His eyes hurt, he couldn't see at all, and the panic caused by the sudden loss of vision prevented him from properly controlling his fighter.

Feiyan No. [-], which lost its agility and was only flying forward, was firmly grasped. The speed was meaningless for its existence, and only the fuselage itself was under strong pressure.

Shirbagon turned around and handed the strange thing in his hand to Goldras, and after the other party stopped, it couldn't see it anymore.

And the golden monster stared at the little creature inside the fighter plane with those eyes, where is this place?

Just then, the space they were in welcomed a new guest.

There is air in this different-dimensional space, and the air makes sound due to the friction of the giant.

The surprise attack that fell along the gravity hit a solid hit, only a dull loud noise was heard, and Feiyan No. [-] was released.

Xierbagong staggered back, the yellow fighter was caught, and what appeared there was a giant with blue eyes.

After knowing the situation here, he rushed over immediately, and immediately noticed Feiyan No. [-], which was caught by the monster.

Nangong, who decided to save the pilot first, repelled the silver monster with one blow.

' Very strong. '

Staring at the unknown existence over there, he commented like this.

The reason is simple, the retreating Hirpagon is purely due to the failure to react to the surprise attack, and it is practically unscathed.

"Who are you and why did you come to Earth?"

Nangong tried to release his own mental waves, but there was no response.

"Go back to your own world."

He spoke again, but still didn't get any answer.

Hilbargon and Goldras looked at each other, and the next moment, a fierce flash appeared.


The eyes were damaged by the glare, and the sharp eyesight was affected more seriously. The blurred field of vision could not distinguish what was in front of him.

Nangong immediately controlled his body to retreat, and it was at this moment that Xierbagong saw him.

Ignoring the retreating giant, Goldras did one thing.

It invokes the power within itself again, and the world changes as a result.

Abnormal fluctuations reappeared again, no more force, the single body constructed a four-dimensional space, here, besides the three-dimensional, there was an additional time axis.

Taking this place as the center point, it spreads toward the outside world, and soon, the earth is involved.

There is no need to use the extra-dimensional space to hide oneself. For the nearby TPC flying team, three behemoths suddenly appeared.

Left and right, Hirpagon's two claws quickly attacked the enemy whose vision had been robbed.

Empat took one step back, two steps back, using his mind to replace his vision, and felt the wind and dust at the same time.

While shifting his body, he jumped backwards, his bent legs were a symbol of landing, and Feiyan No. [-] in his hand was put down.

At this moment, Goldlas' body merged with the black it released, and the vortex floating in the sky gradually expanded from small to large.

Empat was not able to see because of a temporary loss of vision, but the TPC pilots were able to see those sights clearly.

Different landscapes are reflected in the black time and space world, the desert that has not yet looked like this, and the caravans that have traveled.

"Could it all have happened in the past!"

In an instant, the camels panicked from fright, and the people in the caravan tried hard to control them. Soon, even the people in the caravan could no longer keep calm.

If you want to ask why...

"Then, what is that?! Is the god fighting the monster?!"

Under the night is a giant with bright eyes, and in front of it is a huge monster.

I saw the steel 'bird' glowing in front of it, and sparks that were more dazzling than the stars splashed out on the silver monster and the silver dragon.

The shaking ground made them unable to stand still, and the people from the past reflected the shocking scene.

Empat used his shoulder as a weapon, stepped on his right foot, and blasted out with the weight of his entire body, hitting Shirbagon's body fiercely.

Like two high mountains colliding, the yellow sand under their feet also exploded together.

"What the hell!"

Panicked humans and camels, the pilot in the fighter jet can also see the caravan on the ground.

In the eyes of people from the past, this is the battle of the gods.

That voice had already reached Empat's ears, so what he adopted was a head-to-head style of play.

Forcibly knocking the enemy back a certain distance, and then suddenly stepped forward to hug the opponent.

Empat let out a roar, and threw the high-raised Hirpagon vigorously.

The huge body landed on the desert, and at the moment when the sand and dust splashed, the giant rushed forward to attack.

At this moment, Shirpagon moved.

It didn't suffer any damage from the fall, its arms supported its body, and its tail was thrown out with unparalleled strength.

It's a pity that this heavy blow failed to hit anything. Empat, who jumped up, reached the highest point, and then fell quickly.

With both feet facing the enemy, gravity, speed, and weight superimposed, and the swallow kicked and bombarded the exposed chest of the enemy.

Recoiled by the impact, and...


Hirbagon, who was not injured, grabbed Empat's right leg and attacked it. The force was painful just to grab it.

It started to spin, and Feiyan-[-]'s supporting fire didn't do any damage at all.

At the end of the lap, the wind started to pick up.

Empat immediately twisted his waist and kicked the enemy's face with his spare left leg.

