of his own power, can switch the form at will to play with the enemy between applause.

When the fifth attack hit the opponent's head, it seemed that it was unable to hit the energy to maintain the electromagnetic wave. The purple was replaced by gold, and golden light spots floated in the gorgeous sky.

Durban's calming electromagnetic wave soothed the runaway citizens, who fell one by one.


Nodding his thanks to the little monster, Dijia locked Eineng Mina's head with his right hand even more forcefully, and applied it with his left hand, and he began to spin.

The enemy's heavy body seemed like nothing to him, one circle, two circles, towards the sky, and when he was about to throw it out, the clear blue sky split open.


It was a weird situation, the sky was shattered like a shattered mirror, and inside was the completely opposite red space.

At first glance, I noticed a strangely shaped monster.


No matter which one it is, it doesn't matter which one it is. Instantly aware of the abnormality of the situation, Dagu's fighting consciousness controls his body, Di Jia let go of his hands, and Ai Nengmi was thrown into the sky.


Who was dissatisfied, and the originally planned attack was stopped. When the sky was completely shattered, two monsters appeared on the earth.


Firmly catching Aineng Mina, what came out of the red space was a mixed bronze and red existence, and its uneven body was so weird.

It's not just the weird skin that protrudes, even the eyeballs seem to be deliberately exposed, the whole existence doesn't look like a naturally occurring species.

'What exactly is this? '

Dagu was puzzled, and the fragments of the sky were sucked back as if time was reversed, and the red space disappeared.

The roar sounded, and the newly appeared monster stood together with Eineng Mina.

This area is filled with golden electromagnetic waves, which seal the unique ability of the Demon God.

However, just because an ability is sealed doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Left, right, Tijia chose the demon god who can drive humans crazy, clenched his fists, and rushed towards Ai Nengmi.

The next moment, the eyes were covered by heat.

The latest monster spewed fire, burning the air with it.

Ai Nengmei shot light balls continuously from her forehead, attacking while mixing in the fire.

Dijia crossed his hands in front of the timer, and then quickly released a colored barrier forward.

Both the flame and the ball of light were canceled out, and the impact was negligible. He directly pushed it back, and hit the monster with the barrier deliberately condensed into tangible energy.

The power exploded, and then, the left hand clenched his fist and swept towards another enemy.

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