Kyoko patted him on the back, encouraging him.

"What do you mean, what if I resign and run away?"

Nangong said it jokingly, but the other party was not joking.

"If you mean it, it doesn't matter if you resign."

In fact, the eyes of this quite young woman are full of seriousness, she is simply thinking about this employee in the store.

With someone who cares, there will naturally be motivation in my heart, and this motivation will become a force that is more powerful than anything else.

It's okay to just be a waiter in a coffee shop, but if it's a man, it's better to go to the end of the world, right?

Kyoko didn't want Nangong to stay in the store obsessively because of some silly reasons like "gratitude to take in", there was no need for that.


Gentle thoughts and words were conveyed together, the giants of light and the giants of darkness, what they want to protect is the sincere feelings of human beings.

At this moment, thunder and lightning flashed.

The sound of thunder came from the sky, so intense that people felt that the sky was about to shatter.

Startled, Kyoko raised her head.


And the next moment, she felt a lightness in her body.


The whole person was lifted up easily, and before she could struggle, the young man who carried her quickly leaped backwards.

What Nangong saw in his eyes was a falling fighter jet, which was completely different from the current 'triangle'. The propeller powder in front had stopped moving and no longer provided the power to fly it.

The broken wing still carried burning flames, and the pilot inside was riddled with holes like the fuselage. Bullet holes were reflected on the head and chest, and the whole person was almost torn apart.

'War' - this concept quickly arises in the brain.

The crux of the question is, why is there such a thing?

The explosion was set off, and even the corpses inside were affected. The flames that were about to spread in all directions were restrained and compressed, and the power of thoughts played a role.

At this time, the citizens who reacted screamed in horror and wanted to stay away.

When the heat died down, the wreckage of the fighter crashed to the ground.


"What exactly is going on?"

With lingering fears in her heart, Kyoko subconsciously spoke, while Nangong raised her head.

The dark clouds were dispersed, and the center of the flickering thunder was a strange spiral wave.

The extended thought power disappeared immediately after entering, and soon, the vortex in this sky disappeared.

130 Three Chapters of Hyperspace Rhapsody

The world began to become strange. Ships, old-fashioned airplanes, past existences appeared from nowhere. They appeared in different regions of different countries and in different corners of the earth.

The pirate ship that appeared inexplicably slipped on the ice of Antarctica, almost crushing the ice. What was printed in the sky was a fierce air battle. Fighters chased each other. Disappeared without a trace.

On the street are people wearing old clothes with doubts written on their faces. Where did they appear from and where did they disappear?

Under the golden lightning, the man's eyes widened.

Under the golden lightning, it disappeared without a trace from the eyes of everyone.

People were dumbfounded and didn't even know what was going on.

A gentleman in a tuxedo.

A general in armor.

The beauties who overwhelm the country and the city.

Ragged beggars.

Different characteristics of the times come from different times and are attributed to their original times.

An abnormal phenomenon is happening in this world. Someone completely messed up the timeline, causing the past and present to overlap.

Looking up, the sky reflected the mirage of the past in an instant. Today's high-rise buildings are in sharp contrast with the undeveloped ones at the beginning, but they disappeared completely in the blink of an eye.

Amidst the thunder and lightning, the man with a wound on his body and whose face could not be seen was frozen in place. Half a second later, only the blood dripping from his wound was left on the ground.

Abnormal phenomena continued to occur with exaggerated frequency within 5 minutes, spreading to all parts of the world.

People have seen the fierce air force battles in the war, people have seen the scenery of big ships sailing out to sea in the early [-]th century, and people have seen what human beings in the world have experienced in the past.

Such a monster has the ability to disrupt the stability of time and space.

It does not live in the three-dimensional world, but exists in the fourth dimension, as a link in the balance of the universe.

"Bruton? No, no."

Knowing something about this aspect, Meferas, who lived temporarily on the earth, also lost her original calm. She stared at the seemingly normal sky with puzzled and puzzled eyes.

The existence of their family is to satisfy their thirst for knowledge, the wonder of the universe, the choice of the human heart, and the knowledge accumulated over a long period of time exists in the minds of each of them.

That's why it feels weird.

"Hundred years... no, thousands of years, ten thousand years, nothing like this has ever happened."

How crazy it is that the fabric of space-time is disturbed.

In the knowledge reserve of Mephilas, it is only known that the existence of 'Bruton', who lives in the four-dimensional space, has this ability.

The problem is that Bruton itself is not a warlike creature, its existence itself is for the balance of the universe.

