Ultraman actually has such a trick?

If Empat has such a trick, why didn't he use it before?

Shrinking all the monsters can coexist, and you can also open a monster zoo.

' Transform the beam. '

Dagu said the name of that trick in his heart, which is not such a convenient trick.

First, the consumption is intense.

Second, this move does not have the ability to kill. If the monster resists fiercely, it will be difficult to be effective.

Third, the fact that the monster turned into a completely different posture now means that it is actually abnormal, and the purification has worked.

Empat stood up and held King Aire, who was very small to him, in his right hand.

He looked at Feiyan EX-J, nodded to everyone in the victory team, and jumped up to leave.

Dagu stared at the rapidly disappearing figure, feeling a little dazed.

Empat, who was so aggressive when the guardian monster came to pick up the alien girl, is completely different now, and people change.

Suddenly, Lina's voice came:

"Then this matter...even if it is resolved?"

There was still uncertainty in her tone, because the solution was really magical.

On the other side, Horei remembered what happened to his friend Sanada Ryosuke in Horei's mind, and also recalled what happened to Jupiter [-].

'Speaking of...'

The commonalities are evident.

"Sure enough, there are no such good things in this world."

He couldn't help sighing, not because he didn't want to do it, but because he couldn't.

That's the end of tonight's events. For ordinary people, this is just another time Ultraman appeared to solve the problem of monster disasters.

For those in the know, this is a turning point.

Ultraman is not a monster killer, they also have their own ideas and guidelines.

The clouds had cleared, and the bright moon was hanging high. At home, the old man, the three brothers and sisters, and Nangong had a silver device on the table. Besides, there was a strange creature that looked like a puppet.

It walked left, right, patter, and made cute calls from time to time, all of which showed that it was not just a puppet, but a real creature.

There are many things to know about this device.

Like, where did it come from?

The story begins with a wandering cosmonaut.

It was the existence named Empat that saved the heart of the young man Ryo Nishinomiya.

But in reality, it was a woman named Ada who changed everything in her life.

The aliens from the universe met a kind-hearted person on this planet who was willing to accept her and extend a helping hand to her.

She reciprocated this, and the two sides got to know each other well, and in the end, they also died because of the aggressor's actions.

However, this time it was not a humble death.

No, from the point of view of different people, different answers should be obtained.

At least for Liang, and even for Nangong, this is not humble.

The night is already very deep, and after 0:[-] is a new day.

The warriors who have gone astray once again know their own narrowness. There are cosmic beings who hurt others for their own desires, and there are cosmic beings who save others for the feelings in their hearts.

Even if human beings have good and evil, so are the cosmic beings.

'Pittman, Ida...'

She should be the person who hacked into the TPC network at that time, and happened to collide with this side, so the mission failed.

Even if it was just a brief exchange, attacking each other with fists, the undisguised attitude of the Imperial Stars let Nangong know what kind of person the other party was.

To him, the existence of Ada who failed in a mission is the so-called 'weak and useless existence'

That's why Ada wandered around the earth and got involved with the Nishinomiya family.

And King Aire...

"And why did you become that posture?"

Touching the little King Aire sleeping beside him, Nangong asked aloud.

But the other party just snorted softly, swung its tail, and continued to sleep.

Unable to come up with an answer, he also looked at the white ceiling again.

Recalling the battle from the beginning to the present.

Baltan Stars, Babar Stars, Empire Stars, Dysnok, Magma Stars, Kyriaelods.

Also, the girl wandering on the earth came to pick up her guardian monster.

Ada who may have made a big mistake in the past, but died because of protecting him.

'If it was the original me...'

It's ironic to be vigilant and hate all cosmic beings because of Ada's death.

'Tiga. '

Without his sincere heart, he would have made countless big mistakes.

Everyone is not alone, everyone will infect each other and change when they meet and get along. I believe that the human heart can overcome darkness.

Slowly closing his eyes, the moonlight poured down from the window, and Nangong fell asleep.

On his other side, King Aire slept more comfortably than ever.

For it, the nightmare days are over.

Feeling the danger of the master, struggling to get out, this is the beginning of everything.

