Excessive demands lead to destruction, and the black emotions released from within finally become a powerful monster.

The wish was no longer valid, and the orb that was supposed to wish for the future became a weapon of destruction, and finally, human beings perished.

The red ball, which lost its owner, left its own world and continued to move in different worlds, because the item was pursuing the user.

But the desire absorbed by the completely runaway red ball in the process of making a wish will wake up the monster sleeping in the ball and destroying human beings, because the materialized thing will not disappear, it is still sleeping in the ball.

This is just one of the crises, and the other crisis is the existence of actions in different parallel worlds.

While Nangong was quietly listening to Lisha telling the truth, in the corner of the earth, the fat gentleman was looking at the red ball in his hand with satisfaction.

"It's such a wonderful world. There is no Kingdom of Light, and there are no Ultra Brothers. There is just a single Ultraman who can't support himself. The wishing ball that destroyed several civilizations is also in hand... It is indeed almost the same It's time to wake up the monster inside, what do you think?"

Charlie the cosmic devil, this is the real identity of the fat gentleman. He is a monster buyer looking for monsters in countless parallel worlds. He likes monsters and everything about monsters.

I like the way they sleep, I like the way they eat, I like the way they destroy at will, I like the way intelligent life forms are helpless because of their ravages, waiting to perish.

Monsters are everything, so the existence of the name "Ultraman" disgusts him.

His suggestion reached the ears of the cloaked man beside him, and even Charika had no idea who this cloaked man was.

The two are companions chasing the red ball together. According to what the other party said, they just need the negative energy generated when the monster is destroyed. I don't know if this is a lie or a serious one, but at least so far they haven't shown their feet.

"As you like, I just need to have negative emotions."

The man in the cloak answered like this, which made Charika really want to know how the other party made his voice.

'Sure enough, it is a spiritual life body. '

Looking at it this way, it is just covered with a layer of purple hood, and there is nothing inside.

"Then, I'll go out temporarily to find a chance."

Charika took the red ball and left the temporary stronghold of the two, while the cloaked man stared at the back without saying anything.

'The Otto Brothers...'

I remembered that existence in my mind, and the plan developed as I thought amidst the surge of thoughts.

Some villain who planned something started to move, and Risa's narration to Nangong was over.

The current red ball is just a wishing machine that stores all kinds of dirty desires, and those desires continue to nourish the monster inside.

Its name is King Obmons, the product of the materialization of the rampant desire, the existence that destroyed several earths in several worlds.

"A collection of desires... no wonder there is no way to destroy it."

What Nangong recalled was the scene when he pressed the red ball before, but the red ball remained motionless.

Desires cannot be destroyed by pure force, probably because of such a simple reason.

"Besides King Obmons, there are enemies hidden in the rear."

What are they going to do?

Use from the destruction of this earth?

"Can you feel where the red ball is?"

Nangong asked Risa, since he knew everything, he should act.

"Not now, I should be able to feel it if the red ball is used."

The energy released is palpable, it's just silence right now.

"We can only wait for the other party to act first..."

Sure enough, the party playing tricks can always seize the opportunity.

"Let's go to the city first."

Maybe the enemy is planning to do something there.

Taking Risa, Nangong walked along the road towards the city, it is now 17:20 in the afternoon.

The news is reporting that Ultraman and monsters have appeared in this world. How can such impossible stupidity be true?

However, the reporter's camera captured the battle between Empat and Ponton and Glass at a long distance, and the destroyed houses and streets could not be faked at all.

In order to capture first-hand information, many reporters are rushing towards this seaside city.

In addition, Yuangu Company's phone was going to be ringing off the hook, and many people were waiting in the living room, staring wide-eyed.

There were even people from the government pushing through the crowd to talk to Tsuburaya's high-level officials.

It's a pity that they don't know anything, and they can't understand this kind of nonsense. If Ultraman really exists, the creator must be excited.

But monsters also exist, and the destruction caused by the battle cannot be ignored. As humans, as people living in this peaceful world, they have to admit that they hope that Ultraman and monsters do not exist.

This news was passed on, but it was all regarded as fake news.

That is also a matter of course, who would believe that the characters in literary works will appear in the real world before seeing them with their own eyes?

"Everyone, please look at these soils."

The reporter in front of the camera pointed to the place that was so dark that the original shape could not be seen at all. In a circle with a roughly measured radius of 237 meters, there was only hard scorched earth within this range.

Neither cement nor wreckage remained.

The mayor of this small town is very decisive, and the emergency evacuation notice for the citizens has been issued.

Whether it's Ultraman or a monster, it's not something he can solve. All he can do is get the citizens out of this dangerous place as soon as possible.

The reporters looking for first-hand information are still working diligently. Their cameras are connected to the wires and broadcast to different cities.

"good very good."

Charlie was satisfied watching the content of the TV series in the store. The media is a good thing, which can deeply engrave fear into the eyes of people who are not at the scene of the disaster.

The energy of the red ball is not enough, and more desires need to be absorbed.

So, let him make this wish.

Think about it, what monster do you want but can't get?

"Come out! The strongest guard guarding the valley of flames!"

Chapter 140: The Unleashed Destruction Beast

In a certain universe, there is a weapon called the Ultimate Fighting Instrument, which is sealed in a place full of flames and equipped with powerful guards.

