But now is not the time to think, Nangong took out the black spark prism.

In an instant, Zi Lei scattered in all directions.

Chapter 140 Make a Wish

How long has it been?

Not even 10 minutes.

The townspeople froze when the red two-headed monster appeared there.

Stepping out, the earth trembled. How could there be such a tall and heavy creature in the world. They would sink themselves into the mud just by standing on the ground, and it was impossible to move freely.

However, there is no way to question it, because the first thing to do now is to escape.

An ear-piercing cry came from the open bird's peck, and a brief flame lit up in the pitch-black throat, expanded instantly, and then released.

A scorching fireball was spit out from the monster's mouth. Those who knew something about Ultraman's work knew that it was a monster named Ponton, but its appearance was different from the Ponton that appeared on TV.

Could it be that it has been living in this world and appeared today in response to Ultraman?

Fireballs that are extremely huge for human beings are shooting out. Ponton didn't deliberately target the city, and the dozens of fireballs that spewed out in just two seconds only went in one direction.

The crowd screamed one after another, but the thunder appeared and flowed in all directions irregularly.

Heard a muffled hum, heard the gentle blare of a lamp, and the outstretched palm made contact with the fireball and smashed it to pieces.

This was the first shot. Immediately afterwards, Empat's waving hands quickly dispelled the fireballs spit out by Ponton one after another.

One side is releasing, and the other side is suffering. The citizens know that they are saved, and they don't have the courage to cheer and watch. They just want to stay away from here crazily, and they don't even dare to look back.

Once turned back, the huge body brought an indescribable sense of fear.

The red part of Empat's wrist hit the scorching fireball at different angles like armor, and directly withstood the attack with his body.

The enemy's attacks continued continuously, but their power could not be said to be very strong.

The question is what after?

'It sucks. '

This is completely different from the world he lives in. It is a world without monsters and Ultraman. In other words, there is neither a reasonable evacuation nor a place of refuge.

Seen from a distance, the two behemoths were in a stalemate.

The red two-headed bird spit fireballs as if spitting at will.

The giant arm of the green pupil kept sweeping, and in front of it was the sparks that drifted away due to the collision offset.

Running to the street and watching the battle scene, Xiaoyou asked in puzzlement:

"Why is the light on his chest flashing?"

It has been like this since the previous appearance. Do you remember that the red light means that Ultraman is about to disappear?

The same question has been raised by others.

Hiroshi Kashima, the delinquent boy who often bullies Xiao Mian already knows the answer

"It must be because he didn't get enough rest. If he transforms continuously, the lack of energy will immediately reflect on Empat."

He replied to the two attendants, and the situation he said was almost the same.

For Empat, he was still fighting the Yabo people half an hour ago, and he didn't even have time to rest, so he encountered the current situation.

He pushed his hands forward, forming a purple barrier instead of his arms to defend against the continuous fireballs.

The fireball that hit above did not disappear after spreading out, but instead surged like a spray of water.

The power that failed to break through the barrier was collected and gathered, and gradually transformed.

"It's barrier reflection! Empat can use weaker attacks to bounce back!"

Immediately recognizing this move, Kashima shouted excitedly.

But in the next second, the situation changed.

As if realizing that his attack at this time could not penetrate the opponent's defense, Pang Dun suddenly stopped attacking, and then took a deep breath of air.

The amount absorbed can even make people see the turbulence.

The reaction time was less than half a second, but Empat took action immediately.

Even though he didn't seek to be a fighter, he was a good fighter when he had to fight.

Turning his hands counterclockwise, the reflected purple flames spewed out.

After completing this action, Empat jumped up and flew into the air.

Pang Dun could clearly see his opponent's movements, so he raised his head slightly, and what he spit out was no longer a powerful fireball.

The head on the left is blue, the head on the right is pink, and two converging columns of flames shoot out.

At the moment when his attention was attracted, the reflected purple flame also bombarded Ponton's body.

Not expecting such a situation at all, the monster feeling the pain stopped briefly.

Empat seized this opportunity that must not be missed, swooped down, accelerated, sprinted, the crystal on the forehead gathered energy, and Aimerim's light aimed at the center of the double head, hitting with a penetrating attack.

The half-second attack burned the skin, and he was chased by the fierce Pang Dun. The two scorching flames made people feel hot before they touched them.

'If you get hit, it's going to be bad. '

Nangong was clearly aware of this, so he controlled his body to change the angle.

The flame also chased all the way, Pang Dun backed up, raised his head, but finally slowed down a bit.

