"You are......"

Xincheng's eyes widened as well, and Dragori roared at the other monster that was in its way.

With an armor-like body and blue eyes, the super-ancient koma dog Gedi lifted up the α fighter, and Xincheng immediately controlled it and left.

It's still alive, and the pain that the winning team must never forget is relieved.

Gedi turned around and stared at the super beast that was showing off its might.


The irritable roar exploded in the air with a momentum no less than that of the opponent.

After such a long time, no matter what the injury was, it had completely healed.

Enemies that endanger mankind and the earth will be defeated by the loyal dog that serves the light!

The ground was shaking, and the two monsters collided with each other, it was like a fight between big monsters.

United States, New York.

The ground was shaking, shaking constantly, the next moment, the earth was torn apart, and it appeared from the inside first...

"No! Not appearing!"

The pilot of Feiyan EX-J noticed that the monster appeared not so much by itself as it was blasted out by someone.

Ali Punta, the giant ant super beast, just got up when the giant steel beast rushed out from the ground and slammed into it fiercely.

"This is our Earth."

Controlling the shark in the ground, Masaki's tone was cold.

The mechanical beast made by humans, Guyozak released light from the tip of his nose and hit Ali Punta hard.

While attacking, it sneaked into the ground and approached. The giant steel beast pushed the super beast forward, away from the terrified women underground.

Empat, Dijia, Zamsha, Gedi, Gaiozark, this force of resistance is so powerful, and it is reflected in the eyes of the Yabo people.

But... they don't know, they don't know!

Why are you still fighting!Why not despair!

Sahara Desert.

Empat, who threw out the double-edged sword, manipulated the sharp weapon with his mind, cutting Brocken from different directions who wanted to attack him with light.

Just as the Sphinx sprinted towards him, his raised left arm shone with purple light, as if there were particles floating above.

The legs were slightly bent, the arms were lowered, and the light skills released with one hand slammed on the enemy's body fiercely.

Unable to bear the heat and impact, the Sphinx couldn't stop backing away, while Brocken on the other side was barely using his flexible tail and hands to release the light to resist. the sharp edge.

"Damn, damn!"

The red timer was ticking, but Empat was getting stronger.

Anger against the invaders was intensified by hurting Shirbachon.

It was he who attacked, but... the culprit of all this is the existence of the Yabo people.

"Why! Why not despair!"

The wrath of the people of Apo was also burning.

Shanghai, China.

Tiga, who jumped up, slashed on Onidwu's head with his palm knife while rotating his body, and the sharp red horn on the enemy's head was cut off directly.

The entire body was hidden behind the enemy, and Snowkilan did not release the blizzard because he was afraid of affecting his companions.

A series of punches broke out, and the leaping, spinning kick kicked the enemy's back fiercely.

Onidwu staggered forward and fell out, and took another round of salvos from the fighter jet formation.

"How much despair do you think we have overcome?"

Dagu's heart has long since changed.

The overwhelming power gap of the Imperial Stars.

The Kyriaelods play with the hearts of the people.

"I feel nothing but disgust and anger at scum like you."

Nangong transformed this negative emotion into strength and poured it on the enemy.

The battle continued, and the Yabo declared that he could continue to create super beasts, which was true.

But if he can continuously create super beasts, that's wrong.


The Yabo people waved their hands, and what appeared in the sky was France, Paris.

The European branch was fighting, and indeed it caused damage to the cactus super beast Sabotanda.

But... winning and winning without loss are two different things.

People were screaming, and the sudden onslaught did not allow everyone to evacuate safely.

"Abo people—"

Dagu could feel anger, an emotion that seldom arose for him.

"How despicable are you!"

Nangong questioned the enemy from another dimension.

"Choose! Stop obediently, or let them die!"

The terrified expressions of the people were displayed in front of everyone. With one stomp, the shock caused by Sabotanda knocked thousands of people to the ground.

Sacrifice in battle is inevitable, and there is no way around it.

The selection process is presented in front of the whole world, and the red sky reflects everything.

And this situation, who knows, is not the picture, but the words.

He was still unbelievable, but...an expectation rose in his heart.

"Under the crimson sky, the giants of light who never give up, the cosmic beings who lend a helping hand, and cute and respectable monsters, they are barriers and guardians of mankind."

