"Come on, Geddy."

As soon as the tip of the nose moved, Shiba Inu's attention was immediately attracted.

Immediately afterwards, there was a second change of face.

First, he showed a smirk face because he was happy, his red tongue popped out, he got up, and wagged his tail.

In the next moment, he seemed to remember something, and sat back with a serious face, with an expression of 'do you think you can buy me with jerky?'.


In Gedi's sight, the master, who was completely unaware of his mistake, silently put away the food and walked back.

That's right, that's right!I can't forgive you until you understand what bad things you have done!

Go back and reflect!This half-hearted scum!

The young man stood in front of the bar, had an unknown conversation with the woman, took something, and walked over again.


What, did you realize your mistake?


Like magic, two jerky appeared.

Who is this!

Do you really think that you can buy a noble soul with a little edible thing!

Shua, three.

What a joke, this is an insult to me!

Shua, jump to five at once.

I was going to say that, but he gave too much.


The vicious dogs rushed to eat.

I forgive you!A little bit of taste is nothing!

Nangong had to admit that his relationship had faded, and he could only buy him off with food.

After touching the hairy head, he unpacked the jerky and handed it to Geddy.

He started to gnaw into his mouth after huffing and puffing. Its food intake and ingredients were really good, but it didn't gain weight at all.

Apart from the head and ears, the back was also stroked, and there was a smooth feeling.

"Kyoko, she always complains about troubles, but in fact she does a lot of things. '

Whether it's the jerky, or the soft, fluffy fur, nothing can be done without careful care.

Scratching her chin, rubbing her belly, and having finished her hand addiction, Nangong got up and walked to the bar, ready to welcome the next customer.

Soon, this time the wind chime sounded a little fiercely, and the people rushing in brought a gust of wind.

Because of the nervousness of the movements, Nangong became alert, and in an instant, the eyes of the two collided.



"Welcome to...huh?"

Kyoko noticed the strange appearance of the guest, and she keenly caught the focus of her eyes.

Nangong's keen hearing allowed him to hear the voices outside the door - "We must not let him run away this time! Good guy, you dare to run around the country to commit crimes!"

Behind the glass on the door, a police officer in a blue uniform runs by.


What did you do?

Or committing crimes across the country.

Nangong began to consider turning the person in front of him to the police station.

"Ahem, I didn't do anything, I honestly made a living by crafting."

While saying this, the guest took out the banknotes in the bowl, folded them, and put them in his pocket.

"Boss, give me a recommendation for today."

When you don't know how to order food, just share today's recommendation.


After looking at the young man who was also looking at him, he wondered why Ultraman would wear work clothes in such a place.

"Today's recommendation..."

Do we have something like this?

Then have a latte.


Kyoko started to do her own thing, while Zamxia swaggered and sat in front of the bar, Nangong could only walk to the bar.

"what have you done?"

He straightforwardly asked this cosmic swordsman who was hunted down by the police for some unknown reason.

"I perform swordsmanship with my ability, why should they arrest me!"

As if touching his grievances, Zamsha vomited bitterness to the human guardian.

"By the knife control law."

Yet the guardians of humanity mercilessly gave a very common sense answer.

Which country will let you perform swordplay with a sharp weapon there?Who knows if you will lose your nerve and slash at ordinary people?

"Knife Control Law?"

Hearing this, Kyoko looked carefully at Zamxia in front of the bar again.

Soon, her memory revived.

"Huh? Aren't you that peek-a-boo samurai famous in Tokyo?"

Quite famous on the Internet.

"Huh? Do you know me?"

This is Zamsha who is proud of being recognized.


This is Nangong who didn't know what to evaluate and was silent.

"It is said that he is a strong man who can leave leisurely under the siege of the police."

Kyoko told various stories about the other party.

'Surrounded by layers...'

The Guardian of Humanity began to consider whether to forcibly deport the other party.

"Being a phantom thief or a circus is definitely more profitable than swinging a sword. A samurai with a flood of brains!"

"Hehe, right."

The leisurely Zamsha was completely lifeless.

'Wait, is that a compliment?Is this a compliment? '

Nangong, who was struggling a bit, wanted to speak.

"Don't look at it like this, I am quite law-abiding."

Legal citizens of the earth, although without identity.

"No, didn't you violate the knife control law?"

Finally, I couldn't hold back.

"How can it be called illegal if I haven't even hacked anyone!"


Too arrogant to know how to respond.

"So what the hell are you actually doing?"

Shaking his head helplessly, Nangong temporarily forgot about the previous incident.

"Perform swordsmanship on the street and earn money from the audience's rewards."

Zamxia honestly said what he did, what's there to be shy about making money with strength?


A cosmic man came to the earth to make a living by wielding knives and swords, and violated the knife control law because of this. He escaped repeatedly because of his outstanding ability, which made the police very annoyed and chased him vigorously.

At this time, he withdrew, left Tokyo, came to Kumamoto, and was seen by the police here while performing arts.

Because he was able to get away smoothly every time, people gave him the nickname "peek-a-boo warrior"

What kind of neurosis can come up with this?

I am afraid that even science fiction writers dare not easily adopt such an exaggerated setting.

Listening to the conversation between the two, Kyoko felt a little interesting.

"You... know each other?"

It sounds like an old acquaintance, but there seems to be something wrong.

"do not know."

Nangong gave a decisive answer, who would have anything to do with this kind of criminal.

However, he doesn't seem to have the consciousness that he will be dragged to trial for intruding into the military network, let alone in terms of the number of times, ten shots are not enough.

"Please! We've fought together before! Why don't we know each other!"

Zamxia called Wuqing directly, and said that he would be good friends if he defeated the enemy together and exchanged lessons together?How do you turn your back on someone?

Is this the guardian of humanity?It's funny enough.


Kyoko raised her eyebrows, what happened to this light novel-like development?

Come on, let me give you a title...it's called "Is there something wrong with the strongest person working in my coffee shop?" "

"Hehe, there is no limit to martial arts."

Zamxia ignored Nangong's indifferent eyes and said there on his own. He wished that the other party would drag him out for a fight.

It's best for everyone to return to their original form, and the hugeness will make him feel dizzy, that's called feeling!

During the working hours after that, Kyoko even suspected that Zamxia had some unreasonable thoughts about Nangong before chasing her here. The guy's fiery eyes never stopped, and he kept focusing on her employees.

But with the mentality of watching a joke, the store manager chose to watch.

Anyway, Nangong is so good at fighting, what is there to worry about?

After noon, Ryoko, who had finished the live broadcast, also walked out of the coffee shop to help, and then... watched the excitement with her sister.

'Why are you just watching! '

Manager, give me some help, manager!

Before he knew it, another day was over, Nangong, who was more tired than usual, rubbed Geddy's silly head, absorbing the energy of relaxation from it.

"Not good! Did I drink so much money today!"

Zamxia was also not very embarrassed to sit in the store all the time, so he had to order coffee all the time, ordering different types of coffee to be happy.

When I came out, I found that I spent half of the money for a day of performing arts. How happy I was before, how sad I am now.

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