Unable to attack the enemy at all, and his own battlefield was seized, Ali Punta made a strange cry.

The slightly raised head seemed to express his anger, and then a strong light splashed from the head, which was the proof of the hit of the attack.

Of course, the flight team of the American branch could not let go of this opportunity. They swooped down from high altitude, and the missiles fired salvos and bombarded the enemy.

A monster that destroyed more than a dozen blocks is absolutely unforgivable.

I don't know how many innocent women have been plundered, and this existence that harbors extreme malice towards human beings cannot be allowed to live.

Pulling up, passing by, the injured Ali Punta was even more blazing, and the fighter plane, which turned its claws towards the sky, was interrupted immediately after the flames were released.

It seemed to have forgotten that it still had an opponent. Gayozak's nose tip that jumped out released a beam of light, and the burned position was stabbed again. The zero-distance shooting had a certain effect.

However, it is not enough.

Compared with super beasts, the attack power of man-made monsters is slightly insufficient.

Seizing this opportunity, Ali Punta's claws slammed down directly, hitting Gaozak who attacked it to the ground.

The high concentration of formic acid in its mouth attacks the enemy.

Faced with this attack, Guyozak immediately turned his body, and the strong wind from Iron Tail brought the formic acid back to the opponent instead.

Leaving from these acid fogs, Ali Punta could not understand why the enemy was not affected in the slightest.

Because steel monsters have no self-awareness of pain, and only act under the will of the user.

Another light hit, Feiyan EX-J's hot melting light and freezing light hit Ali Punta's head, causing a violent explosion.

Guyozak's tail was already out of shape, and even so it didn't matter.

Back to the carbine, thrusting and beam combination attack, the mechanical accuracy is trustworthy, hit the same position for the third time, the accumulated damage explodes in one breath, the tip of the nose piercing into the enemy's body releases the strongest attack, and the energy is used without reservation .

The flying team of the American branch attacked the head, and the man-made monster attacked the body. In the joint attack of the two, Ali Punta was blasted to pieces.

Another fierce battle ended.

"it is good!"

The abdomen was dug out, the head was smashed, and the body of the giant ant super beast fell to the ground.

Japan, Kumamoto.

"It's so boring, you."

The silver sword light wove a sharp enveloping net, and Zamxia took a step forward, completely suppressing the flame super beast Faimons.

He doesn't deny that swords are mere weapons, the problem is...

"You don't even know how to use it. The flame sword in your hand is not a sword at all, it's just a stick of fire."

The two consecutive swings formed a cross-cutting cross, and Faimons who was holding the sword was pushed back a long distance.

It roared, and the flame sword in its hand burned again because of it.

"Forget it, you still don't understand."

Zamxia has fully understood that the enemy is just a monster with no brains, and also fully understood that the opponent will die in the next second.

The flame sword danced down, and at this moment, the red 'armor' hanging on Faimons' chest popped out.

That's not armor, it's a weapon.

For a split second, time seemed to stop, and Faimons froze in place.

Hands, head, armor, flame sword, they fell almost simultaneously.

"Unfortunately, if you want to play tricks, your speed is not up to standard."

Zamxia had put the knife into its sheath, and the body of Chaoshou also staggered and fell down.

Same country, Tokyo.

The super ancient monsters and moth super beasts attack each other. Claws, fists, teeth, mouths, every part of the body has become an attack weapon.

Dragoli grabbed Gedi tightly, trying to tear off the enemy's hands with all his strength.

It's a pity that the hard and smooth, armor-like skin makes it useless at all.

The next moment, Gedi opened his hands left and right, and slapped forward fiercely.

Left and right, the enemy's head receives a violent blow.

The sharp claws fastened and pulled down hard.

There was darkness in front of Doragri's eyes, and just half a second ago, its head and hard knees came into close direct contact.

Gedi stepped on the enemy who fell on the ground with all his strength. The structure of his body prevented him from directly pressing his body weight on the enemy like his master did, so he changed his method.

The vicious attacks continued to be imposed, and that action made everyone in the winning team a little dazed.

Remember Empat did something similar.

"The object looks like the main character..."

Xincheng couldn't help sighing, at this moment, Gedi stepped on Doragley's body with his right foot, and roared triumphantly.

It pulled back with its left leg, and kicked the super beast, which was proud of its strength, flying with the last blow.

Deliberately widen the distance, so the winning team has a place to use.

"Okay, now!"

α Fighter, β Fighter, Hot Melt, Freeze, three very powerful rays of light directly bombarded the fallen Doragoli, setting off a huge explosion.

Even if it is not as powerful as the light skills of the three giants, it is enough to kill the seriously injured super beast.

The two super beasts in Japan died almost at the same time.

Shanghai, China.

Tiga's left arm rested on the neck of the snow super beast Snowkilan, pressing it to the ground, and the blow fell on the enemy's face.

Confirming that the heavy punch hit, he immediately rolled forward and pulled a short distance away, and the light arrow in his palm hit the chest of the ghost super beast Onidwu who came forward.

