Those who greeted him were sharp claws, and Einomei, who had suffered greatly from the momentary contempt, no longer underestimated the enemy in front of her.

In the blink of an eye, the two had confronted each other more than a dozen times, and the invincible fists were evenly matched with the iron-cutting claws.

Eineng Mina released the ball of light with the crystal on his forehead, Di Jia crossed his arms to defend, and the explosion seemed to force him to retreat.

The bent legs jumped, the anti-gravity ability controlled the body, turned, and the legs were thrown out. The monster that had just stabilized from the stagger took another kick and almost fell down.

Tijia, who landed on the ground, straightened his body, and hit the monster's chin with an uppercut from bottom to top. The unmatched gust of wind blew away the objects around the two, even the heavy vehicles were overturned, and the paper and dust were like Scattered like being hit by a tornado.

Ignores enemies that are knocked off the ground and refocuses on the original enemy.

Fist to claw, ready to smash the opponent's fingers with one blow.

When touched for a moment, intense current is transmitted along the contact surface.


Ai Nengmei released the attack unexpectedly from her fingertips. The face-to-face collision before made Dijia not think of this at all.

As soon as the body softened, the claws drawn from the diagonally lower corner pulled out a long string of sparks, and the claws intertwined into a dance song, causing Tijia damage one after another smoothly.

When he staggered and was knocked back, when he was enduring the pain and preparing to deal with it, his hands were suddenly locked firmly.

The monster that had been hit hard before didn't seem to be affected at all. It opened its mouth and dripped saliva on Tiga's shoulder.

One shot, two shots, three shots, Ai Nengmei's ball of light kept bombarding the enemy she hated so much.

Di Jia groaned because of the pain and injury, and at this moment, the fallen sharp teeth bit down.


The monster killed it with all its strength, and in the next moment, the flames in its throat gushed out, almost covering Dijia's entire body, and a painful hum came out.

Eineng Mina kept attacking, and the battle situation changed rapidly. Ultraman, who was still in the upper hand before, fell into a desperate crisis.

No, maybe the 'advantage' was just an illusion from the very beginning. It was hit by a powerful Tiga with a heavy leg and a heavy punch, aiming at the fragile head, but this monster did not appear dizzy at all. He also assisted Ai Neng Mina to fight.

It can be seen that the strength of this monster is unusual.

"Hehe, that's right, Bellocken, get rid of that obtrusive light!"

Who is smiling, but no one knows.

Just as Einomena continued to attack, the sudden attack disturbed her.

Melting light, freezing light, Feiyan EX-J joint attack, the victorious team who woke up from madness due to Durban's efforts just opened their eyes and saw Tiga suppressed by two monsters.

That being the case, there is only one thing to do.

After being attacked by the main cannon for the second time, the wounded demon god of another dimension showed a disgusted expression.

"Belouken, let humans see your strength."

He gave an order to the monster called 'Belouk'n', and then the monster let go of its mouth, the flame stopped, and the timer on Tiga's chest could be seen, flashing red to indicate the crisis of the situation.

Could Bellocken's abnormal eyes really see?

Only it knows this.

Its back, head, and waist, the red line-shaped structure moved, and in an instant, white smoke gushed out.


It is neither energy nor flames, but just like the weapons possessed by human beings, a large number of missiles are flying lasingly.

Without even being able to react from this abnormal situation, the front was filled with countless firepower.

The high thermal energy reaction filled the entire radar in an instant, and there was no room for the hundreds of missiles to evade. In a blink of an eye, the victorious team was about to be crushed, the city behind them was turned into a sea of ​​flames, and the human race was burned to ashes.

The power is frightening, as if time has stopped because of the danger.

"...what, what?"

Lina froze for a moment, it didn't seem like time stopped, but time really stopped. Hundreds of missiles stayed in the sky. They tried to move forward, but they could only move forward slowly.

Every shot lost control, and suddenly rose upwards, forming a straight line.

The sweeping blue light lured them all to explode, and a burst of brilliant flames set off hundreds of meters above Sapporo.

