This time, he stepped back further.

Burst, shoulder bump, Ai Nengmei was sent flying by the whole person, there was already another thing waiting in the direction where she fell.

Bellocken and Aineng Mina, the two giants collided.

Empat crossed his hands in an X in front of the timer, and then flung them forward, forming a purple whip of energy.

This is a new skill developed after the battle with Danis, and the imperial star is no longer a shadow, he can use it naturally.

The purple-white double whips were precisely controlled, and they wound rapidly within a second, binding the two enemies together.

The energy in the body surged out, tightened with force, and the fire similar to the performance of light burned the two.

At this time, Di Jia, whose forehead crystal flashed white light, switched back to the compound type. He crossed his arms forward, and the white light came out, and the power in his body was maximized.

Pull it left and right, white lines, white streamer, the light energy extracted from the outside world saves energy consumption in the body.

Taking a step forward, the left and right hands meet, and Zapelio's light shoots out.

Ai Nengmei's completely shattered armor no longer provided protection, and the streamer hit and easily pierced it.

Destructive energy raged in her body, and Bellocken, who was tied to her, was also severely injured.

Di Jia increased his strength again, and in an instant, with the white arc flowing on the two enemies, they were blown to pieces.

A demon god capable of affecting the human spirit and causing human self-destruction.

A missile super beast that violates nature and can destroy everything.

Both were completely wiped out in the city, and nothing remained.

"What the hell is going on here!"

Who was talking like this, he ran quickly, the whole world wanted to know what was going on, but the reporter who had just woken up from the coma after the madness only conveyed the tragic scene on the ground.

The camera was picked up, and the giants that tall buildings could not stop were reflected.

With a camera on the left shoulder and a microphone on the right, anyone who sees it will have to praise their professionalism.

"I'm Tanaka, our reporter. I woke up from a coma just half a minute ago. What we see now is Tiga and Empat who fought each other last time! Where did the monster go? Yes Did they beat it!"

Because of the special circumstances of the Kirielod incident, people do not know the specific circumstances.

For them, the cognition of the two Ultramans is still in the original battle.

"It's moving! They're moving!"

At this moment, Empat and Dijia approached each other, and every movement was reflected in the camera as it was, and passed to the eyes of people all over the world.

Soon, palms met, silver palms clasped.

Fight together as a companion, and the action speaks for itself.

The two giants who looked like brothers shook hands upward, then gradually turned transparent and disappeared.


In the beta fighter, the three of Lina couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

It was great to be able to fight together again. Although the relationship between the two seemed to have improved during the Kirielod incident, it was only a glimpse after all.

What's more, before that, the battle between the two was as relentless as wanting to kill each other, and Empat disappeared for a long time because of this.


In the α fighter, Xincheng asked the comrades who appeared in the rear.


Dagu nodded vigorously, everyone has experienced a lot of things, and it's great to be able to fight together like this.

"Okay...take off!"

With a smile on his face, Xincheng pulled the joystick.

Being happy because of Ultraman's happiness may be one-sided, but the heart may have been connected together.

α fighter, β fighter, before reassembling into Feiyan EX-J, there is one more thing he wants to know.

"Dagu, who is Empat? At least reveal the name?"

"I really do not know."

It's really strange to say that, I don't even know my name and identity.

"Come again and again."

You silly boy, just lie to me.

The fighter jets re-docked, and before leaving, Dagu looked down subconsciously. His enhanced eyesight allowed him to easily see the little monster waving there.

A smile appeared on his face.

'Live well on earth. '

Among the few ruined cities, Durban turned away because someone was calling to him.

"Durban! Durban! Are you all right! Durban!"

Everyone who greets the circus, even if they are of different races, their hearts are still united, as long as whoever shows kindness first.

At the same moment, in another city.

Kumamoto, is it because today is Sunday?

Nangong, who returned to the earth, found that someone was already waiting in front of him.


I say hello directly!

