"Come on! Ultraman!"

Heartfelt words, sincere feelings, pass on to it.

Chapter 130 The reason for coming here

This is the uninhabited Sahara Desert in Liao. Due to the disordered time and space, the people brought here may speak the same language or may not speak the same language. They are also taken away by TPC personnel semi-forcibly.

Staying still will only affect the battle between the three giants and the invaders.

Wave after wave of sand surged high, scorching flames were burning, and the red sky seemed to be projected on the earth, becoming colorful, and the figures inside could not be seen clearly, only loud noises were heard, only Feel shaking, only feel the wind pressure.

It seems that gods and demons have come to the human world, where mythical battles have started.

Gods cherish the existence of human beings, while demons hate the existence of brilliance.

In the weird space, up and down, left and right are all upside down, and only Yabo people can fight freely here.

Holding his wrist firmly with his palm, Ultraman blocked the enemy's right sickle that could emit different rays of light.

"Apo people, haven't you given up yet!"

The powerful enemy that my younger brother defeated in the past also appeared in this parallel universe. Could it be that, as the other party said, as long as the resentment persists, no matter how many times he can be resurrected?

"As long as there is light, I will destroy the existences named Ultra one by one!"

Whether it is M78 or the parallel world, the things to be done have not changed.

As long as there is the existence of 'Ultraman', the people of Yapo will follow them like a shadow.

Gravity changed instantly, and the two began to fall downwards.

And the next moment, the angle changed again.

Like rolling crazily in a washing machine, the violent shaking affected Ultraman.

Seizing this opportunity, the Yabo people threw off their opponents in front of them.

Left fist, right scythe, he hit the opponent continuously, and amidst the splashing sparks, the crescent-shaped light blade also released, retreating and attacking at the same time.

Bearing this force directly with his body, Ultraman immediately chased forward.

Since the gravity here is controlled by the Yabo people, there is no need for him to fight the opponent according to normal thinking.

Leap up, use the anti-gravity ability, and fly directly in another dimension.


Fist and fist collided with each other, and the effect of force and force caused the two to bounce off each other.

On one side, the red demon moves his scythe forward.

On one side, silver giant palms overlap.

The cutting ray and the crescent ray shattered into basic particles during the collision, and the Yapo who controlled gravity at will kept moving, while the direct flying Ultraman was not affected at all.

The direction is no longer important, as long as the enemy's figure is firmly locked on is enough.

The air vibrated continuously, and the two vague shadows collided and separated.

Entangling, flying, skimming between the two.

Soon, the route they had traveled before was filled with huge shadows.

It was a powerful tail with spikes, and it missed the enemy by a small margin.

Ti Jia, who lowered his body to avoid it, rushed towards his opponent, and the next moment, he was directly pressed back.

White foam spat out from King Crabbe's mouth, and the intensely corrosive foam touched his body.

Pain came, Dijia took a step back, spread his hands left and right, and rotated his body rapidly.

There is no wind in this different-dimensional space, but there is air. The air is disturbed, and a large amount of foam that originally hit is sucked in by this suction, forming a pure white tornado.

Realizing that it would not work, King Klaber gave up and continued to attack with the dissolving foam, and the high-heat flame released from the head attacked the opponent.

And Tiga, who stopped his movements, led the dissolving foam in the tornado to the enemies ahead in one breath.

Using one's own strength to resist one's own strength, the flames offset the bubbles, and white and red clashed fiercely.

It's just that the flame is a continuous output, and the foam has a limit.

When King Crabbe's attack was completely overwhelmed, Tiga was no longer there.

Raising his head suddenly, the tomahawk kick from the air directly overwhelmed the giant crab super beast to the ground. Dijia couldn't catch up in time, and the tail attacked again.

Sideways, sideways, he kept turning his upper body away, dodging the spear-like tail.

When the third attack struck and retracted, the sharp front end was directly grabbed by his palm.

The yellow sand under his feet immediately pushed out a mound due to the movement. King Klaber, who was supporting the ground with his limbs, suddenly raised his head, and white foam gushed out of his mouth again.

It's just that it has a short-term doubt, why the enemy seems to be different?

A more robust body, two colors of red and silver, the wrestling ended in an instant.

The powerful Tiga pulled with all his strength and began to spin.

Before King Crabbe had time to react, his entire body was pulled into the air.

The giant pulled up the super beast and swung it with all its strength.

One week, two weeks, three weeks, and finally out of hand.

King Klaber, who had no ability to fly, was swinging his limbs weakly, but he couldn't fall because of his strength.

Tiga jumped up, and the red pattern was dyed purple in the blue flash.

That enemy was simply the best target, and the palm light arrow that was thrown out exploded sparks on the opponent's body.

The falling light spot was completely extinguished in a single wave. It was Empat's silver arm, and the clenched fist directly knocked the super beast away for a long distance.

The fallen Han Zakiran was not affected at all.

After he stood firmly, he charged forward with sharp spikes, directly relying on his body to fight.

However, more than physical strength, Empat was never afraid of an enemy opponent.

With both hands forward, the two sharp corners at the front of the enemy were caught, and the assault stopped after the two slid for a short distance.

