The monsters that affect the surroundings as long as they exist seem to be trying to come back, but it is very interesting...Golderas, who can form the space-time world, does not seem to have the very basic ability of teleportation.

Sure enough, there is no perfect thing in the world, what is gained will be lost.

"Goldras, Hirbagon, just work hard there, and let your world erode everything!"

Earth, TPC, Nangong, Dagu, they are all looking for the location of the fluctuation, but they can't find it.


Because of the different dimension, the world where the earth is, a new world has emerged between the two.

There are two monsters hiding in the different space created by Hirbagorn, and on the other side, Goldlas is making a low growl, trying.

Two monsters are doing their own thing here, but no one can know.

Abnormal phenomena, or abnormal phenomena that can be perceived by ordinary people, have disappeared.

The Victory Team and others who went out to search for clues also returned to the base, but they also brought back a person, a girl.

"She is?"

The interrogation captain stared at the girl on the screen who sat obediently in the interrogation room. Her expression was still disturbed, and she raised her head carefully to look around from time to time.

"She appeared from that bolt of lightning. Unlike others, the vortex disappeared after she appeared."

Dagu explained, and it was precisely because of this that she failed to return to her own time.

"Isn't it a man of our time?"

Even after saying this sentence, the intermediary captain still had a hint of disbelief.

What a wonderful thing it is for people of two eras to communicate with each other.

The time machine has always been a product of human fantasy, but now, what the time machine can achieve has really appeared in front of us.

"Ye Rui team member, please ask this girl."

"I see."

The young people who were liberated from searching for information not long ago got up, and Dagu and the others had just returned, so let them rest.

A few minutes later, Ye Rui, who was preparing to record with a laptop, opened the door and walked into the interrogation room.

The sudden opening of the door made the girl startled. She trembled and almost jumped out of the seat.

"Don't be afraid, we just want to ask you a few questions."

Ye Rui hurriedly comforted the other party, but he didn't know why, he always had a strange feeling.

'This girl am I...'

Where have you seen it?

Is there always such a feeling, or is it just a deception of déjà vu?

While wondering in his heart, he sat opposite the girl.

"As long as you cooperate with our questions, you will be able to get out of this room soon."

Ye Rui really wanted to say 'send you back'

The question is how to send it?


The girl took a deep breath, she didn't calm down, but became more flustered.

Houses that block out the sky and the sun, a street that I don't know where, passers-by wearing clothes she has never seen before, and... vehicles passing by on the street?

what is the problem?what happened?

On the other side, Ye Rui worked hard to prepare mentally, and he asked aloud:

"Can you tell me your name and date of birth?"

Even the simplest question, the girl nodded.

"My name is Yuri Tezuka and I was born on August 1915, 8."

Even though he was mentally prepared, Ye Rui's fingers instinctively stopped.

The questioning continued, and night fell.

In the courtyard of the Nishinomiya family, the young man stood motionless like a big tree.

There has been no movement since I came back.

The glass door was pulled open, and Ryo walked out from inside.

"Let's take a rest first. If you are tired, you will not be able to react when you encounter a situation."

He wanted to persuade the human guardian to rest, but he shook his head in exchange.

"It's okay, I'm not tired."

Nangong can be sure that this is the harbinger before the storm, and the time and space are chaotic at this time, so what's next?

What exactly is a different dimension?

What the hell are they fighting?

"Sorry, I'll go out first."


Unable to stop the other party, Ryo just watched the other party run out.

Leaving from home, what Nangong was looking for was a camera, as long as there is a camera that will not be photographed.

Soon, he rushed into the alley, his body was broken into countless light spots in a burst of light, and invaded into the camera.

The upper level of the urban management system found something unusual when they entered it.

The originally smooth road turned into a complicated maze, which is very different from before.

'Have you changed the system? '

Transformed into a giant with blue eyes, Empat advances in the world of data.

At this moment, before he broke into the maze, there was something lined up from the upper corner, it was a floating staircase.

'Are you inviting me? '

Realizing this, he walked up obediently.

Soon, the camera will be able to reflect the user's face.

In the special room of the TPC Far East base, the figure of Empat is on the mobile phone of the special adviser Keigo Masaki.