The girl who is usually very energetic is also greeting her energetically now.

Liang Wuye, the three brothers and sisters seemed to have known that he would appear here.

As for why...

"Tirino, did you use your predictive ability just to ambush me here?"

On the other side, with his own power, the psychic who changed the future as a human being looked down upon by the Kiriarods pushed his glasses and smiled happily.

Chapter 120 Returning

"It just happened to be a dream, and it's not something I can control."

Nodding his head, the psychic said naturally, sometimes this unreliable ability is useful, sometimes not, who knows.

Judging by his appearance, you can tell that he doesn't really take these things to heart.

Nangong could only shake his head helplessly, forget about Tongye, what about the others?

His actions last time should have expressed his thoughts, that is, don't have anything to do with him anymore.

"Go back quickly."

As long as someone has a relationship with someone, someone may be hurt. No matter which side it is, Nangong doesn't want to go through the previous incident again.

"Are you going to escape again?"


"Don't run away from the kindness of others. Living alone is a very hard thing. Both the body and the mind will experience tests."

What Kirino said made Nangong frowned.

"Are you afraid that I might be plunged into darkness again?"

"Of course not, it's just that I'm worried about your future."

The scene in the precognitive dream looks quite sad. The young man who does not have contact with anyone but is only with his pets and moves around seems too lonely.

Kirino is not afraid to change the future, anyway, the future is never fixed, and he himself has already changed it once.

"And you don't have anywhere to go, do you? It's ridiculous that the hero who saves the planet sleeps on a park bench every night."

What kind of treatment is this? Picking up bottles and selling them is more profitable than fighting monsters.

"Huh? Do you sleep on a park bench every day?!"

Although Wu didn't know about the relationship between Kirino and Nangong, it seemed that they were quite familiar.

What I heard from this acquaintance was the shocking fact that the blue-eyed giant Empat slept in the park every night.

This, this, this... the listener is sad, and the one who hears it weeps.

After being silent for a while, Nangong was thinking about how to answer.


He lied without changing his face, and then Kirino chuckled.

"Then where do you live?"

"live in hotel."

"which hotel?"


You ask me, how do I know.

What was the name of the hotel where Ryosuke Sanada lived?

After thinking about it carefully for a while, I found that I couldn't remember it.

"Well, I don't sleep on a park bench every day, either."

Can sitting be called sleep?

That's called closing your eyes and resting your mind, not to mention that sometimes you don't even sleep.

I don't sleep, so it's not bad?


The low treatment of the patron saint of mankind is shocking, and the side behind the hero may not be glamorous.

"My matter and this matter are two different things. Listen, don't get involved with me anymore. I will never get close to anyone again."

Nangong said firmly, his determination was very firm.

Seeing him like this, Mai glanced at her elder brother, then at her younger sister, and then focused her gaze on this young man at the same time.

In the previous few days of getting along, they had already noticed one thing.

White clouds drifted across the clear sky from time to time, and Kumamoto City was not affected by Eino Mina's ability.

The monster is the news on TV, and the matter has been completely resolved, so of course we can do what we have to do here.

Different things are sold in the market, and office workers who run business take out their mobile phones from time to time, as if they are quite anxious about time.

Roaring vehicles, bustling crowds, trendy-dressed girls walked by chatting and discussing where to go to play.

Man and woman lovers holding hands and talking intimate whispers.

All kinds of life are reflected in the eyes.

"We're back."

In the residential area with seven turns and eight turns, the key opened the door, and the four of them walked into the familiar entrance.


Nangong's hands were carrying a lot of things. These were the things that the three brothers and sisters had prepared to ambush him from the very beginning.

'It's very heavy, and there is no way to take it all away. It would be great if someone could help. '

And so on, and then it became what it is today.

That's why they discovered Nangong's weakness, weak nagging, and they were willing to stay at the beginning because of talking about it.

"Will never get close to anyone again"

Redefine the word 'absolute'

"Come in... no, it should be welcome back."

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