Charika had long coveted that guard, but he didn't dare to attack him because it was the king's handwriting.

But in this world, using the ability of the red ball to materialize, he successfully reproduced the powerful monster in his memory.

Black body, white limbs, head to body, yellow organs spreading down, releasing bright light.

That is the monster that appeared on the earth when Nangong was unable to transform, and caused Dijia to fight hard, Jayden.

It's just that this Jayden is more vicious.

The organs of the face became Y-shaped, and the horns of the head became more curved. Not only that, but two sharp teeth extended from both sides.

Jayden is known as a cosmic dinosaur because of its powerful ecological niche, and this Jaydon has not only improved its strength, but also its appearance is closer to a hunter. The sharp claws on its limbs are tools for fighting.

Since it is enhanced again, it is called EX Jayton.

"Come on, EX Jayton, slowly destroy everything in front of human beings!"

This is a wonderful performance that shows the world the ghost-like posture of monsters when they destroy them.

In a world without the Kingdom of Light, what role can a mere Ultraman play?

The order in Charika's hands was received, and the face of EX Jiedon, who didn't have much self-awareness, was flooded. It issued a silent deterrent, and the flowing gold proved that it was roaring.

In a short period of time, the fourth monster appeared in the city, as if it didn't even want to give it time to evacuate.

Residents are still evacuating, and the TV camera is also raised high.

The picture that started to be broadcast proved everything, and the monster tens of meters high started to move.

Since it is slowly destroying, let's use the body to commit violence.

EX Jayton swung his right foot forward, and in an instant, the densely packed shops were completely shattered, and the fragments flew everywhere.

Under that force, the gravel collided with other buildings, and was shattered due to the lack of hardness. Among them, there were also sharp objects such as glass.

They also flew together in different directions.

That speed made it too late to react, and before the reporter had time to react, the scene of something being thrown was reflected in his eyes.

The vocalizations are stuck in the throat, the thumps, the crackles, and the shots are completely blocked.

After looking up in horror, the silver palm left after blocking a large number of wreckage now falling on the ground.

The half-squatting giant stood up, and the timer did not lose its brilliance in the setting sun.

The reporter opened her mouth one by one, she didn't know what to say now, there was no sound, only the camera was following the huge figure.

The next moment, she felt being pulled by someone, it was her partner at work.

The farther away from here the better, as long as you're not tired of work.


Charlie smacked her lips vigorously. These Ultraman would always come out suddenly at the climax of the celebration and end the banquet. It's really annoying!

But this time is different.

"Let you see how terrifying power Jayden, who once killed Ultraman, possesses after strengthening!"

The goal of EX Jayden has changed, from a city that can be completely destroyed at will to a giant with blue eyes ahead.

Cross your arms in front, then jerk them down.

Just like Jayden, it can also release energy from its face to form a fireball, which is much bigger than what Nangong has seen before.

Empat rushed forward, pushing out his hands to form a hard barrier.

The next moment, when the two came into contact, before they had time to transform, the [-]-megadegree fireball exploded.

The fierce heat was discharged forward, and the street was burned up in an instant. With Empat as the dividing line, one side is burning red, and the other side is a still intact city.

The natural disaster-like scenery is so terrifying that the guardians of the Valley of Fire turned the city into a city of fire.

The two drew closer, and the punching fist was stopped halfway, and the vibrating air blew up the red scorched earth, turning it into red spots of light.

EX Jiedon received a full-strength blow from the front but remained motionless, while Empat's right arm pulled out a bright arc and was blocked halfway.

The opponent directly bears it with his arms, and his exaggerated defensive power directly ignores the sharp palm knife.

Immediately kicked up, with a bang, no matter which side was able to complete the kicking technique, the impacted calves just froze together.

Empat suddenly moved forward, and the first thing that hit the enemy was the battering hammer made of thought power.

The sudden attack knocked EX Jayden back. After two steps, he stood still and quickly raised his arms to block the falling trajectory.

Its tough skin blocked the slash, and the organs on its face flowed with brilliance.

Then there was another heavy impact of thought force, and the slightly backward EX Jiedon failed to adjust the angle, and the fireball shot out flew away into the sky.

Seizing this opportunity, Empat slashed down with his right hand, and the energy attached to his arm turned into a crescent blade, precisely slashing at the enemy's body.

He clenched his left fist tightly, and the berserk energy was like a violently beating purple lightning. A new trick based on Grip's light was named Spiral Assault.

He sprinted, punched, and hit the enemy where he was hit by the cutting technique. A spiral of thunder was set off at the contact point, and Greep's light turned into a drill bit at zero distance and released fiercely.

The ground shook, and the two ravines were the tracks pulled out by the retreating EX Jayton. In front of its chest, the rapidly rotating light carried unparalleled momentum.

And this momentum was completely dispelled after a second, and the guardian of the Valley of Fire threw his hands downward, and the purple thunders that were pulled apart by the guide fell and exploded towards the symmetrical ground.


Except for a little black mist that drifted out, the enemy was unscathed.

"Hahahaha! What's wrong? Are you no longer able to fight anymore!"

Charika looked at EX Jiedon with satisfaction, as expected of a monster guarding the ultimate combat instrument, its strength is astonishingly strong.

Just as Empat assumed a fighting stance again, EX Jayton took a step forward and disappeared without a trace.


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