130 Four Overlapping Worlds

"I thought you'd run over at a time like this."

In a sense, Zheng Mu had expected it long ago. As the saying goes, if there is nothing to do, he checked the TPC database, and the other party was similar.

If the situation is just right, he would like to let this Ultraman see the new TPC network framework, but it is a pity that he just encountered such a crisis.

"Now I will transfer the integrated information to you."

As always, he prioritized efficiency, so Nangong immediately got the integrated data.

Tezuka Yuri, you can’t find anything just from the name. She just went to high school in terms of age. She is actually a girl living in 1940. In that era, technology has not yet fully developed, and there is no such thing as it is today. identity system.

Then there are the impacts and disasters brought about by abnormal phenomena in various places. Some of the things brought to modern times have disappeared, while some still exist.

China, India, the United States, the United Kingdom, the North and South Poles, ships, fighter jets, all kinds of things exist, and you can even see half-completed pyramids left in the desert.

"So do you have any solution?"

While Nangong contained the information, he also asked Zhengmu, who had a certain degree of trust.

"If I don't find out where the source is, I won't have any solution. Now I can only rely on the information at this time to give you a certain guess."

After a pause, Masaki continued:

"First of all, there are three monster weapons from another world that is obviously different from ours. Before they appeared, they also experienced the destruction of space, that is, the scene like glass shattering."

Maybe the Ultramen didn't see anything because they arrived later, but the cameras in the city are not vegetarian.

"First it shattered, and then it was sucked back as if time was reversed. I suspect that this is some kind of rule, just like gravity will fix people on the ground. Our world and the invader's world are not well connected. together."

Hearing this, Nangong almost understood what the other party wanted to say.

"In other words, the monsters this time may be the same as the gates of the Kyriairods, and they are used to connect the two worlds."

is it possible?

Since monster weapons can be created, there is nothing wrong with creating functional monsters.

"We don't know who the enemy is and what capabilities they have, but if this continues...wait, new information."

Before Zheng Mu could finish speaking, he discovered that new information had been registered in the TPC database.

"Rainbows... no, inverted rainbows."

That location is in the... Sahara Desert.

The continuous fluctuations allowed TPC to dispatch all the fighters to attack, cast a wide net, and maybe find something special.

And the facts are also in front of us, but there is a serious problem here.

"Rahman, can you hear me? Rahman? Damn!"

Just a few seconds ago, the Feiyan, which had not yet been updated, disappeared at the end of the rainbow.

No one looked away, but it just disappeared without a trace, without even the slightest sign of being swallowed up.

'The confusion of time' - when thinking of today's anomaly, this fearful thought suddenly arises for the pilot who is worried about his comrades.

"Past? Or future?"

That guy must have been sent to one of the time points, right?

However, this is not the case.

"Saleh, Saleh? Headquarters? Can you hear me? Headquarters?"

This barren desert is as barren even here, and it is cold at night.

Deserts, rainbows, nothing at all, at least not right now.

Most people have a misunderstanding, thinking that there is neither rain nor rainbows in the desert. This is wrong, but it is better to buy a lottery ticket than to fight the odds.

However, there has been no rain in this desert recently, so how could there be a rainbow?

"The direction... is also out of order."

Rahman's expression is not very good-looking, how to get out without a map?

What's more, whether they can get out is a problem.

Pull the joystick and Feiyan-[-] soars through the sky, but it's weird here, really weird.

Stopping the fighter plane, I found that there is not even wind here, as if it is an independent world, it just looks the same as the outside world.

There is no way to stay there all the time, but to move on.

And the action of Feiyan No. [-] attracted attention.

Objects moving so fast are impossible to miss, almost noticeable to each other.


In Rahman's eyes, after crossing the high slope, there is a silver monster.

It has a tall and strong body, and its horns are rolled up like an argali.

Shirpagon let out a low growl, and at the sound of it, another monster behind it also turned around.

With a golden body and a skin made of many edges and corners, it has a strong aura just by looking at it.

This gold and silver set off each other, without exception, exuding a frightening fierceness.

In the next moment, before Rahman could escape, a dazzling flash hit his eyes.


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