Subconsciously murmured that story. When the boy's grandfather was alive, he once told a wonderful story that was not filmed.

"In the chaotic time and space, the will turns into hope, and the hope is intertwined into an impossible story. At this moment, a miracle happens."

In the Sahara Desert, Hirpagon's exuberant vitality kept him from dying, and a scene was reflected in the space-time world constructed by Goldlas.

Beside a calm lake, a silver giant stood there, as if staring at something.

"Where is... where? Why would I..."

The man with glasses and a hat still had a puzzled look on his face.

"I should be in Longsen Lake."

In the staggered time and space, the giant moved.

The crimson ball of light passed through the spiral of time, and in an instant, no one could have imagined it.

The man with the glasses stared blankly at the second giant with green eyes who looked a bit fierce to him.

And people all over the world stared blankly at Sabotanda who was knocked out.

When the light dissipated, the silver giant stood on the ground.

There are red lines on his body, and the medal on his chest is a shooting star.

Watching this scene, the young man knew that all of this was real, not a story.

What Eiji Tsuburaya tells his family is not a story, but the future.

Altman clenched his hands into fists, lightly touched his waist, and straightened his body.

Here we come, our Ultraman.

130 Chapter Seven Our Ultraman

"You, you are—"

The Yabo people looked at the silver giant in disbelief, where did he come from?

The answer is actually quite simple.

I came from Longsen Lake in 1965, and I came from a distant parallel universe. I realized the will not to give up, so I came here and even crossed time together.

Utilized by the Yabo people, the space-time realm connecting the two worlds has summoned new warriors.

His figure is so familiar to everyone, the reason why Tiga and Empat are named Ultraman is because of his existence.

The origin of Vientiane, the Giant of Light.

However, people's shock did not affect the super beast's will to destroy. The already grown mouth of the cactus super beast Sabotanda made people pale in horror, and the barbed tongue shot out.

The sudden blow didn't look fast in Altman's eyes. He connected his hands in front of the timer, and the energy was extracted.

The next moment, the crimson tongue was directly smashed, and the blue eight-point light wheel was extremely sharp, and everything it touched was cut to pieces.

The pain angered Sabotanda, and it released the needles on its body towards the attacking light wheel.

Just like that shape, the armor-piercing projectile collided with Ultraman's attack, and an explosion was set off between the two.

"Give it to me!"

The orders of the Yabo people are absolute. Behind the silver giant is a powerless crowd, in other words, they are hostages. As long as he is here, he cannot fight well.

From the black mist, a green elliptical sphere rushed out.

Curling his body, Sabotanda turned into a cactus with needles all over his body.

With the momentum of breaking the wind, he blasted directly at the enemy ahead.

From that point of view, as long as Ultraman dares to evade, the people behind will be crushed to pieces.

But why should Ultraman avoid it?

A pair of silver palms moved forward, making direct physical contact with the oncoming cactus.

The ground shook slightly, and the strong wind blew away the branches, but the people were not affected at all, because the huge body became a shield and carried the impact.

Sabotanda's strongest moves couldn't work, and the dense small needles on his body had no effect on Ultraman at all.

With a strong body and tyrannical strength, he slammed the enemy hard.

Before Sabotanda, who was thrown out, had time to change direction, the blow had already struck.

Pull your feet back and forth, lean forward and bend your body, with your right hand behind you and your left hand in front. The cross-shaped movement constitutes the emission of light.

The light from Spetsium exploded, and Sabotanda's body was pierced. The ultra-high temperature heat raging inside the body tore it into pieces from the inside, and the exploded wreckage still had some light blue flames.

With an overwhelming advantage, Ultraman defeated Cactus Supermon.

He is a communicative being, self-aware.

So nodding to the flying team of the European Branch, the silver giant jumped up and flew into the air.

United States, New York.

This was supposed to be the stage of Ali Punta, the giant ant super beast, as long as it continued to wreak havoc underground.

However, it is not it that is wreaking havoc in the ground now, but the underground shark Gai Ozark.

The protruding dorsal fin sliced ​​through the ground, and the giant steel beast swimming underground moved forward at high speed.

From the perspective of a third person, the sharp blade on the ground attacked Ali Punta from different directions.

The super beast quickly evaded, releasing high-temperature flames from its claws.

However, before this blow could touch the dorsal fin, Geozak dived deeper into the ground again.

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