The powerful attack did not cause any damage, and then, at the same time as Tijia's attack, the Chinese branch's volley also arrived.

Even if the power is not enough, it has enough impact.

Onidwu, who was stopped, stopped, and Dijia seized this momentary opportunity. The flash between his forehead was blue, and his body also turned into purple and silver.

In the last second, it was leaning forward.

In the next second, a blurry shadow appeared.

Before Onidwu had time to react, Di Jia, whose speed was pushed to the limit, swung his sword, sparks splashed, and passed by.

That's not the speed that the eyes can capture. In three seconds, thirty palm knives slashed at the enemy's body from different directions.

At this time, Xuechao Beast also stood up, since it couldn't capture the enemy, it would use a wide range of attacks.

The six luminous bodies on the top of the head flickered at the same time, emitting intense glare.

In a blink of an eye, several fighter jets of the Chinese branch climbed up urgently to avoid crashing.

What about Tiga?

There is no sign of him anywhere, only particles that flash past.

Compared with Onidwu, his body is obviously much thinner, so he can hide behind.

Leaping out, the light bullets gathered at the waist of Lampar flicked.

Snowkilan raised his head, his unclosed mouth became the best breakthrough point, seeing the brilliance penetrate, and the raging thunder tore the snow super beast into pieces from the inside.

Di Jia landed on the ground, turned and rushed out.

The red light shines, and the remaining speed of the aerial type is superimposed with the power used by the powerful type.

Directly treating the body as a cannonball, the shoulder crashed and roared. Even Onidwu couldn't bear the impact. It flew backwards in embarrassment, smashing an entire building with tens of floors high.

Dijia's hands are from the bottom up, and the orange-red fire is accompanied by the relative compression of the palms.

Taking a step forward, Dilla Hume's optical flow hits.

Onidewu, who was about to get up, interrupted his movements, and his body without strength fell forward, and finally exploded.

The two super beasts died, and the crystal on Dijia's forehead turned blue, and he jumped up.

Africa, Sahara desert.

Empat countered with a quick sideways punch, and he was pinned down in the grappling fight for one simple reason.

The two snake tails of the ancient super beast Sphinx cooperated with its hands to attack, and all the flaws were made up by the frequency of attacks.

First the line of sight moves down, followed by a quick jump back,

Empat's right hand was clenched tightly, it was a double-ended blade summoned by thought power.

This was a good opportunity, but Brocken couldn't attack. The sudden huge power of thought fixed it in place, and the even bigger power of thought removed the power that fixed it.

It's a pity that this short period of time is enough to tell the winner.

It is a boomerang when it is controlled by mind power, and it is a double-ended blade when it is held in the hand.

Empat didn't use any assistance, which was made up of his energy, and the energy weapon that was about to be unsustainable due to the collision was thrown directly and turned into a javelin.

The Sphinx's chest was scorched black by the scorching light, and was hit by a powerful fist before.

Thus, from the chest to the back, the original hard skin was pierced, and the purple lines turned into particles and shattered after flying a short distance.

The hole wasn't that huge, and Empat immediately opened his hands left and right.

This movement is the harbinger of the mobilization of thought power. Before the Sphinx could react, the thought power poured into the body violently tore it apart.

No blood, no flesh, the sphinx is torn apart like a super beast mixed with interdimensional energy.

The companion was killed, Brocken roared, and four beams of light shot out.

But this time, Empat had no double-edged sword to act as a defensive shield.

He crossed his left and right hands and swung forward, and the incoming light also hit his body, and the damage stopped before it could fully explode.

The purple crescent blade was a little later, but it accurately cut through the enemy's flesh.

The first thing to be cut off was the head that was the key.

Brocken staggered and fell, his limbs twitched for a while, and he was completely motionless.

The air and sand were disturbed, and what fell from the sky was a silver giant.

Ultraman arrived in the Sahara Desert.

Although it was a little later, the white-eyed giant also fell quickly, and at this moment it shone with white light, and Di Jia changed back to a composite form.

Finally, the giant with blue eyes raised his head, and the figure in another dimension was angry.

"Ultraman, Ultraman, Ultraman! Put out that light for me!"

The accumulated different-dimensional energy can be used again.

What falls on the left is the combination of horseshoe crabs, the king of crab super beast Klab.

What falls on the right is the combination of giant salamanders, the juice super beast Han Zakiran.

The one who falls in the middle is the black hand from another dimension, the Yabo people.

The enemy finally went off in person. The silver giant in the center, Ultraman's hands overlapped before the timer, and the soft light was sent into the timers of Empat and Tiga along with the movement, and the energy that had bottomed out was replenished whole.

"let's go."

What Ultraman made was a majestic voice. He leaned forward and prepared to move forward with both hands.


Dagu responded immediately, with his left fist behind and his right palm forward.

"it is good."

Nangong nodded, with his right palm in front and his left palm behind.

Putting out their respective starting gestures, different battle cries are the signal to start the war.

People raised their heads, and the sky of another dimension reflected the final battle.

"Come on, Ultraman!"

Someone is shouting, emotionally infecting others.

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