"That must be some kind of signal, and I saw the fighting figures of young fighters and lovely people. I believe this is the meaning of my coming to this universe."

Longsen Lake is the connecting point of time and space, and what is reflected in the lake is the future scene.

Ultraman loves life, and also loves the earth, no matter which parallel universe it is.

At this moment, he raised his hands.

Both Nangong and Dagu have seen this action before.

At the end of the work "Ultraman", he did this with the earthlings who fought together when he left the earth.

Then, arm and arm bumped together, criss-crossed.

"What a nice view......"

Who watched those three giants, he firmly remembered this scene, and did not forget it until the future.

At this moment, the extra-dimensional space lost its maintenance and began to gradually disappear.

And the blockade has been lifted, and what comes from the four-dimensional space is a strange existence.

Like a rock with a lot of vents, the fourth-dimensional monster Bruton came to Earth, but not for battle.

"and many more."

Empat stopped the vigilant Tiga, and it wasn't just the three giants who noticed it.

Hilbargon and Goldrath, they were calling at the same time, as if they were communicating with each other.

Soon, Bruton, who rolled to their side, disappeared with the two monsters.

In this universe, no one knows the ecology of the three.

Hilbargon is in charge of hiding, Goldlas is in charge of forming the living space, and Bruton is in charge of maintaining balance.

In other words, Hirbagon is the knight, Goldras is the steward, and Bruton is the princess. They are a trinity, and the Apo people obstructed them and led to their separation.

In the world of different dimensions, no matter what kind of timeline is the same, so the space-time world will not have any influence.

But this world is different. The evolution of life is the flow of time, which leads to the disorder of time and space.

Now it's all over, and the two monsters who were used by the Apo's plot have returned to their world.



The thunder in the sky flashed and lost its maintenance, the space-time world began to become chaotic, and everything began to get out of control.

"It's not good, time and space are beginning to be chaotic!"

The first to jump out was Ultraman.

Compared with the younger two, he knows more things.

Play with time, and time will play with you.

The mess left by the Yabos isn't over yet.

"If this continues, the past, present, and future times will all overlap, causing the worst collapse."

What Altman said was something that people couldn't ignore.

"What are we going to do?"

Dagu asked immediately, and it must not develop like that.

"Use our energy to stabilize time and space. If we can do it, think about the feeling of teleportation."

Nangong replied that time and space are one, although time cannot be controlled, but there is indeed contact.

"bring it on."

It was no longer possible to observe the giants in the red sky.

The tension and anxiety spreading in people's hearts is definitely not an illusion. People look at each other, as if they are seeing each other when they are old, and they seem to be seeing each other when they are young.

The city is barren all of a sudden, prosperous all of a sudden, and full of different landscapes all of a sudden.

Suddenly it became a no-man's land, and a village was established.

The past, the present, and the future are overlapping frequently, and the earth, which has not yet escaped from another dimension, is facing the worst situation.

"Come on, come on!"

The man with glasses couldn't help but make a sound. In the blink of an eye, there was a calm lake in front of him. The silver giant was half kneeling on the ground. The timer was on and off, and the red light was flickering.


In Longsen Lake in 1965, Tsuburaya Eiji returned here.

On February 2008, 2, a strong storm with an unknown wavelength could be observed with the naked eye around the world.

At 23:20 on the same night, Yuan Dagu, a member of the TPC Victory Team, disappeared during the mission.

130 Nine Chapters Through Time and Space

Waking up from the darkness, what was in front of him was the scene of destruction.

Fire and ruins, and nothing else.

There were no human beings calling for help, nor any corpses.

Where did they all go?

This scene seems to say that existence itself has no meaning at all, and even death will not be left.

Why on earth did it become like this?

Suddenly, the scene became blurred, leaving only rippling ripples, which are the lines caused by the vibration of time and space.

The world is connected with the world, and someone's voice is heard in the ear inexplicably.

"Please stop this."

It was the voice of the old man, or the voice of a girl, falling from the high sky. For the residents living in this city, no one must be able to forget this scene.

Blue sea and blue sky, this description is inexplicably applied to the current situation.

The blue sky was dyed into a blue sea, and the ripples did not stir up the water, but the feet first. Before everyone could react, the whole picture of the giant came into view.

The main color is silver, but it is also jet black. In the center of the crimson breastplate is a black timer. Once it ding-dongs, it lights up red, and after ding-dongs twice, it turns back to black.

That is the proof that the energy consumption is too intense. The cyan pupils and the more gloomy tone compared with the previous Ultramans all show that he is an innovation.

"Then, what is that!"

Compared with the terrified adults, the children were the first to react.

They couldn't believe it, but they recognized the giant again.

Ultraman Empat, who bears darkness and turns it into light.

"Really, my wish came true..."

Unlike the excited others, the boy with a red ball in his hand was half-opening his mouth, and so was his best friend.

But even though it was half a beat late, I was still uncontrollably ecstatic.

"Yuu, Risa, let's go!"

Holding the ball tightly, the boy rushed out.

"Wait, Xiao Mian!"

Can you give me a little thought about my stamina problem?

The boy called 'Yu' complained, and ran out with the girl called 'Risa'.

At this moment, Nangong could feel a lot of sight, and also heard the sound mixed with the wind.

Before that, he had one more thing to do.

50 meters, [-] meters, before falling to the ground, use the anti-gravity ability.

Changing from fast to slow, Empat, who landed lightly on the ground, just kicked up a little dust and spread a short distance around.

'Where the hell is this place? '

He was still high in the Sahara Desert before, and together with Ultraman and Tiga, he used his own energy to stabilize the chaotic time and space, and the almost clean energy consumption is the best proof.

Why are people so terrified if they were thrown elsewhere?

If it was thrown to another point in time, why did people have no idea of ​​their existence when Tiga and Empat appeared?

Could it be said that what is connected by the chaotic space-time realm is not just past, present and future three points?

It's not a single line, but a scattered arc.

Nangong's brain was thinking hard, trying to deduce the situation at this time.

That's not a normal situation for people.

The Ultraman series has continued to this day, and it is only a fantasy special photo.

And Tokusho became a reality?

No no no no!

Absolutely dreaming!

Even if Rinpat has the ability to travel through time and space in the setting of the work, such a thing should not happen!

That was not conceived by imagination!

Suddenly, the flash caught Nangong's attention, it was the light caused by the use of the camera.

Moving his eyes, he noticed the abnormality again.

'camera? '

It's still quite an old style, shouldn't it have been reduced to a collectible?

Empat's action immediately attracted everyone's attention.


"real or fake?"

"Am I dreaming?"

"it hurts!"

"It doesn't look like a dream."

"You hit yourself!"

On the road leading to the top of the mountain, the children were lying in front of the guardrail and looked at the giant over there excitedly.

No matter who it is, they must want to turn fantasies into reality.

"That's what I called!"

At this moment, this sentence attracted the attention of everyone present.

The sense of accomplishment, the ecstasy generated by being noticed, and the multiple overlapping emotions made Xiao Mian so happy that he lost himself. He raised the red ball in his hand high, and then someone took it away in the next moment.


"You? What can you do?"

Turning his head, the tall boy looked at him with contempt.

At this moment, the excitement in Xiao Mian's heart completely disappeared.

The trio who often bullied him at school approached with a grin.

"You said you called, how did you call?"

Excitement flashed in the eyes of the leading boy, but Xiao Mian, who lowered his head in fear, didn't notice it.

"Here, this red ball made a wish, and then it came..."

He answered honestly, not wanting to resist at all.

After getting the answer, the boy immediately took a step forward.

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