"No, PTSD is a symptom that you don't know when it will suddenly appear, so I will take you home properly."

Uniform actually had self-blame in her heart, she clearly knew something was wrong but didn't pay attention to it, which hurt Kyoko.

I didn't do anything then, this time I have to...

"Just treat me as the flower protector."

She put on a relaxed expression, but this just made Kyoko want to complain.

'Who are you lying to? '

Doesn't it mean that you are actually quite uncomfortable because you are still following so closely?

"Ah... as you like."

Shaking his head helplessly, he walked to the door of his own shop.

Pushing it, the wind chime shook and reflected light continuously, and what appeared in the store was the object of Kyoko's surprise.

"Excuse me...oh? Isn't this Nangong?"

The two just happened to bump into the young man walking out of the changing room face to face.

"Long time no see, you two."

His face seemed to be very calm, but in fact Nangong was already thinking about whether to retreat or not.

He didn't want to irritate the girl again because of his affairs. The problem was that if he behaved too obviously, he would irritate the girl instead.

"Back to work again?"

Uniq did not think too much, she asked openly.

"Well, I will take care of this store more in the future."

"It's like you think of yourself as a member of the store."

As soon as he snapped his fingers, Uniyi's words made Nangong feel weird. Why did the people he met seem to be the type who were good at capturing details?

But at least someone talked, so there's no need to be embarrassed.

"By the way, where have you been recently?"

The girl asked curiously, isn't it normal to say hello to someone you haven't seen for a long time?

"Go save the planet."

Just say it casually, no one will take it seriously anyway.

However, it was this sentence that made the atmosphere silent again.

Nangong turned his head and found that Uniform was looking at him with strange eyes.

'Wait, why did you believe it?Why are you looking at me like that? '

At this moment, he had a thorough understanding of what it was like to 'disaster comes from the mouth'.

Anyway, no one will believe it, so you can say it casually---this kind of thinking is really wrong.

"Sorry, isn't it funny?"

I quickly remedied it, but unfortunately the effect does not seem to be great.

On the other side, Kyoko took a deep breath. After struggling in silence for a long time, she was finally mentally prepared.

"Nangong, thank you for what happened last time."

If he hadn't appeared in time, who knows what that man would have done.

And after that, he vomited all over him.

After living for 16 years, it was one of the things she most wanted to forget.

"You're welcome?"

Nangong didn't know how to respond.

The door to the second floor was pushed open, and Kyoko who walked out blinked.

"I'm back, and, have you thanked me well?"

"Say it, it's so long-winded! I want to go back to my room, get out of the way!"

Kyoko's attitude was quite unfriendly, and Kyoko stepped aside obediently, not molesting her sister too much.

One up, one down, the door closes.

"It's really awkward. I'm not good at thanking others. Sorry, she is such an unlovable brat."

Kyoko felt helpless, since her sister couldn't do it, she could only let her solve the follow-up problems.

"It's okay, I don't mind."

Nangong responded that everyone has their own situation, let alone......

Although he didn't say it clearly, he knew that whether it was the self-reliance of the three of Bai Chuan at this time, or Kyoko's PTSD, it was all related to that irresponsible father.

Childhood has a great influence on a person. Is there anything he can do?

It seems not, go back and think about it.

"Then I'll go back first."

"Me too."

"Be careful on the road."

Saying goodbye to each other, Nangong and Uniyi left from the coffee shop.

He had just left the house, and he didn't even have an identity on the surface. The young man who was an Ultraman in the interior heard such a question:

"Nangong, is what you just said true?"

"Of course it's fake."

He gave a negative answer without even the slightest hesitation. He didn't want everyone in the world to know that he was Empat.

Rather, it goes back to the previous question, why everyone knows that he is Empat.

Didn't the girl lose consciousness at that time?


After pondering for a while, Uniform's expression became relaxed again.

"Then let's wait and see, goodbye."

Leaving this sentence, she turned and left with a hey smile.


Is it too late to resign now?

Half an hour later, Nangong, who had returned to Xigong's house, knocked on the door, and a few seconds later, the door opened with a snap.

"Welcome back."

"I am back."

I didn't expect that I would have such a day, and there would be a day when I was greeted by others.

Walking into the porch, taking off his shoes, he walked into the house with the boy in front of him.

It was evening news time, and the kitchen was on fire and getting ready for work.

Five minutes later, Mai stared at the young man standing beside her.

"what happened?"

"I also want to learn how to cook."

"Hey...didn't think I'd have the day to teach people."

Knowing Nangong's thoughts, Wu seemed very excited, she raised her right hand, and was stopped before she could speak.

"Knife, knife, knife!"

Ye was terrified by her behavior, don't hold the knife and look excited, what should you do if you throw it out?

"Oh, sorry."

Wu hurriedly put the kitchen knife aside, and the disadvantages of relying on her intuition instead of her brain to do things most of the time showed.

"If you want to learn how to cook..."

She suddenly got stuck in the middle of speaking, what should I do?

In my memory, it seems that I just followed it and followed it, and it finally became like this.

If there is any theory, I don't know, I don't know at all.


Instantly understanding her sister's situation, Ye could only sigh in relief.

"Nangong, let me teach you."

"Hey! Why are you robbing my students!"

This is to teach the people of the universe, to teach Ultraman to cook, and it can be said for a lifetime!

"I haven't called you a teacher, so I'm not a student?"

It's not a school, and if you enter, you must have a fixed relationship.

The two of them stared at each other disapprovingly, at this moment, Nangong's sleeve was pulled, and he turned his head.

"Besides, can you teach? Now I'm asking you how to make beef stir-fried with shredded ginger. Can you repeat it?"

Can't do it!You who rely on pure muscle memory must have forgotten how to do it as soon as you think about it seriously!

"Damn, it can be done by momentum!"

This kind of difficulty sees me breaking through with my momentum of breaking through the sky!

While they were arguing, the sound of boiling the pot attracted attention.

"Yes, first—"

In front of the pot is a youth, and on one side is a teenager.

"You're so mean! Brother!"

He even took advantage of the chaos to go up by himself!

"Is this the fight between the snipe and the clam, and the fisherman wins?"

The harvest is great, and it will definitely be used for the next time.

'It's so lively. '

The old man stroked his beard, which he didn't bother to trim recently, the atmosphere was really comfortable.

All thanks to Aida and Empat, aka Nangong.

However, this atmosphere is quite hectic for Nangong.

Liang is talking, Wu wants to take the blame from time to time, Ye just wants to fight against Wu, who should he listen to?

Even in such a rush, he finally managed to finish a dish --- tomato scrambled eggs, um, nothing else, just tomato scrambled eggs.

However, this work is enough to make him feel at ease. From instant noodles to scrambled eggs, what an exaggerated leap forward?

In the end, the three brothers and sisters also completed the assignment. It is very simple for each person to teach once.

As before, it fits naturally into the family, with the sound of the harmonica echoing in the living room.

He used his mobile phone to search for songs on the Internet, because Wu said he liked listening to them, so he wanted to learn more.

Ye and Liang, who finished their homework quickly, compared with writing their homework, they were dancing to the music instead. The old man held a carving knife and wood carving in his hand, and Nangong played the harmonica.

This moment of peace is engraved in my heart.

120 Chapter Five Lost Its Owner

It is night, and it is precisely because it is night that the color can be seen clearly.

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