In an instant, the raging flames that could turn the entire city into fly ash were stirred up, and before Eineng Mina and Bellocken could react, the sudden attack hit.

The force from the head caused the monster that released the missile to be blown backwards and fell down. Di Jia was released from the bondage, and his body was supported by someone.

"That is---"

The blue-eyed giant Empat, who is supporting the body of his comrades, still carries the scorching heat of distorting air.

Chapter 120 Fighting Together

"too slow."

The mental wave was transmitted, and Dagu's complaints were heard exactly.

"Sorry, the universe is stuck in traffic."

The phenomenon of frequent monster disasters in the universe has been proved by Nangong's own experience. In addition to saving many people, there are even cases where they were attacked just after they met their eyes.

At this time, it is divided into left and right. The different-dimensional demon god and the transformed monster stand on different sides, and in the center is Empat who supports Tiga. Compared with the past, his image is slightly different.

"Always felt......"

Hori squinted his eyes and observed carefully. In the past, the corners of the opponent's eyes and the inside of the grooves were pure black, but now he could see the clues because of the different angles. His image changed from 'evil' to 'vicious'

Although it doesn't seem to be a good description.

Empat let go of Diga's hands, with the palm of his right hand facing the timer, and the pure light energy extracted from the inside was handed over to Tiga along with the alignment of the palms.

The long interstellar journey encountered different suns, and the abundant power obtained from them supplemented the light energy for the companions.

Light is energy, it is physical strength, and it is the basis for maintaining existence. To Einomei's surprise, Tiga, who stood still again, recovered as if he had never been injured before, and the blinking timer also turned back to blue.

"Ah! Hateful light!"

Through the strange eyes of monsters, unknown beings can see everything clearly.

"Give it to me! Super Beast Bellocken, destroy that disgusting light!"

With a roar, the monster that surpassed the monster, the missile super beast ignited the fighting spirit under the command.

And different from the passionate one, Eineng Mina's heart has already retreated, just one Ultraman is enough for her, now another one?

"I'll deal with this side."

Empat looked at Bellocken, who had released a large number of missiles before. Compared with his comrades in arms, he was more suitable for dealing with the enemies here because of his powerful mind.


Di Jia's gaze also turned to Aineng Mina, and he was the one to solve the original goal.

The next moment, the battle resumed, and the two Ultraman took a step forward. Compared with the enemies, they looked weak.

The antigravity force cancels gravity, allowing the earth to bear their weight.

On one side, a turquoise ball of light aimed at Di Jia's head, and he flicked his right hand, and the back of his hand directly bounced the ball of light, and the scene in front of him became clear again, with a little golden flash.

Realizing that the enemy was going to escape, he immediately spread his hands left and right, the flashing blue light of the crystal symbolized the switching of the form, and the strongest nirvana in the air state, Lampal's light bullets, gathered between the palms.

Compared with the light beam of Heza Pelio and the light flow of Dilla Hume, the light technique was thrown out one step ahead of the enemy's action. Before he could escape, Einomena was directly shot, and his breastplate was completely shattered.

With a painful snort, she took two steps back, without even being able to see her opponent's figure with her eyes, the slashing hand knife hit the throat, a vital part.

Exercising the speed of the air type to the limit on the ground, the thunderous sprint is accompanied by the knife in the hand.

Di Jia turned into an almost invisible afterimage, slashing at Aineng Mina's body from different angles, causing her accumulated damage one after another, locking her in this world, preventing her from escaping back to the alien world again. space.

"All machines support Tiga!"

At this moment, Zong Fang also issued instructions. When two enemies appeared in front of him, of course, the weaker one should be defeated first. In the previous battle, this invader who could release electromagnetic waves suffered a lot of damage.

Moreover, her ability and the malice displayed are destined to be dealt with here.

Following the commander's order, the α fighters and β fighters cooperated with Dijia to attack, and the light and hand knives kept hitting Eineng Mina's body.

On the other side, the battle had already begun, and unlike before, continuous rockets blasted out from the missile launch port on Bellocken's body.