With the legs fixed and the waist exerted strength, the giant pulled the enemy up from the ground, and the whole body fell directly backwards, driving the enemy, and smashing the enemy directly on the soft sand.

Han Zakiran, who was on all fours and controlled his movements, kept shaking, but couldn't get away from the sand.

Empat, who stood up, immediately faced his hands in front of the timer, and threw out the eight-point light wheel that consumed the least energy.

The serrated sharp blade cut into the head and pierced out from the tail. The smell of roasting overflowed, but the dark green juice gushed out.

This is an abnormal situation, because the eight-point light wheel with super high temperature will burn the cut wound together.

The next moment, borrowing some of the impact generated when the attack hit, Hanzakiran bounced up and fell, and his body that was divided into two fit together.

It roared, as if it had never been cut open, and its unusually exuberant vitality made people feel horrified.

The out-of-control purple light wheel flew all the way, as if it was going to the end of the sky.

On its side, the blue light advances together.

That was the palm light arrow used by Tiga, which kept hitting King Klaber.

Across the two fighting, Mitsubishi turned backwards and continued forward.

Above the different dimension, Ultraman and Yabo are fighting fiercely.

Relying on resentment to resurrect, the Yabo people who invaded this world have the power no less than Ultraman.

There was an invisible force in front of the palm he pushed out, and with a roar, the silver giant who was about to throw his fist hit the transparent wall, and the movement stopped abruptly.

"Go to hell!"

In Ultraman's eyes, the enemy's hand sickle shone with a reddish light.

The next moment, before the Yabos attacked, intense sparks pulled a long series of marks on its back.


Controlled by the Otto power, the purple eight-point light wheel was completely exhausted after completing its mission.

Yabo is an excellent plotter and scientist, but he is not a warrior, he cannot use everything around him to fight, and he cannot easily overcome pain.

This brief absence is an opportunity. Ultraman clasped his fists tightly and smashed down. The air was disturbed and the air flow fluttered.

In an instant, the internal scene was once again reflected in the eyes of the world.

Spinning in the air, kicking out, Di Jia stepped on King Klaber's body, turned over and jumped up.

His hands spread out left and right, the lines of light were pulled out, and the light flow finally converged between the palms.

Before the enemy fell completely, Lampal's light bullet hit the wound made by the light arrow in the palm of his hand before, strong power poured in from there, and finally exploded with a bang.

King Crabbe died, and the landing giant exuded a soft white glow, returning to its original four colors.

He turned around, and not far from here, Han Zakiran, who had been kicked a long distance by a high kick, fell to the ground in embarrassment.

It's just that no matter how heavy the force is, it can't cause substantial damage to it.

Empat clenched his left hand around his waist, and suddenly stretched his right hand to the right. The purple particles gathered crazily, and finally dyed his right arm purple.

Taking a step, the arm is bent, which is consistent with the movement of throwing the eight-point light wheel, but this time the throw is more exaggerated.

Infused with more power, mixed with the power of Spetsium's light, the Spetsium's light wheel surpassed Empat's height, and slashed at Hanzakiran's body with unparalleled momentum.

Just cutting it doesn't make sense.

Therefore, when embedded in the enemy's body, the power of thought is used, as if the star ring is spinning crazily. This huge cutting machine smashes, smashes, and evaporates the super beast it touches like a meat grinder, leaving nothing left.

Pulling his right hand, the light wheel with remaining power was disconnected from the center, and the purple and white zigzag lines were poured into Empat's arm again, and the energy was recovered.

He turned his gaze to Di Jia, and the two looked at each other, then turned and fixed on the last remaining enemy.

The silver giant slowly fell from the sky. In front of him, the Yabo man who barely raised his body from the ground was panting. He was not reconciled and refused to accept his defeat.

"Impossible, how could I lose to you again!"

The hand sickle suddenly moved forward, and the red lightning came out of nowhere, hitting Ultraman's chest directly.

In an instant, people's hearts tightened.

But in less than half a second, Ultraman who was attacked straightened up instead.


He flicked his left hand forward, and the red lightning drawn to his arm disappeared without any effort.

Ultraman lowered his body, joined his arms, and the beam of Spaceum burst out, and the Yapo who couldn't react in time was hit, his movements became stiff, and blue sparks gushed out from the wound.

Without saying anything, the person from another dimension who directed everything fell backwards and exploded.

"it is good!"


People cheered, hugged each other, and rejoiced in the victory.

In the desert, Ultraman straightened his body. He turned left and right, looking at the giant of light who was active in this parallel universe.

"Thank you! Mr. Altman!"

Dagu was a little excited. He had already seen a work called "Ultraman" that didn't make much waves when he was very young.

That's not fake, it's real!

"Thank you, but why?"

When the facts are in front of his eyes, he has to believe that what Nangong cares about is what the other party is like, where did he appear from?

One left, one right, both young.

Altman nodded, what he told was not far away to him, just the story that happened just now.

"The monster named Anagaki, who I pursued, came to the earth of this universe and fought with it. At this moment, I saw a black light coming from the other end of time. The sudden light defeated Anagaki."

Hearing this sentence, Nangong instantly understood.

"It was at that time..."

Before that, the ray of Zapelio that he attacked Shirbagon was sucked away by Goldlas with the time and space, and then arrived on the earth in 1965.

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