He hurriedly opened his mouth to change the subject. Hearing this, the other party's eyes showed a bit of interest.

"Oh? Why? Do you want to do something for someone?"

How did you know?

How about why do you know everything?

Nangong felt that the other party's special talent was quite scary in a sense.

"Because it's for yourself and you don't need to ask others for help, but if it's for the people you care about, you will want to do better, and because of this, you will ask for help from experienced people, and you were silent just now. Does that mean I'm right?"

Terrible, really terrible, what is the situation with the store manager, I haven't said anything yet.

"Great, right?"

"Is it scary?"

"That's true."

Kyoko nodded, it was indeed scary.

But this guy said it was scary, but in fact he didn't have any special reaction, which is really interesting.

"Then, let's talk about cooking."

The so-called too much is too late, so don't go too far to stimulate the other party.

"Do you want to do it quickly, or gradually?"

"Quick success?"

"Well, do you have money?"

Good question!

It's a pity that both the previous mobile phone and the wallet were burned to ashes by the Kiriairods.

"If I had money, I wouldn't use it to work."


Kyoko nodded, so she had to choose the latter.

"As for step by step, you cook your own food every day, and you will know as you do it."

She spoke words of instruction with an inscrutable expression.


Isn't the question the same as saying nothing?

The sound of the wind chime sounds, and the guests arrive at the store.

"It's so cold, it's really better to play where there are people, huh?"

The woman who entered the store pushed her glasses, and immediately noticed the person she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Isn't this Nangong? Are you back? Give me a cup of hot cocoa with a smile."

This is the one who always smiles.

Although Nangong would like to ask whether it is possible not to bring literary works into reality every time, what is an incidental smile?

But still try to smile.

"It's not good, it seems that dogs smile better than you."

On the top is the strange smile of the young man, and on the bottom is the carefree smirk of the Shiba Inu.


Do you want me to keep laughing at this obsessive thing?

Sorry, can't do it.

"However, the instant face-changing expression is quite interesting."

Female nods of satisfaction, smashing poker faces is a fun thing to do, no matter how many times you think about it.

Chapter 120 Four Quiet Rest

There were several empty cups on the tray. Nangong took care of the follow-up work left by the guests and placed them on the bar.

And Kyoko quickly put the coffee cup away and put it in the sink.


It's cold, it's freezing cold, it's freezing cold, so that's what's annoying about winter.

The store manager carefully cleaned the cups inside the bar, while the clerk looked around outside the bar to make sure that there were no new visitors or customers who wanted to refill the cups.

I haven't come to work for such a long time, and I am not rusty now.

But this kind of physical labor has indeed been engraved in the body as muscle memory.

'Wait, do I have muscles? '

Such a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, so Nangong pinched his upper right arm with his left hand, and the touch seemed to be the same as before.

'Is there a skeleton of light inside the light? '

What kind of existence is the present self?To be honest, I'm really curious.

Of course, they will never take the initiative to let people dissect.

Nangong recalled Diana's fanatical appearance and felt a little horrified for a while.

That person won't tear him apart, but it's okay to cut something.

For example, collecting your hair, collecting your nails, and collecting your skin must be quite extraordinary behaviors in various senses.

"What do you think?"

At this moment, Kyoko's voice pulled Nangong out of his thoughts.

"One of the more... fanatics I know."

He hesitated for a while, but still didn't say those two words.

"You mean pervert?"

Another extremely accurate mind reading technique.


This Earth OL player, please don't load the mind-reading plug-in.

"Just take a break."

Kyoko smiled and pushed out a glass of warm water.

"Why not coffee?"

Nangong raised his eyebrows, should they be treated differently?

"The best way to replenish water is ordinary water. Besides, even I, the store manager, drink warm water. What complaints do you have? We share weal and woe."

"Is drinking water a disaster? It's too cheap to share weal and woe."

The relationship between the two is not far away, and the slight unfamiliarity that hasn't been seen for a long time has been eliminated, and they get along as usual.

Just then, the door to the second floor was pushed open.


Unexpected people wear unexpected clothes, and Ryoko is surprised by the existence of the youth, which means...

"long time no see."

Nangong said hello honestly.

"Sure enough, you still can't bear to part with the beautiful and beautiful three sisters... ah."

The unexpected speech made both of them stunned for a while.

Kyoko slapped her forehead.


"Ahem, I'm sorry, I brought in the habit of live broadcasting for a while."

Liangzi defended herself, but this made Nangong even more puzzled.

What kind of live broadcast style is this big sister?

Full of doubts, to be honest, full of doubts.

"Speaking of which, since Nangong is willing to come back, can I also—"

"Get down for me and stand here."

Kyoko interrupted the twin sister's words forcefully. Although Ryoko's face was full of displeasure, she still walked down without knowing what she was muttering.

As the eldest sister, I can no longer tolerate the wanton actions of my younger sisters.

The last time Ryoko got up suddenly after the live broadcast, and then lay down with her waist twisted for almost a week.

He's only 20 years old, so he twisted his waist like this, isn't it plausible?

It was then that Kyoko suddenly realized that it wasn't just Kyoko who lacked exercise. Ryoko, who usually focused on high-intensity live broadcast, was also a model of lack of exercise.

"If you continue like this, you won't be a fat man until you're 25."

If you sit for a long time without exercising, the future is bound to be determined.

"No, I pay attention to my diet."

Ryoko's dissatisfied rebuttal, although already a little limp, is definitely not fat.

"If you can maintain your weight just by paying attention to your diet, will there still be so many girls going to the gym?"

With an angry eyebrow raised, Kyoko's majesty made her sister dare not refute at all.

Nangong on the side watched the interaction between the two, and only then did they behave like sisters and sisters.


The barking diverted his attention, where Geddy was wagging his tail happily.


There is still a lot of black stains on the mouth, it seems that someone has fed it something that a real dog can't eat.

Not only that, but he even ran over to show off.

I took out a tissue and wiped its mouth, and the tail wagged even faster.

This made Nangong extremely suspect that Gedi came here to take care of him after eating like this on purpose.

"Well...it's really unreconciled."

Watching the interaction of one person and one dog, Ryoko had to lament that the puppy has been taken care of for such a long time, but the puppy seems to be closer to Nangong.

"Want to touch?"

Nangong clasped his left and right hands, exposing Gedi's furry belly.


I threw away everything I was unwilling to do, and my stomach was still soft and comfortable.

Geddy was gasping for breath, his limbs were shaking while his tongue stuck out, itching, itching.

'So skilled. '

Whether it's Gedi's reaction or Ryoko's method, I don't know how much it has cheated by this cute trick.

The daily life in the coffee shop is so peaceful, delicious coffee, good-looking female shop manager and male shop assistant, and a smart puppy who shows his belly casually.

Although the store is small, it is very comfortable.

The noon sun hanging high above began to set, and the wind chimes hanging in front of the door reflected the sunset and swayed with the cold wind.

"So didn't I say I'm fine?"

Xingzi said helplessly, but the face of the friend beside her was serious.

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