Violating the original law, it doesn't have enough nutrition, and doesn't have enough time. For this reason, it abandons the strength of the body, hands and feet are all discarded, and it only develops the internal discharge organs.

King Airi didn't know that if it was willing to stay in the egg for a longer period of time, it would not need to consume so much time to grow up.

But even if it knew, it probably couldn't wait.

King Airi and the people of Pitt, they are companions and friends, and they are existences that have accompanied each other since birth.

It is unfortunate compared to other Airei kings because of the twisted stance.

Compared with other King Airi, it is lucky because it has changed back to its original form.

At the beginning of Pitt, the species of King Airi was a long-lasting pet that accompanied the Pitt people, and only some of them would be transformed into giants because they joined the army.

After that, Pitt Star was enslaved due to the war with the Imperial Stars, and King Airi became a standard monster weapon. They violated the original ecology and accompanied their masters.

I am afraid that the one who is sleeping quietly on the earth is the only surviving, original King Airi in the whole universe.

Loyal, friendly, gentle, this is the original appearance of their family.

Unaware of this matter, one man and one beast spend time in deep sleep.

Time passed gradually, and unconsciously, the color of the sky turned blue. The day's plan was in the morning, and when breakfast was finished, everyone began to face difficulties.

"It doesn't seem to have a mouth. How does it eat and what should it eat?"

Ryo scratched her hair, at this moment, she seemed to know everyone's troubles, but also seemed to be simply hungry.

King Airi walked to the side of the socket following the smell with a pair of short legs.

With a thrust of its tail, electric arcs danced on its body.

Eating the current, it sat down comfortably, and slowly turned the horns on its head.

"Our electricity bill this month shouldn't look good."

Ye said so.

120 Chapter Seven

Today is a working day... It's actually not right to say that, because for coffee shops, except for special circumstances, it is all working days.

It's just that on this working day, for Nangong, there is one thing worth paying attention to.

"Did you do anything?"

Kyoko asked curiously, she was also very curious about the current situation.

"I do not know."

The young man who was involved could only answer honestly, because he really didn't know.

From the two hours since the store opened until now, Gedi, who was originally very close to him, has never been close to him at all. There is an emotion in his eyes that he can't understand, and he just shows cuteness with the customers over there.

Nangong thought about it again, he really didn't do anything.

Gedi was very happy when he said goodbye yesterday, and then he went home to take a shower and rest, and met King Ailey, because of a momentary misunderstanding, he attacked King Ailey, and finally the misunderstanding was solved, and King Ailey was taken back.

After waking up, he followed Liang to learn how to make breakfast, and found that King Aire's food was electricity.

That's all there was to it before saying goodbye to Geddy.

What else could there be?

Indeed, there is nothing left.

"Would you like to try to use snacks to——"

The wind chimes sounded, and a new guest entered.



The words switched quickly, and after being welcomed by the two, the regular customer, as expected, walked in with satisfaction.

The service industry is like this, no matter what, you must show respect to the guests.

"A glass of Blue Mountains."

After the other party ordered the meal, he walked straight into the coffee shop and put down the laptop he was carrying.

"Do you want to try to lure it with snacks?"

Kyoko disappeared behind the bar because she leaned over to get the ingredients, but her voice still came out clearly.


The dried meat was placed on the bar, and Nangong picked it up.


The next thing is to wait for an opportunity.

For the third time during this time, he reflected on what he had done.

Didn't do anything, is it because he didn't take Gedi with him when he fought the monster, so it was unhappy?

Thinking failed to get an answer, when the eyes intersected, the other party turned his head away in disdain.


Is this the legendary emotional crisis?

Why was it with a dog that I experienced this for the first time?

I always feel that my life is already running wildly on the road of derailment, and I am afraid that I will hit a mountain or fall into the sea next time.

"All right."

In the process of thinking, time passed unconsciously, Kyoko put the coffee on the tray, and Nangong picked it up steadily.

Go straight to the guests over there, pick up the coffee and put it down, let the guests call the experts on the drinks that don't even shake.

He took a few steps back with the tray under his arm, and took out the jerky Kyoko had given him from his pocket with his left hand.

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