"Oh, please."

Noticing his movements, the old man also sat back on the sofa.

The cold water in winter is still...

"Speaking of which, isn't it cold?"

he asked curiously.

"It's nothing."

Nangong gave a definite answer that this kind of cold water was 2 years earlier than the temperature of the universe.

"Old man, I will go out beforehand and I won't be back at noon."

He said while putting the washed dishes aside.

"Remember to come back early."

The old man didn't deliberately give any instructions, many things just let nature take its course and don't need to be too drastic.

Soon, Nangong, who was drying the dishes, left the kitchen and walked towards the entrance.

What he is going to is a place that he must go to, but the goal has changed a bit.

The cold wind blowing head-on hit his face, blowing straight.

His eyes were attracted by the same citizen walking on the street, and the subconscious movement of his head shrank made him feel a little cute.

Keep moving forward, from here...

Nangong took out the mobile phone Zheng Mu handed over to him, and there were only the initial software that came with the system on the entire screen, revealing a bit of loneliness.

The map navigation opens, follow along.

Once alone, it is easy to think of some strange things in the mind.

For example, will there be a girl with bread in her mouth running out of the corner over there, and she doesn't know why she can clearly say "I'm going to be late" in her mouth.

Passing by there, there is only a boy who is walking slowly while drinking soy milk while playing with his mobile phone.

'Too. '

It's only 7:30, so it should be quite early before school starts.

For another example, will a very powerful girl fall from the sky and just land on him.

Looking up, it is of course an ordinary winter day, even the sky is not fully lit yet, and the sun is slowly rising.

'Too. '

There are no tall buildings on the left or right. If a girl really falls, he should suspect it is a cosmic person at the first moment.

'What the hell am I thinking? '

Focusing on the map navigation again, Nangong found that his mind seemed to have relaxed to the point where he let himself go. Is this the expression of no longer suppressing himself?

But this ego seems a little too stupid.

The fact that it's easier to run the train if you shut up and think about things hasn't changed at all.

What is reflected in the eyes are the blue boards surrounding the construction site. Was there construction here?

In just one week, it seems that I don't know the city anymore.

When you come to the entrance of the residential area, go inside, turn left and right, and finally enter, the existence of the coffee shop is reflected in your eyes.

By the way, the order of arrival is top right top left such an order like some FC cheats input.

Recalling the store manager's usual appearance, Nangong felt that the other party might not have done it on purpose.

Going forward, the shutter door of the coffee shop that is ready to open has been unlocked, and the wind chimes above are as crisp as ever.

"I knew it was you."

Just when she entered, she heard Kyoko say this. At this moment, there was no trace of injury on her face, and her eyes blinked.

"Why...well, I see."

Nangong lowered his head, it was Gedi who was about to jump, his nose was as sensitive as ever.

"bring it on."

Open your hands, followed by Shiba Inu jumping on the spot.

He took it easily, and in order not to be licked, Nangong pulled Gedi away.


Tongue, feet and tail, wagging, moving around.

"By the way, how did you smell me?"

Logically speaking, he should be a polymer of light. Does light have the same taste?What is it?Sunshine?What is the smell of the sun?Is it orange?

'wrong. '

Quickly pull back the thinking that is about to go astray.

"Going to pick it up?"

At this moment, Kyoko's words attracted everyone's attention.

This is what I heard before. Nangong said that he was going back to China, so he wanted to take the pets with him.

A farewell is bound to come, and knowing this, Gedi, who had been very happy before, also sobbed.

Its intelligence is much higher than that of ordinary animals, and it can clearly understand who has been taking care of it during this time.

"Really, I usually have a boring expression when I don't have snacks, but now I have a reluctant expression. What are you doing?"

Kyoko scratched her hair, she was not hard-hearted, after taking care of Geddy for such a long time, of course she would develop feelings.

This sympathetic puppy is always hilarious in unexpected places.

'Awkward. '

At this time, Nangong only had the word embarrassment in his heart.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your parting mood at this time."

If you don't interrupt now, it will be more embarrassing later.

"Actually, I want to apply for employees today."

I said so much with a firm look before, and this is the end?this one?

To give an example, the Terminator jumped into the furnace and sank with his thumb up, only to pop up again after John Connor finished crying to say he wasn't dead.

"Oh, um...huh?"

Kyoko, who suddenly realized what Nangong was saying, looked at him strangely.

"Are you a Terminator who jumped into a furnace and held up a thumbs up?"


Because it is so precise that I don't know how to answer it at this time.

"Still yelling 'you have to take care' and Nappa blew himself up, and then jumped out to show that he was not dead after Brother Tian finished firing the qigong cannon?"

Nangong began to believe that Kyoko had said a long time ago that Kyoko liked to read hot-blooded comics.

"It's a pity that I wasted so much affection before."

Of course, if you are dissatisfied, you should be happy as well.

"Since you plan to come back, Gedi will also work here, eh!"

good!The previous heyday is back!There are handsome guys!There are beauties!Have pets!Isn't my cafe overwhelmingly competitive?

"Go get dressed."

I can be happy and relaxed without having to make it myself and deliver it by myself.

"Uh... what about the interview?"

Is there an important step missing?

"I don't seem to have said that anyone is going to be fired, isn't someone playing disappearance on their own?"

Mystery, if you ask, is mystery.

This person disappeared for more than two months and three months. I don't know where he went. Did he travel in the universe or go to transform into Ultraman and fight monsters?

"Hurry up! Go change! And how is your smile practice?"


The corners of the mouth are smiling, but the eyes are not smiling.

"Forget it, you better stop laughing."

The deliberate expression is really not good.

Ten minutes later, Nangong put on the long-lost waiter uniform, which was black and white, and his skin color, which had become quite normal, was not so scary anymore.

The heating in winter is not relaxing, even normal people will not feel cold here.

Of course, say so.

"It's really hard to do business in winter."

As Kyoko said that, the potential guests were reluctant to even come out.

But to compare her heart with her heart, she would definitely not want to go out at this time.

"Xingzi is so miserable."

The students probably have already arrived at school at this time, and there is no heating in the classroom, so it should be very uncomfortable to sit still for a class.

"The corner of your mouth..."

Nangong couldn't hold it back, this sister actually smiled happily, are you really biological?

"Who didn't come here like this? I am expressing sympathy as a senior."

Kyoko's face turned serious, as if she was going to pretend to be serious to fool her gloat.

"Aren't you like this at the beginning?"


One thing to say, it is true.

Shaking his head helplessly, Nangong put Gedi on his lap and sat casually in front of the bar.

This action of his made Kyoko a little surprised.

'Has this guy ever expressed himself so clearly before? '

It's not just skin color that has changed.

"Speaking of which, manager."


Anyway, there are no guests now, Nangong wants to know something.

"I remember you once said that you took care of Ryoko and Bai Chuan's three meals a day, right?"

In other words, the other party is also someone who knows a lot about cooking.

"It's me, and why is it Bai Chuan when it comes to Kyoko?"

See you soon.

"Because she has serious male phobia, doesn't she? And we're not very close."

I still remember being vomited all over at the beginning. Although it was a helpless thing, I believe not many people would like such a situation.

After all, the vomiting of a beautiful girl will not be fragrant.


With a soft snort, Kyoko's gaze made Nangong a little uncomfortable.

"Actually, I want to learn about cooking."

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