"Hey...is that the red ball that grants any wish?"

Someone suddenly said this, Empat's figure disappeared at the same time, and reappeared as Nangong.

He burst out, sweeping forward with his right hand.

Faced with this blow, the fat man with pale skin, holding an umbrella and wearing a gentleman's dress quickly jumped backwards, and the red ball that Xiao Mian was holding was snatched away.

Nangong flung out his left hand, and the purple palm light arrow was bounced away by the black umbrella.

The opponent's brief stop was enough for him to catch up, his left hand clenched his right fist, and the elbow hit the fat gentleman's defensive arm hard.

The burst of power directly blasts the enemy away.

At the same time as he was out of balance, the fat gentleman raised his right hand, and the folded umbrella unfolded, turning into the shape of a bat, and taking off in the wind.

"It's really rough, Ultraman, I just want to take this red ball away."

Drifting with the wind, he dodged the second arrow of light from the palm of his hand.

"Leave the red ball."

After making such a declaration, Nangong's body reverted to Empat's posture amidst the thunder.

"Could it be that simple?"

The fat gentleman floating in the sky chuckled and screamed.

A black tornado suddenly set off, and the boy in black who had told Nangong Glass about his weakness was the one who was swept up into the sky. The two people who were with him were also thrown up.

The power of thought is used, and the power of thought collides.


The aftermath of the explosion sent the three of them flying in different directions. Before the three of Xiao Mian could react, they were lifted up by an invisible force.

Empat protected them with his thoughts, then jumped out and quickly threw the three screaming teenagers down the mountain.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Only the most primitive exclamation remained, and the next moment, Kashima felt his body lighten, being hugged by someone.

The instinctively waving hands hit something again, and gradually, the wind subsided.

Five seconds, ten seconds, and finally opened his eyes.


What appeared in front of my eyes were cyan pupils. If you look at them from such a close distance, neither the eyes nor the grooves are black.

"Yes, saved..."

The other two, whose legs were weak from fright, collapsed to the ground. Everyone was safe and sound. After confirming this, Empat changed back to a human form in the dim light.

Nangong is too lazy to hide his identity in this world. If he is really a character in Tokusho, then everyone in this world really knows that he is Empat.

"Thank you just now for telling me about Glass's weakness."

He thanked Kashima and stood up.

Now he still has things to do, first of all, the red ball, and the fat gentleman.

Since he can fight against him, he must not be a normal person.

There is also the confrontation between the black tornado and the power of thought, this world...

"Xiao Mian, did you help me by making a wish with a red ball just now?"

Nangong asked the boy who hadn't recovered from the stimulation of falling from a high altitude.

In the crisis of the battle, he heard the mixed voices of the old man and the girl again, and then the energy that had bottomed out inexplicably filled up.

"it's me!"

Xiao Mian nodded quickly.


Subconsciously, Kashima began to question the boy he had been bullying again.

Shrinking his head, Xiao Mian stopped talking again.

This obvious situation makes Nangong silent, maybe before that, he has another matter to solve.

Chapter 140 The Truth About the Red Ball

"Why are you arguing? You are all partners who like Ultraman, shouldn't you get along better?"

Nangong's brain is not slow. There are no monsters in this world, but he knows the name and weakness of the monster from the boy in black, so he probably knows it from the special photo.

And Xiao Mian's desire to see him brought him into this world, and he is also a person who likes the Ultraman series.

This question made Xiao Mian, who had been bullied all this time, take a look at Kashima over there.

The sight of the idol in front of him gave him courage.

"It's not my partner. He always bullies me and tells me to graduate from Ultraman and stop watching these things."

It's a super bad guy!

"Hmph, it's a good thing for a guy like you to graduate from Ultraman sooner!"

Kashima also snorted coldly, as if he had accumulated a deep grudge against Xiao Mian.

Nangong, an outsider, had no idea where the two of them had accumulated so many conflicts, and a troubled expression appeared on his face unconsciously, because he actually had no experience in taking care of children.

"Talents like him don't deserve to watch Ultraman!"

In a word, Kashima's tone was very heavy.


Nangong, who wanted to find a breakthrough here, immediately asked, so, as if he had found an outlet, the boy immediately said some naive words:

"Tiga, Dyna, and Gaia, only read new works and say that the new works are very good, but in the end they don't read the old works, and they don't even read the old works, you know Otto Brother? I don’t know!”