There are a lot of harmful substances that cannot be used in this universe, Bruton exists as a 'trash can', if this trash can disappears, those harmful substances that cannot be vented will...

"Too bad."

Rarely, Mephilas showed a wry smile with a little fear.

Their family had done experiments before, and behind the phenomenon caused by the special substance they collected was an unknown existence. At first, there was only a strange cry echoing in the laboratory.

'How to do? '

Bruton's fighting ability is unknown, if it is really defeated by Ultraman...maybe the universe will really be destroyed.

' Isn't that... interesting? '

What would it be like to destroy the universe?What kind of world will it be after its demise?Is it possible to witness the last existence?

The strong thirst for knowledge was ignited in her heart again, and Mephilas felt that the most correct decision she made was to come to the earth, and what she saw here was an interesting situation that could not be seen on other planets for thousands of years.

'The existence in another dimension is really a lunatic. '

If the universe is destroyed, then the other dimension will also disappear together, how dare you do it.

Just when Mephilas decided to watch the show aside, the unexplainable anomaly gradually disappeared, and the TPC that took action recorded the corresponding anomalous data.

At different locations on the earth, space-time fluctuations generally arise in resonance.

"What exactly is going on?"

The victorious team rushing to the scene couldn't understand the situation. Leaning on the hillside over there was a rocket that was about to fall.

Another bolt of lightning fell, and it was a girl in a sailor suit that caught my eye.


Her two braids hanging down are so old-fashioned, and the clothes on her body are basically worn in the last century.

Jumping from her own era to this era in an instant, the girl couldn't even react.

Is it lucky?

Or is it unfortunate?

The vortex floating in the sky disappeared, and she was left alone in this era.

At the same time, the TPC Far East base is also conducting a rapid data investigation. Not only Ye Rui, but also the electronic experts in the base are quickly searching for past documents.

"Yes, in 1899, Hayakawa Ichiro, who had been missing for a year while working, suddenly appeared in the shipyard where he worked, which caused a great sensation at the time."



One incident after another was read out, these are only the records left after the gradual development of information exchange in modern times.

What about earlier?

What about when Europe was in the Middle Ages and the East was still centralized with monarchy?

What kind of records were there at that time?

"Urashima Taro?"

Director Sawai's expression is not very good, because from now on, these stories seem to be more than just stories from the beginning.

There is a very famous story in Japan, Urashima Taro, a few days in the Dragon Palace, a hundred years on the ground.

China also has a similar allusion, watching chess and playing chess. It is said that loggers went to the mountains to cut trees and watch people play chess. Unexpectedly, hundreds of years have passed since they returned.

They all have something in common, similar to the situation at this time.

Lost in the chaotic time, and finally found that things are different.

In modern times, it is also said that it has been missing for several years, more than ten years, but when it reappears, it thinks that it has only been away for a while.

These stories that make people laugh...are they not actually stories?

Is it because of such an abnormal state in our era that people of different eras have also been affected?


At this moment, Horei's voice attracted everyone's attention.

"what happened?"

The intermediary captain immediately asked, if the monsters and aggression in the past were still fighting with force, what about this time?

They don't even know exactly why this happens.

"The unique wavelengths that were previously produced by the distortion of space-time suddenly disappeared... No, no!"

Before Hori could finish speaking, he noticed the new fluctuations displayed on the computer.

"What's this? It's the same wavelength as the previous monster weapon!"

The monster weapons refer to the three monsters of Bellocken, Baraba, and Baksim. Like Nangong, TPC also recognizes these three monsters as weapons for aggression.

The place where this wavelength is transmitted is not Japan.

Every branch of the TPC can feel such fluctuations, but cannot capture its exact location.

If its location cannot be captured, except for TPC, the same goes for the two Ultramans.

In Kumamoto City, Nangong had already taken the three siblings home, and escorted Kyoko and Kyoko back to the coffee shop.

He wants to solve this problem, but he doesn't know how to solve it.

"What the hell is this..."

The original space-time vortex has disappeared, and what is produced at this time is a wave of another dimension.

But it is completely different from the previous ones, it seems to be everywhere, even right next to it.

Nangong stretched out his hand, but as before, he couldn't touch anything, it just brushed the air.

This force came continuously, as if deliberately reminding him of the urgency of the situation.


In the world of another dimension, the chief culprit of all directors is laughing wildly, and the development of the situation is just as he expected.

Occasionally appearing in a different dimension, wandering outside the different dimension, Goldlas, the monster that they don't even understand, went to the earth with its kindred at this time, or was forcibly sent to the earth.

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