The momentum is compelling, but it has no effect. This monster is not only powerful, but also has an astonishingly high defense.

At the beginning of two laps, before the tornado formed, he combined his arms, and the uncharged Zapelio light blasted the enemy's face like a stream of water.

The blow finally did the damage, Hirbagon let go, and Empat flew backwards like this.

The anti-gravity ability controls the direction, the body rotates once, and the target has been determined.

Shrouded in the black world of time and space, Goldlas has become the target of his attack now.

Its influence is gradually expanding, and it must be stopped.

But... what the hell happened?

Empat landed on both feet, and the sand wave was set off.

His right hand trembled slightly, and he felt a real hit.

In an instant just now, he left this world.

Before he had time to think about it, he immediately turned around and prepared to attack with light techniques.

So in the next second, Empat's 'attack' hit Empat.


A heavy punch hit his chest fiercely, and with a muffled grunt, the sudden attack directly blasted him away.

Empat barely controlled his body, and then fell heavily into the desert.

'Just now is...'

The punch that 'I' punched before hit 'I' who was about to release the light

That is to say, I who tried to attack the monster one second ago hit me who was about to use light to attack because I missed a second later because of the confusion of time.

'What is this ability...'

It's tricky, if the light really shoots out, it's not bad to attack yourself, and it may even attack someone at some time.

At this moment, the shaking of the earth attracted Empat's attention.

He immediately rolled to the side to avoid it, and Shirpagon's legs that kept stepping on him chased all the way.

'We must get rid of this guy first! '

The elbow hit the ground, and the bounced body rotated rapidly.

In an instant, a purple flash slashed at the enemy's chest.

When the sparks disappeared, Shirpagon, who felt the pain, roared and continued walking.

Empat took the attack forcefully with his left hand, and slashed out with his right hand continuously, slashing the enemy's shoulder with three hand knives.

The following knee bump knocked the opponent back for a certain distance, and after pulling out of the space, there was a swift thrust. With the hit of the attack, Xierbagong's sharp claws slammed down and directly deflected the straight arm.

The other claw followed immediately, leaving sparks for Empat's breastplate.

The two collided again, the short confrontation ended, and there was a new confrontation. The battle was so fierce, and TPC was also rushing here.

It's a pity that this action was directly aborted due to the sudden situation, similar to the wavelength of the space-time realm, new fluctuations came.

Outside the atmosphere, cracks in the black cosmic space spread, and the crimson space enveloped the blue planet.

Due to the time difference, it may be night or day, but no matter what time it is, the sky people see is infested with red, and the remaining colors are being peeled off piece by piece.

It seems that the blue earth is printed on the red curtain, and a corner of another dimension and a corner of the universe, that is, the earth, overlap.

Chapter 130 The Fate of the Earth, the Fate of Ultraman

The world has changed, no, it hasn't completely changed, it's just running towards the final process.

The energy of the sun can still be felt, and the earth has not been completely dragged into another space.

But it is only 'temporarily' and a delicate balance has been maintained, and this situation cannot be allowed to continue to develop.

Time is racing against time, and there is no room for hesitation.

In front is the guardian of time and space, Shirpagon. It wields sharp claws with both hands, powerful strength, exaggerated defense, and pure physical ability constitutes a powerful monster with no weaknesses.

Every time the existence standing at the top of the different-dimensional space advances, it will leave a huge deep hole in the desert under its feet. In the center of the Sahara Desert, under the red sky is a vortex of lightning and thunder, and under the vortex, there are chaotic crowds.

Clothes, races, all are different, and people who were pulled over from different eras due to the expansion of influence panicked and were unable to move because of the shaking earth.

TPC's Feiyan team fired at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, armor-piercing projectiles and light bombarded Xierbagong's body almost at the same time.

The loud noise was like thunder, but it didn't cause any damage, it just shook the enemy slightly.

At this moment, the light and smoke were torn apart, the monster roared and the giant waved its arms to meet it.

Right hand, left hand, the radiance swung out formed a purple X shape, and the energy slash hit the front, causing Shirpagon to retreat in pain.

It can't penetrate, but it can have an impact.

As a result, Empat's right hand stretched forward, and a huge force surged and compressed in front of the palm, turning itself into a line, extending left and right.

With a firm grip, it was a purple line nearly [-] meters long, and the energy in the body dropped due to consumption.

Is it a stick?Or a double-edged sword?

Empat swung his right hand and stepped forward. The advantage in distance was fully reflected at this time, and the stabbing blow pierced Shirbagong before he got close.

"it is good!"

Grasping the moment it retreated, Fifteen Machine Feiyan No. [-] followed closely behind and pursued, and black scorched marks appeared where the monster was hit.

When the light hits, a large number of sparks bloom in front of its eyes, and the purple double-edged sword without a handle spins rapidly, accompanied by the slashing right hand.

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