This is Kashima's speech, he complained while speaking, Nangong pieced together the whole picture of the matter in these words.

In other words, in this world, Ultraman is a continuous series that has been serialized.

And Xiao Mian is relatively young, so he started to get in touch with Dijia TV at the beginning, and after that, he has been chasing Gaia recently.

One day, when he was recommending it to his classmates at school, he made a speech of "don't look at the previous ones, just start with Tiga".

This was heard by Kashima who happened to be passing by.

He is older, and apart from the latest three works, he also finished watching the original Ultra Brothers.

A person who doesn't know anything suddenly said that those good works are not good, which naturally angered Kashima as a fan.

'You are not a fan of Ultraman! '

Such thoughts drove him to trouble Xiao Mian all the time in school.

To put it simply, the inadvertent speeches of new fans led to conflicts with old fans, and everyone is so young that it has developed to the current situation.

"Because the previous series were too vague..."

Xiao Mian muttered in a low voice, what he wanted to watch was the powerful, cool battles and plots, not the bad picture quality, uneven sulfuric acid face, or weird looks, not even the teacher of the defense team.

"If you don't watch it because it's blurry, then you don't deserve to be a fan!"

Kashima became annoyed by the other party's remarks again. The new work is naturally good, but don't forget that it is because of the accumulation of old works that the new work can be formed. Even this is not a fan?

"Well, I see."

At this moment, Nangong nodded, his words attracted the attention of both of them.

"Xiao Mian, you shouldn't comment on things you don't understand. It's wrong. Think about it differently. Is there anyone who stops you from watching Ultraman?"

"Mom? She obviously hasn't read it, but she always tells me not to read it."

"That's what you're doing, telling others not to watch the old series even though you haven't seen it, of course it will make Kashima unhappy."

Nangong hurriedly apologized in his heart to his mother who was taken as an example.


Xiao Mian fell silent. At this moment, Nangong looked at the boy on the other side.

"Kashima, you are the same, you can't just exclude new audiences, don't forget that you were also new audiences when you first came into contact with this series, it is precisely because new audiences continue to join, people who like Ultraman There will be more and more."

His words also made Kashima change his perspective on the problem.

"Compared to attacking the opponent, shouldn't it be correct guidance? Simply put..."

No, how old is it here?Is there any corresponding technology?

Nangong originally wanted to talk about finding some wonderful clips to lure people into the trap, but thinking about it carefully, this era seems to be ten years behind his world.

"Share the wonderful plot with others, and after arousing their interest, others will naturally watch it."


Kashima nodded, then looked at Xiao Mian, and Nangong said the last words:

"Then after reconciliation, let's go home together as good partners watching Ultraman together."

"how about you?"

The children's eyes turned to Nangong, and he showed a smile:

"It's okay, I will protect the world."

As Altman who came to his world said, it must be meaningful for Empat to come to this world.

I don't know what the red ball is, there is also a fat gentleman with white skin and something hidden behind.

This world seems to be being targeted by someone, and the matter of the Imperial Stars has not been dealt with yet.

"You do your best when you can, and then believe that Ultraman will win."

One minute later, Nangong waved goodbye to the leaving children, and soon his expression returned to its original calm.

'Can we just wait? '

The current situation is really bad. He came to this world because of the red ball that can fulfill his wish, but that red ball was snatched away.

What if the other party also came from another world?

Have you already left?

Then how will he return to his own world?

Nangong began to think about the chances of entering the black hole and returning to his own world.

"The ball is still in this world."

Suddenly, a familiar voice was heard.

Concentrating again, standing in front is a girl in black, I remember it is a friend who was with Xiao Mian and the others.

This was the first time Nangong heard Risa speak, but noticed that it was not the first time he heard this voice.

"you are?"

Old man and girl, her voice is the girl's side.

"I am the red ball, the AI ​​system of the wish ball, Empat. I am the one who prompted Xiao Mian to bring you into this world. Please save the future of this world."

What Risa said was words that Nangong could not ignore.

Why is the other party so sure that the future of this world needs to be saved?

"What did I see when I came here?"

The sight of everything burning and burning made him uneasy.

"It has happened in the past and will happen now, Nangong, I am actually the ultimate weapon made by humans in a certain world."

The girl began to tell about things that had happened in the past.

On Earth, which is different from this world, where time is more developed.

Human beings have invented props that can materialize desires, that is, red balls.

However, human desires are endless, constantly absorbing the desires of different people, and what is mixed in it is more muddy black.

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