It seems that because it realized that Psychic Power could stop the salvo, it used the rest of its armed forces to suppress it.

In this regard, Empat also felt a little relaxed. Mind power is mental power, which is different from physical power. Continuous use will definitely bring a mental burden. produce adverse effects.

Although judging from the current situation, it is still difficult for the opponent not to use full bomb launch.

'What the hell is this monster...'

Stepping forward, he faced the incoming rockets with both hands. The opponent's attack method was the first time he encountered the type so far, which made people think of human arms.

If it wasn't for TPC's lack of such technology, Nangong would definitely suspect that this monster was randomly modified by humans and caused it to go berserk.

Just as he was thinking, the super beast in front raised his hands.

Bellocken doesn't even need to move a step, it is a turret with powerful firepower.

Even the claws were transformed into other shapes, and ten slender rays of light shot out from the inside.

They were mixed among the continuous rockets and hit Empat's chest precisely.

Sparks splashed, pain came, and the controller of Bellocken couldn't help thinking about this gain.

'Why didn't the opponent stop the rockets directly like before? '

Don't want to use it, don't want to use it, or can't use it?

As soon as the thought came up, the missiles that just happened to be regenerated and multiplied were all shot out.


With the use of mind power and the consumption of mental power, he was detonated and exploded by hundreds of missiles brought to the sky. Seizing this opportunity, Empat sprinted towards the enemy in front of him.

At this moment, scorching flames spewed out from Bellocken's open mouth.

The space ahead is covered, except for one location.

Empat lowered his body, gliding across the ground like a football tackle.

Flames passed by above, and the purple-dyed right hand flicked forward, and the eight-point light wheel precisely slashed at the enemy's abdomen.

The next moment, Bellaukern faced each other with both hands, releasing the same cutting technique as the light wheel, and the two canceled each other out in the collision.

'I didn't expect there to be such an enemy who is proficient in the use of mind power. '

The scenery reflected by the eyes was fed back into another dimension, and the controller had to admit his mistake.

I thought that this endless firepower was enough to overwhelm everything, but there happened to be an Empat who had restrained Bellocken.

The blockade and strike missile rain was blocked, and before the super beast had time to fight back, the palm knife swung from bottom to top added new injuries to it.

Horizontal chopping, vertical chopping, cassock chopping, reverse cassock, stabbing, Empat's hands flying, even if Bellocken's body has been strengthened, it can't withstand such a fierce attack.

It wanted to retreat, but the stabbing knife hit it, but the distance could not be pulled far.

It wanted to fight back, but just as it raised its hands, the two purple trails that fell in front of it cut its arm first.

The mouth opened, as if to engulf everything in front of him with flames, and then, similar to Empat's ferocious appearance, he made a brutal move.

Aiming at the gap in the mouth, the palm knife swept out to release energy, and the purple crescent blade cut directly in.

The pain made Bellocken scream, and the flames that he wanted to spit out were also swallowed.

Grasping this gap, Empat jumped high, his body rotated rapidly, and fell after reaching the apex.

His right leg was raised high, and with the superposition of gravity, he slammed it down with all his strength, like a battle ax slashing.

After the intense roar, Bellocken's open mouth was forcibly closed, and the energy of the crescent blade bloomed inside his mouth, burning his throat together.

The damage caused by the heavy blow to the head made the super beast no longer able to control its body, its head was embraced and flung to the other side.

On the other side, it was Di Jia who was fighting Eineng Mina. The speed of the aerial type perfectly disturbed the enemy's consciousness. The superposition of speed and number of attacks allowed him to overcome the defect of insufficient strength.

With a wave of the palm knife entwined with white lightning, the needles on the enemy's shoulder armor were sharply severed.

The armor that protected the body before has been riddled with holes due to the combined attacks of Tiga, α fighters, and β fighters.

Ai Nengmei just leaned forward because of the heavy blow, but the blow aimed at the head knocked her back again.

Pain came from all over the body, and even falling was not allowed. Di Jia's all-round attack has achieved results.

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