Unintentional, but uncontrollable, when Empat slowed down and braked to a stop, the storm he set off blew away a lot of things in front of him, newspapers in unmanned newsstands, trash cans on the side of the road, stopped vehicles, fierce chaos The current takes everything from the street.

At this time, the two were back to back, he spun his body, and kicked explosively. The kick driven by the anti-gravity ability kicked Ponton's head on the left side fiercely. The force was so strong that it could kick the heavy monster off the ground.

The final blow determines the outcome, this is how it was decided.

The arm joined the arm, but at this moment, a new monster appeared from nowhere and slammed into Empat's back fiercely.


With a muffled snort, the explosive force made him unable to control his body at all, the sharp thorns aggravated the damage and injected toxin.

One front, one back, successively falling.

Ponton, who smashed the street, controlled his body and wanted to get up. The left head was dizzy, but the right head was intact.

And several shops on the street were crushed, and Empat wanted to support his body with his arms in a panic.

Suddenly, a feeling of powerlessness spread all over his body, his limbs went limp, and he fell to the ground again.

'what happened......'

Things don't seem right, and this feeling of powerlessness is different from feeling out of energy.


A new cry came to his ears, and what appeared there was a new monster.

It is on all fours, dark green, reminiscent of seaweed, and covered with a mass of spines.

At this time, Pang Dun also stood up unsteadily.

One left, one right, only Empat fell to the ground weakly.

He barely got up and half-kneeled on the ground, the sound of the timer was more urgent than before.

"What, what to do! Xiao Mian, what kind of monster is that!"

No matter how you look at it, this is a terrible situation. The giant named Empat is going to lose!

"I, I don't know!"

Xiao Mian tried her best to search her memory, but she couldn't remember it.

Whether it is Tiga, Dyna, or Gayari, there is no such monster.

At this moment, Ponton moved.

Aiming at Empat, who couldn't move well, the two heads seemed to vent the anger that had been wounded before, and half of them spewed out flames.

Blue, red, the giant who was directly hit was even pushed backward by this force. During the twisting of the air, his back rubbed against the ground, smashing several houses, and the entire street was destroyed.

The deep voice was no longer powerful, and the toxin spreading in Empat's body paralyzed his consciousness.

Will it really lose?

What would it be like if there were two monsters in this world without Ultraman?

"Xiao Mian, use the red ball!"

Suddenly, Risa's voice reached his ears.

Hearing this sentence, Xiao Mian immediately reacted.

Doesn't this red ball make any wish come true?

"Please! Let Empat defeat the monster!"

Making a wish for others, the red sphere shone slightly.

What is released from the inside is a huge amount of energy.

At this moment, the red and blue flames intensified again, engulfing Empat's body completely.

There is no longer a street there, just a trace of scorched black.

The sound of the lights also disappeared completely, which seemed to herald Ultraman's death.

The girl took a step forward, Risa still had nostalgia in her eyes.

In an instant, the red and blue mixed flames were cut from the center, which was the purple crescent blade.

I saw sparks flying, and Ponton's two heads each contracted one side of the body, and fell to the left and right sides.

Xiao Mian opened his eyes wide, and standing there was a giant with the same color as the timer and the pupils.

Empat stepped forward with his right foot bent forward, his left hand down and his right up.

"It's Ultra's guillotine!"

The explosion set off, and all of Ponton's remains were burned up.

Empat turned his gaze to another monster that had appeared out of nowhere and attacked him.

This sea beast has a debilitating paralyzing poison, once touched, it will be spread, it is simply a monster like a hedgehog.

However, why contact it?

The five fingers of the left and right hands are close together, and the gathered energy dyes the arms purple.

"Glass' weak point is the back fin!"

Who is shouting like this, Nangong can see the boy watching from the corner of his eye.

Glass, is that the name of the monster?

As if in a duel, the two stared at each other.

The next moment, with the roar as a signal, Glass rushed out quickly.

And Empat also moved in response, and the purple arms of his arms pulled out a light curtain due to the rapid advance.

Approaching, approaching, approaching, the left hand swung out suddenly.

It doesn't matter even if it is not in the fighting distance, the crescent blade like a sword rushed away, and before Glass could react, its dorsal fin was cut off.

The strength dropped instantly, and the pain disappeared as soon as it was transmitted to the brain, because the raised palm knife cut into the center of the face and cut it completely towards the tail.

Empat swung his raised right arm downward, and the energy dissipated. At the same time, the wreckage of Glass was completely burned in the explosion and disappeared, and the flames reflected the figure of the giant.

Turning around, the timer on the chest was the same color as the blue pupil.


Xiao Mian raised his hands and cheered.

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